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View Full Version : need advise about newborn!!

Ricky Bobby
06-08-2009, 08:48 AM
brought my son home from the hospital yesterday at about 1pm in the afternoon he is ok lately with food and sleep but at about 8pm he goes nuts. Now last night was the worst night since bein alive for 6days now, the problem they have him on soy formula and breast milk when the wife can do it since one of them has a fissure since early last night.

The problem is he is crying non-stop and when he does this i think hes gettin alot of gas which will not allow him to relax at all, also he has his nights and days mixed up, the formula goes straight threw him in a course of a night 12hrs we changed him 10 times with all just straight watery formula looking discharge.

So i was wondering if anyone with had this prob with there newborn, everyone ive talked to says its normal but this is not good his bottom is beat red we put ointment on it everytime we change him also, also he does burp all the time and he guzzles his food and we have the slowest nipple we can get but he still guzzles. He also eats 2oz about every 1.5 to 2.5hrs.

sorry for the post all over the place but me and the wife are freakin out here cause i know he is in pain and there is nothing i can do for him but try to console him, and then my wifes nipple is bleeding from the fissure and she is upset about that on top of having a baby we cant do anything for.

so any advice would be great.

i know this is supposed to be hard, but this is really tough on us and am looking everywhere i can for advice.


06-08-2009, 08:53 AM
This will help with the gas. Pretty much a lifesaver.

This is the formula we use. Has all the same nutrients as the boob milk.
http://www.gerber.com/Products/Good_Start_Natural_Cultures_Formula.aspx?PLineId=c c27fb48-a094-4015-b29c-f8d861415f88&PCatId=06a3314b-3aea-47c4-b79e-089e5c09efc3

What you are going through is normal. It will get better. Might take a month for that time to come. Mine is 5 months old now.
His eating is normal also. Everything sounds just fine.

06-08-2009, 09:02 AM
i would try a different formula. we started using "good start", then ended up with "ENFAMIL". some babies take to different formulas. my sister in laws kid would have the runs from every type of formula except the "cheap" stuff?!?!? experiment a little and make sure to use bottled water, not water from the tap. as for the gas, we used some gas drops occasionally, that seemed to help. good luck. the first couple weeks are scary, i know i was scared as hell the moment we left that hospital.

06-08-2009, 10:02 AM
keep your cool dude, I've been threw it 3 times and it can be trying, but you'll figure out what the little dude wants/needs.
Try different formulas and different nipples. Wife just told me to pass this along....try Avent slow flow nipples, or playtex nipples. She also said try switching from soy to Enfamil Lipil with Iron (yellow can) formula. She said this will help make his stool a little more solid.
The day/night confusion is normal, he'll figure it out. One thing that helps is make sure the room is as dark as possible at night, and make sure the house is bright during the day.
If you and mom need a break, call someone to come sit with the baby for an hour or two. If ya don't have anyone, call me. We've never met, but I know what you're going through and i'm here to help if I can.

Adam Brooks
06-08-2009, 10:12 AM
congrats on new son! i have no kids and no advise but congrats man!

06-08-2009, 10:16 AM
Its normal. My daughter had her days and nights mixed up when we first brought her home 7 weeks ago.

To get him to know his days and nights, wake him more during the day, talk to him, play with him, keep it brighter and louder. Then at night, keep it dark and quieter. Talk as little as possible and only whisper. No playing with him at night either. And change him as little as possible at night, really only when he has poop.

When he's crying and freaking out, he probably is getting too much air in and getting bubbles in his belly. Do you know why he's freaking out? Is he hungry? Or is this around when he gets sleepy? Could he be too warm or too cold? Always try rocking and singing to him. Try patting his bottom. Try putting him in a swing or on a bouncy chair or wrapping him up tightly in a blanket.

And yes, as others said, try different formulas and nipples. Different babies react differenly to different formulas. My daughter will take any formula I give her, but your baby may have a sensitive belly and need a certain kind. Different brands of nipples flow differently. My daughter uses Parent's Choice bottles and those nipples flow pretty slowly. But we had tired to use a Medela bottle and the nipple flowed way too fast that she got too much air and spit up everything she ate.

Don't worry, this time will pass. It will get easier, and you will get used to it, as hard as that may be to believe.

And do call someone if you need a break. Heck, even call me. I have a 7 1/2 week old daughter and I work in child care so I'm pretty used to hearing babies cry. I'd be more than willing to let you relax for a few hours. :)

06-08-2009, 10:20 AM
Also, if your wife is having problems breastfeeding, don't worry. It's hard. I tried and was able to for a little bit, but my daughter was jaundiced and wasn't getting enough food, so we started pumping. Then pumping became painful. So, don't let her beat herself up if she's having problems with it. The lactation consultants at the hospital are free and she could go talk to them and talk to her friends that have breastfed to get some advice.

06-08-2009, 10:27 AM
yeah, don't be hesitant to call someone for help either. we called the nurses with all sorts of questions.

we fed our daughter every 4 hours i think.

95 TA - The Beast
06-08-2009, 10:41 AM
This is all normal stuff and breast milk is the best thing for them and should allow the little guy to become 'regular' as quickly as possible. If you have to use formula you really need to systematically try as many of the brands out there until you find the one that settles with him. Unfortunately it is far too early to find a 'quick-fix' in that if he can't do breat milk exclusively for a short while (which should be the quickest way to get him 'regular'), then it may just be a drawn out process in regards to figuring everything digestively. The schedule and everything else will work itself out over time, or may be a long-term issue (it goes both ways), but every infant is different.

We have 4 kids, and our first and third children were inconsistent sleepers, a little more *needy* in the nursing department and took well over a year to get thier 'schedule' down. Our second was easy as can be, slept for almost 3 hours at a crack and was very very easy, going from breat feeding to a sippy cup with no bottle in-between (hell she went from a crib to her own bed with zero issues as well when she turned 1, as in over-night). And our last one was even better in the eating/sleeping department, crashing for 3-4 hours at a crack right away, eating his fill, easy burping and in general a great temperment, happy as can be. Point is, all kids are different and what works for someone else is in no way going to say it will work for you. Far too many grandparents don't understand this and think just because all thier kids were a certain way thier grandchildren shoudl be the exact same way. That is where too many (usually the mothers) listen to thier parents far too much and expect the 'quick-fixes'. Trust me, there is no such thing and once you have your own you are ON your own. Do what works for you and what YOU feel is best for the child. It is OK to try what others tell you, but be quick to realize what does and does not work. It does suck to hear them cry and really tugs at the heart strings.

Also, as new parents do not hesitate to use the professional resources at hand, such as your pediatrician. They can be instrumental in helping you get a handle on things and to work your way through this scary time. If your pediatrician isn't supportive and understanding (to a fault) about this and if you ever get the hint that they are being 'dismissive' or blowing you off, FIND A NEW PEDIATRICIAN! They should know that new parents will scramble and go crazy a bit and shoudl be able to instill confidence and a sense of 'calm' to the craziness, even if it is self-induced a bit.

Here is one piece of advice I cannot stress ENOUGH, and that is when the kid goes down to sleep DO NOT make the house silent. You are creating a monster if you do that, as ANY noise will wake the kid up.

All 4 of our kids have slept through vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, normal daily activities, etc... And the end result is the kids can sleep through anything. Now that they are older we can have friends over in the evening after they are in bed and they don't wake up if we are watching a movie and everyone start laughing, or if the conversation gets a little loud. We never have ever had to worry about keeping things quiet so they can sleep and it has been a godsend.

On the flip side, a buddy had 2 kids, both times the mother would make sure the house was DEAD quiet when they were sleeping. I am talking that if they took a nap you couldn't have a conversation in the next room as the kids would wake up, thus you had to whisper IN THE NEXT ROOM with the damn door closed! Talk about a HORRENDOUS situation and one that drove my buddy up the damn wall. Hell, after the kids got 3-4 years old, basically to the point where they should be sleeping through the night soundly, my buddy found out they couldn't have sex because if they made ANY noise the kids would be up. You can imagine how long that marriage lasted.

06-08-2009, 10:53 AM
Here is one piece of advice I cannot stress ENOUGH, and that is when the kid goes down to sleep DO NOT make the house silent. You are creating a monster if you do that, as ANY noise will wake the kid up.

you got that right!

06-08-2009, 11:58 AM
Dennis is right about the sleep thing. Keep the actvity normal. When my son was born he had gas to mylicon drops work well. Also like others said trying diffrent formulas. The formula that worked best for us was gentelease, enfimil made it. Supposed to help gassy babys.. ask your doctor for free samples they will give you diffrent mini cans for you to try. hope that helps a little :thumbsup

Ricky Bobby
06-08-2009, 01:33 PM
yes we tried diff formula dr just gave us a free samples of formula from similac for colic babies and some gas drops, as for during the day we keep as normal as activity as possible except right now we need to sleep when he does and its hard when hes not sleeping. everything u guys are saying we pretty much do it was i was worried about the constant crying and the poop that was just straight water.

another thing that confuses me is during the day he will sleep for 3hrs with any formula and wake later and fuss and pooh it out but at 830pm every 15 min his stomach hurts whats diff between daytime light and dark :eek:

06-08-2009, 02:11 PM
to them at this age the diffrence is nothing, Its normal for babys to have days and nights mixed up. id try enfimil its pretty much trial and error and I dont think everything is 100% the same between the 2 brands because my son started out with similac advance as we learned he was a gassy baby we switched to enfimil gentalease. it seemed to work and thats what we stuck with till milk.

Also whats your wifes diet ?if shes breast feeding. If shes eating greasey and/or certain foods they can effect the babys bowel movements and make him gassy. Maybe have her switch what shes eating and see if that helps?

06-08-2009, 02:18 PM
You should consult your family physician or child's pediatrician. Not an online car forum.

06-08-2009, 02:20 PM
you can also try a day of her pumping but not giving it to him and use the colicy baby formula. If that doesnt work, Id say try to stay consistant with one type of formula for a couple days to see how the bowel movements change, Also give him the gas drops before he eats or in the bottle. And they have special bottles for colicy babies try drbrown bottles or playtex vent-aire bottles.

Hope this helps you alittle or gives you some ideas...

06-08-2009, 02:44 PM
another thing that confuses me is during the day he will sleep for 3hrs with any formula and wake later and fuss and pooh it out but at 830pm every 15 min his stomach hurts whats diff between daytime light and dark :eek:

My daughter does kind of the same thing... She'll eat every 2-3 hours during the day fine, but 630 comes and she eats. Then 715/730 come and she's hungry again. Then 8 comes and she acts like shes just STARVING. I think it might just be cluster feeding and trying to get as much food in the belly as possible for the night, but I really don't know. I'm bringing it up to her doctor next week. At 830ish try holding him off a couple hours. Don't let him eat more often than 2 hours. That way he'll eat more at a time. Even try giving him a nuk, he might just need a little bit more sucking.

06-08-2009, 02:58 PM
You should consult your family physician or child's pediatrician. Not an online car forum.

This is true... But, it doesn't hurt to get advice from friends that have experienced raising a newborn.

06-08-2009, 04:35 PM
This is true... But, it doesn't hurt to get advice from friends that have experienced raising a newborn.

I agree if some has experianced this they could give him insight to what could be the prob. plus doctor bills get expensive......

TMNB - how old is your child?

06-08-2009, 04:37 PM
You should consult your family physician or child's pediatrician. Not an online car forum.

I'm sorry but i LOL'd at that. I can't hurt to get some advice though.

Ricky Bobby
06-08-2009, 06:42 PM
You should consult your family physician or child's pediatrician. Not an online car forum.

thanx for that as u can see when i wrote this the dr was not open at the time and was not sure i could get in or get ahold of anyone i was just trying to gather info as to see if im doin something wrong or what,but what i got from here is pretty much what the dr said so thank u guys for the help with a guy in need he is alot better already with the gas drops and new formula:thumbsup:thumbsup

06-08-2009, 06:45 PM
TMNB - how old is your child?

7 weeks as of this past Thursday.

06-08-2009, 08:29 PM
The wife said that babies sleep in the womb when the woman is awake as she is rocking and swinging the baby. This soothes the baby and puts it to sleep. When the Mom sleeps, the baby is awake and restless.

So, post birth, they need to be rocked and swung to soothe them. Makes sense. Outside of that, my wife is 8 weeks pregnant, so we only know what we are reading now.

06-08-2009, 08:33 PM
thanx for that as u can see when i wrote this the dr was not open at the time and was not sure i could get in or get ahold of anyone i was just trying to gather info as to see if im doin something wrong or what,but what i got from here is pretty much what the dr said so thank u guys for the help with a guy in need he is alot better already with the gas drops and new formula:thumbsup:thumbsup

Thats awesome, good to hear. just takes a little experimenting sometimes. You know its never easy but u know theirs always people out there to help you. :thumbsup

06-08-2009, 08:43 PM
Glad the little one is better. I could hear him cry from the back yard!!.

J/K Little ones just need more attention.

Ricky Bobby
06-08-2009, 09:02 PM
yes he is a little better so far he takes his feedings about every 2hrs and has only pooped once in 2 feedings unlike before and now we feed him and put him in the swing and he is content for right now trying not to sleep but im hoping he loses that battle soon :rolf

again thanx to everyone who helped out with advise i wrote down a bunch of it and also found a new dr who is very nice and helpful so im hopin things will look up she said 24hrs should be a completely new baby :banana

06-08-2009, 09:22 PM
I agree if some has experianced this they could give him insight to what could be the prob. plus doctor bills get expensive......

TMNB - how old is your child?

She will be 8 weeks old on Thursday... 2 months old next week Tuesday the 16th already.

Yeah, doctor bills get expensive...geez. I can't imagine going to the doctor every time I have a question about my daughter.

Ricky Bobby- It's kind of funny that your son freaks out a bit at night time.. Only because my daughter does it off and on. I normally have a strict bed time routine that I've done with her since she was a week or so old. If she gets a bath, she gets it at 815, then lotion and fed at 830. If no bath then she gets changed at 820ish and lotion then fed. After she eats at least 2oz, I'll put her in her sleeper and let her eat more and put her down at 9. Well, the last 2 nights, she's had other plans. Last night she was asleep by 830 and tonight she got a bath at 8 and fed at 815ish before even getting lotion on. She does this a few nights every so often since we've moved in with my mom and step dad. It makes for a hard couple of nights in a row.

Did you ever post any pics of your little guy on here? If not, you should.


That's the link to the thread posted after my daughter was born. There's a couple pics in there on the 2nd page.

Ricky Bobby
06-08-2009, 09:32 PM
i did start a thread its 3 pages back but here are the pics i posted have to upload more
