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View Full Version : Easy website design? Is it possible?

01-14-2010, 01:59 AM
So our Cub Scout Pack has a website (www.WestonPack439.org) but as you can see there is nothing on it. I was thinking about helping with the website since I have alot of time off but I dont know much about this stuff, is there an easy to use program I could get to do this stuff? Thanks-Dan

01-14-2010, 08:57 AM
It is. Wordpress.

If you want more info you can PM. Or just google it.

01-14-2010, 11:09 AM

01-14-2010, 11:29 AM

Start reading those. Wordpress, joomla or any of those instant CMS solutions are great and all. But if you don't know jack fucking shit you will get lost and your abilities will be limited to what other people have coded.

I would suggest you just dabble in some stuff and keep it basic like it is and update it a little. Depending on what you want to do a CMS like Joomla or a blog platform like Wordpress might be overkill. Do not assume those things are great for everything, its open source and people can easily hack it if you are not careful.

01-14-2010, 11:39 AM

Start reading those. Wordpress, joomla or any of those instant CMS solutions are great and all. But if you don't know jack fucking shit you will get lost and your abilities will be limited to what other people have coded.

I would suggest you just dabble in some stuff and keep it basic like it is and update it a little. Depending on what you want to do a CMS like Joomla or a blog platform like Wordpress might be overkill. Do not assume those things are great for everything, its open source and people can easily hack it if you are not careful.

There are some GOOD Wordpress themes out there too that have options of being set up like a website instead of a blog. Elegantthemes.com has some very good themes. They aren't free but the quality and support you get is great for newbs.

01-14-2010, 11:49 AM
Yeah great themes, and what if he wants to modify it? He still needs to learn how to modify the code so it will do what he wants. If you just slap themes on shit you are getting no where, you don't learn anything and you are unable to make the website grow visually and functionally.

If you really want a awesome setup you need to learn something. How about learning a framework and make the CMS do what you want instead of being limited to what it was coded to do? Wordpress themes are nothing but a standard index file with the CSS layed out the way the author liked it. Plug some PHP variables in the page and it will show what it needs to show. Learn those 2 basics and you will go farther than some bullshit free/pay templete site.

01-14-2010, 12:31 PM
what good is wordpress if you dont understand HTML anyway. How many people are going to get through installing it and setting up the database.

I find most people can either do all or nothing. Because they choose not too learn.

01-14-2010, 01:07 PM
I use notepad for websites. Doing so will teach you alot :)