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View Full Version : My landlord, the douche.

06-18-2009, 05:23 PM
So I live in a studio apartment. I moved in here because it was cheap... and well, that's the only reason.

Earlier this month, I got a letter telling me that my rent is being increased by $25/mo. I didn't really think too much about it, times are tough, etc. etc. so I can understand the rent increase. Besides, it says "Your rent is still lower than new tenants are moving in at."

The other day, coming home from Dunhams, I bumped into my downstairs neighbor. We started BSing and he was commenting about how a bunch of people are moving out. I said "it's probably because Tim raised the rent."

"He didn't raise my rent."
"Not even after your lease was up?"
"No he's never raised my rent."

So that got me thinking. I go on Craigslist, and there's an ad for the same apartment as mine, for the same as my original rent.

Now mind you, I am a good tenant. I pay my rent on time. I work nights, so I'm quiet. I may be a little bit of a slob, ok, a lot of a slob, but I keep it in my apartment, and my landlord has NEVER been in my apartment for anything since I've moved in.

I really, really don't want to move... I like the neighborhood, my neighbors are cool, it's still pretty cheap... but I'm not staying here if my landlord is going to do me like this.

I was thinking I should call him and ask to see the apartment he listed on CL, then say "yeah I'll move here, it's $25/mo cheaper." :rolf

06-18-2009, 05:30 PM
I was thinking I should call him and ask to see the apartment he listed on CL, then say "yeah I'll move here, it's $25/mo cheaper." :rolf

Or have a friend call, ask about the apartment, and inquire how often the rent gets raised.

Or just flat out ask him why he is raising your rent! Bring up the fact that you have spoken with other tenants and the craigslist add. Be direct, don't be rude, but stand your ground for an honest answer.

Did the manager raise your rent or the owner?

He could be skimming if it's just a manager. For all you know raising awareness might out the guy for that. It's not under heard of. And in this day and age it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that were that case.

Let me know if you would like me to place the phone call for you. :thumbsup

06-18-2009, 05:36 PM
No, it's the owner who did it. I send my payments directly to him and the letter was signed by him.

I am too non-confrontational sometimes. Maybe I just need to grow a pair and give him a call.

06-18-2009, 05:37 PM
No, it's the owner who did it. I send my payments directly to him and the letter was signed by him.

I am too non-confrontational sometimes. Maybe I just need to grow a pair and give him a call.

Do you have a lease?

06-18-2009, 05:38 PM
My lease was up a couple months ago, which is why I figured my rent went up. However my neighbor's rent did not increase when his lease expired.

06-18-2009, 05:43 PM
My lease was up a couple months ago, which is why I figured my rent went up. However my neighbor's rent did not increase when his lease expired.

Don't take this the wrong way....

Maybe it was his own way of letting you know that he might not want you there. Especially if he hasn't raised anyone elses rent.

Or the neighbor you talked to is lying.... Or the same neighbor just hasn't received his raise in rent notice yet.

06-18-2009, 05:45 PM
I haven't talked to all my neighbors, just one.

If he doesn't want me here that's fine... honestly I do need to find a new place before my girlfriend and I move in together.

Although I must say, with how vacant this building is becoming, if I were the owner, I'd take anyone's rent over no rent.

06-18-2009, 05:46 PM
Is it possible to sign another lease at the original rate?

06-18-2009, 05:47 PM
eh, he could have raised it more... have you ever been late on rent? is your place bigger than the others or are they the same? my landlord raised our rent after a year of being here.. going on 4 years now he only raised it 50 bucks once... but i still can't complain 600 for a 1400 sq foot 2 bedroom condo isn't that bad of a price... and HE pays the 150 a month for condo dues....

06-18-2009, 05:53 PM
Is it possible to sign another lease at the original rate?
Not that I am aware of. Once your lease is up, you go to month-to-month

eh, he could have raised it more... have you ever been late on rent? is your place bigger than the others or are they the same? my landlord raised our rent after a year of being here.. going on 4 years now he only raised it 50 bucks once... but i still can't complain 600 for a 1400 sq foot 2 bedroom condo isn't that bad of a price... and HE pays the 150 a month for condo dues....
To answer the questions-
Yes, once. I paid a late fee. I was 1 day late.
All the apartments are the same size.

It wouldn't be so bad if the place was a good deal to begin with. However, I've always felt the price was too much, I just needed somewhere to live.

I'm now paying $470/mo for a room. Not even a really big room. In fact, I'm pretty sure my bedroom as a kid was bigger. The rent was too much for what I have when it was $425... then add a parking spot for $20/mo... now a $25/mo increase.

No way. I have to move.

06-18-2009, 05:57 PM
Not that I am aware of. Once your lease is up, you go to month-to-month

To answer the questions-
Yes, once. I paid a late fee. I was 1 day late.
All the apartments are the same size.

It wouldn't be so bad if the place was a good deal to begin with. However, I've always felt the price was too much, I just needed somewhere to live.

I'm now paying $470/mo for a room. Not even a really big room. In fact, I'm pretty sure my bedroom as a kid was bigger. The rent was too much for what I have when it was $425... then add a parking spot for $20/mo... now a $25/mo increase.

No way. I have to move.

Respond to his raised rent notice in turn by giving your notice to move!

06-18-2009, 06:00 PM
I plan on it. I actually just contaced someone so I can see an apartment on Saturday.

He's getting a moving notice with my rent check.

06-18-2009, 06:01 PM
Respond to his raised rent notice in turn by giving your notice to move!


we are buying a house and this place will be available in the near future...if my lady's brother doesn't take it...if your looking in the Racine area....

1400 sq feet 2 bedrooms,upper condo,1 parking space,balcony,huge bathroom,walk in closet...

06-18-2009, 06:01 PM
I plan on it. I actually just contaced someone so I can see an apartment on Saturday.

He's getting a moving notice with my rent check.


06-18-2009, 06:06 PM
Seams like owners tend to lose track of things. My neighbors rent went up $25/month, mine only $5/month. hah. btw- this is over the last 13 years I'm told (I can verify last 4 though).

Sounds like your getting ripped off, unless it's in a great area.

My apt is a large 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage + parking, patio and is in high end down town delafield... $665/month.

06-18-2009, 06:08 PM
It's a "good" area, but at the same time, I can't park my cars on the street without them getting hit, and the price I'm paying is ridiculous for the size.

I moved here because when my wife and I split, I needed somewhere cheap and "now" and this place was it.

06-18-2009, 07:23 PM
I know at my appt. Once my lease is up, if I go month to month, my rent will increase by $50. They don't like month to month, because there is no committment. They sometimes raise it, so you'll sign another year lease.

06-18-2009, 07:39 PM
It doesn't seem right but honestly I'm surprised he didn't raise your rent for going month-to-month. Pretty standard practice from what I've seen and done, a way to "encourage" long term leases. Where I worked previously and what I offer is 10% higher if month to month after the lease expires.

06-18-2009, 07:47 PM
can always try negotiating....

i always looked at my old place like this... my last notice was that my rent was being raised $50/month to $1095/month.

I offered them $800 just to see. I liked the place, the location, and I wouldn't have to move then.

I figured if they would take $300/month less, that apartment would only have to sit dormant for 3 months for the money to equal out. Anything more, and they lost money. I know they have two open apartments in the building that have been open for the past 3-4 months. And someone else was moving out at the same time I was. So that's 4 total open places they have to try and fill, and not everyone is begging for that price point apartment when similar are going for MUCH less(like BoosTT)

they said no, I moved. now it's a good thing since i'm going back to school and need dirt cheap type place, haha. but still worth a shot for you. just would suck to get into another year lease if you truly don't like it, since for about $100-$200 more you could find a place in new berlin that would be much better/bigger/safer and have protected parking(maybe own small garage)

06-18-2009, 08:41 PM
New berlin has some nice apartments.There have been alot of condos for sale that are not selling may be able ti rent one also..

06-19-2009, 07:43 AM
^^ Not for sub-$500/mo :goof

06-19-2009, 10:50 AM
15 months ago I started going month-to-month in my apartment. I told them flat out if they ever raised my rent I was out the door. I'm in a 240 unit complex and last I asked they had 56 units vacant. When I first moved in back in August 2007 they had zero vacant units. They've fired all their maintenance people and hired two kids.

They've started letting punks move in. They used to require a background check (no violent crimes), a credit check, and proof of income. The kids (supposedly 3 but at any given time there are five cars associated with the apartment... only 3 permits) that moved in next to us smoke pot all day (sometimes I'm a freeloader and work from home) and play video games. The superdouchers spent all last night yelling and screaming while playing in the rain. When I moved in, there were six people in my building that had been there for at least five years. They're all gone. We are the second longest tenants in our building.

Anyway, my point is... tell him you're paying *less* than you were before or you're moving out. There are SO MANY vacancies out there right now. We went and looked at a duplex for $1400/month that was built in 2002, has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 3 car garage on a third of an acre in a nice area in Waukesha. It's been vacant for like 6 months. In fact, it was vacant last time Google Maps car drove by it.

06-19-2009, 11:02 AM
New berlin has some nice apartments.There have been alot of condos for sale that are not selling may be able ti rent one also..

QFT. I found mine on craigslist. $320k third ward condo that I'm renting for $1200 a month. There are deals to be had with the housing market being what it is. People will make crazy deals on condos they can't sell. Even banks are renting foreclosed property downtown hoping to make a little money until the maket comes around and they can sell it off.