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View Full Version : 16yr Old has baby. It gets Drunk

MoCkiN U
12-17-2009, 03:41 PM
Well, not quite like the title says but isnt that how the story goes eventually? 16-17yr old has a baby which means she likely isnt being supervised properly or taught by engaged parents so is it any suprise that in tennessee a 21 year old womans 4 year old son was found drinking a beer wearing a womans dress???? Yeah you gotta read into it a little bit. Shes 21 now so at minimum she was 17 when the child was born and possibly could have been 16 at conception. Now, this story has popped up.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - Tennessee investigators say a 4-year-old boy was found roaming his neighborhood in the night, drinking beer and wearing a little girl's dress taken from under a neighbor's Christmas tree.The child's mother, 21-year-old April Wright, told WTVC-TV that the boy "wants to go to jail because that's where his daddy is."
Wright said she and the boy's father are going though a divorce.
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The boy, found outside his house in Chattanooga on Tuesday, was taken to a hospital and treated for alcohol consumption.
Hamilton County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Janice Atkinson said the incident is being investigated but the department declined to release the report.
The boy's mother said she met with child protective services and was told she will get to keep custody of her son.

12-17-2009, 03:44 PM
Kelley I believe you are searching for the saddest stories on the net.

MoCkiN U
12-17-2009, 03:48 PM
Its just MSN on my homepage dude. I turn on the internet and MSN tells the worst in life LOL

Windsors 03 Cobra
12-17-2009, 04:45 PM
Also a side affect of watching too much Nancy Grace, I'm glad he lived I think a child murder victim in FLA was have reported to have taken a bunch of oxycontin before she "disappeared and the body not yet recovered kids err trash not yet able to come clean.

I also started noticing the crap out of these sad stories involving kids after our baby girl was born also the interwebs and cable news really spread news far and wide. BUT society has gotten crappier and there are far more crimes being committed these days. Yet some pencil neck pea brain is worried about people smoking grass, piss off wankers.

12-17-2009, 05:23 PM
"CHATTANOOGA, Tenn." says it all, he's actually lagging behind a bit he should be into rye whiskey by now so that he's ready to graduate into 'shine when he enters kindy-garten.

12-17-2009, 07:04 PM
sounds like some trailer park drama

12-17-2009, 07:13 PM
Anyone hear about this one? Again, like I typically say. These fucks need to die. Plain and simple.


12-17-2009, 07:50 PM
Its just MSN on my homepage dude. I turn on the internet and MSN tells the worst in life LOL

No kidding! And if you go to Foxnews.com all they report is how bad the economy is and what a JOKE Barry is (that part I do not have a problem with).

Depressing news surrounds us.

Keep surfing porn, things always end up good there!

12-17-2009, 07:58 PM
told WTVC-TV that the boy "wants to go to jail because that's where his daddy is."

How bad must it be with the mom that the kid wants to be with dad in jail. F'd up story and someone should find a new home for that kid.

MoCkiN U
12-18-2009, 06:17 AM
Anyone hear about this one? Again, like I typically say. These fucks need to die. Plain and simple.


Holy crap dude!!!!

Aborted Baby Found in Gift Box Under Christmas Tree, Police Say
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
By Staff, Associated Press
San Juan, Texas (AP) - A south Texas couple put an aborted 7-month-old fetus in a gift box under a Christmas tree after they were unable to flush the remains down a toilet, authorities alleged Monday.

Ruby Lee Medina, 31, and Javier Gonzalez, 37, of Mission, have been charged with abuse of a corpse and tampering with evidence. Bond was set Monday at $20,000 each.

A woman who answered the telephone at the San Juan city jail Monday night said she could not say whether Medina or Gonzalez had retained an attorney.

San Juan Police Chief Juan Gonzalez said police found the fetus inside the woman's trailer home Thursday after getting an anonymous tip.

Autopsy results are pending, but Gonzalez said police believe the woman used pills to induce an abortion Thursday, then called an ambulance after she began bleeding and told doctors she didn't know where the fetus was.

The police chief said the couple tried to flush the fetus down the toilet, but that didn't work.

"Apparently they cleaned up the fetus and they placed it inside a gift box under the Christmas tree," the police chief said.

Windsors 03 Cobra
12-18-2009, 06:27 AM
Yea thats real sick like but c'mon now guys she was just excercising her right to "choose"
And after all who are a bunch of MEN to tell a WOMEN what she can do with her *body*. lOlz Retain gloria alred B.

12-18-2009, 07:50 PM
Keep surfing porn, things always end up good there!
Not always. Remember 1 guy 1 jar?