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01-22-2010, 04:37 PM
I'm posting this thread as a consumer warning to those who might want to do business with Shaw's Jewelers in the Milwaukee area.

Long-story short:

The Jeweler gave out an $8000 ring (Me) without checking for ID or serial numbers and lost track of our ring. Horrible customer service, no professionalism and treating us with disrespect are just a few things we had to deal with. They finally found our ring days later, got it and done. We are not sure if we will do business with Shaw’s Jewelers again.

Long story:

I bought my engagement ring from Shaw's Jewelers back in September 2009. I went with the LEO solitaire diamond and really like the look and quality. My fiancée and I went to have the ring resized a couple weeks ago since it was a little big on her. We were told that this would take a couple weeks for the new band and delivery.

This week I received the call for pick up and went to pick up the ring. I got the ring, went home to place the ring back on my fiancée finger and...

"That's not my ring."

We went back to Shaw's Jewelers and told them to check the serial number on the diamond to make sure it was ours. They checked it with their microscope and sure enough, it was not ours. They handed over a much bigger carat $8000 LEO solitaire diamond ring without ever checking for my ID or matching serial numbers. At that point they had no whereabouts of our original ring. We were treated poorly, never received a sorry and only blamed the situation on the “Contractor” who does the bands and diamond placing. They said they would call us “IF” they find our ring. When we left, my fiancée was in tears afraid that they lost our ring.

Our ring has not been with us that long, but we already have sentimental value attached. I surprised her on a business trip in San Francisco and proposed to her on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Later this week the ring was found with another couple in Milwaukee who returned it knowing it was not theirs. It was then rushed delivered to our Shaw's Jewelers store ready for pick up. So there was another couple in our shoes. The Shaw's Jewelers district manager went out of his way to rectify the situation. We received a gift card and lifetime discount off anything at their stores. But again, we are not sure if we will do business with Shaw’s Jewelers again.

Customer Service was total shit:

Never checked my ID or diamond serial number (Basically handing over a $8000 ring to anyone)
Never received an apology
Store manager never came to talk to me (Had her fat ass sitting in a chair the whole time, never acknowledged us)
Laughing and smiling by other saleswomen (Like this is a joke?)
I was told this wasn’t the first time. We were the 4th miss-handled incident in the past couple weeks. (So this shit happens all the time?)
Treated the situation lightly (Miss-handling diamonds is not a big deal?)
One sales women saying, “Well, you don’t want a billion dollar company coming after you-you did the right thing.” (Like we’re going to steal it? We just returned the damn thing.)
Blaming the contractor and saying, “We have nothing to do with this-it’s not our fault.”
Lost our ring and had no whereabouts on its location and told us,”We’ll call you -IF- we find it” (IF? How about when?)

My fiancée and I are happy that we have our ring back, I hope, for anyone looking to buy jewelry in the future that you do your homework, look around and find a jeweler that you can trust. Remember to have all your paperwork ready and check your serial numbers when you receive your jewelry. I also wrote a letter to the Better Business Bureau and Shaw’s corporate.

Thank you,


Neal Steffek
01-22-2010, 05:28 PM
It sucks but mistakes do happen. The DM went to make sure he said he was sorry and took care of you for the future also. I can't think of anyone who at one time did not make a mistake at their job. It sucks but it happens.

01-22-2010, 05:35 PM
I understand that people make mistakes, but it is how it is handled that makes the difference. In this case there were many things they could have done to mitigate the situation, such as say they were sorry immediately after they realized there was a mix-up.

01-22-2010, 05:59 PM
One word, Kesslers :thumbsup

01-22-2010, 06:07 PM
Doc's 55th and Lisbon.......................

01-22-2010, 06:11 PM
That sucks. I noticed that Brookfield Square has one fewer jewelry store in it, was it them? Can't be doing too hot with customer service like that.

I wouldn't buy any jewelry of that dollar amount that does nothing in-house. All they are is a storefront with a bunch of pretty catalogs that they mail order from.

01-22-2010, 06:29 PM
I'd be pissed too. $8000 is a pretty big deal. They could've handled the situation much more sympathetically. Doesn't really sound like a very compentent establishment.

01-22-2010, 08:44 PM
That sucks. I noticed that Brookfield Square has one fewer jewelry store in it, was it them? Can't be doing too hot with customer service like that.

I wouldn't buy any jewelry of that dollar amount that does nothing in-house. All they are is a storefront with a bunch of pretty catalogs that they mail order from.

Yes it was Brookfield and I'm not alone, 4 other customers received the wrong rings from other locations as well. I'm not sure if they had the same story as I did, but I know the district manager had focused a lot of his time on me in the past week.

01-22-2010, 08:52 PM
shoulda gone to Jared

Doc Brown
01-22-2010, 10:42 PM
Well, it's like any other business that deals with customers. Whether they deal with clothing, electronics, food or even diamonds, when you are around these items all day long and your boss is breathing down your neck to increase sales or up your production numbers, you stop looking at the product for what it is and start perceiving it as just stuff that you're forced to deal with everyday. Because you no longer care about the product, you also stop caring about the customer. The product is now just just numbers to you, and the customers' issues become trivial. You think, "it's no big deal, they can just get another one; we have plenty."

I think this can help explain the thought process of those involved in this. The front-end employees working at the stores are the ones who really can get cavalier about their jobs pretty quick because they're in the trenches and dealing with all of it everyday. The district manager was not really going out of his way to rectify the situation because he's a nice guy; he is more entrenched than those in the stores he manages. For him, it literally is a numbers game, and the gift certificate and lifetime discount is simply his way, as official representative of his company, of trying to soothe the situation in the short term in order to increase sales in the future through your continued loyalty despite this little mishap (which, of course, to you was a huge deal).

Sorry this happened. With items as high in sentimental value as a wedding ring, it never should have happened. Personally, I stayed away from the malls and smaller unknown stores and went with Kesslers. With their free lifetime maintenance guarantee, I figured I couldn't go wrong. About 3 years later, I have not regretted my decision one bit. I received nothing but great service (my sales lady at the time lived nearby and even came to our apartment to properly size Megan's ring - the day after I proposed she came down with full-blown chicken pox :D ), so I have nothing but positive things to say about that establishment.

Car Guy
01-22-2010, 10:49 PM
shoulda gone to Jared


01-22-2010, 11:30 PM
been dealling with shaws for 8 years now. southridge at first( black guy) was always good to us, then mayfair when we moved to horth side(blond lady). would go back again

Slow Joe
01-23-2010, 12:25 AM
I stopped going to Shaws in Brookfield just becuase their customer service sucks. I got Kristie's original engagement ring at that one, had an issue, which they "couldn't fix" took it to Mayfair, and they replaced the ring...

I work with only Rick at the Mayfair Location -- He's the manager. As well as I know the district manager. He's a stand up guy, and helps whenever he can.

01-23-2010, 07:27 AM
Wow. Can't say I'm surprised. We bought all our engagement/wedding jewelry at a JBR when I was living in IL. Yea it was a "mall" store, but the customer server was excellent compared to the dozen other places I went to for Mary's engagement ring.

Fast forward to now (No JBR up here). Jared won't deal with it because it was a mall sale. Shaws, Jared, JBR, etc are all one company anyways. So we go to Shaws. Last year for a checkup and re-irodium plating it was ok. This year it totally sucked. First of all it took over 2 weeks, nearly 3. I don't recall it taking that long before.

Then the lady behind the counter makes a huge scene when my wife goes to pick them up and asks to see her ring under the microscope. She refuses to let her she and makes her feel bad for asking. So my wife says she wants to see the serial # on the diamond, so the lady behind the counter looks at it and rattles it off. This was after the Lady commented saying "you don't even know what your number is" - and my wife simply replied, "sure I do, its on this work order".

I feel like we'll be going to Mayfair next time.

01-23-2010, 07:27 AM
I dont believe in diamonds.

01-23-2010, 07:41 AM
we got our rings from shaws 9 years ago and havent had any problems since. hopefully over the years they will do a better job and take care of you guys better.

MoCkiN U
01-23-2010, 08:00 AM
One word, Kesslers :thumbsup

something about being sat back in a leather recliner and shown every single option that will fit into my price range for the good and the bad makes me a kessler customer forever. Nothing but raving things to say about them! Walked in with $2200 to spend on engagement ring after being dissapointed at so many stores not getting very much for that amount. Kessler right away asked how much I wanted to spend and thought was sales ploy so didnt tell him and when he brought out just the plain diamond solitaires in different styles I was confused.

He grabbed several and laid them out plus and minus of each one. I then up'd my budget and he added more. Once we found a stone I like they then gave me a setting for it and was completely satisfied.

01-23-2010, 12:49 PM
Kesslers 100%

01-23-2010, 05:51 PM
TQ Diamonds in Madison, WI will blow away all others IMO. Check it out :thumbsup