View Full Version : Sweet dilemma

05-08-2004, 03:42 AM
My dad know that I am serious about going to school down south because I hate the cold so much. So he made me an offer: If I continue to go to school here in the milwaukee area and continue to live at home till I graduate/ get a good job, he will add on to our garage so that I have some room to work on cars during the winter. The garage will include a heater and a ventalation/circulation/filtering system for painting. Sound good?!? Originally, he wanted me to pay for half of it, but if I did that, I would not be able to afford anything fun to work on for at least a year. Instead, he agreed that if I fix up an old 50's car with lots of chrome for him, he would pay for the garage and the materials for the car, but I have to do all the labor for free.

So my dilemma is: stay here in cold WI and have an awesome garage or go down south for school were the weather is warm, (I REALLY hate anything below 50 deg)

05-08-2004, 03:47 AM
Cheaper to live down south and depending on the state you live in, no state tax. Cost of living is much better and your money usually goes further. Oh yeah, you actually have a SUMMER! Thats my living single vote!

05-08-2004, 07:16 AM
Although this was intended to be a commical thread... you hit the nail right on the head.

05-08-2004, 10:45 AM
Your dad sounds cool as hell, I would feel incredibly lucky to be faced with such options. I would stay in Wisconsin and build the garage and car with your Dad just so you get to spend more time with him. That's my vote.

05-08-2004, 11:40 AM
Honestly, I do not plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I just think that this is awesome that he is willing to do this.

Of my two sisters and my brother, I am the only one who really gets along with him. My only issue is that he keeps the heat around 56-58 all winter long and he said only two cars.

Only 6-6 1/2 more years of school. For those who don't know, I decided to switch majors.

Now if I could get my dad away from wanting that new bimmer 645 (quarter to 7) and into a faster, cheaper, more reliable car like a cobra or a vette.

05-10-2004, 07:59 AM
I have to agree with Yoosef,not only is the weather better, but the cruising season is longer. Plus who can resist the girls with a southeren accent :thumbsup
