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View Full Version : 3d TV's.....?

03-25-2010, 02:35 AM
So i was on bestbuy.com and i see this add for a "3d" ready lcd led..

my question is what makes one "3d" ready and another not?
also says "3d" ready bluray player? huh?

why is there this obsession with 3d? im i missing something? lol

anyone see this or know anyone with one? kinda curious...

03-25-2010, 02:38 AM
just read some shit on it to...no more red and blue glasses...maybe i just expected it to be like it was in the early 90's or when ever that came out...very curious now..

03-25-2010, 04:48 AM
My cousins who works at best buy said that the best 3D Bluray player on the market is a PS3, I could be wrong. As for the obsession with 3D, I'm in the same boat as you, never saw a 3D movie. I must be missing out.

03-25-2010, 06:32 AM
Avatar was awesome in 3D. That said I probably won't buy a 3D TV until the "next" thing comes out and they're cheap.

03-25-2010, 08:03 AM
They have a 3d samsung set up at the janesville best buy. Looks pretty badass. I would want to know if you have to watch everything in 3d or if you can turn it off. I would hate to be sitting there every time I want to watch tv with some glasses on. I asked a guy that worked there, he had no idea he just said he didn't know why you'd want to turn it off. They don't know much about them yet, I don't think there are more than a handful of movies even avail in 3d. They had some cartoon playing.

03-25-2010, 08:18 AM
Cheapest 3d tv (I think its a 55" samsung) is $3500 retail, $2200 cost

3d Glasses (look like sunglasses) are $150 each!

You can use it like a normal tv, when not watching a 3d movie

If you don't have 3d glasses on while playing something 3d, the image is blurry.

03-25-2010, 08:38 AM
Cheapest 3d tv (I think its a 55" samsung) is $3500 retail, $2200 cost

3d Glasses (look like sunglasses) are $150 each!

You can use it like a normal tv, when not watching a 3d movie

If you don't have 3d glasses on while playing something 3d, the image is blurry.

What he said. With that said the biggest thing with 3D TV is that many of the movies now are being produced with it and there are a lot of sports and other shows already being recorded in 3D for distribution.

Personally after seeing 3D in the theater and the Samsung 3D TV, I am interested. The new TV blow's the theater out of the water.


Karps TA
03-25-2010, 09:03 AM
Only positive to 3D tvs' is I hope it drives down the price of the LED tv even further. I myself do not get the hype over 3D. Don't need it. And I didn't spend money on laser eye surgery just so I have to wear special glasses to watch tv.

When they make the tech so I don't need to wear the glasses maybe I'd be interested. But still doubt it. HD is more then cool enough for me.