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View Full Version : MAC MS Office 2007

10-19-2009, 08:57 AM
Hey BCMers,

As some of you know I was poking around here awhile ago looking for MSOffice2007. I ended up getting a copy and that's all said and done. Well, my buddy has a Mac and he bought MS Office 2007 for it but his computer locked up before he could install it. Instead of getting it fixed he's just going to buy a PC. This disc is of no use to him so I bought it. He was hard up for cash and instead of just giving him some bread I bought a few car parts, software, tools, and some other random stuff off of him. I don't have a Mac either so this disc is useless to me. It is not sealed and I do not have the original packaging. The Three good keys are hand written on a sheet of paper and my friends name is written on the disc. I do not know the rules on reselling this type of software and although I see tons of MS Office discs for sale on eBay if I am breaking any BCM rules or state laws mod please remove this ad. I was wondering what this may be worth to someone who needed it. I'm not trying to get rich on this and hell I may even be interested in a trade.

NOTE: This will only work with a MAC

10-19-2009, 01:18 PM
Retails any where from 80 to 126 if that gives you an Idea for setting a price

Goat Roper
10-19-2009, 07:44 PM
Another good question is, what kind of Mac is locked up and what is he going to do with that :)

10-19-2009, 08:54 PM
Thanks Holeshot and Goat Roper, He told me it froze up and then it turned off lol I don't really know all of the technical jargon... his younger brother is big into that stuff and I guess he already has it in pieces.