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View Full Version : Mayor Tom barrett attacked wtf!?

Adam Brooks
08-16-2009, 05:06 AM
this looks highly suspicious, i cant find any other news about it


Adam Brooks
08-16-2009, 06:10 AM
i guess it is true after all


Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett Attacked

By Nick Iannelli

WEST ALLIS - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is in stable condition at the hospital after a suspect beat him with a pipe in West Allis.
Police say the mayor was walking away from the Wisconsin State Fair in the 8700 block of W. Orchard Street when he heard a woman cry for help.
She was in a domestic dispute, being attacked by a man.
According to authorities, that's when Barrett pulled out a phone to call police, causing the suspect to run at Barrett with a metal pipe and beat him repeatedly in the head.
The suspect was able to get away and the mayor was brought to the hospital with head injuries.
He was reportedly alert and talking.
The Milwaukee Police Department is now assisting West Allis police in finding the suspect.
Authorities are calling the man a "known" suspect with a criminal record.

08-16-2009, 06:46 AM
Thats awful that happens to anyone. Hope they catch that asshole.

But maybe he just a pissed off Milwaukee taxpayer.

08-16-2009, 07:55 AM
damm that sucks, attacking a woman then beating the mayor with a pipe?! that guy is a dead man when found.

08-16-2009, 08:58 AM
Thats awful that happens to anyone. Hope they catch that asshole.

But maybe he just a pissed off Milwaukee taxpayer.

i wonder if this will help the mayor on his stance on open carry or even conceal carry..

08-16-2009, 09:20 AM
^ That'd be awesome.

08-16-2009, 09:23 AM
you now a city is in shambles when its own mayor gets attacked walking down the street

Reverend Cooper
08-16-2009, 09:32 AM
yeah wouldnt that be a turn for the better. after being attacked then realizing if you had a gun the roles would have been reversed.

08-16-2009, 09:38 AM
you now a city is in shambles when its own mayor gets attacked walking down the street

The mayor of the City of Milwaukee was attacked in the City of West Allis. Learn how to read and or listen to the word coming outta your comupter. Collect your fail on the way out the door. Idiot.

Reverend Cooper
08-16-2009, 09:50 AM
^ Stew= 2 for 2 on the Pownage lol
Just a note not to butthurt anyone and turn this into a thread of crap lol

Rocket Power
08-16-2009, 10:14 AM
They couldn't get the mayor parking on the grounds?

08-16-2009, 10:20 AM
The mayor of the City of Milwaukee was attacked in the City of West Allis. Learn how to read and or listen to the word coming outta your comupter. Collect your fail on the way out the door. Idiot.

yeah yeah yeah... :) i was referring to the county improper wording on my behalf

08-16-2009, 10:22 AM
They couldn't get the mayor parking on the grounds?

While I'm not a fan of Barrett, I think he's the "I'm the mayor of Milwaukee, I need VIP parking" kinda guy. And I don't think he should get special treatment at the State Fair, he's a local official; Summerfest is his time to shine and be seen.

08-16-2009, 10:22 AM
Wow that is not right !!!

08-16-2009, 10:41 AM
While I'm not a fan of Barrett, I think he's the "I'm the mayor of Milwaukee, I need VIP parking" kinda guy. And I don't think he should get special treatment at the State Fair, he's a local official; Summerfest is his time to shine and be seen.

Maybe he rode his bike. He lives in Wauwatosa and I've seen him many times at Gilles on a bike ride with his children. Regardless of your political beliefs,(i.e. Barrett's anti gun/no cc) he is a really nice guy/ good father that didn't deserve to get his ass kicked while trying to be a good samaritan.

08-16-2009, 10:59 AM
The time's are a changin'. Now the mayor needs bodyguards... geesh. What happened to Stallis'? I hear bad things more often now... At least before Hwy 100...

08-16-2009, 11:09 AM
I thought if you work for the city you have to live in the city. Mayor of Milwaukee doesnt have to live in the city but all firemen and cops have to..... thats not right.

08-16-2009, 11:14 AM
sTaLlIs KeEpIn It ReAl Yo. Doesn't matter if you don't like the guy or not (and no I don't) no one deserves to get beat with anything especially for trying to help someone out. Hope the punk gets his ass kicked. As for concealed carry maybe if it was legal the Mayor would of been dead or had gunshot wounds instead of getting hit with a pipe(?). Lastly, the mayor of Milwaukee should have to live in Milwaukee, IMO that should be a requirement.

08-16-2009, 11:20 AM
They live in Washington Heights. It's a Milwaukee address.

08-16-2009, 11:21 AM
sTaLlIs KeEpIn It ReAl Yo. Doesn't matter if you don't like the guy or not (and no I don't) no one deserves to get beat with anything especially for trying to help someone out. Hope the punk gets his ass kicked. As for concealed carry maybe if it was legal the Mayor would of been dead or had gunshot wounds instead of getting hit with a pipe(?). Lastly, the mayor of Milwaukee should have to live in Milwaukee, IMO that should be a requirement.

Or maybe the conceal and carry would have had an "angel" effect. In the sense that maybe the guy wouldn't have hit him with a pipe if he would have thought there was any chance of the mayor potentially pulling out a hand cannon.

If I was the mayor, had a gun, and the guy came at me with a pipe.... He would be sitting in jail, missing his pinky toe ( think Harlem Nights) ;)

Karps TA
08-16-2009, 11:31 AM
My guess is if he's not for concealed carry, he wouldn't be carrying even if he could.

Seriously what does that say about a mayor's view of his own area if he feels he needs to carry a weapon in order to feel safe? It's his job to make the area safe so that people don't need to carry.

I'm not much of a gun guy. Not that I'm against them, or for them for that matter. I can see arguements both ways. However, If I lived somewhere that I felt I needed a gun to protect myself, I'd likely just move to some place nicer/safer.

08-16-2009, 12:37 PM
My guess is if he's not for concealed carry, he wouldn't be carrying even if he could.

Seriously what does that say about a mayor's view of his own area if he feels he needs to carry a weapon in order to feel safe? It's his job to make the area safe so that people don't need to carry.

I'm not much of a gun guy. Not that I'm against them, or for them for that matter. I can see arguements both ways. However, If I lived somewhere that I felt I needed a gun to protect myself, I'd likely just move to some place nicer/safer.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on moving some where safer/nicer, but shit does happen and it can happen anywhere. I am of the opinion that it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. I would feel better about my gf's safety walking to her car at night after work if she had a little .22 in her purse.

08-16-2009, 12:51 PM
I agree with you wholeheartedly on moving some where safer/nicer, but shit does happen and it can happen anywhere. I am of the opinion that it's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. I would feel better about my gf's safety walking to her car at night after work it she had a little .22 in her purse.

when my girlfriend did a "girls road trip" i wasn't the only guy who was concerned i guess because one of the ladies husbands sent along a para ordnance warthog 45 acp as a traveling partner. he is a officer and he said.. id rather her lose the pistol to a police officer then lose her life to some crook.

do i think conceal carry could have changed this or helped maybe.. what ever the case there was a comment made that i dont agree with earlier in this thread making conceal carry people seam crazy.. it could have been a game changer either way.

Russ Jerome
08-16-2009, 02:05 PM
But maybe he's just a pissed off Milwaukee taxpayer.

Maybe the guy woke up with a parking ticket, see he paid his quarterly parking fee but parked on the "wrong" side of the street that night? That after he paid his $20 a year "wheel tax" to drive on a road he just bent his cars rim on because of the potholes? Maybe he also woke that day to his $4000 tax accesment, see his $84k home was just raised to a $248k taxable accesment? Maybe after the last holiday the garbage collectors of Milw skipped a whole week instead of a single day like the rest of us? Maybe the guys kids where robbed in his front yard and when he called the police they said it doesnt sound that bad, work it out with the thugs. Maybe the guy woke up and got his notice the water bill and garbage collection fees would go up again, this after the home tax's already jumped? Maybe the guys kid got sick after swimming in lake Michigan, found out the city knows there 3 billion dollar sewer was a fail and there are dumping crypto into his kids swimming area?

Listen the mayor maybe a great family guy but he is an idiot as far as running a city. You and I are just as likely to be clubbed to death in this area, just as likely as him. I get beat tonight by the same guys who tried to beat my kid and the paper isnt gonna run a story on me like it is "shocking". Open carry, its not an option its insurance.

08-16-2009, 02:36 PM
That would explain why there was like a thousand cop cars over here last night when my g/f and I left. Orchard was pretty much blocked off, I thought maybe it was a fire or a car accident.

08-16-2009, 04:34 PM
Not to make light of this situation, but does this mean that the fanatically anti-gun idiot Tom Barret will now be heading up the new Pipe/Blunt Instrument Control Task Force? Good thing he wasn't attacked by a Twizzlers wielding assailant, lest in the future you might have to do without your favorite raspberry licorice whips... :rolleyes:

This just proves that liberals have thick, empty skulls... :thumbsup

08-16-2009, 04:45 PM
If they catch the guy, Mayor Barret will ask for his punishment to be dropped and invite him over to his next Tofu BBQ.

08-16-2009, 08:20 PM
They live in Washington Heights. It's a Milwaukee address.

He lives in Milwaukee, a really nice part of Milwaukee.

Russ Jerome
08-16-2009, 09:34 PM
He lives in Milwaukee, a really nice part of Milwaukee.

Oxymoron humor, good one Stew!

little pregnant
Dry Lake
Crash Landing
Fuzzy Logic
nice part of Milwaukee
Living Dead
Free Gift
Numb Sensation
Stand Down
Metal Woods (Golfers)
Detailed Summary

08-16-2009, 09:48 PM
to set the record straight also, the guy that attacked him lives on 17th and State, not on Orchard. My wife and I live on Orchard and its a quiet street. Other than fireworks around the 4th, we don't see much happen here. The State Fair brings all sorts of yahoos. I commend the mayor for being a human being and standing up for a woman not like, "HEY STOP! I'm the mayor!" but rather, "Hey D-bag, stop being a drunken waste and hassling women. Get in your car and shut the F up." Not too many people in this day and age will get involved and try to help. You don't have to be a mayor to do that. We just need more people in general to stop being affraid of idiots in Milwaukee. And another thing, if you are pissed that some guy (Barret) doesn't like you hasseling someone, why do you have to grab a weapon to attack that person? What ever happened to punching someone in the face?

08-16-2009, 09:53 PM
Just for the record he normally has a security team that goes everywhere with him. I guess this night he didn't want them tagging along and ruining his time with his family at the fair. That would been funny otherwise if his security guys were there

08-16-2009, 10:28 PM
to set the record straight also, the guy that attacked him lives on 17th and State, not on Orchard. My wife and I live on Orchard and its a quiet street. Other than fireworks around the 4th, we don't see much happen here. The State Fair brings all sorts of yahoos. I commend the mayor for being a human being and standing up for a woman not like, "HEY STOP! I'm the mayor!" but rather, "Hey D-bag, stop being a drunken waste and hassling women. Get in your car and shut the F up." Not too many people in this day and age will get involved and try to help. You don't have to be a mayor to do that. We just need more people in general to stop being affraid of idiots in Milwaukee. And another thing, if you are pissed that some guy (Barret) doesn't like you hasseling someone, why do you have to grab a weapon to attack that person? What ever happened to punching someone in the face?
Correct, that is actually a quiet little street. Was looking at homes there.

08-16-2009, 11:16 PM
the mayor is like Harvey Dent in the Dark Knight movie!
He was trying to help a citizen being assulted, and even took the blow to protect her!


Doc Brown
08-17-2009, 01:01 AM
I heard about this walking through the Atlanta airport this morning. Made me stop dead in my tracks and drop my jaw in astonishment. I also had several thoughts...

First, kudos to him on trying to prevent a terrible crime against that woman. It speaks volumes about his character as a person for quickly deciding to step up and do what I hope all of us would have done in his place.

Second, I figure that one of two things ran through his mind at some point. Either he thanked his lucky stars that the creep only attacked him with a pipe instead of a gun, the seemingly predominant weapon of choice by criminals in the metro Milwaukee area, or worse, he might think that his anti-gun message is finally getting through to the criminal element in the area, because the guy ONLY had a pipe, therefore further galvanizing his anti-firearm stance following this incident.

Third, while his actions were noble and chivalrous, his thoughts may not be completely selfless about all of this. I think there is a good chance that the opportunistic part of him is not regretting that this happened. After all, Local Hero = brighter political future.

08-17-2009, 01:16 AM
What ever happened to punching someone in the face?

Those days are long gone, punks with guns all of the sudden think they are men. :loser

08-17-2009, 01:17 AM
I heard about this walking through the Atlanta airport this morning. Made me stop dead in my tracks and drop my jaw in astonishment. I also had several thoughts...

First, kudos to him on trying to prevent a terrible crime against that woman. It speaks volumes about his character as a person for quickly deciding to step up and do what I hope all of us would have done in his place.

Second, I figure that one of two things ran through his mind at some point. Either he thanked his lucky stars that the creep only attacked him with a pipe instead of a gun, the seemingly predominant weapon of choice by criminals in the metro Milwaukee area, or worse, he might think that his anti-gun message is finally getting through to the criminal element in the area, because the guy ONLY had a pipe, therefore further galvanizing his anti-firearm stance following this incident.

Third, while his actions were noble and chivalrous, his thoughts may not be completely selfless about all of this. I think there is a good chance that the opportunistic part of him is not regretting that this happened. After all, Local Hero = brighter political future.

Or he could have been thinking....

"Damn, I wish I wouldn't have given my security the day off..."


"I wish I would have brought my Colt 1911 with me today!"

Either way it is all speculation.

08-17-2009, 05:47 AM
I heard about this walking through the Atlanta airport this morning. Made me stop dead in my tracks and drop my jaw in astonishment. I also had several thoughts...

Hey I was just in the Atlanta airport at 8:30 am their time yesterday..... you weren't the guy staring near baggage claim, were you?

08-17-2009, 07:36 AM
I heard about this walking through the Atlanta airport this morning.

Why the hell were you in Atlanta?

Karps TA
08-17-2009, 08:23 AM
I keep thinking there's a Clue related joke here.

It was the Mayor, with a Lead Pipe, in the Conservatory....

08-17-2009, 08:38 AM
I guess the guy didn't know it was the Mayor. There's a kick in the pants for Barrett.

08-17-2009, 09:54 AM
because the guy only had a pipe, therefore further galvanizing his anti-firearm stance following this incident.


Doc Brown
08-17-2009, 12:20 PM
Hey I was just in the Atlanta airport at 8:30 am their time yesterday..... you weren't the guy staring near baggage claim, were you?

No, but everyone says that guy looks like me :)

@ James: I was on my way back from San Francisco. I arrived in Atlanta at around 2:30, then took off again at 7pm (yep, 4.5 hr layover!) for Milwaukee.

08-17-2009, 03:50 PM
Why the hell would you go through Atlanta coming back from San Francisco. That is just crazy

Goat Roper
08-17-2009, 08:08 PM
Why the hell would you go through Atlanta coming back from San Francisco. That is just crazy

One word: Delta

Doc Brown
08-18-2009, 12:14 AM

08-18-2009, 07:14 AM
the family of the suspect is blaming the mayor for getting involved, LOL! said it was a family affair?!?!?

Goat Roper
08-18-2009, 08:16 AM

yeah, that to :)

Goat Roper
08-18-2009, 08:20 AM
the family of the suspect is blaming the mayor for getting involved, LOL! said it was a family affair?!?!?

Serious? I have to find that article.....

08-18-2009, 08:31 AM
One word: Delta

Well I would think that with them being more or less merged with Northwest that you could go through MSP. Oh well you more miles that way

08-18-2009, 08:39 AM
Serious? I have to find that article.....

yeah, was on 620 this morning, LOL!

Goat Roper
08-18-2009, 08:48 AM
Well I would think that with them being more or less merged with Northwest that you could go through MSP. Oh well you more miles that way

Yeah, not so much. I flown home from LA on Delta via Atlanta before, if it isn't a direct flight, you will probably hub out of Atlanta or Cincinnati with them. Airtran pushes you through Atlanta alot to.

08-18-2009, 09:22 AM
Serious? I have to find that article.....

"Somebody got involved that really shouldn't have gotten involved," the brother said.
The family also feels if it had been anybody but Mayor Barrett that stepped in, Anthony would not have been arrested.
"Now it's this big issue," the brother said."

Wow, so you are telling me if you take the average joe and hit him on the head multiple times with a pipe you won't get arrested??? This whole family FTL :rolleyes:

08-18-2009, 09:45 AM
"Somebody got involved that really shouldn't have gotten involved," the brother said.
The family also feels if it had been anybody but Mayor Barrett that stepped in, Anthony would not have been arrested.
"Now it's this big issue," the brother said."

Wow, so you are telling me if you take the average joe and hit him on the head multiple times with a pipe you won't get arrested??? This whole family FTL :rolleyes:

its poeple like that are the reason why there are so many people who beat people over the heard with pipes, rob, rape, and murder. because its always somebody else's fault never theirs or there family.

Karps TA
08-18-2009, 09:48 AM
Sounds like a gene pool that needs a couple gallons of chlorine.

Goat Roper
08-18-2009, 10:09 AM
Full article; http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/53515282.html

08-18-2009, 10:27 AM
Sounds like a whole family of winners.

08-18-2009, 11:07 AM
This story just got more interesting.

Words to Anthony, if you want to see your daughter more, set a good example and don't beat a girl with a pipe, and beat anther guy with one.

Oh the irony. I wonder why he wasn't allowed to see his daughter in the first place.

08-18-2009, 08:07 PM
Hopefully the family gets their asses beat with a pipe too...if they don't sound like total trash I don't know who does.

08-19-2009, 07:42 AM
@ James: I was on my way back from San Francisco. I arrived in Atlanta at around 2:30, then took off again at 7pm (yep, 4.5 hr layover!) for Milwaukee.

Why were you in Frisco? Visiting your sister in Japan?

Doc Brown
08-19-2009, 10:25 AM
no, wedding.

08-19-2009, 06:44 PM
I saw this on TMJ4 the other day and was amused when they opened a poll asking, "Should Mayor Barrett have gotten involved with the situation?", because the brother of the attacker said the mayor had no place to get involved.

Alright, so how would that look if a mayor had seen a woman being beaten and just blew it off. And don't come in here with any "he should have called the police" bullshit responses.

I think the news channels are just as dumb as most state officials.