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07-02-2009, 07:46 PM

07-02-2009, 09:49 PM
HA, I balanced it and ended up with a 3.6 billion surplus!!!

07-02-2009, 10:21 PM
hahahaha cali great place to visit

07-03-2009, 07:48 AM
i have a 4 billion dollar surplus but thats because i got rid of all the bullshit welfare stuff and sent all the illegals back to there country, i also taxed the fuck out of people making over 300,000,000 dollars.. not only would i not get re-elected but i would piss off every hippy liberal doucher in the state

07-03-2009, 08:48 AM
California’s fiscal disaster is about to create massive volatility in the stock and bond markets — and very substantial profit opportunities for you ...
Especially if you have the right tools for TIMING your investment decisions for maximum profit potential with reduced risk.
In our history-making online briefing, we reveal the missing piece of the market timing puzzle that could help you turn this crisis into money in the bank; and the video is now available for your immediate download.
CLICK THIS LINK (http://weiss.streamlogics.com/June30-12pm/) to watch Part Two of SOLVING THE TIMING MYSTERY while it’s still online!
“As California goes, so goes America.”
California has a GDP of $1.8 trillion, larger than the economies of Russia, Brazil, Canada and India.
It’s America’s most populous state with 38 million people.
And it’s in the final throes of financial death — bankruptcy. In Governor Schwarzenegger’s own words, “Our wallet is empty. Our bank is closed. And our credit is dried up.”
Yesterday, the Golden State had no choice but to begin paying its bills with i.o.u.’s.
And now, Moody’s and S&P are watching from the sidelines, poised to downgrade the state’s bonds by several notches to junk status in one fell swoop — a move that’s going to crush the tax-exempt bond market and could send stocks off the proverbial cliff.
We have done everything in our power to warn you that this shoe was about to drop — and the national media is taking notice. I think you should too.
I warned you in Money and Markets ten days ago. Remember? The headline was “California Collapsing (http://www.moneyandmarkets.com/california-collapsing-34271).”
Three days later, Fortune picked up the story, featuring our warnings with the headline “A warning bell on California muni bonds: As sure as the sun will set on the Golden State, analyst Martin Weiss says California is going to default (http://money.cnn.com/2009/06/25/pf/california_bonds_trouble.fortune/?postversion=2009062514).”
My main point to Fortune: California is facing a $24 billion budget gap with no obvious way to close it. The state has appealed to Washington for a federal bailout, but it has gotten the cold shoulder from the Obama administration. Next, expect draconian cuts that will merely deepen California’s depression and cause a rash of ratings downgrades.
Now, this morning, The New York Times has also picked up my warnings under the headline “California I.O.U.’s Add to Bondholers’ Worries (http://dealbook.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/01/california-ious-add-to-bondholders-worries/?scp=2&sq=California&st=cse).” My key comment: If the state can stiff its commercial creditors with i.o.u.’s, what’s to prevent it from stiffing bond investors in the future?

Massive volatility ahead!
The sad fact is, California could be just the first domino to fall in an avalanche of downgrades and defaults among cities, counties and states from coast to coast.
The likely consequences: Chaos in the bond markets ... wild swings in stocks ... and very substantial profit opportunities for investors who have a good handle on TIMING these swings — when to buy and when to sell to maximize their profits while reducing their risk of loss.
That’s what this week’s online video briefing — SOLVING THE TIMING MYSTERY PART TWO — is all about: The missing piece of the timing puzzle that you need to profit in volatile times like these.
Because you were unable to attend, we’re leaving the video recording of this watershed briefing online for a few more days: Just turn up your computer speakers and CLICK THIS LINK (http://weiss.streamlogics.com/June30-12pm/) to watch it now.
Good luck and God bless!

07-03-2009, 08:52 AM
^ :confused

07-03-2009, 09:25 AM
cali needs to stop inviting fucking illegals into its welfare system and into there jail system. if you look at states that dont have any sort of welfare at all there budget is in check. stop giving money away deport the illegals and stop welfare end thread.

07-03-2009, 11:54 AM
They are paying their state workers with IOUs but I'll bet not ONE welfare check was cut. Cut 'em all. Make the illegal alien 's families pay for their jail bill. I used to live in Socal and it's a shame how the state has slid into this hole.