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View Full Version : Car Bomb found in Times Square

05-02-2010, 08:49 AM

Hm. We gotta find these fuckers and publicly execute them. Fuck their "rights".

05-02-2010, 09:01 AM
Thats fucked up.

05-02-2010, 09:08 AM
Been watching this story on Foxnews all morning. Interested to see how this plays out, hope they catch these fuggers quick.

05-02-2010, 09:37 AM
I seen this too.

The news was giving much praise to the PD and bystanders for doing "everything right", but in the end, the bomb itself probobly failed. the car caught fire, and thats the only reason anyone noticed it. (IMO) the people of NYC, just got lucky that the bomb failed and didnt go off as intended, and it had nothing to do with "quick actions" of people.

someone needs to take these people to badger guns, and rent them a gun and 1 bullet.

edit; actually if they didnt take care of it, it could have exploded, if it didnt already. The car looked super fucked up crushed in on 1 side or something.

Goat Roper
05-02-2010, 11:03 AM
From the sound of it the bomb was put together by a 5 year old using every cliched combustable bomb-ish item you can imagine.

This should prove interesting.

Prince Valiant
05-02-2010, 11:05 AM
did it have a 1 red and 1 green wire? Digital clock?

Goat Roper
05-02-2010, 11:14 AM
did it have a 1 red and 1 green wire? Digital clock?

From the way it was described most likely :rolf

Prince Valiant
05-02-2010, 11:27 AM
the clock probably counted down faster when the bomb squad cut the red wire too...

Goat Roper
05-02-2010, 05:18 PM
Apparently Fisher Price was behind it


05-02-2010, 05:27 PM
LOL here we go... the libs are going to start saying right wing extremists (a.k.a. tea party members) must be responsible. There will now be SWAT/Riot police at every tea party event from now on.

Prince Valiant
05-02-2010, 05:32 PM
Actually, it's surprised me that a few people are already purporting to be responsible for it...one case of someone making a phone call saying that the real one is coming, and another that says they were the pakistani taliban claiming responsibility...as retribution for killing their top guy/and al-qaeda in iraq top guy too....though the message didn't specifically refer to the new york or times square, so it's likely just some group either trying to take or deflect credit.

who knows?

Goat Roper
05-02-2010, 07:21 PM
LOL here we go... the libs are going to start saying right wing extremists (a.k.a. tea party members) must be responsible. There will now be SWAT/Riot police at every tea party event from now on.

I haven't heard that yet, but from the description "Police are looking a for a white male in his 40s" that pretty much makes up a vast majority of them :rolf

Seriously though, I doubt that.

Karps TA
05-02-2010, 07:34 PM
I thought it was done by Cheney. I believe he uses the same timing device for his pacemaker.

05-07-2010, 06:33 PM
An afterthought...

I was listening to the radio as the played the air traffic controller told the plane the bomber was on to return to the gate immediately. The order came right after the pilot ordered all of the passengers to turn off their mobil divices. I'm curious if the gov knew who this guy was much sooner than we are led to believe. If so, this could mean that they were intensionally tracking his every move, phone calls and all, before they picked him up.

Times square is under intense video surveilence along with major thoroughfairs in the 5 boroughs. The securities people could probably tell you if he failed to use his turn signal as he drove the car through Manhattan.

BTW- if you go to NYC, there are cameras EVERYWHERE!