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03-26-2004, 01:21 PM
I heard the news report that Tues he enacted a new law so that "cruising" in Milw will now result in POINTS taken from your driver's license record (3 pts). Isn't that swell?
And with such reasonable, consistent enforcement, yay! :rolleyes: Every time I pull out of my parking lot onto Hwy 100 I get hassled by the cops unless I head through Franklin (Franklin cops told me "they don't have a law against cruising, and they don't waste their time on that").

Not that I wasn't thrilled that Norqueen finally got out of there, but Marvy the "acting Mayor" Pratt got old really quick. A very poor actor, IMO. He's not gonna win any Oscar's.

95 TA - The Beast
03-26-2004, 01:28 PM
Don't forget that is in Milwaukee, and that is because they have many more problems on the northside than we ever did on the HWY...

03-26-2004, 01:37 PM
Yeah like on sherman, where the gunshots are more plentiful than the screetching tires on hwy 100.

I honestly don't see any of these holding up in a REAL court if someone with money chose to fight them. Now you know what my lottery money is going for :)

03-26-2004, 02:22 PM
The problem is if that Joke of a Mayor (Pratt) does pass a law putting points on your license for illegal crusing everyone will follow suit. I wanna know how breaking a city ordinance can be a moving violation! That's just plain wrong. Well I know who I won't be voting for as my Mayor. (and no that is not the only reason why). :fire

03-26-2004, 02:50 PM
I'm not sure what good it would do however I think that we should email the powers that be and explain ourselves. This is our hobby, this is what we enjoy doing and we should be able to show off our rides RESPONSIBLY.

People have been modifying, cruising and showing off their rides ever since Henry Ford introduced us to the assembly line. Yet we're being punished. There are those that need a swift kick in the ass, but for the most part we are responsible. There isn't enough of us to enact much of a change, however if the Scott Walker and others that are seeking office or to be reelected heard from us in a constructive way maybe they would take heed. All we seem to do is sit around and ***** about the cops the mayors and the stupid ass laws. We have the power to have these things changed, but htey have to hear us first.

They need to know that not only do we vote and care about our country that we vote. That we want to be able to cruise and get together and show our rides off.

Yes I'm probably gonna catch alot of #$@! for this but oh well. I'm working on and am going to send some mail to those seeking office. Just to understand our plight.


03-26-2004, 04:08 PM
I dont know why this is such a big deal with people. I got a cruising ticket in Greenfeild my Senior year in H.S. The ticket was Three points and a $73.92 fine. I think Milwaukee is the only city that doesnt do this. I know Greenfield, West Allis and Hales corners already do this. I also heard that the Judge for the city of West Allis does not drop points if taken to court for anything on Hwy 100, If its durning the time when people cruise.

So this isn't really changing anything that is going on currently.

03-26-2004, 05:08 PM
Well I kinda agree with Scoty and Scooter. I mean hell ya we should change it, but on the other hand how much power do they really have to stop this? I mean how much business would be lost on Friday and Saturday nights alone by the Osacar's of the HWY? I think the elected officials would catch alot of flack for that alone.

03-26-2004, 05:30 PM
Oscar's would rather we weren't there. They probably lose more buisness from the family's that don't stop there because there is no place to park or all of the kids hangin around. I don't think anything can be changed. Like scooter said he got a ticket when he was in high school. An we still cruise it.

I have talked to people that have said they cruised back in the seventies. I just think it would be fun to flood the powers that be with emails describing who we are and what we want. I myself don't care for the cruising, I only turn laps to keep from getting a loitering ticket. I do however like to stop hang out and look at cars, yes the weekly cruise in's are nice, but we only get a selct few people there.

Oh well I'll see you guys o hthe HWY :thumbsup