View Full Version : Charity isnt just "charity" anymore

MoCkiN U
01-16-2010, 04:33 AM
wyclef jean was the first celebrity on the ground at the haiti disaster. It was commendable that he acted so quickly to get efforts to raise money up and going until MSN shed light on his practices in the past.


Parts of the writing talk about money collected in past efforts were paid for TV ads to a station that wyclef has majority ownership in. Monies were paid monthly to him for his appearances in concerts designed to raise money for others. Money was used to pay a record company $25,000 in which he is also a part owner of for services at a concert. Stop worrying about how much you will make and get your ass down there and help out your home town. Your millions will be waiting for you when you get back and hell, you could probably spare some to help people who need basic water and food instead of another bentley just sitting in your garage.

Its just a damned shame!!

My grandfather was known in my neighborhood to help people out only at minimum for a handshake or a thank you. He did it to make a difference and truly help people. I know some still do but damn it this kinda fake crap just sickens me of artists we support by buying or enjoying their music.

01-16-2010, 07:40 AM
Does not surprise me one bit.

01-16-2010, 02:43 PM
on the flip side the manning boys used their own plane(or rented it),filled it with food and supplies they paid for, had it flown down and helped load/unload it themselves. Then helped to deliver and pass out all of the food/supplies during the katrina disaster.

01-16-2010, 03:18 PM
^^^ That's a great thing! More people with disposeable income (read athletes) should hop on this train....