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07-22-2009, 08:58 AM
RENO, Nev. — In the last year, Ben Roethlisberger led the Pittsburgh Steelers to a Super Bowl title and solidified his legacy as one of the game's great big-game quarterbacks.

But it's what may have happened at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe in the summer of 2008 that is the big talk around Steelers camp as the quarterback gets ready to defend the team's championship.

A woman has filed a bombshell lawsuit saying Roethlisberger raped her in a hotel penthouse a year ago, a claim he vehemently denies. The woman never went to the authorities with her story, and it's unclear why she decided to file the lawsuit seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars a full year later.

"Ben has never sexually assaulted anyone. The timing of the lawsuit and the absence of a criminal complaint and a criminal investigation are the most compelling evidence of the absence of any criminal conduct," Roethlisberger lawyer David Cornwell said in a statement. "If an investigation is commenced, Ben will cooperate fully and Ben will be fully exonerated."

He did not immediately reply to a phone message and e-mail seeking more comment.

The stunning allegations served as a major distraction for Roethlisberger as the Steelers get ready to report to camp next week. The Steelers and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said they were looking into the allegations against Roethlisberger, who has won two Super Bowls in his five-year career and is one of the biggest names in sports.

"I don't know enough of the details, but it's a civil lawsuit. It's something that we obviously will look into," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday when asked about it in New York during an unrelated news conference. "I've been in touch with the Steelers about it."

Steelers spokesman Dave Lockett said the team was aware of the lawsuit, and "we are gathering information."

Lockett confirmed that Roethlisberger had canceled a news conference scheduled for Thursday to promote Shaquille O'Neal's new TV series that debuts Aug. 8 on ABC. Roethlisberger is one of the top athletes the NBA All-Star center intends to challenge in a series of skills tests in their respective sports.

The lawsuit seeks a minimum of $440,000 in damages from the quarterback, at least $50,000 in damages from the Harrah's officials and an unspecified amount of punitive damages "sufficient to deter" Roethlisberger and the others "from engaging in such conduct in the future." The suit alleges hotel officials for Harrah's Lake Tahoe tried to cover up the incident.

The woman's lawsuit says she didn't file a criminal complaint because she feared Harrah's would side with Roethlisberger and she would be fired.

The woman was working as an executive casino host last July when she said Roethlisberger struck up a friendly conversation at her desk during the golf tournament.

The next night, she said he telephoned her to tell her his television sound system wasn't working and asked her to look at it. She said she was unable to find a technician so she handled it herself because she had been told it was important to please the celebrities.

In Roethlisberger's room she said she determined the TV was functioning properly but as she turned to leave, the 6-foot-5, 240-pound quarterback blocked her exit, the suit claims.

The lawsuit said he grabbed her and started to kiss her. It said she was "shocked and stunned that this previously friendly man, that appeared to be a gentleman in her previous contacts with him was suddenly preventing her from leaving, was assaulting her and battering her."

She said she feared that because he was a football player he could or would physically harm her if she tried to fight him off, but that she objected and protested several times.

"But instead of stopping, Roethlisberger began fondling plaintiff through her dress and between her legs," the suit said. He then "held her against her will and physically moved plaintiff and pushed her onto his bed" where he raped her, the suit says.

She told him, "You don't want to do this," and begged him "I am not on any type of birth control."

Afterward, he asked if there was a security camera in the hallway. She said he then instructed her to claim she had repaired his television if anyone asked why she was in his room.

The lawsuit says the woman required hospitalization for treatment for depression after the alleged attack.

Efforts to reach the woman Tuesday were unsuccessful.

The woman's lawyer, Calvin R. Dunlap, declined to answer questions about the lack of a criminal complaint and why the civil action was brought a year after the incident allegedly took place.

"Neither I nor our client will be making any comment," Dunlap said in an e-mail. "We believe the matter should be resolved in court rather than in the media."

Teresa Duffy, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's office in Douglas County, which includes part of Lake Tahoe, said no complaints were filed about such an incident either with sheriff's deputies or the district attorney's office.

The lawsuit also names eight Harrah's employees as defendants and alleges the cover-up involved the chief of security at Harrah's Lake Tahoe and was carried out with the knowledge of John Koster, president of Harrah's northern Nevada operations.

John Packer, spokesman for the hotel-casino, did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment.

Harrah's Entertainment, the hotel-casino's parent company, declined comment.

"We don't comment on pending legal matters," Jacqueline Peterson said from company headquarters in Las Vegas.

Last week, Roethlisberger played in the 20th annual American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament at Lake Tahoe, finishing tied for 30th in the field of 89 golfers. It was not immediately known if he stayed at Harrah's.

07-22-2009, 09:00 AM
Another money crubbin hoe that got some baller dick and is now claiming rape.

Or he raped her. One of the two.

I hate hearing about this shit though. I'm really skeptical when these girls cry rape.

Prince Valiant
07-22-2009, 09:02 AM
color me skeptical.

07-22-2009, 09:05 AM
Me too, the chick is Andrea McNulty, and she is a confirmed nutcase.
Been doing some research.

07-22-2009, 09:05 AM
Another Kobe Bryant case

07-22-2009, 09:07 AM
Bah - don't believe it.

07-22-2009, 09:25 AM
so ALL of these people were involved too in the cover up???

"The lawsuit also names eight Harrah's employees as defendants and alleges the cover-up involved the chief of security at Harrah's Lake Tahoe and was carried out with the knowledge of John Koster, president of Harrah's northern Nevada operations."

fucking bullshit! nice timing too with the upcoming season and perfect timing to wait a year later!?!?!?! SETUP IMO! Must be Cards fan.

07-22-2009, 10:18 AM
Nowadays you gotta get a fucking signed consent form to nail a broad. It's downright retarded.

07-22-2009, 10:35 AM
Ive heard that shes not really that good looking either, not like it really matters I guess. I dont believe her story.

07-22-2009, 10:38 AM
Ive heard that shes not really that good looking either, not like it really matters I guess. I dont believe her story.

Here is a pic of her

http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/2009/07/22/2009-07-22_nfl_looking_into_allegations_of_sexual_assault_ against_pittsburgh_steelers_qb_be.html

07-22-2009, 11:32 AM
That is one scary looking bitch. He doesn't need to rape a chick the ugly... He could find a better looking gold digger with ease. On the other hand,

If he did rape her, and her allegations are true, then I hope the guy rots in hell...

07-22-2009, 12:09 PM
Alrite, after seeing that nasty ass pic Im really calling bullshit. She just wants the cash. :puke

07-22-2009, 12:13 PM
There exists an unprecedented twist in the sexual assault civil lawsuit Andrea McNulty has filed against Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.

Alleged Ben Roethlisberger's Rape Case Just a Part of Andrea McNulty's Imagination?
Date: July 21, 2009
Reno, NV
United States of America
TMZ reported Monday that Andrea McNulty, the woman alleging that Ben Roethlisberger forced her to have nonconsensual sex, once sought psychiatric counseling for a relationship. But not for her involvement with Ben Roethlisberger, who admits having a relationship with her. It seems that Andrea McNulty was seeking counseling over the death of a lover who did not exist.

Ben Roethlisberger readily admits, according to TMZ's sources, that he and Andrea McNulty had a relationship, even had consensual sex. He admits seeing her several times in Reno when he stayed at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe.

But another source, a co-worker close to Andrea McNulty, who is an employee at Harrah's, maintains that Andrea McNulty was seeing a married man about the same time she and Ben Roethlisberger began seeing each other (around the time of the alleged incident). According to the friend, the man's wife attempted to find out more about McNulty by corresponding with her online -- posing as an American soldier in Iraq. Andrea McNulty soon fell in love with the fictitious soldier who she only knew through e-mail. When the man's wife ended the correspondence, McNulty told her co-workers that the soldier was killed in Iraq.

Andrea McNulty then began seeing a psychiatrist -- about the fictitious soldier.

This does not absolve Ben Roethlisberger of any wrongdoing, but if the co-worker's story can be verified, it could certainly put the plaintiff in a troublesome position. Although treating for the loss of a nonexistent person is much the same as treating for the loss of an existing person, especially if the client was psychologically and emotionally invested in the person and truly believed in their existence, the potential juror might not see it in the same light. The question will arise regarding Andrea McNulty's ability to emotionally invest in someone that is nonexistent.

07-22-2009, 12:32 PM

07-22-2009, 01:25 PM
gold digger....

Feature Pony
07-22-2009, 02:30 PM
yikes!!! I call B.S. and for Ben to tap that Yuck!!! Dude your close enough to fly to the playboy mansion go there and find some hot babes. Mr. ED doesn't cut it for me there isn't enough beer in the world to make me jump on that!

07-22-2009, 02:35 PM
If she's THAT crazy - she's gotta be REALLY hot.

07-22-2009, 02:57 PM
If she's THAT crazy - she's gotta be REALLY HAWT.

Fixed for you :drool: