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04-19-2010, 03:50 PM
http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/04/19/confirmed_next_gen_apple_iphone_seen_in_person_dis assembled.html

(http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/04/19/confirmed_next_gen_apple_iphone_seen_in_person_dis assembled.html)

http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/04/19/purported_prototype_next_gen_iphone_has_microsim_s lot_two_cameras.html


I wouldn't give up my Iphone for the world - new one looks pretty cool!

04-19-2010, 03:52 PM
iPhone FTW

04-19-2010, 03:52 PM
You know... As soon as i finally get one, they come out with a new one ugggh! x2 on the cant live w/o it factor.

MoCkiN U
04-19-2010, 03:55 PM
buddies high up in the chain at vzw say talks have gotten more serious and realistic that this will be a interesting summer for them and iphone too. i think I'll wait for my upgrade as its due now to see

04-19-2010, 03:59 PM
Yeah I will get one once they come to Verizon.

04-19-2010, 04:35 PM
us cellular has all the crappy phones :( just waiting for my contract to be up so we can switch and get something nice. motorola sucks donky balls.

04-19-2010, 04:54 PM
I never got on the smart phone bandwagon.. My Env3 completes calls with the best of them, I can text faster than all my friends who have smart phones, and it never freezes up or needs updates like theirs do. I have a laptop for internet. My friend with an iphone has a fuck you app. You press a button and it says "fuck you." So useful.

04-19-2010, 05:17 PM
I never had a smartphone until I bought this iPhone, but now that I have one I can't imagine ever having a "regular" cell phone again. I was torn between the Droid and the iPhone and went with the iPhone because my fiancé and daughter were already with AT&T so the family plan was more economical for us, I'm glad I went with it.

MoCkiN U
04-19-2010, 05:20 PM
i was off to get a droid till my guys told me of the probable iphone on its way so I held off to see how it is. Hopefully its not restricted like vzw loves to do

04-19-2010, 06:20 PM
Sweet! I have been waiting for the new iphone to come out (I heard it will be called iPhone HD). My 3g is starting to get a little long in the tooth since I seem to push it pretty hard.

04-19-2010, 06:23 PM
how much do you guys with i-phones pay a month so you can have the net and have the phone be fully functional?

Ricky Bobby
04-19-2010, 08:18 PM
Yeah I will get one once they come to Verizon.

thats what ive been waiting on heard they will be there hopefully by the end of summer is the rumor ive been hearing

04-19-2010, 08:28 PM
thats what ive been waiting on heard they will be there hopefully by the end of summer is the rumor ive been hearing

Perfect just when m contract with US cellular is up.

04-19-2010, 11:36 PM
I love my iphone and I cant imagine living w/o it

Slow Joe
04-20-2010, 07:24 AM
Rumor has is around Sprint camp that they'll be getting an iPhone as well, however for this upgrade cycle I'm going with another Blackberry. Can't beat the durability, plus I get yearly upgrades so, if they get it and I like it... I'll get one next year...

04-20-2010, 08:02 AM
I have had my iphone for like 6 months now I would be so lost with out it now, had palm centro and blackberrys before but iphone is the best phone to date for me

04-20-2010, 09:18 AM
Droid is superior, and already on Verizon. You brainwashed Apple peeps are funny. Sure, nothing could touch the iphone for the last few years, but now the droid phones are far better. Faster, cheaper, way more "open". I have never paid for an app. Every app my iphone friends show me that they paid for, there is a free droid equivalent. Not to mention its only going to get better as the droid base gets better. The google apps are insanely good and free as well. Google maps/nav is the best there is. Google sky is super neat. Gmail is the best mail there is. Iphone won't even have a flash player I think? How many sites use flash - just about every one...

04-20-2010, 10:17 AM
I have to agree with MoparJim. I have a Motorola Cliq with Android OS and absolutely love it. I've used Iphones before and Android is much better IMO. Plus the lack of a slide out keyboard is a deal breaker for me. I can't use the on screen keyboards.

04-20-2010, 10:24 AM
So keep your droid phones, and don't get the Iphone?

Shoe for every foot kinda thing.

Mr Twigbert
04-20-2010, 11:49 AM
I never got on the smart phone bandwagon.. My Env3 completes calls with the best of them, I can text faster than all my friends who have smart phones, and it never freezes up or needs updates like theirs do. I have a laptop for internet. My friend with an iphone has a fuck you app. You press a button and it says "fuck you." So useful.

You are sooo missing out..

Yes, there are phones that have a feature or two that are better then what 'smart phones have' but 'smart phones' have just about every feature.. That includes soooo many more features than your Env3 has..

I too was a "Whats the big deal about these iphones" too at one time.. Then my Black Jack II went into the drink and I decided to get an iphone 3G off Craigs List.. I HAVE NEVER LOOKED BACK.. These phones have it ALL..

- Ability to connect to the net with out having to be around a PC
- GPS with the push of a button
- Maps
- Games.. A whole shit load of games!
- Movies
- Apps
- You Tube (yes, sitting around and hear someone say, 'Did you see that video of ............. Well now I can push a button and watch it). Ever take a sick kid to the docor and have to wait for them to see the child? Ever been in that situation where the kid feels so bad they start to cry or make a scene? Try going to You Tube an searching Dora The Explorer and letting them watch a video.. WORKS WONDERS!
- Ability to take photos and videos.. And even an www.photobucket.com (http://www.photobucket.com) app to upload them in seconds

And those are just the few that hit me while I was typing this.. I was once in your shoes.. And having had one, I will ALWAYS have one!

Got Boost
04-20-2010, 12:02 PM
Get a Nexus One ...The best Droid phone out there

04-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Android > Iphone

Got Boost
04-20-2010, 12:30 PM
Android > IphoneAgreed 1 Billionty %

04-20-2010, 12:51 PM
Turns out it is a real prototype. Apple contacted Gizmodo and asked them to return the phone immediately.

04-20-2010, 12:59 PM
I never had a smartphone until I bought this iPhone, but now that I have one I can't imagine ever having a "regular" cell phone again. I was torn between the Droid and the iPhone and went with the iPhone because my fiancé and daughter were already with AT&T so the family plan was more economical for us, I'm glad I went with it.

So Smug, aren't we today.

I went smart phone in December. Although I can still picture myself living without a cell phone in general, the benefits of the smart phone are so great that I would not consider a regular phone again (except for the battery life).

04-20-2010, 01:00 PM
how much do you guys with i-phones pay a month so you can have the net and have the phone be fully functional?

Just signed with at&t. Walked into best buy and walked out with the normal 8g for 99.99. Bought a case for 50.00. For a plan with unlimited text, unlimited internet and 900 minutes its like 109.00 a month. Minutes roll over.

04-20-2010, 01:02 PM
Android > Iphone

I have the android and I have used the IPhone in the past.

This is really apples and oranges. I prefer my droid becuase it works in Arlington, WI, and other locations. Once apple splits with just att, the field will be leveled somewhat.

How long till apple makes an iphone with a keyboard?

04-20-2010, 01:14 PM
I have a Blackberry Pearl Flip for my personal phone... without a data plan (Only phone I could find with some key features like vibrate twice before ringing).

At work I have an antique Motorola phone. If I got a new one I'd have to get a Blackberry or iPhone. I don't want one. Seems like a waste of money to get email for $100/month as opposed to a phone for $10/month.

I guess the difference is that I work with computer-related things all day at work. I suppose if I changed oil for a living instead of sitting in front of a bunch of PCs and monitors I'd be excited over an object that does everything but only "alright". I don't really want to do sit and talk on the phone or browse facebook at a snail's pace on a tiny screen the rest of the time. And I want the item to do it extraordinarily well.

I have a netbook I carry in the vehicle. I have PCs everywhere at work. I've got them at home. A smartphone doesn't do any of those things well and it tends to be a bit of a slow and clunky phone. One of my constant irritations with smartphones is that they do the phone really poorly. I should be able to pound in a number, hit the send button, and it start ringing before I get it to my ear. Instead it misses a bunch of numbers because it can't keep up.

The smartphones allow for limited connectivity but do it all really poorly. It'd take someone fifteen minutes to make this post on an iPhone whereas I'll be done in three minutes and have decent grammar.

If they made smartphones that were fast (as fast as my netbook) I'd probably consider getting one. But every smartphone I've ever played with has caused me nothing but undue frustration.

But again, I have a PC at my disposal almost constantly. So, I suppose if I worked at McDonald's, stood at a window at a bank, or was a contractor I'd think they were pretty sweet. But probably not $1200/year in contracts sweet.

04-20-2010, 02:00 PM
Well I'm due for an upgrade in November, so really the factor here is gonna be multitasking. That's the biggest gripe I have about my 3G, that and the battery life, but from the sounds of that article they've fixed that.

04-20-2010, 02:36 PM
The smartphones allow for limited connectivity but do it all really poorly. It'd take someone fifteen minutes to make this post on an iPhone whereas I'll be done in three minutes and have decent grammar.

With the app for v-forums, I can easly see, read, respond, attach, edit posts on BCM with my Iphone. I wouldn't even go as far to say that typing on my iphone is slower than my typing with a keyboard.

04-20-2010, 02:47 PM
Im waiting for Sprint to offer the I phone.

04-20-2010, 04:03 PM
For Android phones also take a look at the HTC Droid Incredible that's being released on VZW April 29th. It's similar to the Nexus One but with a bit beefier hardware specs. I've been due for an upgrade on Verizon so I got my pre-order in for one of these.


04-20-2010, 04:38 PM
Sprint HTC Evo FTW! I cant wait for this phone to come out, and I do agree, android > Iphone any day of the week. the only thing that Apple has over Droid is the # of apps


8MP Camera plus 1.3MP front facing camera, HDMI out, HD Video recording (720), 4.3" screen w/ capacitve touch, 1Ghz Snapdragon Processor and 30K plus apps in the droid app store currently. :drool:

04-20-2010, 05:08 PM
Just signed with at&t. Walked into best buy and walked out with the normal 8g for 99.99. Bought a case for 50.00. For a plan with unlimited text, unlimited internet and 900 minutes its like 109.00 a month. Minutes roll over.

damn.. we pay that for 2 phones now... don't know if i want to double it...

MoCkiN U
04-20-2010, 05:36 PM
Sprint HTC Evo FTW! I cant wait for this phone to come out, and I do agree, android > Iphone any day of the week. the only thing that Apple has over Droid is the # of apps


8MP Camera plus 1.3MP front facing camera, HDMI out, HD Video recording (720), 4.3" screen w/ capacitve touch, 1Ghz Snapdragon Processor and 30K plus apps in the droid app store currently. :drool:

I was seriously considering switching to sprint for the savings. I pay $110 with tax or so every month for 700 shared for 3 phones and 250 text on 2 of them. Their 1500 everything plan is looking pretty dang sweet.

The only issue is the wifey doesnt like any of their phones. Our contract is up in july so that gives time for more to come out. Then the talk of vzw getting iphone came so dont know?

We already have this damn network extender in the apt for verizon and not many carriers have worked here before

04-20-2010, 05:39 PM
My plan is not bad, I have 450 anytime, unlimited 7PM N&W, unlimited data, text, and email. The only saving grace is that with a data plan, you get unlimited calls to any mobile phone on any carrier, so the only time I use minutes, is if I call a landline/business phone #. Cost is 77 plus tax and that includes insurance on my phone, but then I have a 23% discount for working for FoMoCo, so I currently pay 67-68 per month for everthing after taxes and fees. They really are not bad, cust service has improved vastly from the days of old...

04-20-2010, 05:45 PM
So keep your droid phones, and don't get the Iphone?

Shoe for every foot kinda thing.

Not looking to start an argument, just saying. Its not a shoe/foot thing. If you like the Iphone, not to mention are excited that it is finally coming to Verizon, just go buy a Droid now or at least go try a Droid. Its a better, improved Iphone. They took everything about an Iphone that made it great, copied it, improved it, and added more. Not to mention as I said its cheaper, the apps are free/cheaper since it is wide open, and does or will do many things an Iphone doesn't. I literally cannot think of a single thing the Iphone does that the Droid doesn't do at least as well or better.

I would offer this comparison. Let's say you like Mustangs. If you loved yor 4.6L and looked forward to buying a new 4.6L, you really will love and should just go buy a new 5.0L instead! Especially lets say the 5.0L was cheaper...

04-20-2010, 06:54 PM
Not looking to start an argument, just saying. Its not a shoe/foot thing. If you like the Iphone, not to mention are excited that it is finally coming to Verizon, just go buy a Droid now or at least go try a Droid. Its a better, improved Iphone. They took everything about an Iphone that made it great, copied it, improved it, and added more. Not to mention as I said its cheaper, the apps are free/cheaper since it is wide open, and does or will do many things an Iphone doesn't. I literally cannot think of a single thing the Iphone does that the Droid doesn't do at least as well or better.

I would offer this comparison. Let's say you like Mustangs. If you loved yor 4.6L and looked forward to buying a new 4.6L, you really will love and should just go buy a new 5.0L instead! Especially lets say the 5.0L was cheaper...

HEY! I like my 4.6 just fine....:flipoff2:

just kidding! :goof:thumbsup

04-20-2010, 07:06 PM
Not looking to start an argument, just saying. Its not a shoe/foot thing.

No I understand I didn't mean to come off as a dick. I tried a droid phone for work and didnt like it - but it could also be from being used to an iPhone and only using the droid for a week?

I use a lot if the iPhone specific apps - I think I use "remote" more than anything else. Is there a droid version of that?

MoCkiN U
04-20-2010, 08:13 PM
For Android phones also take a look at the HTC Droid Incredible that's being released on VZW April 29th. It's similar to the Nexus One but with a bit beefier hardware specs. I've been due for an upgrade on Verizon so I got my pre-order in for one of these.


I am cautious of HTC on vzw as their phones dont perform well on their network. they tend to be freeze machines. Each of the droid htc phones have issues now. the single beefy one they all like is the motorola. the display htc phones reset themselves daily on display in most stores.

Slow Joe
04-20-2010, 08:59 PM
Seems like a waste of money to get email for $100/month as opposed to a phone for $10/month.

I'm not sure where, or how you get cell service for $10 per month, but I know with Sprint you can get a cell phone with unlimited cell to cell and unlimited data for something cheap like $69 per month... If I remember right, an el stripo plan isn't too much less...

I'm no math major, but that don't equal $1200/year... :rolf

04-20-2010, 10:42 PM
I'm not sure where, or how you get cell service for $10 per month, but I know with Sprint you can get a cell phone with unlimited cell to cell and unlimited data for something cheap like $69 per month... If I remember right, an el stripo plan isn't too much less...

I'm no math major, but that don't equal $1200/year... :rolf

$100/month for a smartphone (idiotPhone or CrackBerry) with a real data plan and $10/month for a corporate cell phone with the only "feature" being incoming text. Can't send. For my personal phone I've got a BlackBerry Pearl Flip and my other half has one of those slab Samsung touchscreen phones. Hers has unlimited texting. I think it's $78/month for the two.

I can't type 80wpm with two fingers no matter how hard I try. Haven't spent more than ten minutes with a Google phone so I can't really say anything about them.

Slow Joe
04-20-2010, 10:47 PM
My wife and I both have blackberries, and we have my sister in law on our plan as well with antoher blackberry ( all three are 8330 - Curve) and our bill is $120 before taxes with unlimited data, texting, cell to cell, and 1500 shared any time minutes with Sprint...

04-20-2010, 11:28 PM
the wife and i were talking about getting a pair of iphones to replace our current situations, now i think we might have to wait till june or july to get the new hottness.

04-21-2010, 09:52 AM
a guy that works for apple had that new iphone prototype with him one night in a bar. he left it there and the guy who was sitting next to him started checking it out and realized it was an iphone but different looking and could do alot more stuff. some how that gizmoto place got a hold of it and ripped it all apart. i heard that on am620.

Got Boost
04-22-2010, 07:31 AM
FYI Verizon is comming out with a new Droid phone called, Incredible. http://phones.verizonwireless.com/htc/incredible/

04-23-2010, 06:40 PM
My wife and I love our iPhones....I wanted to get her a droid but despite what Verizon's ads tell you....they do NOT service the Fort Knox/Louisville area.