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View Full Version : anyone go skydiving?

05-27-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm very excited to go skydiving class so i can jump by my self :stare lol.
any good class that i should go?? any recommendations?
even though I'm really afraid of the heights but i live once so i want to try it.

05-27-2009, 04:55 PM
There is a school out near East Troy.

05-27-2009, 04:56 PM
u kno how many people i have seen land on the freeway out there lol

05-27-2009, 05:16 PM
we'll see where I land haa

Russ Jerome
05-27-2009, 05:22 PM
I jumped down at Skynights in East Troy, the first thing I said
apon landing was "can we go up again?". Great time, and yes
people have died there....people die every day on the freeway
as well but I still drive every day.

Get it videotaped, you'll watch it a 100 times.

05-27-2009, 05:34 PM
thanks for the inputs!
gotta do little bit more research and im signing up for the class!!

05-27-2009, 05:39 PM
I jumped down at Skynights in East Troy, the first thing I said
apon landing was "can we go up again?". Great time, and yes
people have died there....people die every day on the freeway
as well but I still drive every day.

Get it videotaped, you'll watch it a 100 times.

After I jumped they said do you want to go again and I said how much. The guy says oh we'd dock $20 off. $180 for one jump was enough. Although I got video and pics for $20 from a guy who was practicing shotting them. :thumbsup

05-27-2009, 06:11 PM
I went when we were in DC. Jumped from 10 or 12k feet. The plane we took up made me feel better about chancing it jumping that flying in it any longer. I went with an instructor and was one of the coolest things I have experienced. I'm glad I went with him because he more or less pushes you out so you don't have a choice. I think it was close to a 45 second free fall and you hear nothing but the wind racing by your face. Then it was a 10 minute parachute ride down. The harness around your thighs really cramps your balls but it was worth it.

Russ Jerome
05-27-2009, 07:29 PM
The "plane" in East troy is like driving a 1970 Chevy van:
Roll a pile of batteries up to it to start it...assuming there
are backup batteries for in air restart?
Motor smoked like hell that first early AM startup.
Bunch of medical tape with hand writting on the dash
for notes.
Scotch locks visible under dash, next to the elec tape.

I loved it, added to the whole effect. At one point during
the training (tandem jump) I had asked what a specific
strap was for, dude said: "Oh thats in case you freak out
and I need to CUT YOU AWAY!" Great people and time.

Goat Roper
05-27-2009, 07:43 PM
Get it videotaped, you'll watch it a 100 times.

Here is my video. Taken at Chicago Skydive a couple years back.

Yes, it involves a dildo and the t-shirt is work related. Just sayin'


Chicago Skydive is an awesome place to jump, about 1.5 hours away but a great facility with great views of the city on a good day.

05-27-2009, 08:29 PM
There is a school out near East Troy.

my brother did the 6hour (i think it was that long) class and did a jump on his own the same day.. liked it so much over the following 4 or so months jumped a dozen or so times. and then winter came in the next summer he never went back...was kinda expensive.. but he had a blast.

05-27-2009, 08:42 PM
This is the plane we jumped out of. Scurry

05-27-2009, 08:55 PM
the plane my brother jumped out of if i remember correctly looked like an older smaller cargo plane of some sort.

Russ Jerome
05-27-2009, 10:01 PM
The bigger one at E Troy is that kinda odd longish cargo style, when
your driving past the exit its pretty easy to spot the plane circling.

Its pretty cool, gutted like you would a drag car and the roof so low
you cant stand up (have to crawl around with a grown man strappe
d to your back!).

05-27-2009, 10:13 PM
my sister has ALOT of jumps under her belt. also is the first women in the state of Nevada to hold a tandem sky dive license, and is part of many formation records. needless to say after a neck injury that escaladed after skydiving, and wrecking a few knees she no longer does it any more..

05-28-2009, 04:17 AM
My niece did it out at East Troy, twice. We went and watched her on her second trip. It was cool seeing her come down and it looked like a lot of fun. However... We were all standing around talking about Annie's jump and the last group of the day, a bunch of real experienced sky divers was coming down. Apparently, the real hot shots don't have to come down so far from the take off zone like the beginners do, so we got to see them come down real close. REAL CLOSE. It was a fairly windy day and I think a couple of them over compensated or something. (There is an old saying: Familiarity breeds contempt. It applies here...) All I remember is seeing one guy come in right between two trees, and I thought he was a goner but he made it, barely. Next guy down was even closer, maybe 50 ft from where I was standing. Bad landing, on his side. I couldn't tell if he planted his face first or his arm. All I know is when they rolled him over his face was all blood. Later on I had heard that he had also suffered a broken arm. As I was watching this spectacle I caught a flash of another guy landing, about 75 yards from where I was standing. He hit on his feet initially, but hard. Next thing I saw was him cartwheeling and tumbling and getting dragged by his chute. Ugly. He ended up suffering a broken leg and other, less serious injuries. We stayed until the paramedics carted them both away. Needless to say, my niece has some fond memories of her two jumps, but will not make another. As for me, any thoughts I had of trying sky diving went right out the window after witnessing that happen. It's one thing to hear about stuff like that, or see it on TV, it's another thing entirely seeing it unfold right in front of your eyes. I'll pass...

05-28-2009, 05:42 AM
Ive used to skydive quite often. Fun hobby, there isnt many good places around here to do it though.

05-28-2009, 09:33 AM
thanks for all the inputs!
im scared shitless going into an air plane but i can only image me jumping out the plane LOL

Goat Roper
05-28-2009, 09:51 AM
thanks for all the inputs!
im scared shitless going into an air plane but i can only image me jumping out the plane LOL

Like I said in my vid, there is zero sensation of falling when you exit the plan, it just gets really windy. Thats the part that surprised me the most.

Russ Jerome
05-28-2009, 11:48 PM
thanks for all the inputs!
im scared shitless going into an air plane but i can only image me jumping out the plane LOL

Im not a fan of the 120+ mph free fall prior to the chute
opening but as soon as your instructor is guiding you
into a thermal and your motionless with hawks near bye
you will say "this is incredible".

I would like to static jump at lower altitude, just coast
down, no phsyco dives before the cool cruise down.

Voodoo Chick
05-28-2009, 11:52 PM
I think I would have a massive heart attack if I even attempted it.

05-29-2009, 09:19 AM
sky knights in east troy is the best, they have an 'accelerated free fall' program. you take a 3 or 4 hour class and then jump out of the plane with two instructors (but not tied to anyone). easily the most exciting thing I've ever done. get it video taped, you'll get an adrenaline rush just thinking about it for the next three months, and watching the video will be intense. once the chute opens (the second after you pull the cord before the chute deploys will be the longest in your life), it's smiles from ear the ear the whole rest of the way down. unbelievable.

Russ Jerome
05-29-2009, 04:32 PM
I think I would have a massive heart attack if I even attempted it.

I felt the same way, went on a dare. I GAURANTEE you
the second the chute opens and your silently gliding into
the air stream you will be glad you tried it.

Im gonna see what I need to do to upload my VHS jump
to the web, you can see my before/after reaction.

Voodoo Chick
05-29-2009, 06:40 PM
I felt the same way, went on a dare. I GAURANTEE you
the second the chute opens and your silently gliding into
the air stream you will be glad you tried it.

Im gonna see what I need to do to upload my VHS jump
to the web, you can see my before/after reaction.

I dunno.......I can't even look over the side of the balcony at Southridge Mall without getting vertigo.........:stare

Goat Roper
05-30-2009, 07:37 AM
I dunno.......I can't even look over the side of the balcony at Southridge Mall without getting vertigo.........:stare

This will sound stupid but at 14,000 feet you really do not get a sense of height like you do looking at the floor from 30 feet

Russ Jerome
05-30-2009, 09:04 AM
The real sense of height is a few minutes in to the freefall and the chute opens.....your like "Wow we are realy f-ing high!". All this talk I want to go do it again right now.

05-30-2009, 02:56 PM
I cannot wait!!
I want to sign up for free fall with instructors without tiein up wit them :)