View Full Version : Legal Question Regarding State FML Regs.

04-14-2009, 10:04 PM
My wife is due to have our son on the 23rd. For the past month she has been trying to find out from her company's insurance handler in NewYork (Dentsply) if there is a five day waiting period before she received her disability pay. It's pretty pathetic that she hasn't been able to get an answer.

Well today the lady she has been discussing this with says it is state law that requires a five day waiting period before receiving disability pay after being hospitalized. The lady then stated, "If you do take vacation time during those five days and it happens that there is no five day waiting period, we will reimburse you your vacation." Sounds like she doesn't know shit.

So I did a little searching on a Labor Law forum and the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and from what I read it seems there is no law for a five day waiting period; it is strictly dependent on how the company/insurance policy is worded. Since an employer is not required to pay out wages during disibility I see why there would be a waiting period dictated by law.

For the record, she will be working up to the day she goes into labor.

Anyone happen to have a straight answer?

Thanks a ton in advance.

04-15-2009, 12:09 AM
For the record, she will be working up to the day she goes into labor.

Anyone happen to have a straight answer?

Thanks a ton in advance.
Jeez, how cold! Making her work until she's ready to deliver.:devil

04-15-2009, 09:59 AM
There is a 5 day waiting period......

04-15-2009, 06:27 PM
Can you site it?