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View Full Version : I'm moving 1st day of spring to today.

Russ Jerome
03-01-2010, 04:53 PM
Think the 20th is technicaly the first day but I have 3 Robins in my back yard, forecast calls for steady cimb into the 40's and my grass is quickly overcoming the snow in my yard.

I'm calling it right now, spring starts today March 1st 2010!
I'll contact the local news stations, pass it on Russ says so!

03-01-2010, 05:26 PM
moving to the Stallis location right Russ? When is the housewarming party full of hot rods down the block? :)

Russ Jerome
03-01-2010, 05:30 PM
Well this fri the 5th is supposed to be closing day....they put it off yet again!

Saying a couple more weeks but I've been hearing that since Sep, first closing
was scheduled late October! Utilities are in my name, heat is on, insurance paid
and I am waiting for the final signature!!!! Gonna happen this month I here...