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01-01-2010, 05:02 PM
Last night for new year's I was out with the g/f and we were at her friends. One of her female friends flies out of country probably every 2-3 weeks and is gone from a couple days to two weeks for job related stuff. We talked about some of the stuff that is going on lately.

So I put it to you...

After reading this article -
http://www.sphere.com/nation/article/experts-say-airport-pat-downs-are-ineffective/19300092?icid=main|search2|dl1|link4|http%3A%2F%2F www.sphere.com%2Fnation%2Farticle%2Fexperts-say-airport-pat-downs-are-ineffective%2F19300092

Would you feel safer and would you complain if you got your shit grabbed when boarding a plane? Or would you feel that it was an invasion of privacy even though let's say the rule is that EVERYONE boarding the plane would be going through the same thing in order to do the absolute best to prevent terrorist attacks?

If you feel that it would be a negative thing in today's world, why do you think that?

Karps TA
01-01-2010, 05:13 PM
I think it's bullshit.

We should throw political correctness out the damn window, and profile. The people trying to blow up planes aren't 75 year old grandmothers, or families with 2 small children, or business men. We know exactly who these people are.

You are flying in to our country from some foreign land and you name is Abdul Imabomb, then you don't get to go on the plane.

Between airlines cost cutting, the TSA, and Homeland Security they've made flying miserable.

01-01-2010, 05:35 PM
I would search all single passengers, any foreign traveler, anyone remotely associated with the watch list and pretty much anyone that looked the part or if their name even closely resembled a middle eastern name. yes I know I would get checked often but I have nothing to hide so it wouldnt bug me.

01-01-2010, 05:47 PM
Pat downs like described above Yoosof????

Or full on invasive cop searches with the rubber glove?

You know, to promote the safety of everyone on board :)

01-01-2010, 06:07 PM
We won't even go into how anti-profiling this country has become. Without some type of profiling you have a huge security hole in the system. The minute they start trying to do more in depth personal searches or profiling, groups like the aclu will be all over it and essentially put an end to it. What needs to happen, will never happen. You'll never see protection from certain things in this country unless technology alone can overcome it. Until then, it's roll-the-dice as far as air travel is concerned. Feeling lucky?

01-01-2010, 06:08 PM
She doesn't since her last trip out of country was to Amsterdam... :) haha Which I believe is where the one dude's connecting flight landed

01-01-2010, 06:36 PM
Pat downs like described above Yoosof????

Or full on invasive cop searches with the rubber glove?

You know, to promote the safety of everyone on board :)

I am fine with pat downs but I think that should be the norm anyway. The last time I flew, I got the pat down, metal detector wand and my bags searched, The only thing that bugged me was that there were plenty of more suspicious looking people that didnt even get searched.

01-01-2010, 07:41 PM
Yoosof, did you check out the article? It discusses a "pat down" versus a REAL police pat down. The normal pat down that you may have had at the airport is not enough. They said that if this most recent guy had been patted down the "normal" way, they still wouldn't have found anything.

That's why I asked if people were ok with having their shit grabbed as a measure to make sure you aren't holding anything in a place that is the most common to be grabbed.

01-02-2010, 11:03 AM
i have been searched by cops before, and would prefer NOT to have that happen before getting on a plane. It takes a looong time, and usually anything hidden well enough will still get by. If it gets me on a plan faster, ill whip my shit out; this bullshit just gets rediculous.
I have taken the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit and vice versa (same as the last new story); i ran into NO extended security other than the "sniffer" machine. I could have easily brought in anything i wanted in small amount. BTW the security on the Amsterdam end was actually more thorough (read more polite as well), than anything in detroit.

01-02-2010, 11:59 AM
I've gotten pat down at Summerfest more thoroughly than in the airport.