View Full Version : Thank you craigslist!

02-24-2010, 07:34 AM
You made my morning


Date: 2010-02-23, 11:46PM CST
Reply to: sale-nhzfh-1615279732@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Donated some cash to hilary's campaign and in return received a life-size Air-filled figure of hillary.
This was a gold level donation and thus this is a quality unit with 5 nobrobber ports.

Left eye wiggles a little as i kinda went bonkers on her after seeing her in a pantsuit.
Now looks like shes winking at you or something, no big deal just put a bag over her head.

Had a voice module that was disconnected. Humms good.

the bun is in the oven, the burger is on the grill, come get this ol'hag i live at 432 Edgar Hill.