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04-23-2010, 10:36 PM
Did you know 80% of the United States beef come from one of 15 farms, owned by 4 mega-companys? The average American meal travels 1500 miles before arriving on your dinner plate?

Pretty interesting stuff if you shop at stores like Pick N Save, Sentry, Aldi, etc and don't know what you are buying. Lisa and I spend a small fortune on food to avoid as much chemically altered products as possible but during the winter months we have no choice. Just saw an interesting movie on the subject, thought I would start a thread and see what you guys do or don't do. Most of my buddies eat the cheapest shit money can buy, and I do buy alot of cheap stuff but I am getting more and more fruits and veges from the farmers market and much less engineered product and I am noticing a big difference in the way I feel.

This is the one we watched tonight:


04-23-2010, 10:38 PM
Just had a McDonalds chick snack wrap it was pretty good.

04-23-2010, 10:49 PM
im in the class of eats anything and everything..grew up rather poor so i was taught at a early age to eat whats in front of you...and if you dont like it then you dont eat...lol...

i have to say though its VERY cheap to eat and drink unhealthy...

its VERY expensive to eat healthy and eat organic food.....

I worked for tree of life and we did ALL organic food distributions to whole foods and sendicks and picknsave...some of the stuff is CRAZY expensive...ans most of it is pretty darn good...:)

04-23-2010, 11:37 PM
Im gonna die of something anyhow and most likley before my time is up from a nuke of some other shit. I've been saving my cash and spending it on things that matter when shit hits the fan.

Shit will hit the fan way before my heath catches up with me. This way I can atleast have a fighting chance to keep my family safe.

04-23-2010, 11:41 PM
Eating healthy is one way to keep your family safe ;)

04-23-2010, 11:43 PM
Eating healthy is one way to keep your family safe ;)

You do have a very valid point there sir.

04-23-2010, 11:48 PM
I just ate waffles

04-24-2010, 01:26 AM
I've been trying to eat healthier these days. More whole grains, more fruits and veggies, less fried crap. I don't buy into the whole "organic is better" scam, but I do buy local produce when I can just because A) I know it's fresh and not pumped full of stuff to make it look ripe when it really isn't and B) I'd rather give my money to a local guy than some clown thousands of miles away from where I live. But I really don't have a problem with the local guy using pesticides or hybrid seeds or chemical fertilizers to keep his crop profitable and healthy, as long as the final product doesn't taste like shit. "Better Living Through Chemistry..." :D

04-24-2010, 01:53 AM
on the other devil's advocate side, people have been eating foods that are processed and are filled with preservatives for years, and we're still living long lives. some of the "crap" is definatly not good for you in the short term but in the long run some of it helps preserve organs and such. we get to watch stupid videos all the damn time at work about it all. as for Tree Of Life, most certainly, they have the majority in wisconsin, and my picknsave does a TON of organic sales. i'm mostly in Dairy/Frozen, and between TOL and Soderholm we lead in sales by far in the area. the money people spend astounds me

04-24-2010, 03:08 AM
Tallgrass Grill?

04-24-2010, 05:29 AM
That Sobelman's Tallgrass Grill?

That place is AWESOME! It's right next to the fraternity house so we end up eating there all the time. Even get sponsored from school for half price food.

I do agree with pork, pick up some food from the farmer's market and you feel worlds different after a week or two of a balanced diet including those goods. The fruit is always good, just doesn't last as long in the fridge

04-24-2010, 10:57 AM
Quaker Steak and Lube - Best Wings USA

04-24-2010, 05:00 PM
As long as we have fast food with $1 burgers, America is going to continue to be fat.

Time+cost = fast food always wins.

Until people start factoring in what is actually in their food and maybe glance at the nutrition facts at least once in a while, they will continue to eat like crap and be unhealthy.

I'm glad McDonald's started printing nutrition facts on their wrappers. It won't make most people stop eating their, but it's a good start at showing what you are putting in your body every time you eat there.

04-24-2010, 06:06 PM
As long as we have fast food with $1 burgers, America is going to continue to be fat.

Time+cost = fast food always wins.

Until people start factoring in what is actually in their food and maybe glance at the nutrition facts at least once in a while, they will continue to eat like crap and be unhealthy.

I'm glad McDonald's started printing nutrition facts on their wrappers. It won't make most people stop eating their, but it's a good start at showing what you are putting in your body every time you eat there.

So you eat fast food and nothing else? I didn't ask what America eats ;)

04-24-2010, 06:13 PM
I just had a waldorf salad at Cafe Lulu. Fucking delish!

04-24-2010, 06:46 PM
Bout to go get a large pepperoni from little ceasars.

04-24-2010, 06:52 PM
I just had a waldorf salad at Cafe Lulu. Fucking delish!

Lulu's rules! They have some damned tasty samitches. :thumbsup

04-24-2010, 07:36 PM
we eat almost all organic and locally grown items. during the summer months all veggies and most fruit are from local farmers and the winter months, store bought organics from locals. there is a HUGE taste difference especially when it comes to the fruit and meat. some may not care about what is put into their meat but its scary to think of the lack of testing that goes on with our meat that is grown here.

Just recently, Mexico WONT accept meat grown here because of the rampant amount of diseases found in it. http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/04/14/us.beef.testing/index.html

Several years ago various other countries stopped accepting our beef and actually banned it because of diseases...http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/12/24/mad.cow/ now for me, my best friends' mother was one of the first to die of mad cow disease but was misdiagnosed as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Every professional that did research on her said it from the meat she had eaten.

04-24-2010, 07:50 PM
we eat almost all organic and locally grown items. during the summer months all veggies and most fruit are from local farmers and the winter months, store bought organics from locals. there is a HUGE taste difference especially when it comes to the fruit and meat. some may not care about what is put into their meat but its scary to think of the lack of testing that goes on with our meat that is grown here and the fact that Mexico WONT accept meat grown here because of the rampant amount of diseases found in it.

Yoo, find the episode of Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" that deals with organic foods. Very interesting when they have people doing blind testing outside of what I believe was a Whole Foods between organics and produce grown with modern methods. Categories of choice: Which food looked better? Tasted better? The results were fascinating. Let's just say, the mind is a powerful thing and can convince itself of almost anything...;)

04-24-2010, 08:18 PM
Yeah as opposed to the food grown in Mexico. LOL.

EXACTLY!!! Its pretty bad when THEY wont take our meat! wtf does that tell you!?!?! lol! Couldnt get any worse unless Ethiopia rejected our food too! lol.

forget penn and teller brett. go buy your fruit in the store and cut it up then do the same with local farm grown organic fruit and YOU do the taste test....not someone else on a show and then tell me. I have and I made my comment as a first hand observation not someone else's. I dont need a show to be able to know that if I consume a pesticide that it will harm me, that if I ingest something that was ingesting chemicals known to cause cancer that it will harm me later on in life. its no surprise obesity, add/adhd, cancer, osteoporosis and over all sickness is the worst in this country than most others and the biggest denominator is the processed, over-chemicalized(new word..lol) food that is made at a rapid cheap rate.

04-24-2010, 08:20 PM
Quaker Steak and Lube - Best Wings USA

Headed there tomorrow with a few friends for lunch :thumbsup

04-25-2010, 05:44 PM
Our biggest problem is all the "modified" stuff . Modified is Geneticly altered.
I have all of a sudden become alergic to many things I've been eating my whole life.
If its cheap--means it pure crap,we are just finally seeing that this garbage is affecting us on a genetic level. Like they say "you are what you eat".

04-25-2010, 05:57 PM
I know that the cheap crap I eat is just that- cheap crap. However, I simply can't afford to eat the healthy stuff, nor buy fresh meat in large quantities and deep-freeze it (like buying half a cow or pig). Add on top of it that my work and sleep schedule make cooking damn near impossible on days I work...

So what I eat depends on the day of the week. If it's a work day, it's probably cheap crap or fast food. On days I'm off I tend to eat a little better.

Prince Valiant
04-25-2010, 06:17 PM
Did you know 80% of the United States beef come from one of 15 farms, owned by 4 mega-companys? The average American meal travels 1500 miles before arriving on your dinner plate?
MMMM-MMM! Had some good hamburgers tonight!

04-25-2010, 06:18 PM
Headed there tomorrow with a few friends for lunch :thumbsup

What time? Fawk I woulda went I love those dam wings.

04-25-2010, 06:21 PM
We are not 100 % organic food eaters like Yoosof's family but we try to eat healthier the the average family. We do try to make it a point to buy organic foods. I truly believe that foods treated with chemicals will increase your chances of cancer and other disease.

Prince Valiant
04-25-2010, 06:21 PM
its VERY expensive to eat healthy and eat organic food.....
It's actually inexpensive to eat healthy...just expensive to eat organic.

Prince Valiant
04-25-2010, 06:40 PM
I truly believe that foods treated with chemicals will increase your chances of cancer and other disease.
Actually, with organic foods, the natural pesticides that the plants are bred to produce on their own (biocides) are generally more carcinogenic than the manufactured stuff we treat plants with. Likewise, 99% of all chemical intake is produced from natural sources such as the plants we eat (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=3&ved=0CA0QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpotency.berkeley.edu%2FMOE.html&ei=987US7vTJoe49QT5mqHMDw&usg=AFQjCNE6mlCzVSLGS8AvMS986Ne42JwLXA&sig2=mTAP3SZ6zNiEnoH7jJjb9g) and not the stuff that was used to treat them.

Many foods contain naturally-occurring chemicals that have been shown to cause cancer in high dose rodent tests. Consumption of natural chemicals in the diet occurs in common foods at a range of MOE levels, and many are much closer to the rodent cancer dose than synthetic pesticide residues or pollutants, which are far below the rodent cancer dose. Exposures to natural chemicals include the chemical constituents of fruits, vegetables or spices as well as the products of cooking, such as chemicals in roasted coffee or chemicals produced by cooking meat, fish, or French fries at high temperature.

Next people will tell us that chlorinating and fluoridating is dangerous.

04-25-2010, 06:40 PM
What time? Fawk I woulda went I love those dam wings.

Sent you a message on Facebook, you didn't respond/call...

04-25-2010, 07:40 PM
Fawk! I haven't checked FB in a while. Ah well I'm gonna go there now and a compact bucket of Golden Garlic to go :D :D :D :D

04-25-2010, 08:07 PM
Foodinc was a great documentary, and did change my way of eating for the most part.

We purchases about 1/2 a cow from a farm in Ohio. 100% grass-feed and no antibiotics. Holy Christ is the meat ridiculously good. We go anything from rump roasts, to steaks, to ground beef and its all so much better than store bought.

In summertime we usually eat green beans and asparagus out of our garden, and corn from the local corn stands.

edit: I'm not going to lie...most of the food I eat is from pick n save and the likes.

04-25-2010, 09:04 PM
Just saw "Fresh" at the Downer. If you liked "Food, Inc." You'll like "Fresh" also. It's a little less doom and gloom and focus's more on the heroes. I could listen to Joel Salatin rant all day.

04-25-2010, 10:37 PM
Fawk! I haven't checked FB in a while. Ah well I'm gonna go there now and a compact bucket of Golden Garlic to go :D :D :D :D

Golden garlic was one we tried, we weren't too impressed with any of them though. We tried 10 sauces in 5 buckets, and the atomics. Full review and pics will be on awingthing.com

04-26-2010, 12:06 AM
...And here i wondered who the hell goes in the organic section at the store. i never see anyone in there but apparently it's all of BCM lol.

I'll eat whatever processed, modified, mutated, cheap food i feel like eating on a given day. Mcdonalds, burger king, kraft mac n cheese with hotdogs in it, hot pockets, little debbies, and totinos pizza rolls (sausage :drool:) are just a few of the things i eat every week that I'm sure won't go over well in this thread. I think they taste good, cost little, and they fill me up. That's all i look for in food. I think i'll go nuke up a bag of pizza rolls right now. This thread has me all hungry.

04-26-2010, 12:19 AM
Golden garlic was one we tried, we weren't too impressed with any of them though. We tried 10 sauces in 5 buckets, and the atomics. Full review and pics will be on awingthing.com

That sucks. One thing I will say is that place can be 100% hit or miss. It seems they make a ton of wings in the morning and then keep them warm throughout the day. I went there once on a all you can eat day and the first batch seemed like the sauce was dried on. Then the other 4 trays were amazing/fresh. Dunno I always get extra sauce now.

04-26-2010, 09:37 AM
...And here i wondered who the hell goes in the organic section at the store. i never see anyone in there but apparently it's all of BCM lol.

I'll eat whatever processed, modified, mutated, cheap food i feel like eating on a given day. Mcdonalds, burger king, kraft mac n cheese with hotdogs in it, hot pockets, little debbies, and totinos pizza rolls (sausage :drool:) are just a few of the things i eat every week that I'm sure won't go over well in this thread. I think they taste good, cost little, and they fill me up. That's all i look for in food. I think i'll go nuke up a bag of pizza rolls right now. This thread has me all hungry.

That's because you're from Montana and we're made of hardier stock than the rest. ;)

04-26-2010, 09:42 AM
That's because you're from Montana and we're made of hardier stock than the rest. ;)
