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View Full Version : Droid Vs. Iphone, educate me

11-19-2009, 08:20 PM
I know nothing about these phones, but I'm eyeing up both of these, right now I am with Cellcom and I want a cool phone. I always wanted an Iphone but I have really been turned on to the Droid, seems a little better. I found this comparison on another forum, seems like they are pretty equal:

iPhone processor is 600mhz, Droid's is 550mhz. Winner - iPhone

iPhone modes are GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900, WCDMA 850, WCDMA 1900, and WCDMA 2100. Droid's are CDMA 850, and CDMA 1900. Winner - iPhone

iPhone weight is 4.76oz. Droid's is 5.99oz. Winner - iPhone

iPhone dimensions are 4.55" x 2.44" x 0.48". Droid's are 4.55" x 2.35" x 0.55". Winner - iPhone (Smaller OVERALL)

iPhone standby time is 300 hours. Droid's is 270 hours. Winner - iPhone

iPhone screen size is 3.5", Droid's is 3.7". Winner - Droid

iPhone built in memory is 32GB, Droid's is 256MB. Winner - iPhone

iPhone has predictive text entry, Droid does not. Winner - iPhone

iPhone camera is 3+ MP, Droid's is 5+ MP. Winner - Droid

iPhone has TV Out, Droid does not. Winner - iPhone

Seems like all the stuff Iphone is better at really doesnt matter, Even though the Iphone has the faster processor the Droid can multitask, Iphone is AT&T only, Iphone is only 1 ounce lighter, Drone has the MicroSD slot to get as much memory, and TV out means nothing.


11-19-2009, 08:25 PM
One thing is that you do have 32 MB onboard on the Iphone. But I am pretty sure the Droid includes an 8 or 16GB MicroSD card and its expandable to 32GB. The Iphone has no ability to support adding a card.

Crap, Nevermind I overlooked the last sentence in your post.

11-19-2009, 08:26 PM
Yeah, that is one point, Iphone has no card. I dont think I need 32gb for a phone but who knows....

11-19-2009, 08:29 PM
I have the BB Storm2 on Verizon and it has a 16MB SD card in it. I have 329 Music files loaded onto it and I am only using approx 1.1 Gb of the card.

11-19-2009, 09:02 PM
Ok, one other thing I just thought of. Do you carry or would you carry insurance on such a hi-tech phone. If you do, At&T will not insure the Iphone or any of their smartphones. Verizon on the other hand does Insure all their high end phones.

11-19-2009, 09:42 PM
My fiance has a Palm Centro through AT&T with insurance on it.

11-19-2009, 09:47 PM
Hmm, Ok then...The rep that I talked too when I was switching from US Cell told me that no smartphone could be insured. Maybe they switched insurance providers or maybe the guy I talked too had no clue :rolf

11-19-2009, 09:52 PM
Yeah, dunno.

I do know that Palm is the biggest piece of shit Ive ever tried to use, lol.

11-19-2009, 10:04 PM
iPhone doesn't exactly have "Insurance" but as long as you are prior iPhone user, there is a core charge for a replacement phone (having to send in your old one first) and for my 32gb 3gs its only $100.

iPhone has over 100k available apps, Droid doesn't.
iPhone has 5+ years of trouble shooting and experience, Android software is new.
iPhone doesn't require MicroSD, don't know about you guys, but that's a huge plus for me.. I've lost so many of those damn things. 32gb's of built in storage will take numerous full-length DVDS and hundreds of songs without a hiccup.
iPhone has so many accessories available
iPhone (being the most popular new smart phone) has numerous websites and other interfaces that are designed especially for use on the iPhone.

The iPhone is the only phone that will never really alter or change, it's a great simple platform that exceeds almost everyones needs in a cell phone.

11-19-2009, 11:13 PM
In response to that, I have never lost a memory card on anything I own, so thats not a concern for me. Ive been snooping online, there are a ton of apps and a few forums for the Droid, so to me thats equal too.

I still think I'm leaning towards the Droid, problem is, for some reason there is no Verizon retailer in Wausau. They have them in little hick towns like Antigo and Merrill, but not here. I will have to go look at them, I really dont think I want to go to AT&T, they havent been the best for us so far.

11-19-2009, 11:40 PM
I have the iPhone and I absolutely LOVE the phone, but I hate the service thru AT&T, Heidi and I will be switching to Verzion I will be getting the Droid, and she will be getting the Blackberry Storm 2 prolly next month. BTW the Droid come with a 16gb car preinstalled as does the Storm 2, and you can have full insurance on the Droid and Storm 2 for like 7.99 a month, that's what the guy told us at the store tonite. If I were you Dan I'd go with the Droid simply for the network.

11-20-2009, 12:08 AM
I have been running a android phone for almost a year now.

Pros over the iphone

Supports many different types of music and video files.

Most almost all applications that are available on the Iphone are available on the android phone, if its not in the market you can usually get it from xda-developers.

Open source phone, meaning you can customize it to your liking

with android there are many ways to mod it and make it your own if you are into that thing. If i where you i would go watch some reviews on the htc hero vs the iphone and make you decision, the iphone software has become out dated compared to what android can do. With google creating the software and developing it there are always new updates to improve it as it goes along.

it does most and even more things then the iphone and because its powered by google you get the freedom of having over 8gigs of online storage for contacts, texts, email, and pictures (used with pixia).

And yes android has predictive text that works fairly well while you are typing it shows you a list and will match the best one.

Iphone's never really impressed me, they are over rated in my eyes after using a iphone and then moving to the android but thats just me. I like having the freedom of open source and not being tied down to itunes for apps and music.

The bad notes on android phones

Since they are always online and getting info and updates on location, emails and so on the battery life does rather suck, there are better batteries that you can get for under 20 bux that last alot longer.

The menus could be a little nicer they are mostly just lists of things that you can do, just a simple menu style compared to what it could be.

Sometimes can be buggy but not to often where it annoys the crap out of you with the latest version they got rid of alot of problems, like freezing when trying to delete texts was the most annoying one.

Like i said after using a iphone and then moving to the android platform im really happy with it, xda-developers is a cool website to find a lot of info on phones. Its a growing platform that works well since recent updates and I myself will continue to use.

11-20-2009, 12:37 AM
So lets try this:

It seems that the Droid does everything the Iphone does and it also does everything the Iphone doesnt? Some things the Iphone may be better at are:

The Iphone weighs less---Only 1 oz. That doesnt matter to me.

Iphone is physically smaller---Doesnt have a keyboard. I would like the keyboard I think.

Iphone has 300 hours standby Vs. 270 for the Droid---I dont think I would almost 2 weeks without charging my phone. Doesnt matter to me.

IPhone has predictive text entry, Droid does not.---its my understanding that Droid does, just not on the physical keyboard YET?

Iphone has 32gb onboard memory, Droid needs a MicroSD---Not a real big deal, I think it comes with a 16gb card anyway. Ive never lost a memory card on anything I own, so that doesnt matter to me.

Iphone has 1 gajillion different apps, droid has more coming every day and Ive read that they are FREE??

Droid has the voice recognition for Google and the GPS, it also has the barcode scanner tingy.

Everything Ive seen says the Verizon service blows away the AT&T service?

So besides that stuff, what would make the Iphone better?

11-20-2009, 12:47 AM
IPhone has predictive text entry, Droid does not.---its my understanding that Droid does, just not on the physical keyboard YET

Onscreen does physical does not but you will use the physical keyboard more then the onscreen one and once you get used to it they are MUCH better. I can text without looking just like i can type.

Iphone has 1 gajillion different apps, droid has more coming every day and Ive read that they are FREE??

Most are free and you will not pay over 5 dollars for one, the only app that i ever bought was open home wich gives you up to 10 flip screens (i use 4). Which is great because the android runs widgets which Iphone does not ( like weather, facebook, clock, sports ticker, radio, it goes on and on) most apps that are coming out have a widget option virtually eliminating having billions of icons you can just get a quick glance with out having to launch the app.

Droid has the voice recognition for Google and the GPS, it also has the barcode scanner tingy.

The voice recognition actually works well i dont use it much though.

The only reason i could see the iphone being better then android platform phones is there is SO MUCH SHIT FOR THEM.

Oh and with google unlike apple if the phone ever and i mean ever becomes bricked and non working because of software issues you will receive a new phone next day i have done this twice now once with my friends who is on my (tmobile plan) and mine since we loaded the hero software lol which they do not clam as malicious because it is open source and the welcome modding them.

Oh side note i hate tmobile besides the fact of my g1

11-20-2009, 12:50 AM

11-20-2009, 12:56 AM
Also, my fiance runs a salon and uses her phone for all of her daily scheduling. Can the Droid do that too?

11-20-2009, 01:00 AM
its actually good that you asked that, since she does do that.

Say that she is on the phone talking to someone and she needs to put a meeting in the calender she can hit the home button and go to the calendar us the on screen keyboard and enter what she needs while on the phone.

I can actually send a text while talking on my phone, browse the internet, watch youtube, look at the packers score, or just do anything cause how well it actually multi tasks.

android 2.0 is really much nicer then the 1.6 version i have on my g1

11-20-2009, 01:07 AM
How much extra is the Verizon smartphone data plan?

11-20-2009, 01:10 AM
not sure im not on it lol. you would have to find a store and find out what they want. Plus Verizon works pretty much anywhere in the start over most gsm networks.

Verizon also uses a little nicer 3g service over at&t.

11-20-2009, 01:10 AM
I love the iphone, by far my favorite does everything I like and more got rid of both my ipods and dingleberry for it. If I were you I'd go to the store and play around with both phones to choose a winner.

11-20-2009, 08:11 AM
I can actually send a text while talking on my phone, browse the internet, watch youtube, look at the packers score, or just do anything cause how well it actually multi tasks.

I can do the same on my iphone, too.

11-20-2009, 08:18 AM
Also, my fiance runs a salon and uses her phone for all of her daily scheduling. Can the Droid do that too?

Setup a google calendar for scheduling.

With an iPhone you can read/write to a google calendar through calDAV. You can change it on a computer on google.com/calendar and it'll be on the phone automatically. You can add something on the phone, then check it online and it's there. No syncing, no bs, just automatically.

However since android is from google, I'm sure they have have something as well for calDAV to their calendars.

11-20-2009, 03:00 PM
Droid > iPhone, give it a few months and you will have more apps then you can shake a stick at

11-20-2009, 03:05 PM
Droid > iPhone, give it a few months and you will have more apps then you can shake a stick at

Well since the platform has been around for about two years there are way more apps then people think.

And 90% of them are free.

11-20-2009, 03:06 PM
Setup a google calendar for scheduling.

With an iPhone you can read/write to a google calendar through calDAV. You can change it on a computer on google.com/calendar and it'll be on the phone automatically. You can add something on the phone, then check it online and it's there. No syncing, no bs, just automatically.

However since android is from google, I'm sure they have have something as well for calDAV to their calendars.

Yea with android it interfaces with your gmail account so when uploading a new contact or meeting on the calendar they automatically go to your gmail and vise verse.

11-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Don't trust google.

11-20-2009, 04:49 PM
Ok, one other thing I just thought of. Do you carry or would you carry insurance on such a hi-tech phone. If you do, At&T will not insure the Iphone or any of their smartphones. Verizon on the other hand does Insure all their high end phones.

With the iPhone, you get insurance through Apple, not AT&T directly.

11-21-2009, 02:17 AM
What happens when your iphone battery takes a shit, and it needs to be replaced? What if your memory/storage gets corrupted, can you just slide it out and replace it with a new card?

The iphone is cool, and I've wanted one for awhile, but I haven't made the switch from Sprint because I can't get past ATT's shitty phone service in the more rural areas of the state. So I have been waiting for someone to come out with a worthy competitor to the iphone, and I think the Droid is it. I looked into staying with Sprint and going with the HTC Hero, but I can get an equivalent phone from Verizon in the overlooked HTC Eris. It comes with a 8g memory card and it's only $99 (verses $179 for the Hero) with a 2 year contract. The Droid blows it away. Android 2.0 operating system verses 1.5 in most other android phones. I've handled the Droid twice now and I think I've found a worthy adversary to the iphone without having to deal with ATT's so-so statewide service.

11-21-2009, 07:50 PM
Is there a way for her to use Google Calendar for her scheduling on her phone and sync it to the PC at her salon even though her salon does not have internet access?

11-21-2009, 08:29 PM
Is there a way for her to use Google Calendar for her scheduling on her phone and sync it to the PC at her salon even though her salon does not have internet access?

It would needs internet access.

11-21-2009, 11:12 PM
OK, so back to the scheduling app problem. She uses her phone now to maintain her daily schedule of client appointments, she syncs it with the PC at the salon (no internet access) to update.

What is needed for the Droid phone to do this?

11-22-2009, 01:38 AM
well like any smart phone you will need the media package which includes internet, as soon as she puts an appointment in the calender it will be automatically uploaded to her gmail, or vise verse.

11-22-2009, 04:28 AM
I'm a little confused I think. Right now she schedules either on the PC at the salon or on her phone while away from teh salon, then every day she connects the phone to the PC and syncs the 2. Can this be done with the Droid?

11-22-2009, 11:36 AM
Does droid cost half as much as iPhone?

11-22-2009, 01:25 PM
Iphone 3GS 32gb is $300 on AT&T website, Droid is $200 but then you need a 32gb card which I'm sure is cheap on ebay.

11-22-2009, 01:36 PM
Iphone 3GS 32gb is $300 on AT&T website, Droid is $200 but then you need a 32gb card which I'm sure is cheap on ebay.

How about monthly cost?

11-22-2009, 01:50 PM
Same. I compared plans last night, both Verizon and AT&T are equal for what I looked at, that is just going off of Best Buy's website. I'm not sure how much they will budge on pricing?

11-22-2009, 03:41 PM
I'm a little confused I think. Right now she schedules either on the PC at the salon or on her phone while away from teh salon, then every day she connects the phone to the PC and syncs the 2. Can this be done with the Droid?

No pluging in necessary it just does it automatically though the 3g network.

11-22-2009, 04:03 PM
I've been looking around and from what I can find, there is no 32gb Micro/Mini SD's. There's regular SanDisk ones and Sony ones for like digital cameras, but nothing that would fit in that phone.. And the digital camera ones are 200+.

11-22-2009, 04:24 PM
you wont need that much space anyways lol i have a 8 gig in mine and it works just fine. you can pick up a 4gig cheap and it will be enough. The iphone has more space because people like them for their mp3 player but with most phones. How often are you going to listen to music or watch a movie? If you have another mp3 player that can do that better anyways because the player was designed for it?

Rocket Power
11-22-2009, 04:54 PM
If you have another mp3 player that can do that better anyways because the player was designed for it?
I'm the opposite. I have pretty much quit using my ipod and use my BB Storm for music, both the slacker app and music from my computer .

11-22-2009, 05:45 PM
i used my HTC for streaming music but thats about it, i like the quality out of my samsung yp-p2 which i use when ever im working on my car or in my car when it runs lol.

11-22-2009, 06:50 PM
We all have the iPhone at work. We use the Exchange Server to communicate everything back and forth. I can enter Calendar items and it uploads wirelessly through Exchange and then my Calendar is published. Using Outlook on my work computer, that info is "Shared" to users on the Exchange server that "need to know".

So I was in Vegas last week and I updated my Calendar walking down the strip. Our executive secretary updated my Calendar for the week I got home. Nice thing was I could prepare for an upcoming meeting at night while in Vegas and was prepared by the time I landed. Not a phone call necessary.

I also surf this site while awaiting planes. I use it to find stuff like Lucky Bob's when shopping. It gives you immediate phone number info, then you click on the map link, then use the GPS to create driving instructions (step by step) to the location. You can do all this while still talking.

I also love the weather app. and the fact that I can build my own apps if necessary.

I HATED Apple and MAC for years as there was a big MAC / PC war in my office. I hate to say that I love my iPhone. I have not had an issue with service and I travel quite a bit. I know it is a pain when it drops the 3G network and goes E, but at that point you can tie into Hotel wi-fi.

11-22-2009, 06:51 PM
No pluging in necessary it just does it automatically though the 3g network.

But how does she get the info off her PC if it's not online?

11-22-2009, 10:24 PM
I went looking for info on the new droid phone a few hours ago.

I first went to the Verizon store at Bayshore. All of the phones on display were doing nothing other than ask for a password. Aside from that, the people working there were not being of much help.

I then went to the Apple store. The people there wanted to help instantly. My first question was about the coverage range of the ATT 3G. I asked where coverage dropped off. According to the guy, coverage stopped somewhere around Spring Green when heading west.

For me, range is a key issue. I asked "if I took rural roads from Milwaukee to Key West, how often would I not have coverage?" This is important because I just rode my bike 4828 miles in 9 days. I checked my 3g verizon enV2 every few hours to check the national weather service updates. The only time it did not work was when I was at Deal's Gap (i could not even make calls).

For me, the droid looks alot better than the Iphone, but I am also curious about a Blackberry. I want a real keyboard; the droid one feels cheap.

I am going to look again tomorrow morning.

MoCkiN U
11-22-2009, 11:14 PM
call the gurnee store and ask for Brian King 847-855-6019 option 3. He can give you factual data on the droid. I'm out of the loop a bit on it and didnt get to play with them as much before leaving.

11-23-2009, 04:00 AM
But how does she get the info off her PC if it's not online?

Wait there is a computer that is not on the internet? umm

Lol jk.

They is a app in the market for her to be able to connect and sync.

Mr Twigbert
11-23-2009, 09:54 AM
Here's my thoughts..

I was a iphone 3G user...

I upgraded to the 3GS and still have it..

Lit (Chris) went up to check out the Droid seeing her has Ver. as a carrier.. He came back and said, "Seann, I didn't like it." I figured he was just being a puss and didn't want to spend the money.. So we both went up the day later and check it out.. They had a fully working display out for people to test..

My thoughs are:

1) The Droid seemed 'plastic'ie' and just didn't feel like it was made very well.. Almost like if you squeezed it you could feel the plastic pieces move upon the pressure..

2) The screen was very 'gittery' when using it.. It noticed it when surfing the web and looking through the contacts.. At this time I broke out my iphone and went to no other site than BCM on both phones.. I then used my thumbs and moved the screens around at the same times.. Neither phone gave the 'checkered' boxed but the Droid's screen was very 'gittery' and the iphone was smooth as a babies ace..

3) I then checked out the available games for the Droid.. I saw games like connect 4, tic tac toe and tetris.. The selection of games SUCKED! Now I know it's a new phone but I figured they would have some better apps and games then just those basic pieces of crap..

I use the heck out of my phone but the #1 thing I use it for is playing games when I am bored.. Remember, I AM A CITY WORKER so I have time to spare..

I felt like the iphone was BY FAR a better piece of hardware.. HANDS DOWN..

11-23-2009, 10:50 AM
twig, software that is preloaded on the phones in the store is NOT what you CAN get for it for free. There is a metric shit load of free bullshit open source games available for that phone.

I agree with the whole feels like it will break in your hand thing, but the iPhone is a peice of garbage as well.

If you want a real phone. get a fucking blackberry. If you want a trendy peice of shit, get the iPhone, if you want your every god damn move databased then sold to the highest bidder/gov, get the droid.

11-23-2009, 11:36 AM
If you want a real phone. get a fucking blackberry. If you want a trendy peice of shit, get the iPhone, if you want your every god damn move databased then sold to the highest bidder/gov, get the droid.

I am looking for a phone that can do email, give me the weather, take a photo, and do minor web surfing. You think a blackberry would work best?

MoCkiN U
11-23-2009, 11:57 AM
shit the curve will do that for ya LOL......

But truly the storm 2 is really nice and will do tons of that and real time alerts too. The tour is a great piece but the track ball is just garbage and they are failing left and right. The curve 2 should be out before christmas too. Dont know how many carriers will pick it up

11-23-2009, 12:00 PM
I am looking for a phone that can do email, give me the weather, take a photo, and do minor web surfing. You think a blackberry would work best?

Depends on what you want to spend. Almost any phone can do what you're requiring these days.

In my experience Motorola is junk. Every phone I ever had from them (4 total) failed within a year. iPhone is a good phone, but a lot of people let the marketing and trendy-ness get to their head. It's good but not that great. The Blackberry Storm 2 seems like a really nice piece of hardware, with great software and support to boot. You could also cross over to the unlocked GSM cell phone arena and buy a Nokia E71 or E72, GREAT phones. Or even the N900 or an N series nokia that will walk all over an Iphone all day.

11-23-2009, 12:02 PM
Blackberry is moving away from the trackball. They are moving to the trackpad, so if you want to stay away from the storm 2 find a blackberry that has the trackpad and you will be set.

MoCkiN U
11-23-2009, 12:03 PM
yeah, you are right there for sure. My samsung rogue gets my aol mail, road runner mail, weather updates with widget, navigator, and web play time all in a normal phone that I pay $25 a month for. That gives me email, web, navigator all included

myles, curve two has that pad you are talking about. maybe each carrier will pick it up cause it is really slick. cant be too far away as its on BB's site now

Rocket Power
11-23-2009, 12:19 PM
still loving my OG storm. Will probably go with the storm 2 when upgrade time comes. Unless they come out with a better one by then.

MoCkiN U
11-23-2009, 12:22 PM
5.0 made original storm sooooo much better. Now, why couldnt they just do that at launch instead of making customers and employees battle for a year to figure that damned thing out LOL

11-23-2009, 12:24 PM
BTW- when I say "get the weather," I want radar images with the 2-hour loop. Bigger screens are better. My env2 can do this stuff, but it takes minutes to get a 5-frame loop. The web surfing works for sht also. I use AOL too.

11-23-2009, 12:40 PM
BTW- when I say "get the weather," I want radar images with the 2-hour loop. Bigger screens are better. My env2 can do this stuff, but it takes minutes to get a 5-frame loop. The web surfing works for sht also. I use AOL too.

Alright, well any one of the phones that we've been talking about will do that. I can tell you that if I were in the market for a new phone, and I absolutely wanted to go to a cellphone store, buy a phone and re-up a contract. I would walk straight into Verizon and get a Storm2. I've used a regular storm and have multiple friends with storms and they really like them.

If I didn't want to re-up a contract and just wanted a new phone (I'm on AT&T at the moment, so GSM phones work for me). I would go to newegg.com and buy a Nokia N900 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16875205178&cm_re=nokia_n900-_-75-205-178-_-Product) It literally does everything, it even has a built in FM transmitter to listen to music in your car.

MoCkiN U
11-23-2009, 12:43 PM
I just pulled all of that up on weather.com. It didnt feel painfully slow but at my house I dont get data at all. Im on 1X here so its slower. I could pull up all the weather maps. Its a big screen. The only thing I dont like is its a pain to click all the little tiny links and buttons with your finger cause they are so small but I found the arrows on the keypad navigate around really welll and acurately so I use those instead. On my rogue of course.

ohhhhh.....Now if nokia only made phones like that for us in the US that werent stupid expensive then the game would be on. They make some serious shit for the overseas market

11-23-2009, 12:50 PM
The Nokia N900 is a bad mother fucker. Full linux distro and has LOTS of goodies.

Rocket Power
11-23-2009, 12:51 PM
5.0 made original storm sooooo much better. Now, why couldnt they just do that at launch instead of making customers and employees battle for a year to figure that damned thing out LOLQFT:rolf

11-23-2009, 12:53 PM
I have berryweather for my phone. It has a radar loop. I paid 10 bucks for it but it was worth it.

11-23-2009, 01:49 PM
I think everything is settled, she doesnt really like the feel of the Droid, so she will stick with her Palm and I will get the Droid, everyones happy. Thanks guys.

11-23-2009, 04:20 PM
I am typing this from a bb storm 2.
Not digging the droid.
Btw~ I want to be able to send photos in email format on the regular from my phone. I think the bb is going to win

11-23-2009, 04:21 PM
I am typing this from a bb storm 2.
Not digging the droid.
Btw~ I want to be able to send photos in email format on the regular from my phone. I think the bb is going to win

11-23-2009, 04:31 PM
I just pulled all of that up on weather.com. It didnt feel painfully slow but at my house I dont get data at all. Im on 1X here so its slower. I could pull up all the weather maps. Its a big screen. The only thing I dont like is its a pain to click all the little tiny links and buttons with your finger cause they are so small but I found the arrows on the keypad navigate around really welll and acurately so I use those instead. On my rogue of course.

ohhhhh.....Now if nokia only made phones like that for us in the US that werent stupid expensive then the game would be on. They make some serious shit for the overseas market

The N900 I linked to is a US market phone, Nokia just doesn't advertise over here and doesn't really get into bed with the big cell phone companies here. I honestly have no idea why. They're mid to high end phones are insane. The Nokia N95 came out around the same time as the iPhone, it had a 5.0MP camera and carl zeiss optics. DVD movie quality camcording, 8 GB storage card, GPS, bluetooth, WiFi, literally everything you could want in a phone at the time.

When the iPhone came out, it was actually cheaper to get the Nokia N95. Problem is, no one knew about it except a select few with relatives in Europe or a keen interest in mobile technology.

11-23-2009, 09:58 PM
Tried the droid at another location because bayshore was full of people who were of no help.

The advantage of the droid are these as I can tell:
-free navigation
-much faster web browsing

11-23-2009, 11:02 PM
I havent really found any good reasons to buy the Iphone over the Droid.

11-24-2009, 09:46 PM
I havent really found any good reasons to buy the Iphone over the Droid.

Free apps...duh :devil

11-24-2009, 09:53 PM
i hate the predictive text entry on the iphone it drives me crazy entering things i dont wan it to...

11-25-2009, 02:24 AM
i hate the predictive text entry on the iphone it drives me crazy entering things i dont wan it to...

So turn it off.:banana1::banana1:

11-25-2009, 05:12 AM
Free apps...duh :devil

I have a ton of free apps on my Droid

11-25-2009, 12:37 PM
Being that I am an iPhone user, pretty much since the beginning.... I don't really like any other phones out there. Maybe like Myles said, I just like having a "trendy piece of shit" or whatever terms were used. Everyone has their own opinions. I have used 3 different BlackBerry phones, I was impressed with them. I switched over to the iPhone about 3 months after it came out. I love it, I think it is easy to use, easy to navigate, and just fun to play around with. I use it simply for calls, texting, email, and internet. I love the apps. I haven't played around with the BB Storm1/2 or the Droid, and quite frankly I have no interest to. I will be upgrading to the 3GS soon and then the iPhone 4G when it comes out.

11-25-2009, 01:17 PM
Planning on buying the Droid also. I've been following a thread on another larger forum and people are generally impressed with it. It has it's flaws (most seem to be with the shape), but so does/did the iPhone.

For a person like me who won't leave Verizon just to get an iPhone the Droid is the answer. I like the answer too.

Rocket Power
11-25-2009, 02:58 PM
I have a ton of free apps on my Droid
Same with my storm. From crackberry.com and the BB app world

11-26-2009, 12:06 AM
Bought a droid.

Having a portable device that can access the net on a whim has already saved my friends and I hours of hardship when fixing cars.

11-26-2009, 12:14 AM
I thought you didnt care for the Droid? What changed your mind?

11-26-2009, 01:34 PM
i miss mine right now, bricked it playing with a custom rom i get my new one on monday. I love them for the free replacement plan

11-26-2009, 09:46 PM
I thought you didnt care for the Droid? What changed your mind?

For some reason, the Droid at the Bayshore location was not working properly. When I went to the Grafton location, it worked well.

I played around with both for about 5 hours total. Some of you might know that I spend lots of time investigating my future purchases. Considering that I will have the phone for 2 years, I wanted to be damn sure that I got what I wanted.

What really sold me on the droid was that it web browsed about 10 times faster than the BB Storm2.

11-26-2009, 10:28 PM
For some reason, the Droid at the Bayshore location was not working properly. When I went to the Grafton location, it worked well.

I played around with both for about 5 hours total. Some of you might know that I spend lots of time investigating my future purchases. Considering that I will have the phone for 2 years, I wanted to be damn sure that I got what I wanted.

What really sold me on the droid was that it web browsed about 10 times faster than the BB Storm2.

down load the steel browser... freaking life changing. stupid fast.

11-29-2009, 02:04 AM
Finally pulled the trigger on a Droid tonight. I am typing this on it right now. I love this phone.... :thumbsup

11-29-2009, 02:17 AM
One thing I noticed about the phone:
If you have the web package, read the small print about "unlimited" data. It might only be 5gb/month

11-29-2009, 03:12 AM
im enjoying my newly purchased iphone.

11-29-2009, 03:11 PM
I'm just waiting for my current contract to expire in January so I can switch to Verizon and get my Droid.

MoCkiN U
11-29-2009, 06:30 PM
One thing I noticed about the phone:
If you have the web package, read the small print about "unlimited" data. It might only be 5gb/month

the 5gb data connection rate only applies when using the phone as a modem for a seperate pc or laptop. its unlimited data on the phone itself

11-30-2009, 01:14 AM
yea teathering it will use that up pretty quick and they can tell when you do it.

MoCkiN U
11-30-2009, 05:02 AM
it wont tether unless the plan is connected cause the MTN must be activated in the vzaccess manager program and that wont happen without tether plan so it wouldnt be an accident. play around....have fun....it wont cost extra as long as its in the phone

11-30-2009, 09:06 AM
I finally got to take a look at a droid. It wasn't actually working becuase I was looking at it at the kiosk in the mall.

Just looking at it from a visual standpoint, man did they drop the ball on the aesthetics. The extra lip that the bottom piece creates is so unappealing. Comparing it to the iPhone it looks like old tech.

It's not a make or break or anything because it doesn't actually change the functionality of the phone. But they did drop the ball.

11-30-2009, 12:08 PM
Theres a app for the droid where you can teaher for free with the $30/month plan. It makes it appear that your using the web broswer on the droid, but really you are using it as a modem. I can't remember the name of the app, but its not in the app store (wonder why?). You must download the app on your pc then transfer it.

I'm going to get one in the next week or so.

11-30-2009, 12:30 PM
I'm not entirely impressed with the droid. I don't like the slideout keyboard and the feel of it. The iphone has a faster processor and from sites that I read, far better battery life. Droid's screen is bigger by about 5mm. Its camera is better by 2mp. I see no use to that. I have a digital camera for taking pictures.

I've heard arguments that the droid doesn't need to be jailbroken or unlocked to be able to accept any app from any author, where-as the iphone cannot do that without being jailbroken. After reading about it, it sounds like a security issue. I honestly can't picture any apps being so important, I need to jailbreak my phone to get them. With the 60k + apps they have to offer, i don't think I'll be needing a small handful more.

11-30-2009, 01:04 PM
I think one of the main things is droid is on a better network. App wise, they are pretty much the same (expect for the google maps/gps). Droid is dirt cheep too at $119 with free activation and shipping.

The slide out keyboard looks like it'll just take time to get used it.

The droid isn't going to outsell the iphone, but I perfer it. iphone is just too played out for me with everyone and their mom's having an itouch or iphone.

11-30-2009, 01:10 PM
I'm not entirely impressed with the droid. I don't like the slideout keyboard and the feel of it. The iphone has a faster processor and from sites that I read, far better battery life. Droid's screen is bigger by about 5mm. Its camera is better by 2mp. I see no use to that. I have a digital camera for taking pictures.

I've heard arguments that the droid doesn't need to be jailbroken or unlocked to be able to accept any app from any author, where-as the iphone cannot do that without being jailbroken. After reading about it, it sounds like a security issue. I honestly can't picture any apps being so important, I need to jailbreak my phone to get them. With the 60k + apps they have to offer, i don't think I'll be needing a small handful more.

Even with the camera I have, it's nice to have a nicer small point and shoot/phone camera with me all the time I don't lug my dslr around with me all the time. A 5mp camera on a phone is just bonkers to me.

11-30-2009, 02:45 PM
I think one of the main things is droid is on a better network. App wise, they are pretty much the same (expect for the google maps/gps). Droid is dirt cheep too at $119 with free activation and shipping.

The slide out keyboard looks like it'll just take time to get used it.

The droid isn't going to outsell the iphone, but I perfer it. iphone is just too played out for me with everyone and their mom's having an itouch or iphone.

my iphone was $99 just a few days ago :thumbsup

11-30-2009, 02:47 PM
Even with the camera I have, it's nice to have a nicer small point and shoot/phone camera with me all the time I don't lug my dslr around with me all the time. A 5mp camera on a phone is just bonkers to me.

I hear ya. But I dont have a dslr to lug around. I have a kodak 7mp point and shoot, and its about the size of my wallet. 5mp is definitely incredible for a phone, but honestly, for the FEW times I actually take a picture with my phone.... I won't notice a difference.

11-30-2009, 02:58 PM
I hear ya. But I dont have a dslr to lug around. I have a kodak 7mp point and shoot, and its about the size of my wallet. 5mp is definitely incredible for a phone, but honestly, for the FEW times I actually take a picture with my phone.... I won't notice a difference.

Yeah so in my case it would become my point and shoot. Which is helpful in a lot of situations.

BoosTT, where did you see it for $119? I thought it was $199.

11-30-2009, 03:23 PM
I'm not entirely impressed with the droid. I don't like the slideout keyboard and the feel of it. The iphone has a faster processor and from sites that I read, far better battery life.

I wouldnt say "far" better battery, it has 30 hours more standby time than the Droid, 300 vs. 270. I dunno about anyone else, but do you ever go 2 weeks without charging? lol.

Ive also read that the faster processor means nothing when you can only do 1 thing at a time on the iphone, where the Droid can do many things at once.

This is just what Ive read, I dont have any personal experience to back any of it up, so its probably all bullshit, lol.

I actually use the camera on my phone often because I dont always carry a camera with me.

11-30-2009, 03:24 PM
I bet BoosTT is thinking of the Droid HTC, which is completely different and not nearly as nice a phone, different operating system and everything.

11-30-2009, 03:37 PM
I bet BoosTT is thinking of the Droid HTC, which is completely different and not nearly as nice a phone, different operating system and everything.

That's what I was thinking he meant. Just wanted to make sure.

11-30-2009, 06:13 PM
No. Motorola Droid for $119 brand new. Got to buy it on dell.com


11-30-2009, 06:27 PM
Funny you just posted that link, I JUST found it on another site too.

11-30-2009, 06:41 PM
I wouldnt say "far" better battery, it has 30 hours more standby time than the Droid, 300 vs. 270. I dunno about anyone else, but do you ever go 2 weeks without charging? lol.

Ive also read that the faster processor means nothing when you can only do 1 thing at a time on the iphone, where the Droid can do many things at once.

This is just what Ive read, I dont have any personal experience to back any of it up, so its probably all bullshit, lol.

I actually use the camera on my phone often because I dont always carry a camera with me.


12 hours (720 mins) of Talk time
300 hours (13 days) of Stand-by time

6.41 hours (385 mins) of Talk time
270 hours (11 days) of Stand-by time

Have fun multi-tasking for half the time :thumbsup

Karps TA
11-30-2009, 08:14 PM
G4 reviewed the HTC Droid this evening and raved about it. They said it's the best non-Iphone choice out there, and with not having to use AT&T it could even push it past the Iphone.

11-30-2009, 09:07 PM

12 hours (720 mins) of Talk time
300 hours (13 days) of Stand-by time

6.41 hours (385 mins) of Talk time
270 hours (11 days) of Stand-by time

Have fun multi-tasking for half the time :thumbsup

Thats the first I saw talk time hours, I was curious. I will still be going with the Droid myself, I can get a spare battery off ebay for $30 and have the better phone and the same talk time. How much is the iphone battery? (lol, just pokin fun!)

G4 reviewed the HTC Droid this evening and raved about it. They said it's the best non-Iphone choice out there, and with not having to use AT&T it could even push it past the Iphone.

And thats the Android 1.5 phone, not even the "good" one? The Motorola is the 2.0 which is supposed to be tons better?

Karps TA
11-30-2009, 09:19 PM
Actually they made it sound like the HTC and Motorola were a wash. Each had some features better then the other but overall they said it was an excellent phone.

11-30-2009, 09:23 PM
Ive seen complaints about the 1.5, that was a big reason "they" are raving about 2.0.

Karps TA
11-30-2009, 09:25 PM
Personally I find everybody complains about everything. lol It's like impossible to find out actual information on anything anymore.

11-30-2009, 09:36 PM
You got that right.

11-30-2009, 09:54 PM
Thats the first I saw talk time hours, I was curious. I will still be going with the Droid myself, I can get a spare battery off ebay for $30 and have the better phone and the same talk time. How much is the iphone battery? (lol, just pokin fun!)

what do I need a spare battery for when I have double the talk time? :thumbsup

No matter what phone I own, I charge it nightly as I sleep anyway. But if I plug my iphone into my xbox to listen to music, or to my computer to sync it, it gets charged as all that happens anyway. Believe me, I'm not putting down the Droid. And I'm not saying the iphone is gods gift to earth. Each phone has its pros and cons.

11-30-2009, 09:58 PM
That was kinda my point too, who the phuck goes for a week or more without charging their phone?

I agree, both great phones. Its nice to have choices now.

11-30-2009, 10:17 PM
Verizon's 3G network does not allow you to do anything else while in call. You can't jump online while on a call, or check email....etc.

Although I do love their network otherwise. We'll see how AT&T goes..... I just switched this past friday for the iphone

12-01-2009, 09:17 AM
No. Motorola Droid for $119 brand new. Got to buy it on dell.com


Nice. Too bad I have so much Christmas shopping to do right now.

Personally I find everybody complains about everything. lol It's like impossible to find out actual information on anything anymore.

Like the Packers...;)

12-01-2009, 11:33 AM
Another reason this phone is cool:


12-01-2009, 05:07 PM
Verizon's 3G network does not allow you to do anything else while in call. You can't jump online while on a call, or check email....etc.

Ive heard otherwise. I wonder what the real deal is?

Talking about his new Droid:


12-01-2009, 10:31 PM
LOL @ that corral thread. Jesus phone... :rolf :thumbsup

12-02-2009, 09:20 AM
Verizon's 3G network does not allow you to do anything else while in call. You can't jump online while on a call, or check email....etc.

Although I do love their network otherwise. We'll see how AT&T goes..... I just switched this past friday for the iphone

Ive heard otherwise. I wonder what the real deal is?

Talking about his new Droid:


I've heard otherwise also. In fact there's a commercial all about it...

12-05-2009, 10:55 PM
Just turned my jailbroken iPhone into a 3G wireless router. Search for MyWi in Cydia. It turns your iPhone into your own personal wi-fi hotspot using 3G, or you can tether the old fashioned way with USB/bluetooth.

Sample screenshot (not mine):

12-06-2009, 02:57 AM
OK, so for us techno idiots, what am I looking at? lol

MoCkiN U
12-06-2009, 08:19 AM
I've heard otherwise also. In fact there's a commercial all about it...

I can take my samsung rougue and make a phone call and browse the web. The verizon HTC 6800 was the first phone they had with dual radios for voice and web use. My storm, curve also did same thing. Email wont come in or go out when on a call but I can browse easily.

That commercial is waaaay off. I actually showed my wife a few days ago and she giggled

12-06-2009, 09:07 AM
we actually sat down yesterday and did the iPhone / Droid off at Cafe Hollander over a few beers. Turns out the Droid is much better for video playback. The Droid also has the "real" keyboard. I still prefer the iPhone. I can talk AND give directions simultaneously.

12-06-2009, 12:25 PM
I've been real happy with my iPhone and just jailbroke it with blackra1n the other day, finally....opens up alot of other crap that makes it even better like murdoc158 shows as one example. I guess that doesn't help much since I never toyed with the Droid but I've had no complaints about my iPhone other than that like the Verizon commercials like to play off, the 3G area isn't huge so if you are in the middle of nowhere (like at my uncles in Markesan for Thanksgiving, heh) it will be almost useless.

Originally Posted by Karps TA
Personally I find everybody complains about everything. lol It's like impossible to find out actual information on anything anymore.

Like the Packers...;)


12-06-2009, 08:40 PM
OK, so for us techno idiots, what am I looking at? lol

The picture I posted is the program itself. The first line turns Wi-fi sharing on/off. The second line is the wireless SSID (the name of the wireless networks your computer sees). The third allows you to change the wireless channel if there is a lot of interference on the network. The fourth and fifth allow you to turn on security so no one else can connect to your open network.

Like I said, this program lets you make your own personal wi-fi hotspot using your iPhone's 3G connection. You can connect laptops, PSP's, iPod Touches, or anything else you can get access on via wi-fi.

Sprint and Verizon are selling standalone units that do the same thing for $100 but they require a $60/month data plan too. http://gizmodo.com/5252533/sprint-selling-mifi-2200-portable-wi+fi-hotspot-for-its-3g-service

MoCkiN U
12-06-2009, 09:55 PM
^not only charge for data but also limit the amount of data you can transfer through it also. Def good find by you there