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06-27-2009, 04:32 PM
Why is it that everytime I'm on the road somewhere, I always get stuck behind the slowest driver? I drove from Racine back up to Milwaukee and every road I was on, someone was driving under the speed limit, and the the jack asses next to them bottle neck so you can't pass! Not only that, everytime someone would make a u-turn in front of me, they stay halfway in the fast lane so I can't go around them!:fire:fire

I honestly think that every licensed driver should take a driving test every year to prevent the stupid ones from driving. It seems to get worse and worse day by day.

Sorry for the rant, just venting...

06-27-2009, 05:02 PM
maybe your speedometer is off.. hahahahaha

06-27-2009, 05:05 PM
i have the same problem on my way to work. People doing 45 or slower in whatever lane on the freeway. It gets annoying so now I just punch it everywhere.

06-27-2009, 06:13 PM
People do drive like sh!t but it could be because people don't want to risk getting a ticket (can't afford it because of the economy) but either way there will still be a mixture..

06-27-2009, 06:16 PM
My wife said they warned people that they will get tickets for 1 over during the month of July on TV last night. It's only going to get worse.

You see new cars all scraped up and dented to shit because painted lines and signs are seemingly more important than common sense!

06-27-2009, 06:43 PM
there's a nice AR14 and a revolver in the classified section. :thumbsup

06-27-2009, 06:56 PM
People do drive like sh!t but it could be because people don't want to risk getting a ticket (can't afford it because of the economy) but either way there will still be a mixture..

But if everyone was speeding then it would be ok. Not only are those slow drivers retarded they make the cars who might not even be speeding look to be speeding. Im also sick of the people who leave there blinker on for a few miles and then when they realize that the blinker is on they turn which ever direction with out even looking. They figure there blinker has been on for 3 miles that whatever cars are around them arent going to be in that lane :flipoff2:

06-27-2009, 07:02 PM
But if everyone was speeding then it would be ok. Not only are those slow drivers retarded they make the cars who might not even be speeding look to be speeding. Im also sick of the people who leave there blinker on for a few miles and then when they realize that the blinker is on they turn which ever direction with out even looking. They figure there blinker has been on for 3 miles that whatever cars are around them arent going to be in that lane :flipoff2:

Yeah.. I just yelled at some guy the other night for leaving his blinker on for like a mile lol! :rolf

06-27-2009, 07:25 PM
Then you got the text while driving people. I dont even want to get started on those people...

06-27-2009, 09:11 PM
Man, that happens to me all the time.. And I used to have bad road rage, but now that I'm just completely stressed out, it's worse. And every day I seem to only be surrounded by stupid slow drivers on the road around me. One day, I had a guy pull up right next to me when he was in a lane that was ending, turned on his blinker and expected me to see and slow down for him. When I didn't, he yelled at me, saying something about "thanks for not letting him in" or something. Um, sorry. Didn't see you and it's not a law that I have to let you in.

06-28-2009, 12:06 AM
Yeah.. I just yelled at some guy the other night for leaving his blinker on for like a mile lol! :rolf
me too. twice yesterday.lol The first guy left it on for about 15 miles.

06-28-2009, 10:13 AM
I get pissed when it happens to me, stuck behind the guy thats doing 45 on the freeway.

But then I laugh my ass off watching my girlfriend get super pissed when she's driving.

06-28-2009, 03:43 PM
my most recent pet peeve is people who leave their brights on when i'm driving towards them at night... are you really that inconsiderate of others? or that clueless? I seriously flash 2-3 people a night that do this, they must be thinking "man my normal headlights are nice and bright, good thing I don't need my brights on... oh wait"

Goat Roper
06-28-2009, 04:08 PM
Yeah, watch your ass on 94 boys

06-28-2009, 05:47 PM
How the fuck can they give you a ticket for going 1 over the speed limit?!

There is no way that is accurate as the speedo in my car is different from the speedo in everyone elses. Regardless of anything, even from the factory, and un-modded car is not 100% accurate.

06-28-2009, 10:53 PM
One day, I had a guy pull up right next to me when he was in a lane that was ending, turned on his blinker and expected me to see and slow down for him. When I didn't, he yelled at me, saying something about "thanks for not letting him in" or something. Um, sorry. Didn't see you and it's not a law that I have to let you in.

This happens all the time by WCTC on Grandview. Some doucher decides to pass everyone on the right and hope at the merge someone is nice enough to let them in. I had a guy in a crewcab blue Dodge follow me all the way from 164, down Capitol, onto 16, onto Grandview and then get next to me and give me the finger when I made him hit gravel to get in front of me. There was no one behind me or behind him but for damn sure he wasn't going to get in behind me.

06-28-2009, 11:13 PM
my most recent pet peeve is people who leave their brights on when i'm driving towards them at night... are you really that inconsiderate of others? or that clueless? I seriously flash 2-3 people a night that do this, they must be thinking "man my normal headlights are nice and bright, good thing I don't need my brights on... oh wait"
I get the other end of that. People who think my brights are on and flash their lights at me and then I have to flash them back to show I'm using my lows.

06-29-2009, 12:26 AM
I get the other end of that. People who think my brights are on and flash their lights at me and then I have to flash them back to show I'm using my lows.

That sucks, but every time I flash someone, they turn off their brights so I know that they did in fact have their brights on. My dad says people flash him when he drives his truck with normal lights. Idk, maybe aim your headlights lower :confused

06-29-2009, 06:03 PM
They are pretty low as it is. The lights are where the factory intended them to be.

06-29-2009, 10:19 PM
I love the people who think I have my brights on when I don't, but leave their brights on "to teach him a lesson" and we're both driving blind.

Dumb ass.

(I have stock headlamps that are aimed correctly. Had them checked the last time I had the wheels aligned. I had to wonder because this happens WAY too often.)

06-29-2009, 10:22 PM
I love the people who think I have my brights on when I don't, but leave their brights on "to teach him a lesson" and we're both driving blind.

Dumb ass.

(I have stock headlamps that are aimed correctly. Had them checked the last time I had the wheels aligned. I had to wonder because this happens WAY too often.)

whenever i run my top fog lights i get flashed by oncoming traffic?!?!

06-29-2009, 10:33 PM
That too. I can almost understand that. Sorta. Even though they're aimed lower. (I can confirm that anytime we have the least bit of fog. They point down.) 4 lamps probably seem brighter than 2 no matter where they're pointed.

06-30-2009, 11:27 AM
Yeah I never keep mine on just to spite the other person, just one quick flash so they get the idea. It's not that difficult to see who has brights on and who just have bright head lights.