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View Full Version : Where are the Favre haters?

01-18-2010, 10:11 AM
This is just one of many threads on Favre saying he will get destroyed this year. I dont hear anyone talking crap now. My question is if Favre threw an INT his first pass and then missed a wide open reciever to win the game in OT and then to top it off fumble the ball to lose the game how much trash talk would he be getting. I havent heard anything about Rodgers losing that game all i hear is it was a facemask. A second super bowl ring will look good on Favre.

Prince Valiant
01-18-2010, 10:21 AM
Never hated favre myself, rather enjoy the fact that he still plays; but I'm not sure they can get past Naw 'Leans.

That said, I'm still glad we have Rodgers...a guy who really is a terrific QB. Hell, look around at the young QB's out there (Rodgers, Rothlesburger, Romo, Ryan, Young, Sanchez), I think we've got the best of the bunch. So if we had to give up Favre to get Rodgers playing, I'm fine with that...as I'm not sure we would have been better off this year w/ Favre (last year, no doubt we'd have been better w/ Favre though).

Car Guy
01-18-2010, 10:30 AM
In response to the thread title, silenced.....:stare


01-18-2010, 10:48 AM
I hate Favre because he went to the Viks and he's a drama llama. Not because he sucks at football.

Am I not allowed to dislike a player on a rival team? I don't get it.

01-18-2010, 11:08 AM
Am I not allowed to dislike a player on a rival team? I don't get it.

yeah. most of the favre haters, hate because he plays for the vikings. packer fans hate the vikings. always have, always will. are we supposed to all of a sudden like the vikings?? i dont understand?!?!

the favre lovers need to get over it. let it go.....

he is gone. he is not coming back. rodgers is our QB.

01-18-2010, 11:20 AM
I never said you can't hate him. I'm wondering where the people went that said he will not do anything and blow the season. Also Packers let him go so why hate him for leaving? I don't get it. Ya he retired said I want to come back they said no go somewhere else.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 11:22 AM
I don't want Favre to come back. He's doing just fine on his own.

01-18-2010, 11:23 AM
I enjoy watching him play, as should any football fan.

Here is the point most of the Favre sackriders are missing about alot of Packer fans.

It's not personal about Brett for me. Many people (myself near the top of that list) simply can not and will not cheer for him because of his current team due to the fact I 1000% hate the Vikings... period. I rooted for him and the Jets last year but I was indifferent to that team before Favre. I hated Minnesota before him, still dislike them while Favre plays there, and will continue to dislike them when Brett is back on his lawn mower. Both he and the Packers office could have handled things differently but I'm sure we all could have done a few things different in life. This is about the fact that he plays for a team we've spent our whole life disliking.

01-18-2010, 11:36 AM
i enjoy watching him play, as should any football fan.

Here is the point most of the favre sackriders are missing about alot of packer fans.

It's not personal about brett for me. Many people (myself near the top of that list) simply can not and will not cheer for him because of his current team due to the fact i 1000% hate the vikings... Period. I rooted for him and the jets last year but i was indifferent to that team before favre. I hated minnesota before him, still dislike them while favre plays there, and will continue to dislike them when brett is back on his lawn mower. Both he and the packers office could have handled things differently but i'm sure we all could have done a few things different in life. This is about the fact that he plays for a team we've spent our whole life disliking.

bingo. Bango.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 11:37 AM
Most Favre haters take it personal. They'll come up with bullshit like he collapses in playoff games and shit. Although nobody hates Al Harris for being treating like a little bitch by Plaxico, or for Grant being useless running the ball in the same game.

This year just shows what Favre can do when you put talent around him. For years the Packers didn't put shit around him, and he still did alot just to get them in the Playoffs. He hid alot of the weaknesses. You don't even get to as many playoff games as he has by being shitty under pressure.

01-18-2010, 11:55 AM
Where the f*** is coop now. Dallas took a spanking. At least when the pack played the vikings it wasn't 34 to 3. :rolf

I'm excited to see the response to this one.

01-18-2010, 12:05 PM
yeah...I hate the drama that surrounds Favre......and I will NEVER like the Vikings

01-18-2010, 12:07 PM
I dislike Farve because of the incessant, 100% blind fellatio of his image, just because he played for GB. What everyone fails to remember is that this bush-leaguer also holds the NFL record for most interceptions thrown.

Thats like saying a boxer is the greatest in the world for going 20,000 rounds, even when he was TKO'd for 12,000 of them.

01-18-2010, 12:07 PM
i rooted for the packers but now they are gone so time for me to root for favre to win another ring. i'm just getting tired of hearing the same bullshit excuses for disliking him. in the same light as people being allowed to hate him now that he has moved to minnesota i should be allowed to still like him no matter who he plays for.

01-18-2010, 12:15 PM
Its soooo typical for Packers fans to all of a sudden "like" another team that's in the post-season once the Packers are out. Rainy day fans should stick to baseball and shit-ass teams like the Brewers.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 12:22 PM
If you throw as many passes as Favre has, you'll throw some picks. Peyton Manning has thrown what 18 in the regular season, and 2 more this weekend? So 20 picks? Favre throws that many and people are all over his ass.

There is nothing wrong with being a fan of a specific player, even if he plays on another team. I loved Bo Jackson as a playerm, he never played for the Packers. Barry Sanders was amazing to watch, again not a Packer. Larry Bird was my all time favorite Basketball player. Never a Buck even if I was a big Bucks fan as a kid.

I also never hated Reggie White for going to Carolina, or Sharper or Longwell for going to MN. I may hate the front office for allowing it to happen.

Most people I find who have just blind allegiance to a sports team, are some of the worst fans. Because they don't know anything about the sport other then what happens in their own stadium. I don't get that kind of fan at all.

Prince Valiant
01-18-2010, 12:24 PM
What everyone fails to remember is that this bush-leaguer also holds the NFL record for most interceptions thrown.

This is a function of the fact he's the career passing attempts leader. He roughly threw 4 interceptions for every 100 passes. His TD to interception ratio is better than Starr's was.

It's inane to try to argue that Favre wasn't among the greatest QB's to play the game or equate him to some "bush leaguer."

01-18-2010, 12:30 PM
I like players on other teams. I loved Marshall Faulk. But when we played the Rams (back when they were good) I still rooted for the Packers.

With me, it's teams that are our rivals that I will refuse to root for their players. Ex-Packer or not.

01-18-2010, 12:46 PM
This is a function of the fact he's the career passing attempts leader. He roughly threw 4 interceptions for every 100 passes. His TD to interception ratio is better than Starr's was.

It's inane to try to argue that Favre wasn't among the greatest QB's to play the game or equate him to some "bush leaguer."

One interception per 20 completed passes is a pretty piss-poor thing to be proud of...

01-18-2010, 01:02 PM
I hate Favre now and I will hate him for quite a while. The only reason he came back this year was to get back at the packers and shove it in their face. He wanted to prove that the packers made a mistake by choosing a-rod over him and well IMO, even after having a career year, he couldn't. He wanted to piss of the packers organization and with that he pissed off packer nation. I couldn't be happier with the decision the packers made and I am one of the very few that actually supports Ted Thompson in most of the decisions he's made.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 01:05 PM
He threw 9800 passes and 317 INT's and 497 TD's.

I'd say his rewards are a bit higher then his risks.

01-18-2010, 01:06 PM
I dislike Farve because of the incessant, 100% blind fellatio of his image, just because he played for GB. What everyone fails to remember is that this bush-leaguer also holds the NFL record for most interceptions thrown.

Thats like saying a boxer is the greatest in the world for going 20,000 rounds, even when he was TKO'd for 12,000 of them.

What? I am shocked at your horrible analogy. He holds every NFL record for a QB or did you forget that. Thats the only thing you can say about him. He holds the record for most INTs wow! Good one. Id take that along with half of the records he hold but he holds them all. Oh and I think he threw 7 this season add that to the list on his record.

01-18-2010, 01:10 PM
One interception per 20 completed passes is a pretty piss-poor thing to be proud of...

Please dont say anything if its just filled with supidity. You must not know anything about teh game to say stuff like that. If its 4 ints per 100 passes I think it would be 1 for 25 but im not math wiz.

01-18-2010, 01:20 PM
i think silver03srt has a little man crush.

Prince Valiant
01-18-2010, 01:31 PM
One interception per 20 completed passes is a pretty piss-poor thing to be proud of...lol at the math.

Regardless of the exact attempt to interception ratio, it's still better than Bart Starr's...and comparable to Dan Marino.

You make little sense.

"Yeah! Brett was such a so-so QB! :mad: He sucked :mad: It was jst that with him at QB, Packers were just among the most consistently winning teams. :mad:"

I swear, to read Favre Haters, you'd swear you're reading someones bitching about how their long-time girlfriend left them...dude, it's just football. Give it up!

01-18-2010, 02:25 PM
There was no room for Favre on the roster especially after all the dicking around he did. We WOULD have lost Rodgers if Favre came back another year...and that would have been devastating to the Packers' future.

Why can't some people understand this? I don't hate Favre but I hate it when people rag on thompson and mccarthy for doing what they needed to do for the future of the organization. I'm mainly talking about Coop because he has no clue about what he's talking about ever when regarding football or the Packers.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 02:31 PM
If MM and TT really cared about the future of the Packers, they would have traded Favre to whomever was going to give them the most in return. But they were the ones who were more concerned about trading him to a team they didn't play.

I never had had a problem with the Packers getting rid of Favre. Never. I just didn't like how they did it, putting their own personal feud in front of the team getting better. If they didn't think he could play, then they should have just traded him to MN last year.

Rodgers is a better fit for the team now, because they are and have been rebuilding. The NFC Championship game a couple years ago was a shock to everybody, that was not in the plans so early. They expected a longer rebuilding process. However Favre played great and the ball bounced their way and they were in.

01-18-2010, 02:37 PM
Is Favre the best QB of all time? Most likely Yes
Defiantly in the top 5.

Is he a whiny Bitch? Yes

Were Thompson and MC Carthy wrong? No

Is Favre out to prove a point ? Yes.

Does Favre deserve to go to the Super Bowl? Yes, as does every one of the 4
that play this weekend.


01-18-2010, 03:23 PM
This is just one of many threads on Favre saying he will get destroyed this year. I dont hear anyone talking crap now. My question is if Favre threw an INT his first pass and then missed a wide open reciever to win the game in OT and then to top it off fumble the ball to lose the game how much trash talk would he be getting. I havent heard anything about Rodgers losing that game all i hear is it was a facemask. A second super bowl ring will look good on Favre.

45 points in the game and you wanna lay the blame on teh QBs shoulders?? How about shitty defense play??

Favre is a douche. Always has been, always will be. I never liked him when he was in Green Bay and this years Kindergarten mentality "payback" attitude makes me like him even less. I respected his never give up on-field play and that's where my respect for him ends. Records are unimportant, when he left GB he shit on every fan that paid his salary for 16 years. All I wanted to see last season was him carted off the field in a stretcher and that's all I'd like to see this season. If not that, then his Superbowl run cut one game short. Next weekend I'm a Saints fan. If by some stroke of luck the Vikings don't choke, two weeks after that I'll be an AFC fan. When the Packers retire his number I hope he gets booed off the field.

01-18-2010, 03:34 PM
Its soooo typical for Packers fans to all of a sudden "like" another team that's in the post-season once the Packers are out. Rainy day fans should stick to baseball and shit-ass teams like the Brewers.

you are a complete moron. i said i was rooting for favre. i can root for the guy without enjoying his team. yes that means the vikings win but oh well. even if we do root for other teams once our favorite is out big deal. thats called being a fan of the sport. i didn't know i was limited to liking one team and one team only. my bad.

Karps TA
01-18-2010, 03:36 PM
All the hate just makes me want to go home and put on my Wranglers and watch the Favre 4 Ever special again. Maybe even go to Sears and buy a new TV to watch it on.

01-18-2010, 03:36 PM
45 points in the game and you wanna lay the blame on teh QBs shoulders?? How about shitty defense play??

Favre is a douche. Always has been, always will be. I never liked him when he was in Green Bay and this years Kindergarten mentality "payback" attitude makes me like him even less. I respected his never give up on-field play and that's where my respect for him ends. Records are unimportant, when he left GB he shit on every fan that paid his salary for 16 years. All I wanted to see last season was him carted off the field in a stretcher and that's all I'd like to see this season. If not that, then his Superbowl run cut one game short. Next weekend I'm a Saints fan. If by some stroke of luck the Vikings don't choke, two weeks after that I'll be an AFC fan. When the Packers retire his number I hope he gets booed off the field.

when you say the word douche you should look in the mirror. wishing people get hurt is for retarded idiots. then again your probably someone who has never played any sort of organized sport.

01-18-2010, 03:45 PM
Please dont say anything if its just filled with supidity. You must not know anything about teh game to say stuff like that. If its 4 ints per 100 passes I think it would be 1 for 25 but im not math wiz.

Its time to get current with your stats, Einstein. 6,083 completions, 317 interceptions. Do the math.

01-18-2010, 04:29 PM
I've always hated the Vikings not favre, so if your a viking....I hate yoooooou!

01-18-2010, 04:31 PM
when you say the word douche you should look in the mirror. wishing people get hurt is for retarded idiots. then again your probably someone who has never played any sort of organized sport.

Brandon, you cannot deny that some of the shit that Farve pulled in the off season was complete bullshit. It was all to get attention and that is all it will ever be. Yeah, Farve is a great player, and is an asset to any team he is on. As far as his play, I respect him. However, I do cheer against him every chance I get, and enjoyed it when the Bears beat them in Chicago. Being a Bear fan, that was my superbowl. Why do I cheer against him? Because of who he is as a person. He is a Douchenozzle off the field. He is not alone, most pro sports players are. It is one thing to cheer against someone every week, it is another thing to cheer for a player getting hurt. I dont want that to happen (Hated seeing warner getting injured this week)

01-18-2010, 04:41 PM
All the hate just makes me want to go home and put on my Wranglers and watch the Favre 4 Ever special again. Maybe even go to Sears and buy a new TV to watch it on.

Are you sure ? Maybe you want to think it over ? :rolf :goof

01-18-2010, 05:52 PM
when you say the word douche you should look in the mirror. wishing people get hurt is for retarded idiots. then again your probably someone who has never played any sort of organized sport.

Awe, I'm sorry!! Does it dig deep when someone wishes your god ill will??

01-18-2010, 06:05 PM
I dont think ANYONE can deny Brent's accomplishments and talent as a football player. Facts are facts. Its all his little diva bitch drama that has ruined his repuation. I have no respect for him as a man. He still is a good QB though.

01-18-2010, 06:11 PM
(last year, no doubt we'd have been better w/ Favre though).

Favre had a real good 1st half last year, then in part due to his injury sucked the 2nd half...22 ints...I would of rather had Rodgers last year still, either way I doubt it would of made a difference especially not enough to get in the Playoffs.

This year just shows what Favre can do when you put talent around him.

Same can be said for pretty much any QB....having maybe the best RB in the game, a great o-line certainly helps. Even though AP didn't have a great year by his standards.

Its soooo typical for Packers fans to all of a sudden "like" another team that's in the post-season once the Packers are out. Rainy day fans should stick to baseball and shit-ass teams like the Brewers.

It sounds typical of alot of fans....Packer fans aren't in some special category, just because you live here and are surrounded by them. That goes for Packer haters and fans. The Pack is my favorite NFL team but since a team loses, its natural to root for another team...just like any sport in any season. I kinda like(d) the Saints, Bengals and Colts but think it's fun to watch the Jets as underdogs. Rainy day fans are often found in football, to really follow baseball you need to pay more attention as its harder to really understand as an "average fan" unlike football. Brewers aren't shitty by the way, unless you are from 2002 or something.

Is Favre the best QB of all time? Most likely Yes
Defiantly in the top 5.

It's all opinion but I'll take Mr. Peyton Manning as my #1 all-time, at least modern era. Favre is definately top 5...IMO I'd add in Elway, Marino and Montana or Brady to round it out. I didn't see anyone in the 70's firsthand so I might be biased. You can make arguments for and against alot of others though too.

The Favre worshippers and Favre haters are generally both stupid. Most people who changed their favorite team to the Vikings and wants him to beat the Packers generally don't get it (or have a business sense for that matter) and the Favre haters who want him to get hurt or think he is a "traitor" clearly don't get it either.

Goat Roper
01-18-2010, 06:56 PM
Rodgers would have had a better year on the Vikings than Favre. Their regular season stats were similar and Rodgers was on a team with far less talent.

Rodgers 4,434 yards, 30 TDs and a 103.2 rating
Favre 4,202 yards, 33 TDs and a 107.2 rating.

Rodgers managed to that with an absolutely SHIT front line (through 8 games) that gave up 37 sacks in those 8 games on their way to 52 sacks, 8 short of the Packers record.

Now add to that Adrian Petersen, who posed enough of a threat with the run that defenses would try and contain him but open up the pass. Close the pass down and you got Petersen running or catching a short pass. The Packers did not have that luxury.

Favre is an awesome player but he is a diva, a drama queen, that girl in high school that would go out and fuck anybody just to get back at the boyfriend who dumped her. Applaud his athleticism but disdain him as a man.

01-18-2010, 07:41 PM
I really don't dislike Favre, but I don't think he's the second coming of Christ, either. I just want to see the fanboy BS end.

01-18-2010, 08:01 PM
Rodgers did damn good this year and has stats to prove it. never "hated" favre as a player just hate the stupid drama BS..

honestly i hope he wills the superbowl just so he WILL retire and we wont have to deal with the drama crap and media blowing it all up...

Reverend Cooper
01-18-2010, 08:11 PM
I have stuck up and stood behind him the whole time,and I hate the Packers

01-18-2010, 08:25 PM
Jesus is this pathetic.

One thing that I've learned from reading some of these threads is you don't talk shop about A Rodgers or B Favre. Its like politics or religon. You just don't talk about it!! :rolf

Rodgers is awesome and is just starting his (hopefully) long and talented career.

Favre is also awesome and will hopefully end his career with another much deserved SB ring.

They are both the cats ass.

There, nice plain and simple. The facts and number speak for themselves.

Is undeniable.

Also for whoever it was that made the comment that I came across about wishing injury on Favre, thats just wrong. If you really wish injury on someone because they are a talented athelete then you need some help. Its not cool nor is it funny. :rolleyes:

01-18-2010, 09:24 PM
Ok i am a Steelers Fan,and i listen to this packer fan shit all day long at work.And this season i get total harresment because of the crap season my team had.But then when i give all you packer fans shit about my crap team beating your playoff bound team i hear a milliuon excuse.They play the vikes and lose after hearing everyday for a week straight that there going to pound Farve ,then when don't excuses to loss. I laughed my ass of when Farve annouced he was a vike,and now i rub it in everyday that Farve maybe going to the Bowl.And none of the Packer backers have shit to say.

Rodgers if he can stay healthy as long as Farve maybe a great quarter back,but until he makes it that long ,two years mean shit.Rodgers set passer rater leader in first two years.Rodgers has played some good ball with a sub par team,he is young and probably get better.Farve is 40 and i would say has played some of his best ball now....

Farve may have tainted is legacy ,saying he quit then come back,then quit but he is also still proving himself.He is old and hated,has pretty much every record in nfl good or bad.And as much as all you Farve hating sob's go he is still proving he has what it takes to Beat your team and move one step closer to another RING.And he will always be put on a pedstal in Green Bay till Rodgers can prove otherwise...

Ps...whoever compared Rodgers to Ben Roethlisberger not even a comparsion,Ben had a Ring by his 2nd year and a second Ring by 4th.Rodgers better do alot more then be #1 passer...

01-18-2010, 09:27 PM
Another little thing that Big Ben has on Rodgers, he has been accused of rape. :banana1: :goof

By the way, that was a joke in very poor taste. :goof

Ben is a beast of a QB, Rodgers has a long way before he can be anywhere near the same level. Tons to prove yet.

Coops Brother
01-18-2010, 10:03 PM
So, ideally,what would you have us do? What would make ya guys feel good?
Bow to Jerry Jones, wear a gold ponytail wig, buy a Brees jersey??? Why don't ya'll just fuckin' drop it? None of you wise asses liked Favre when he was with the Packers, at least not out loud, now that he's with another team you are all over it. Not to mention he's with a rival team, that makes you guys stir it up even more, glad you are having fun.
Fact is Favre is a great player, he does deserve another SB ring, I'd feel better if it were with the Packers. As would a fan of another team, that had a QB or coach move on to another team and realize success again. If Favre played for Dallas or the Steelers, or the Vikings for 16 years, and went to a rival team, bet you wouldn't be cheering him on as excitedly as ya'll are now. If you don't like the Packers great, I don't mind, but it seems as though people are using Favre to advance their "stick it to the Packers" agenda. Ohhhh, Packers are out of the Playoffs, hahaha Favre is still playing, you are stupid for rooting for the Packers, you should pick a different team to root for..... ooohhh wait, I will pick one for you...... piss off

01-18-2010, 10:35 PM
Can't say he doesn't have fun, LOL...


01-18-2010, 11:30 PM
Brett Favre...BEST QB IN NFL HISTORY!!!! (IMO)

01-19-2010, 01:20 AM
Brett Favre...BEST QB IN NFL HISTORY!!!! (IMO)

Yep ! You are right on !!!!!:headbang:headbang:headbang

01-19-2010, 08:31 AM
Based on threads like this, it's no wonder the media won't let this drop. They constantly hash and rehash this ad nauseum, apparently for good reason. (I guess Junior Seau doesn't have the pull.)

Don't bitch about all the hype if you're part of it.

01-19-2010, 11:49 AM
I do hate Brett Favre. It's not even because he plays for the Vikings, OR the whole thing with the Packers. I hate Brett Favre because of his legions of idiotic fans. I hate hearing people slobber over him, thinking he's this "ordinary guy" that they can relate to......what a crock of shit. Favre is a pro athlete who gets paid 12 million a year to play a GAME. He's not this "ordinary guy" who just likes to ride his tractor around. He's just as overpaid, arrogant, and pompous as the next idiot pro athlete.

I'm sick of hearing people call Brett Favre a "warrior". Brett Favre IS NOT a warrior. Pat Tillman IS a warrior. Given all the rules that protect QB's these days, I don't even think the consecutive game streak is that big of a deal anymore. Pretty soon, the defense won't even be able to tackle the QB anymore.

I swear, if they made a Brett Favre blow-up doll, it would sell like hotcakes

01-19-2010, 08:10 PM
Ok i am a Steelers Fan,and i listen to this packer fan shit all day long at work.And this season i get total harresment because of the crap season my team had.But then when i give all you packer fans shit about my crap team beating your playoff bound team i hear a milliuon excuse.They play the vikes and lose after hearing everyday for a week straight that there going to pound Farve ,then when don't excuses to loss. I laughed my ass of when Farve annouced he was a vike,and now i rub it in everyday that Farve maybe going to the Bowl.And none of the Packer backers have shit to say.

Wow, some people need to lighten up. It's a game. That none of us play, or profit from (barring gambling). If you are truly getting harassed at work, tell someone in HR :goof . Packer fans aren't any different, fans are generally the same for all teams (well, besides Raider fans).

Because someone is a fan of a team that isn't where you live doesn't mean everyone else sucks around you. If your fav team is an out of town team, especially one that has been successful lately....gotta deal with the smack talk. If your favorite team was the Chiefs no one would talk smack because they've sucked for awhile now. Kind of a sign of respect really. If someone takes it beyond a little smack, they need to get a life.

01-19-2010, 08:38 PM
Whooo-cares! Can't wait for the season to be over now, time to focus my sports energy to collage basketball!

Reverend Cooper
01-19-2010, 08:39 PM
Another little thing that Big Ben has on Rodgers, he has been accused of rape. :banana1: :goof

By the way, that was a joke in very poor taste. :goof

Ben is a beast of a QB, Rodgers has a long way before he can be anywhere near the same level. Tons to prove yet.

and people ask if Rodgers is gay,not sure whats worse

Reverend Cooper
01-19-2010, 08:41 PM
I do hate Brett Favre. It's not even because he plays for the Vikings, OR the whole thing with the Packers. I hate Brett Favre because of his legions of idiotic fans. I hate hearing people slobber over him, thinking he's this "ordinary guy" that they can relate to......what a crock of shit. Favre is a pro athlete who gets paid 12 million a year to play a GAME. He's not this "ordinary guy" who just likes to ride his tractor around. He's just as overpaid, arrogant, and pompous as the next idiot pro athlete.

I'm sick of hearing people call Brett Favre a "warrior". Brett Favre IS NOT a warrior. Pat Tillman IS a warrior. Given all the rules that protect QB's these days, I don't even think the consecutive game streak is that big of a deal anymore. Pretty soon, the defense won't even be able to tackle the QB anymore.

I swear, if they made a Brett Favre blow-up doll, it would sell like hotcakes

I trust you have spent time with the guys and know them both well?

01-19-2010, 08:49 PM
and people ask if Rodgers is gay,not sure whats worse

:puke :rolf

01-19-2010, 08:54 PM
just wondering if your referring to them both as football players or the fact that pat tillman was a war vet who died while serving his country.

01-19-2010, 09:42 PM
and people ask if Rodgers is gay,not sure whats worse


01-19-2010, 10:21 PM
I trust you have spent time with the guys and know them both well?

Um literally, Pat Tillman IS a warrior...he died while serving in Afghanhistan. Favre plays football and is not a warrior.

01-20-2010, 12:14 AM
What? I am shocked at your horrible analogy. He holds every NFL record for a QB or did you forget that. Thats the only thing you can say about him. He holds the record for most INTs wow! Good one. Id take that along with half of the records he hold but he holds them all. Oh and I think he threw 7 this season add that to the list on his record.

So, nothing to say to the math that I broke down for you, hey Bro-stain?

Reverend Cooper
01-20-2010, 09:26 PM
Um literally, Pat Tillman IS a warrior...he died while serving in Afghanhistan. Favre plays football and is not a warrior.

Pat Tillman altho very brave and I appreciate him was killed by his own men,friendly fire,that does not make you a warrior. brett was never in the service so how can you compare that,on the field they were both preverbial warriors

01-21-2010, 09:58 AM
So, nothing to say to the math that I broke down for you, hey Bro-stain?

Well I dont live on this site and have been busy at work which is normally when I come on here. But for the math the guy above you said 4 for 100 and you responded with 1 for 20 isnt that good so thats why i replyed with 1 for 25. I was unaware you were using the different numbers.

01-21-2010, 10:03 AM
I do hate Brett Favre. It's not even because he plays for the Vikings, OR the whole thing with the Packers. I hate Brett Favre because of his legions of idiotic fans. I hate hearing people slobber over him, thinking he's this "ordinary guy" that they can relate to......what a crock of shit. Favre is a pro athlete who gets paid 12 million a year to play a GAME. He's not this "ordinary guy" who just likes to ride his tractor around. He's just as overpaid, arrogant, and pompous as the next idiot pro athlete.

I'm sick of hearing people call Brett Favre a "warrior". Brett Favre IS NOT a warrior. Pat Tillman IS a warrior. Given all the rules that protect QB's these days, I don't even think the consecutive game streak is that big of a deal anymore. Pretty soon, the defense won't even be able to tackle the QB anymore.

I swear, if they made a Brett Favre blow-up doll, it would sell like hotcakes

Ya he makes 12 million a year but how much money did he give up on the packers so they could sign better players? I believe his contract was for 16million or so and he took between 10 and 12 million. Thats looking out for the team. Like someone said before if Packers were interested in building the team they would have traded him to any team and got some decent players in return or good draft choice. Its never going to end with the like or hate Favre. Difference of opinion its just the guys that said he would suck this year are not saying anything anymore.

70 cutlass 442
01-22-2010, 02:11 AM
You guys are a bunch of morons.... do you honestly think brett loves all of this drama.. as I stated in other threads... the media stands to capitalize from the brett drama, so they will blow it way out of proportion. Then people like you buy in to it and use it to fuel your hatred/ disliking towards the guy.... its all the media, not brett. And you all say he dicked the packers around.... well maybe he did, but think about it, this is his job. and unlike most peoples job, it is something he absolutely loves doing. dont you all think it was a tough decision for him to leave the packers, then eventually got second thoughts.......... Its not like he was walking away from a shipping and receiving/accountant/parts desk/mechanic/electrician/bar tending/engineering/truk driver/computer programming/sales/ what ever else you nay sayers may do for a living... for him, it would be like walking away form one of the things you absolutely love in life, and you can tell it is his passion just the way he acts on the field...

Karps TA
01-22-2010, 07:51 AM
For all the drama that "Everyone" says they hate, Sports Illustrated say their sales go through the roof anytime he is on the cover. And that's across the country, not just regionally. No other athelete is even close. That's why they and every other media outlet covers him so much. Cause when they do they know people will buy/read it.