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View Full Version : Movie Day After Tomorrow

05-31-2004, 04:44 AM
I have noticed some Art Bell fans here.
This movie has had lousy ad campaigning, barely knew it was coming, and hadn't realized it was already released. I had no idea this was derived from work of Art and Whitley. Although I couldn't possibly recall all the films from Whitley Streiber works, I don't recall ever seeing a film from Art Bell's works. Any body else know of one? The last Whitley one I recall enjoying as much as this was Phenomenon, even though it suffered from Travolta as Whitley.
Except for the lame political campaigning in the film, I enjoyed it - faster paced than Troy, more original than Van Helsing. It seemed Dennis Quaid was cast merely for his resemblance enough to Jake Gyllenhal, to play his father.