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View Full Version : 1080p worth it?

MoCkiN U
03-26-2010, 09:13 PM
There is a smoking deal at sears on samsung 42" plasma 720p 600hz and our tv is going out. Wondered if 1080p is worth waiting for deals or quality based on how we use our tv.

We have basic cable with HBO and no HD channels and not many we watch have 1080 capabilities even if we chose them. We watch dvds like anyone else and I play my games on it a lot too off a 360.

So that being said is 720 enough for us? The picture is lots better than my 15 year old projection obviously.


03-26-2010, 09:31 PM
What's the model number? Check CNET for reviews. Cheap flat screens are just that, cheap. You can get a really nice one at a good price, just be careful of "sales".

Amy had one at Boston Store on sale and it was cheap and she got her discount on it, but we opted not to buy it because the reviews were bad.

MoCkiN U
03-26-2010, 09:33 PM
The new PN42C450 PDP flat panel HDTV by Samsung

we dont own a bluray and wont buy one. We have cable built in so really dont need to upgrade to get HD channels. So just wondering if its worth it ya know?

Ill check reviews for sure

03-26-2010, 09:58 PM
how much are you getting the t.v for?

MoCkiN U
03-26-2010, 10:32 PM
42" $549 720p plasma
50" $749 720p plasma
46" $989 1080p LCD

Just trying to justify. In our room 42" will be enough really although larger screen would be nice so really looking at the 50" and trying to justify another $250 to get 1080p for the middle size range of what we are seeing for our room

03-26-2010, 10:43 PM
at sears.com they have a 50" panasonic 1080 plasma for 879.99

id say go for the 1080...you will appreciate it in the long run...

03-26-2010, 10:46 PM
walmart.com proscan 40" 1080 60hz lcd for $478.00 basic flat panel for ya...

03-27-2010, 12:14 AM
For your use of the tv the 720 format is plenty. Even if you HD with your cable the 720 would look good.

People who are very particular about their tvs will notice the difference, you seem like a basic guy similar to myself and I would say you would be more than happy with the 720. :thumbsup

03-27-2010, 12:25 AM
Yeah unless you play ps3/xbox or watch Blu-Ray's, 720p is fine. Remember, all HD cable is broadcast in 720p/1080i. A 720p tv supports 1080i.

Now this obviously could be switching sometime in the next couple years, although I haven't really heard any ramblings about it.

03-27-2010, 08:55 AM
my little 26 inch is a 720 and its eons better then my old tube tv so 720 would be fine i'de say for you all i do is game on mine

MoCkiN U
03-27-2010, 08:57 AM
thanks everyone!! I think me and the wifey are going to make the round today.


03-27-2010, 01:54 PM
Also don't fall for the 240/480/600hz bull shit. The TV only accepts a 60HZ input anyways. It's simply a manipulation of the screens or whatever its called.

03-27-2010, 07:04 PM
Directv and Dish broadcast 1080p on there PPV channels and if your not a bluray owner or PS3..... don't sweat it.

Karps TA
03-27-2010, 07:24 PM
My 2 cents? Why buy old technology unless it's significantly cheaper. It's only a matter of time before everything is 1080p. Just cause today you don't think you want it, doesn't mean a year from now you wont.

I'd keep a close on on sites like Slickdeals.net and wait for a deal on a 1080P tv. They show up all the time. Or when making the rounds at the store look for open item at nice discounts.

03-28-2010, 12:10 AM
Please keep us updated!! Goodluck!

MoCkiN U
05-24-2010, 02:36 AM
follow up to this thread. I found at sears a tv we wanted and went on sale again. With our discount we got it for $550. Its a 50" Samsung 720 plasma.

We added a HD box too and obviously the picture is night and day. I dont even watch the non HD channels anymore because the image bugs! LMAO!!

We havent gotten a blue ray player at all and maybe we will miss 1080 at that point but even so I'll take that for the price we got it at. We replaced a broken old one with a great performing new one.

Now I just gotta get some more HDMI cables. I know in many of the tv posts around someone posted a link to cheap ones. I'll find that one.

THanks for all the tips/suggestions gang!

I am only up at 2am posting about a tv because hannah has a ear ache and has me up watching barney on it and yeah......they have barney in HD too HA HA HA HA

05-24-2010, 10:00 AM
nice score.