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05-11-2004, 10:46 PM
I was compassionate. I cared about the Iraq people. I cared about poor people.l I cared about the families in the ghettos. I cared about health care for all.
Now I simply just don't give a flyingfuck anymore!!
What, so the world is outraged and Americans are animals becasue we strip and make some sexual poses with some soldiers that have undoubtely killed many many humans in cold blood!!?!?!?!?!?

WTF is this world coming too? I used to be that guy that would say "if you were in their situation you would understand blah blah blah. Always thinking analytically rather than intuitively - well this is true to an extend except when they start CUTTING off american's HEADS (if anyone watched the video god bless his family and I hope they never have to watch it :(). Now I seriously have lost all empathy for any retarted foreigners and poor sue happy americans.

And what is the root of all of this? RELIGION. We should seriously take care of the Palestines and be done with it and get the hell out of the middle east and create one big glass parking lot for us to park our "evil greedy westerner cars" :rolleyes:. Shiit, everybody lately is busting out the race card left and right even though they or their family member was killed either stealing, breaking, or assaulting while doing so and has a extensively long criminal backgrounds :rolleyes:

God sometimes I tell you, natural selection better take its course soon and weed out the bad ones or some nukes stamped USA will :fire

05-11-2004, 11:11 PM
i watched the whole thing two hours ago, and my stomach is STILL turning. it's not for the weak of stomachs. it will make you rethink alot of things. it will hopefully change your opinion on why this war is necessary. and that is to get rid of all the inhumane people such as those animals that taped this aweful event.

the parents of this man had known what happened for a bit of time now. they did not want the public to know, but the video was posted on an islamic militant website.

it will be very interesting what happens in the near future. ALthough i do like the main headlines on the news websites, because like always, Fox News is the best place to get the important news. While the other places are worried about what we did to them, an while it is still unnecessary, Fox news is reporting about the decapitation.

05-11-2004, 11:16 PM
its unbelievable to think that a human being could do that to another when there is really no direct reason at all.......its sick.....i cant believe the video.....Iraq needs to be taken care of quickly, voting in a president who doesnt support the war will not accomplish anything..... :mad:

Prince Valiant
05-11-2004, 11:42 PM
Understand that I work amongst high school teachers and some (not all of course) of the statements that I heard were remarkable...That this is the result of "failed middle east policies" and "see what the prison abuse scandal has done?"

For one, this isn't a result of the prison abuse scandal...if that was the case, why then was Daniel Pearl befelled the same fate, long before we were in iraq? Sure, these terrorist who think nothing of innocent human life would have probably killed the guy anyways and the abuse gave them a "reason" to state why they were doing so....but he would have been a dead man anyways.

Notice what they try to accomplish when they stated "We tried to negotiate the release of the hostage in exchange for inmates, but the current administration refused" NOW, why would they state that? Because THEY don't want bush in office, THEY don't want the US in Iraq. THEY KNOW they'll win if those two criteria are met.

I was incredulous about those who couldn't see a difference b/w the humiliation and torture of enemy combatants such as in abu ghraib and the beheading of an innocent NON-combantant civillian. Ask yourself...rather have dogs bark at you while your naked, or die a rather slow agonizing and most painful death by beheading? For some people, politics has distorted more than reality.

Now I don't want to fall into the trap of actaully believing this henious act was actually retribution as they claimed...remember, guys like these terrorist didn't need much prompting to kill 3000 civillians in the WTC, nor did they need much prompting to kill daniel pearl, the four civilians in falluagah, etc etc etc...BUT for those that think that it was...how they must feel. The pentegon ASKED cbs NOT to run the abuse photos for fear of increasing the danger to americans soldiers and civillians, and because the pentagon themselves were already investigating the abuse allegations. CBS wanted the controversy and ran it anyways. Hmmmmm....I hope someone at that network has a tough time sleeping tonight :fire :fire :fire

05-11-2004, 11:46 PM
Video of American BeHeading (http://video.bmj.net/Alluh_Akbar.wmv)


What started this all is my stupid friend sending me this link without telling me what it was. I only watched till I knew what was going to happen and then a little more. I couldn't watch the rest.

God help us all. (you will know if you watch this)


Valient - I completely agree that the media is tarnishing this whole dilemma and with the increase and immediate coverage that is supplied be a large network of satallite TV, its only going to get worse in the future. The media today is a corrupt giant that franatically feeds off any world drawing attention. Its ironic how US media is constantly hurting Amrican by pissing off other countries with its abuse of power and elaborate and many times inaccurate coverage :crying

Prince Valiant
05-11-2004, 11:57 PM
Myself, I can't watch another beheading. Especially since I heard that the poor guy screamed when they started. I watched a beheading once done in similar fashion...EXTREMELY disturbing. If someone isn't disturb by it, I've got to wonder about their soul or lack thereof. At least the one I watch the guy couldn't scream (Russian soldier being beheaded by chechnyan/islamic rebels...still huants me to this day)

If it was me, I don't think I could put that link up...I don't think people are ready to see it :( :( :(

poor guy though...you know his family is hurting right now. They most certianly in my thoughts and prayers

05-11-2004, 11:59 PM
I do not want to even see the tape...

So when exactly did the beheading take place? All I heard was it was retrobution to the prisoner abuse. Maybe we should behead all of their prisoners :). j/k but seriously....only fuels the desire to *take care of business* in the middle east and further support what we are doing, hopefully that clicks with people on the left too...

05-12-2004, 12:04 AM
the video is all over the web and other boards.....watch it and youll gain a true passionate hate

Prince Valiant
05-12-2004, 12:06 AM
the video is all over the web and other boards.....watch it and youll gain a true passionate hate I wouldn't call what I have hate...that is too indiscriminate. I call it RESOLVE, as in to finish the job.

05-12-2004, 12:06 AM
A close friend of mine that I have been very good friends with since I was in 1st grade is in the 82nd Airborne and was on the front lines in Afghanistan and was on the front lines in Iraq before his leave began a month ago. You would not believe some of the things he has told me. I would believe him any day over anything I ever read about or see on TV. Hearing what he had to say will really change the way you look at things... about this war, any war, or things in general.

When something like this happens to an American over there, especialy a soldier, they dont take prisoners. Its generally never reported that those responsible were found either. From how I inturpret some of the things I have heard that is.

05-12-2004, 12:07 AM
God this is BS. You just know that all you will hear tommorow is how we "FORCED" them to do it and "we need to leave now" crap. WTF is wrong with peoples minds these days? Can't they see that this is exactly why we need to be there? As soon as we let our guard down again they will start doing things much worse than 911 here.

I'm so F@#$ING sick of stupid pinko lefty feelgooders that I could literally vomit

me>:puke :crying <stupid lefty pinko feelgooders and the media

On a side note, anyone here listen to Glenn Beck A.M. on 1130am? He has been totally against this whole "abuse" thing for some time now. Should be interesting to see if his point of view has changed now or not. He better be careful with his words or he will either go against everything he stands for.

I'm so pissed I can't even type anymore.

edit: WOW 5 replies just in the time it took me to type this! Hot topic - AND I WILL NOT BE WATCHING THE VIDEO ANYWHERE IF I CAN HELP IT.;

05-12-2004, 12:29 AM
it will be very interesting what happens in the near future. ALthough i do like the main headlines on the news websites, because like always, Fox News is the best place to get the important news. While the other places are worried about what we did to them, an while it is still unnecessary, Fox news is reporting about the decapitation.

Funny how the main headline on CNN.com is devoted to the US abuse of Iraqi prisoners and our own people being beheaded gets nothing but a note off to the side. Same thing goes for MSNBC.com. Reporting like that can only be called Anti-American.

05-12-2004, 12:31 AM
:fire that was the MOST INHUMANE thing I've ever seen in my life...I honestly wish I hadn't watched it.

Those are not people, those are animals!!!

05-12-2004, 01:21 AM
I've just got to throw this question out there ... who's the f***n brainchild behind the idea of putting it all over the news about what the American soldiers did to iraqi prisoners. Ok... they did it, and they prob. shouldn't have done what they did, but why in the hell wasn't it kept internal??? Who, who must have been dropped on thier head too many times as baby, felt that should be put on every tv set in the world??

God knows the military knows how to keep secrets, why was this any different?

05-12-2004, 01:38 AM
I logged on from work to see whats going on and I am uttery sadened and f'inn pissed! I cant believe that was done. Some clarification, being an American-Arab I have to say that those people are f**king animals! The religion isn question does NOT condone this type of behavior.

We made the mistake of taking pictures of what happened to those soldiers but this retaliation is gross and a travesty. I personally believe that mental torture takes place in war and is part of war. I believe that those prisoners were being tortured but whoever took the pics is an ahole! Further more 60 minutes should be held liable as they thought it would be a ground breaking story for them to show the pics on tv and report it so they could get the official "scoop" seeing as how they were the first to show the pics. I pray for that guy's soul and his family.

I firmly believe we need to either A. Go in hard and bomb the crap out of everything or B. Get the f out and leave Isreal/Palestine to fend for themselves!

05-12-2004, 01:40 AM
God I wish I never saw that tape. I saw a beheading once of a Russian soldier and it was horrible. I am glad I dont have sound on my work pc :puppyeyes

05-12-2004, 02:02 AM
God I wish I never saw that tape.

I second that!!!! I am literally shaking after watching that!

05-12-2004, 06:13 AM
OMFG That has got to be one of the worst things I have ever seen. It makes me want to cry when I heard him talking about wheres he's from and stuff, not knowing that those !%#ers were going to do what they did.

I thank god for the poor quality of that video. That is the reason I have joined the US Army and I say if I ever find my self in Iraq and there are some bastard protesters or sumthing I will not question putting the weapon and burst and firing away! Cuz they might just be one of those guys!

05-12-2004, 07:45 AM
God sometimes I tell you, natural selection better take its course soon and weed out the bad ones or some nukes stamped USA will :fire

One could only hope, my friend. :) I'm all for sinking the entire area into the sea. Make africa an island baby. They've had ample time to sort out their differences, well guess what, they haven't, now I say no one gets the place. Sink it, and put up a few thousand offshore oil rigs.

That's another thing that pisses me off... all the tree huggin hippy liberals keep saying the war is about oil. Fine. Where the hell is my cheap gas then?

05-12-2004, 08:39 AM
IMHO.... this shiat is gettting WAY out of hand !!! :fire

They need to pull the troops out and light that place UP!!!

It got the point accross in WWII....

I just think the press and media coverage is hindering too much on what needs to be done, they are too worried about them getting invloved. example: a 5 year old kid firing off a M16 at American troops, the troops end up taking outthe kid, the media failsto mention the kid killed 5 soldiers first but focus ona 5 yr old boy was shot by American troops... Thats just the problem!!! They dont want to create a huge media sturr and be accused of wrong doing and its really affecting this war IMO... Look at WWII there was no cameras on the front line, That allowed the US to be more commited to that war IMO. Granted there are good people over there im certain, but the bad out ways the good... :fire

Time to polish up them nukes for a little trip!!

05-12-2004, 09:05 AM
That's another thing that pisses me off... all the tree huggin hippy liberals keep saying the war is about oil. Fine. Where the hell is my cheap gas then?

Good point!

05-12-2004, 09:53 AM
[B]It's very simple. Pull our troops out, bring them home, and drop a nuclear bomb on the entire middle east. These people will ALWAYS be terrorists, and they'll breed and make more terrorists. Sorry to say it, but American's are p*ssies. We dont do what needs to be done.
That video was very disturbing. I will NEVER buy gas from an Arab owned gas station again. I know its stupid, but I'm not supporting them f**ks anymore.

05-12-2004, 10:16 AM
I will say again I am glad I have not watched the tape, nor do I plan to. I already fully support what we are doing, no need to have nightmares over such a thing...I can picture what a beheading looks like anyways :puke .

Who, who must have been dropped on thier head too many times as baby, felt that should be put on every tv set in the world??

A liberal. The (liberal) media loves it(showing the abuse by the US soldiers) and of course right away it had some calling for Rumsfelds head. Pretty pathetic. Out of 150,000 soldiers 10 or so actually do some bad things, and none were THAT terrible or really shock me anyways.

As for showing the guy being beheaded, if the family did not want it shown so nobody should of, but then again it would of eventually gotten around too.

I also don't understand why not a single middle eastern leader has apologized or there is any outcry by the people over there for what has happened, meaning countries who are supposed to be our allies. While our president has to apologize all over the place for what we did(what our soliders did was wrong yes). I know these people do not represent true Islam at all but WTF are the *normal* people over there thinking? Its ok?, they don't care?, indifferent?

:usa :guns1

05-12-2004, 10:45 AM

Berg owned a company that cleaned and repaired communications towers in Iraq.

95 TA - The Beast
05-12-2004, 11:42 AM
Hey guys, I normally do not post on political subjects because people tend to act so stupid, but point blank a few things need to happen:

1) We need to pull ALL civilians out of those countries, as in if WE (the USA) is funding a rebuilding plan over there, we need to stop funding it and get all americans home, there is plenty to pour money into over here...

2) We need to pressure ALL sides over there to stop, mainly Isreal, as they keep pulling **** to set things off... There needs to be a cooling off period and it needs to start with our allies (Isreal) first... Then pressure the islamic countries to stop or start bombing the **** out of them, plain and simple...

3) Pushing this whole subject into a 'we need to keep Bush in office' is the WORST kind of manipulative BS there is... 90% of the people that want Bush in office here in the USA are looking at thier OWN WEALTH as thier driving factor, and has virtually NOTHING to do with world affairs... Those same people manipulate everything to see how much they can profit on most things which is BS... They are also the ones pushing companies to outsource overseas, which is pure crap... Start saving cash, fuck the stock market and actually earn a living and get used to the fact that you will work until you are 65 like everyone else instead of looking to retire early and wealthy... Greed is good as long as greed doesn't harm others... Enough said...

4) There needs to be some serious attacks on 'suspected' terrorist sites... We are dragging outr feet on this because people are worried about the media blowing things out of proportion in regards to killing civilians... Too bad, the job needs to be done, so we should do it... This does not mean blowing the hell out of all of the middle east either, this means that there needs to be some serious decision making in regards to effective strike targets and then action taken, plain and simple...

I believe we as a country are too involved in petty greed-based squabbles to effectively deal with the situations we have on our plate (such as what is the issue with India, as in if they won't allow our goods in thier country without hefty tariffs, we should tax the **** out of all outsourcing to that country to equalize the playing field, then american workers will get jobs, or we will actually be able to import goods into that country)... As a whole we try to play nice with too many others while they take advantage... Screw that...


95 TA - The Beast
05-12-2004, 11:44 AM
From above...

Fuck globalization to a degree... As in make this country strong and self-sufficient (as we are one of the ONLY countries in the world to attain such self-sufficiency) instead of pushing this 'globalization' BS that just liquidates american dollars and jobs to other countries... doesn't make much sense at all... Sorry, if the products/services are for use in this country, why aren't they made by americans??? And price is an illusion... You can't afford much if you don't have a job if it is outsourced to some piss-poor third world country... If we keep this **** up, what will americans have for an economy? Medical, politics, law and minimum wage jobs, and of course the required support systems for these... It is just insane...


Joe Q.
05-12-2004, 04:12 PM
that was awful!! I agree with you all bomb them (and that includes saudia arabia) or get out and let them kill each other!!!

05-12-2004, 04:41 PM
Dennis, usually I agree with a lot you have to say. And I agree with alot of things you just said here, but a couple of portions just don't sound like you? Maybe I have you confused with 02HAWK right now, Im not sure.

simply put . . .

Bush= yes more money for blah, blah, blah - but also finishing the job over there.

Kerry= pulling out completely, calling the war on terror over and appologizing to the entire world for things we are not wrong about.

Right now our import/export ratios are all f'ed up to hell and gone. But at the same time there are many people in this country that simply will not work for the same kind of pay that foreigners will. Part of this I believe is the cost of living and the fact that many CAN just sit around, do nothing, and the US govt. will take care of them anyway. Tell me where Heinz has many of there jobs/plants located? I know they have some here but I would thionk they definately have plenty of overseas jobs as well (although I don't have hard evidence to that fact).

So much to say, not enough time. I'll post again later I'm sure . . .

05-12-2004, 05:13 PM
Oh yeah, one more thing for sure . . .

THIS WAS NOT RETALIATION! This is just an easy excuse for them. Terrorists know our politcal and media habits well. The best way to defeat the US is to let it defeat itself.

05-12-2004, 05:27 PM
Generally the sooner the better the troops do leave but if we leave how strong are the majority of Iraqi people who want democracy to hold up vs. militant groups? Any outcry to pull troops out because of this act I simply don't understand.

Globalization happens...another thing I'm tired of being blamed by liberals on Bush's tenure, its been happening over time. Trying to tell corporations to not realize the savings of outsourcing basic skill jobs to other lands for the better of the US falls on deaf ears. Sounds peachy in plan but won't happen. The US needs to better educate itself(school wise individually) and not count on basic skill jobs generally being outsourced since the economy is becoming more globalized. I see your point but not sure trying to *combat* globalization is the answer.

95 TA - The Beast
05-12-2004, 05:36 PM
I didn't want this to be on the whole Bush/Kerry thing... I prefer to keep those kinds of views private, primarily because I don't agree with many on the way the general public sees things 'at the top'...

So, for reference, I was not making a pro-Kerry statement, or an anti- Bush statement... I was stating that OTHERS have tried to use this as a quick way to try to bolster Bush, which I think is just the worst attempt to promote whom-ever they want in office... I would say the exact same thing if someone mentioned not wanting Kerry in office as a reason they did this... I just hate all of the pseudo-republicans out there that think they actually have a clue just because they make >$xxk a year... (and for reference, I am neither a republican, nor a democrate, so unless people have the attitude that if you aren't with us your against us, I shouldn't offend anyone)

Dennis, usually I agree with a lot you have to say. And I agree with alot of things you just said here, but a couple of portions just don't sound like you? Maybe I have you confused with 02HAWK right now, Im not sure.

simply put . . .

Bush= yes more money for blah, blah, blah - but also finishing the job over there.

Kerry= pulling out completely, calling the war on terror over and appologizing to the entire world for things we are not wrong about.

Right now our import/export ratios are all f'ed up to hell and gone. But at the same time there are many people in this country that simply will not work for the same kind of pay that foreigners will. Part of this I believe is the cost of living and the fact that many CAN just sit around, do nothing, and the US govt. will take care of them anyway. Tell me where Heinz has many of there jobs/plants located? I know they have some here but I would thionk they definately have plenty of overseas jobs as well (although I don't have hard evidence to that fact).

So much to say, not enough time. I'll post again later I'm sure . . .

05-12-2004, 05:40 PM
I didn't want this to be on the whole Bush/Kerry thing... I prefer to keep those kinds of views private, primarily because I don't agree with many on the way the general public sees things 'at the top'...

So, for reference, I was not making a pro-Kerry statement, or an anti- Bush statement... I was stating that OTHERS have tried to use this as a quick way to try to bolster Bush, which I think is just the worst attempt to promote whom-ever they want in office... I would say the exact same thing if someone mentioned not wanting Kerry in office as a reason they did this... I just hate all of the pseudo-republicans out there that think they actually have a clue just because they make >$xxk a year... (and for reference, I am neither a republican, nor a democrate, so unless people have the attitude that if you aren't with us your against us, I shouldn't offend anyone)

Agreed :usa

95 TA - The Beast
05-12-2004, 05:40 PM
Ok, you call a technical engineering position a basic skill??? What planet do you live on???

Better educate than those in the tech industry? Who are you kidding?

The way it is is that too many ivy-leaguers don't like teh fact that someone without a masters is making >$100k a year, plain and simple...

And there is NO WAY a country, like India for example, can out-do Americans in those jobs... Too many CEOs are trying to make a quick buck and jump ship more than they are trying to further thier companies for the long-term...

Globalization happens...another thing I'm tired of being blamed by liberals on Bush's tenure, its been happening over time. Trying to tell corporations to not realize the savings of outsourcing basic skill jobs to other lands for the better of the US falls on deaf ears. Sounds peachy in plan but won't happen. The US needs to better educate itself(school wise individually) and not count on basic skill jobs generally being outsourced since the economy is becoming more globalized. I see your point but not sure trying to *combat* globalization is the answer.

05-12-2004, 06:47 PM
Why must you come across as an ass sometimes? Trying to talk about something then you get insults, guess its hard to have a normal conversation with certain people...

I'm on Earth, where are you from? :goof

The majority of jobs being outsourced aren't skilled jobs, sorry. Have fun fighting globalization :).

Prince Valiant
05-12-2004, 07:04 PM
I just hate all of the pseudo-republicans out there that think they actually have a clue just because they make >$xxk a year...
They are at least less harmful than the poor guy who thinks "because I'm poor, I should vote democrat" because as we all know, there are far less people (votes) that make >$xxk/year than make <$xxk/year :goof

05-13-2004, 07:43 AM
Why must you come across as an ass sometimes? Trying to talk about something then you get insults, guess its hard to have a normal conversation with certain people...

I'm on Earth, where are you from? :goof

The majority of jobs being outsourced aren't skilled jobs, sorry. Have fun fighting globalization :).

Whoa, chill out. I didn't see that as a heavy insult at all, but more a disagreement. It's not like he called you a fa%&*#f%&in$&%t eater or anything :)

I think if we could tax outsourcing, it would bring some of those jobs back. Make it not as economically feasible to send those jobs to bumfuck india, and the corporations will follow the money. But Dennis has a point, alot of high tech jobs are outsourced as well, so an education standpoint only solves a small part of it.

As for "people need to get more educated." That's as unrealistic as thinking that corporations will just change back to US jobs because they want to help the country. There's the dumbass no skill grunt workers, the highly educated highly skilled workers, and everything inbetween. And it'll be that way forever. It's one of the constants to the equation. Trying to change the level of the job that everyone has by trying to get them better skills is the wrong approach to try and get everyone a job that needs one.

05-13-2004, 08:10 AM
Import vs. export...

One of the larger factors in trade is the value of each countries currency.


Right now, the US dollar is strong. Despite all of the talk of the dollar dropping in strength, it is still stronger than most of the other economies out there. When the dollar is weaker, other countries will take advantage of this and buy more products from us. A democratic goal is to speed up that process and balance out the money around the world so all; countries can trade equally. Unfortunatly, we are at a loss in this situation.

The Euro is stronger than the dollar. As I have seen in many businesses, exports europe are up.

My biggest value is my time, not my money. (time is money) When I make a purchase, I measure it in time: "how long will/did I have to work till/so I can buy this?"

05-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Curious, how would the government tax outsourced jobs? If the corporation has a base in another country or plant/firm not sure its possible to tax that, maybe give credits to companies who keep a certain amount of jobs in the US?

The *better educate* is meant individually more so. Outsourcing is a problem and has been but at least in addition to trying to *solve* it somehow, individually choose a profession/degree that gives you the best opportunities and less chance of being outsourced, as simple as that sounds. :deal

05-13-2004, 11:52 AM
Well, they can come up with a tax for damn near anything else, I'm sure they could get creative and come up with a tax on that now couldn't they? Either that or I'm sure they could come up with a way that it'd cost a company more to outsource to a place outside the US. At least for the honest-type tax paying businesses. (shrug) It prolly wouldn't work with the shady enron type corps :)

It'll never happen of course. There are too many pussies in this country that are too afraid of offending someone to do something like that.

05-13-2004, 12:10 PM
I would like to know this....
if your not a Republican, and not a Democrat, then what are you?

05-13-2004, 02:28 PM

05-13-2004, 08:50 PM
individually choose a profession/degree that gives you the best opportunities and less chance of being outsourced, as simple as that sounds. :deal

As engineering jobs beagan to leave the country, I decided to go for tha other major of interest. About 2 more yeasr of pre-med.

05-15-2004, 08:06 PM
US is F*cked... Iraq is F*ucked... we're all f*cked! Just kill yourself now and come back to a better or worse world. Either way, life sucks... so get over it. :mad:

It's not a contest on who can tourcher and kill more! :guns1

KELLY :alcoholic

05-30-2004, 09:20 AM
Dennis, usually I agree with a lot you have to say. And I agree with alot of things you just said here, but a couple of portions just don't sound like you? Maybe I have you confused with 02HAWK right now, Im not sure.

Just for clarification, of Dennis' opinions referenced, I would have agreed with the first paragraph of his #4. Otherwise, the rest wouldn't sound like me, and I would have put that part differently, anyhow.

05-30-2004, 12:49 PM
i dont know what compelled me to watch that... but I feel real sick now that i did.

05-30-2004, 01:59 PM
i dont know what compelled me to watch that... but I feel real sick now that i did.

The truly sad thing is, many spoiled Americans feel the same way - a despairing contrast.
How many Americans are dead now in the War Against Terrorism? Whether you include 9/11 or not (Terrorists were at war against us then). How many gave the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan and Iraq? To many, these are just numbers. They have been decapitated, blown to smithereens, crushed, bled out, executed by various means, burned, drowned, pancake landed, not to mention sodomized and raped. But too many Americans are only truly empathetic when they can see it for their own eyes, in video mode with audio. Sad. Think a chopper pilot seeing the ground rush up to pancake him and his entire crew/manifest to death knows less terror that Mr Berg - who gave his computer access passwords to the 9/11 hijackers in Oklahoma and also refused to leave Iraq when the U.S. said he should, and gave him a free plane flight out, then somehow got "captured" after staying in Iraq? Think those who were mortally shot and slowly bled out had a more humane ending? But we don't have video playback of those deaths, shucky darn.
It's an absolute travesty that a video is required before some will consider their (the terrorists') heinious behavior of the past few years to be worthy of outrage or vehement anger. Truly a tragedy.

On Memorial Day, how many spoiled Americans will truly recall, remember, or consider the brave fallen who have preserved our way of life for almost 229 years because they believed America was worth it - or will they pity the spoiled children who wandered around the lion's den, poked the lion in the nose, refused the ladder to safety, then were surprised - shocked! - that their head was bitten off by the lion?
At least the child's parents are now suing the liontamer Bush, since they obviously feel it's his fault. :rolleyes:

A caveat for those who feel this post is rude or pointing a finger: you are not the only ones this applies to, and it is the widespread nature of this phenomena that is so disappointing - but like the saying goes, if it fits, you can wear it.

Semper Fi.

05-30-2004, 11:44 PM
If I was fighting for something that I believed in, I wouldnt be covering my face. These people are cowards.

05-31-2004, 09:16 AM
Not Only are they Cowards,
they are ignorant Idiots!

If I was fighting for something that I believed in, I wouldnt be covering my face. These people are cowards.