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11-13-2009, 12:08 PM

kind of neat. gotta wonder if in 50 years there will be water refineries on the moon!

11-13-2009, 12:14 PM
In 50 years it will be bottled and sold on supermarket shelves.

11-13-2009, 12:22 PM
In 50 years we'll be looking for water on _(insert planet here)_ and have wasted trillions of dollars, and still have nothing of value to show for it.

11-13-2009, 12:22 PM
That's awesome!

11-13-2009, 12:24 PM
In 50 years we will all be enslaved Obamians

11-13-2009, 12:52 PM
in 50 years we'll be looking for water on _(insert planet here)_ and have wasted trillions of dollars, and still have nothing of value to show for it.


11-13-2009, 12:54 PM
It says they want to get people up there by 2020. it sounds like the technology will be ready before that even. So it would be more like 10 years. Kind of cool but yeah, it's not cheap. IMO it's money well spend compaired to dumping money into other contries.

You people also need to realize that a lot of the materials we use today were developed by NASA. So it is not a COMPLETE waste of money to the everyday person.

11-13-2009, 01:07 PM
By February it will be bottled and sold on supermarket shelves.

Fixed. This country is all about fads.

11-13-2009, 01:13 PM
Wow that is awesome.

Feature Pony
11-13-2009, 01:54 PM
It says they want to get people up there by 2020. it sounds like the technology will be ready before that even. So it would be more like 10 years. Kind of cool but yeah, it's not cheap. IMO it's money well spend compaired to dumping money into other contries.

You people also need to realize that a lot of the materials we use today were developed by NASA. So it is not a COMPLETE waste of money to the everyday person.

cool, lets get rid of the green people first AL GORE ALL A BOARD!!!!

Karps TA
11-13-2009, 02:23 PM
Great another source of overpriced bottled water.

That said I'm happy to see money spent on getting off this rock. Wish they'd spend more.

11-13-2009, 04:45 PM
You people also need to realize that a lot of the materials we use today were developed by NASA. So it is not a COMPLETE waste of money to the everyday person.

Well, then they can just get rid of all the excess crap, like billions of dollars on rocket fuel and probes and all that shit, and just stick with the developing side for things we can really use, full time.

There's no way in hell we're just going to say "oh well, Earth is fucked, time for a fresh start on another planet!" - never going to happen, not in this century.
I'm sure people are thinking it, but no.

Maybe 3% of the planet could afford to do that I guess... then they'll all get eaten by the invisible undiscovered Mars flesh-consuming plague, yay.

Karps TA
11-13-2009, 04:58 PM
Do you realize how many things you use everyday was initially created by NASA? Portable phones, microwaves, WD-40, Velcro, satelittes, etc... Without the space program having to come up with answers to questions we'd never encounter here we'd not have half the conviences we have now

That technology has a huge trickle down effect. It's not just looking for martians.

Not too mention somewhere there's a gigantic space rock hurtling thru the galaxy with this planet as it's bullseye. It's more important then any global warming BS. It be nice to have a plan in place other then sending Bruce Willis and Ben Afflec in space to take care of it.

11-13-2009, 07:00 PM
I'd of been more impressed if they found Scotch!:alcoholic

Reverend Cooper
11-13-2009, 09:01 PM
Big Fucking deal,shut that shit down and pump the money into the economy.

Coops Brother
11-13-2009, 09:11 PM
Not too mention somewhere there's a gigantic space rock hurtling thru the galaxy with this planet as it's bullseye. It's more important then any global warming BS. It be nice to have a plan in place other then sending Bruce Willis and Ben Afflec in space to take care of it.

So when the earth gets blasted by this space rock, :rolleyes: assuming you'd hop a ride to the moon.....where is it going to go, seeing as there wouldn't be any of the earths gravity to hold the moon in orbit, my guess is it becomes the next hurtling space rock. This time though, there are people on it. I guess it would be the lesser of two evils, heck, you have fresh moon water!!

11-13-2009, 09:16 PM
^ true very true

11-13-2009, 09:38 PM
It says they want to get people up there by 2020. it sounds like the technology will be ready before that even. So it would be more like 10 years. Kind of cool but yeah, it's not cheap. IMO it's money well spend compaired to dumping money into other contries.

The technology already exists, it is the hardware that is lacking.

cool, lets get rid of the green people first AL GORE ALL A BOARD!!!!

The moon is not green. Al Gore does not want.

11-13-2009, 09:55 PM
Do you realize how many things you use everyday was initially created by NASA? Portable phones, microwaves, WD-40, Velcro, satelittes, etc... Without the space program having to come up with answers to questions we'd never encounter here we'd not have half the conviences we have now

That technology has a huge trickle down effect. It's not just looking for martians.

Not too mention somewhere there's a gigantic space rock hurtling thru the galaxy with this planet as it's bullseye. It's more important then any global warming BS. It be nice to have a plan in place other then sending Bruce Willis and Ben Afflec in space to take care of it.

Velcro was invented by a guy that got sick of picking the burrs out of his dogs fur, and while examining a burr under a microscope, invented Velcro.. Thank a guy with too much time on his hands, not NASA.

Russ Jerome
11-13-2009, 10:07 PM
In 50 years we will all be enslaved Obamians

So true its scary! National debt clock, real time:
Oh you'll be working for the man alright, you got bills!

Water on the moon...pretty cool!

11-13-2009, 10:12 PM
Very cool!

11-13-2009, 11:43 PM
In 50 years we'll be looking for water on _(insert planet here)_ and have wasted trillions of dollars, and still have nothing of value to show for it.

Not gonna happen. We stopped sending men to the Moon almost 40 years ago. We haven't done shit since then. If we haven't even been back to the Moon in all of that time, what makes you think we'll be doing anything but sending space probes thither and yon just like we do now? We once looked to the stars, and now we just look for the next hand out, instead. I find the apathy toward searching the heavens that has manifested itself in the past few decades to be completely mystifying. I'd love to know where our spirit of adventure went. I was 8 1/2 when Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the lunar surface. I was soooo pumped and I couldn't wait to see what the future of space travel would bring. My imagination went wild over the next few years...2001, A Space Odyssey, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc... All of this stuff seemed possible. Now? Huh. People would rather watch Dancing With The Stars, than race toward them. Homo Sapiens is a doomed species....

11-14-2009, 12:50 AM

Prince Valiant
11-14-2009, 01:03 AM
when it comes to exploration, it's suffice to say that you never know what you'll end up with...and chances are it's probably far different than what you expected to come out of it.

For example...take Christopher Columbus; here's a guy who thought he was going to find a shorter, easier way to India for more profitable trade. Ended up finding a whole new world...and the fact is, economically, the world would be a completely different place had the NA and SA not been discovered, and the US particularly followed the track it did.

Knowing what exploration will net you is impossible...if you did, why then would you need to explore? You do it simply for the unknown.

11-14-2009, 02:03 AM
We're spending millions and billions in the Middle East not to mention the spending spree the Obama administration went on and will continue to go on while he's in office. Rather have money go towards something that's going to educate and expand our knowledge of air and space programs. That's the part of my tax dollars I'm proud to give up when it's going towards NASA. Air and space power bitch!

11-14-2009, 03:41 AM
People would rather watch Dancing With The Stars, than race toward them. Homo Sapiens is a doomed species....

AWESOME statement. Aint that the fuckin truth.

11-14-2009, 04:50 PM
Further exploration of space will not occur until we have a warp-drive.

11-14-2009, 04:56 PM
I'd love to know where our spirit of adventure went.

It got replaced by the spirit of reality, and logic :P

There's still shit on THIS planet that hasn't been discovered yet.

11-15-2009, 04:10 AM
It got replaced by the spirit of reality, and logic :P

There's still shit on THIS planet that hasn't been discovered yet.

You want a dose of reality? It is inevitable that this planet will suffer a strike from some celestial object in the future, as they have done in the past. If it is anywhere near the size of the one that slammed into the Earth 65 million years ago, the Human Race will not likely survive it. Wars, overpopulation, famine, disease, depletion of resources, major natural disasters; any one of a number of things could bring about the end of life on Earth as we know it. LOGIC dictates that the only sure way we, as a species, survives this with all of our accumulated hopes, dreams, and knowledge intact is we we spread out, off of this single delicate rock whirling about the firmament, and find other places to colonize. The reality is, those of us with a very narrow focus and the apathy associated with this condition will be the death of the Human Race. "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish..."

11-15-2009, 11:47 AM
The odds are just as good that a rock will hit Mars :P

11-15-2009, 02:30 PM
The odds are just as good that a rock will hit Mars :P

We don't live on Mars, and at the rate we're going, we never will. There or anywhere. Including here. :durr

11-15-2009, 10:03 PM
theres autobots on mars i saw it in a movie i wouldn't want to live there :goof