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05-13-2009, 09:19 AM
I'm pretty confused about buying a helmet.I don't wanna skimp cause it protects my valuable noodle.

The part I'm confused about is the range of prices.

There's HJC's, which I have heard of and seen before, for $110-$160 for the color I'd want.

Then there are Arai's for $400+.

I live by the phrase "you get what you pay for" but I'm new to motorcycles in general.

Are the Arai's that much better? Are they over-priced? Are the HJC's decent?


Any other brands that you guys recommend?

05-13-2009, 09:36 AM
I know that Arais are a very good helmet from what Ive read. And heard from riders.

05-13-2009, 09:38 AM
The difference in safety between a $200 helmet and $500 helmet is minimal. Make sure the helmet is dot and shell certified, and it'll be about as safe as you can get (within reason).

The price difference is mostly due to lower wind noise, better vents, less fogging, lighter weight, colors that don't fade, easy to remove sheilds, parts that don't break right a way, ect.

I tried on a bunch of helmets and I found the shoei rf-1000 fit the best. Find a helmet with a few different "shell sizes" too, so a size small head doesent look like an xxl. hah

Don and roys on bluemount has a nice setup to try on helmets without working with a sales person. They have shoei, scorpin, arai, hjc and maybe some more.

05-13-2009, 10:03 AM
The difference in safety between a $200 helmet and $500 helmet is minimal. Make sure the helmet is dot and shell certified, and it'll be about as safe as you can get (within reason).

The price difference is mostly due to lower wind noise, better vents, less fogging, lighter weight, colors that don't fade, easy to remove sheilds, parts that don't break right a way, ect.

I tried on a bunch of helmets and I found the shoei rf-1000 fit the best. Find a helmet with a few different "shell sizes" too, so a size small head doesent look like an xxl. hah

Don and roys on bluemount has a nice setup to try on helmets without working with a sales person. They have shoei, scorpin, arai, hjc and maybe some more.

Good info. I like the different "shell size" part. I'm a smaller dude and helmets look big one me. Like I'm a lollipop. lol.

I'll check out Don and Roys.

Thanks for the info.

05-13-2009, 12:03 PM
The difference in safety between a $200 helmet and $500 helmet is minimal. Make sure the helmet is dot and shell certified, and it'll be about as safe as you can get (within reason).

x2, I'm a new rider too but couldn't justify spending $300+ on a helmet. I think mine is a HJC CL-15.

05-13-2009, 05:58 PM
I have an HJC, CL-12. Maybe a CS-12. Some such shit. It's a schnazzy shade of green that almost matches my bike. It's a good lid. Noisy, but that goes away with earplugs. Any one have good iPod earbuds to recommend?

05-13-2009, 06:22 PM
I never thought of a helmet being noisy. Something to think about.

05-13-2009, 06:47 PM
The BEST cheap helmet you can guy is a Scorpion EXO 400, 150 bucks and the non-fogging visors are the BEST.

The Best helmet money can buy would be an Arai imo, they are quiet breathe well and super comfortable.

HJC helmets are crap, uncomfortable, stuffy, HOT, and the visor ratchets are chincy as hell. Go to ride and try on the Scorpion Helmets, their top line helmet is 300 bucks and has an internal flipdown visor that is pretty sweet as well.

05-13-2009, 06:53 PM
The BEST cheap helmet you can guy is a Scorpion EXO 400, 150 bucks and the non-fogging visors are the BEST.

The Best helmet money can buy would be an Arai imo, they are quiet breathe well and super comfortable.

HJC helmets are crap, uncomfortable, stuffy, HOT, and the visor ratchets are chincy as hell. Go to ride and try on the Scorpion Helmets, their top line helmet is 300 bucks and has an internal flipdown visor that is pretty sweet as well.

Cool. The Scorpion EXO 400 comes in matte black too and is $140.

Do you know by chance if Ride's prices are comparable to online prices?

05-13-2009, 08:04 PM
I just ordered an EXO 400 through ride, tell him you will pay 140 and he will do it for you. Talk to Carter

05-13-2009, 08:24 PM

So far there has been some good advice. I have a few side notes from my years of riding.

1.) Make sure the pads are removable and washing machine safe. That shit starts smelling like German Shepard after a long July.

2.) Get a helmet with a clear shield and make sure a set of plastic shades (oakleys, bolle, etc) fit with it on. Nothing like having a tinted shield and finding some girls to chat with only to find you can't see shit on the ride home!

3.) The HJC is a real common helmet and if you are out somewhere you can always find parts for it anywhere. I got one for my bike and then found out it has a "breather mask" conversion for snowmobiling, so I just went out and got the extra parts for the off season riding. If you do both, try to find something that will suit your needs if you are on a budget.

4.) Weight is a big factor if you are going cross country. A cheaper helmet will give you a nightmare on 250 + mile rides. This is increasing important as you near 30 yrs old. I found my tolerance for cheaper helmets ended about 4 years ago!

Good Luck.

05-13-2009, 09:09 PM
I just ordered an EXO 400 through ride, tell him you will pay 140 and he will do it for you. Talk to Carter

My wife and I know the manager, Dave Bergeron. He should hook me up.

05-13-2009, 09:11 PM
I like my hjc helmets but since i put the tinted shield on my CL15 it whistles a little but a common problem ive read but i can't hear the noise over the exhaust of the new bike

05-14-2009, 05:38 AM
2.) Get a helmet with a clear shield and make sure a set of plastic shades (oakleys, bolle, etc) fit with it on. Nothing like having a tinted shield and finding some girls to chat with only to find you can't see shit on the ride home!

You could also consider a helmet with a drop-down tinted visor behind the face shield.
I have a Scorpion EXO-1000 and it works great!