View Full Version : Xmen Origins: Wolverine....AWESOME!!!

04-12-2009, 12:07 AM
SIMPLY BADASS!!! They answer a ton of questions that are simply eluded to in the years of comic reading...ALOT of eye openers:wow

The movie was incredible and well worth the money! yes, I know it comes out May 1st.

04-12-2009, 12:14 AM
SO how did you get an early sneak peek

04-12-2009, 12:09 PM
dont worry about it but for the comic fans, this movie answers almost EVERY question about Wolverine and certain other characters! watched it for the 3rd time already and IMO, the badest comic movie ever made!

04-12-2009, 12:16 PM
share the wealth, vacation man.

04-12-2009, 12:29 PM
fans of wolverine are going to be very impressed to say the least. what else do you want to know. pm me for details ponch.

04-12-2009, 12:44 PM
Can't wait to see it. I'm glad Gambit is in it.

04-12-2009, 03:21 PM
gambit is still misplaced in the story line but he did fit well within this story.

04-12-2009, 04:08 PM
I will be seeing it soon.

04-12-2009, 05:05 PM
PM me were you got that YOO! Please

Karps TA
04-12-2009, 05:13 PM
Did you see the real version or the leaked one that was apparently missing alot of CGI and such? Curious cause everyone that I know that saw the leaked version were really disappointed in it.

04-12-2009, 07:26 PM
I haven't seen the bootleg floating around yet but just going off of how much they have f*cked up the characters from the comic book, I'm def. skeptical.

I'm still going to PAY to see it when it comes out because I like Hugh Jackman as Logan.

04-12-2009, 07:52 PM
good i have read the comics. and need some questions answered. lol

04-12-2009, 08:29 PM
Damn you answer the question or be banned. Crap I don't have that authority. Fine then be silent :flipoff2: ;)

04-12-2009, 09:39 PM
there was SOME cgi not put in yet but the movie was complete and was very good! It wasnt a cam version so it was easy to watch it 4 times in a row....besides those that complained arent REAL fans as I could barely find flaws in any of the details! There were a few new characters they added to keep the story moving but really had no impact on the main story or the flow. The story follows the timeline from Xmen, Xfactor, Wolverine, Alpha Flight and the Avengers so unless you know damm near story from all of the comics you might not know how it all fits but it does!!

There are 2 extra scenes after the movie too, WELL after the credits.

04-13-2009, 08:29 AM
There are 2 extra scenes after the movie too, WELL after the credits.

Will have to keep that in mind

Voodoo Chick
04-13-2009, 01:52 PM
I wanna see it now!!

04-13-2009, 05:32 PM
I haven't seen the bootleg floating around yet but just going off of how much they have f*cked up the characters from the comic book, I'm def. skeptical.

what characters btw were phucked up? Most of the characters are damm near right on including the ones that werent really ever elaborated on in most books. This coming from a longtime fan since late 70's damm near when Xmen first came out. I'll say this, the relationship between Wolverine and Sabertooth is actually outlined and fully explained which was exactly what certain writers wanted for the characters since day one but never put in the comics.

04-13-2009, 06:13 PM
what characters btw were phucked up? Most of the characters are damm near right on including the ones that werent really ever elaborated on in most books. This coming from a longtime fan since late 70's damm near when Xmen first came out. I'll say this, the relationship between Wolverine and Sabertooth is actually outlined and fully explained which was exactly what certain writers wanted for the characters since day one but never put in the comics.

1. Deadpool has claws. WTF is that. Deadpool is one of the dopest most bad ass characters ever. That's f*cked up.

2. Sabertooth is Wolverines brother. LAME. Why does everyone have to be a relative. I thought the same shit was stupid in Transformers when Prime and Megatron were brothers.

3. Gambit doesn't have a Cajun/Creole accent. Really? That's one of the main trait of his character.

Like I said, I'm still looking forward to the movie, but it's not perfectly accurate and those particular things don't sit well with me.

04-13-2009, 06:28 PM
dead pool doesnt have claws, he has retractable blades which they changed to exaggerate the characteristics that were taken from wolverine. DP was always a master of swords and such and now in the movie they are just come out of his forearms.

sabretooth and wolverine were ALWAYS supposed to be related not created for just the movie. That was the point behind the annual fights on his bday, the occasional saving of each other and the general hatred of govt as they were both part of the weapon x program and each not having a memory of each other.

04-13-2009, 06:40 PM
dead pool doesnt have claws, he has retractable blades which they changed to exaggerate the characteristics that were taken from wolverine. DP was always a master of swords and such and now in the movie they are just come out of his forearms.

sabretooth and wolverine were ALWAYS supposed to be related not created for just the movie. That was the point behind the annual fights on his bday, the occasional saving of each other and the general hatred of govt as they were both part of the weapon x program and each not having a memory of each other.

He has shit coming out of his hands, that's all I know. And exaclty, he's a master of swords. Not a master of shit coming out of his hands. I hope at least he's a smart ass in the movie. Ryan Reynolds is the perfect person to play him so I hope he did the character justice. He also has one of the coolest costumes ever. Does he even wear the mask?

Regarding Wolverine Sabertooth, maybe they were "supposed" to be related...but they never came out with it. I'm sure if he WAS supposed to be his brother after 32 years I'm sure they would have came out with it by now.

04-13-2009, 07:37 PM
they always eluded to the relationship just never said it.

dead pool is a wise ass. he doesnt have the mask/costume yet as he gets put online before he was ready to go. prior to surgery he was a master of swords and even after he still was. either way the movie was badass.

04-13-2009, 07:49 PM
movie was good, ill have to see it in theaters so i can see the finished product.

04-14-2009, 07:42 AM
they always eluded to the relationship just never said it.

dead pool is a wise ass. he doesnt have the mask/costume yet as he gets put online before he was ready to go. prior to surgery he was a master of swords and even after he still was. either way the movie was badass.

I still can't wait to see it. I know Hollywood to "Hollywood" up every movie so a lot of this stuff was expected. Really these are just minor things. I sure wish Gambit had his Cajun accent though. He won't really feel like Gambit to me.

05-06-2009, 11:26 AM
I went and saw it on opening day.

I thought it was just ok.

They really did fuck up the story and made Wolverine a big puss.

The whole brothers thing was not a bad idea and it worked ok in the film but I think it would have been better with out.

DEADPOOL was the worst part of the whole movie for me. They COMPLETELY fucked him up. Ryan Reynolds got to play him for what...15 min maybe? That parts he got to talk were awesome but it felt like they were still restricting what he could do with the character. The "having every mutants powers" was absolutely f*ckin stupid. The swords coming out of his hands was almost as bad.

They just announced that the Deadpool movie has the greenlight. I hope to GOD they go back to what Deadpool should be like and look like and ignore what they did to him in Wolverine.

And who the hell was Will.I.AM supposed to be? His character was gay.

Gambit failed really hard too. He looses all cred just for not having an accent even though he was in new Orleans. Come on really? They dude is a hard core cajun that lives in New Orleans but doesn't have an accent? LAME.

Over-all I think it was worth the watch but I won't watch it again.

Going forward with these Origin movies I hope they actually focus on the real ORIGINS.

05-06-2009, 12:42 PM
I saw it and thought it was sweet. I've never read any comics or anything like that.

05-06-2009, 04:24 PM
Can't wait to see it. I'm glad Gambit is in it.
that was my thoughts. years of watching sunday morning cartoons and when the x men movies came out and he wasn't in it, it bummed me out.

05-06-2009, 05:40 PM
that was my thoughts years of watching sunday morning cartoons and when the x men movies came out and he wasnt in it it bummed me out.

With what they did with him I'd rather they would have still left him out.

05-06-2009, 07:17 PM
With what they did with him I'd rather they would have still left him out.

that's sad to here from your review im wondering if its a movie even worth going to the theater to see. meh.. i guess ill torrent it and save my self the money.

05-06-2009, 07:20 PM
I took the kids last weekend and we thought it was good. I agree though that Gambit should have had a bigger part and expanded on the character. ( Cool that it was Riggins from Friday Night Lights though. ) Could have used some more Deadpool stuff too, but all in all I was entertained and the boys liked it as well.

Goat Roper
05-06-2009, 07:25 PM
Saw it last weekend. Terrible story but this movie is more for kids I think, they don't care about story as much as long as shit blows up. Fight scenes were not very exciting until the very last one on top of the tower. As has been stated, not enough Deadpool and Gambit.

05-06-2009, 09:28 PM
Hard crowd to please. I wasn't an X-Men fan, I was more into the Fantastic 4, the Hulk and Spider Man. I liked the movie quite a bit, but if I was a purist, I would probably be as disappointed as some of you guys. (I hated the first Hulk movie and haven't thought much of either one of the F4 flicks.)
Sometimes it pays not to be too into something...

05-06-2009, 09:51 PM
I wouldn't even call myself a purist. But the comic book characters of Gambit and Deadpool are already so cool and Hollywood enough it's really disappointing to see them f*cked up so much. Especially Deadpool.

05-06-2009, 10:02 PM
Too many people compare the movies to the cartoons forgetting the comics came first.....therefore Gambit shouldnt have even been in the movie, he fits nowhere in the timeline.

Aside from the swords in his hands and lazer eyes, Deadpool had teleportation powers and healing factors he got while part of the weapon x program. I wouldnt be surprised if stitching his mouth shut was leading into his own movie where his face is messed up in later part of the timeline as part of weapon x.

Will I am, is supposed to be Kestrel, a teleporter and an early member of the weapon x program.

05-06-2009, 10:14 PM
Too many people compare the movies to the cartoons forgetting the comics came first.....therefore Gambit shouldnt have even been in the movie, he fits nowhere in the timeline.

Aside from the swords in his hands and lazer eyes, Deadpool had teleportation powers and healing factors he got while part of the weapon x program. I wouldnt be surprised if stitching his mouth shut was leading into his own movie where his face is messed up in later part of the timeline as part of weapon x.

Will I am, is supposed to be Kestrel, a teleporter and an early member of the weapon x program.

Yoo ='s Marvel Jedi

05-06-2009, 10:20 PM
Too many people compare the movies to the cartoons forgetting the comics came first.....therefore Gambit shouldnt have even been in the movie, he fits nowhere in the timeline.

Aside from the swords in his hands and lazer eyes, Deadpool had teleportation powers and healing factors he got while part of the weapon x program. I wouldnt be surprised if stitching his mouth shut was leading into his own movie where his face is messed up in later part of the timeline as part of weapon x.

Will I am, is supposed to be Kestrel, a teleporter and an early member of the weapon x program.

Like I said. I'm not a purist. I just plain did not like what they did with both those characters and making Logan kind of a *****.

Deadpool's spin off movie has been given the green light. I just hope they stick with how he looks in the comic and not the lame movie version. Yoo, would yea at least admit you like Deadpool's look more in the comic then the movie? I mean no self respecting comic fan would like the movie version better.

05-06-2009, 10:47 PM
admittedly, deadpool was a disappointment. When I first saw him on the plane and up until he fell off the screen(before WXI), he was classic DP. In the books though he doesnt die even after his heart is removed so this is probably the hollywood spin on it.

The way they have this movie setup, it looks like Wolverine was somewhat tame and "human" until the end when he becomes a reckless drunken mess with his memory finally wiped.

I really think its impossible to make an accurate movie of any comic due to so many different versions, stories and writers therefore I am just glad to see a good movie that isnt pg rated like the spiderman/daredevil/hulk/FF messes.

05-07-2009, 07:50 AM
admittedly, deadpool was a disappointment. When I first saw him on the plane and up until he fell off the screen(before WXI), he was classic DP. In the books though he doesnt die even after his heart is removed so this is probably the hollywood spin on it.

The way they have this movie setup, it looks like Wolverine was somewhat tame and "human" until the end when he becomes a reckless drunken mess with his memory finally wiped.

I really think its impossible to make an accurate movie of any comic due to so many different versions, stories and writers therefore I am just glad to see a good movie that isnt pg rated like the spiderman/daredevil/hulk/FF messes.

I agree. Woverine is especially hard. Like we've discussed things were eluded to in the comics but never actually exposed. You know in the comics back in the 90's the writers were talking about exposing Sabertooth as Wolverines father.

So yeah it's hard for them to go down a certain road and please everyone. IMO in this movie, they just didn't please this fan. Iron Man was my favorite adaptation. The way they did his origin and placed it in modern day way pure genius and even the most hard core purist was happy with how they did it.

Like I said, I thought this movie was OK, but it missed the mark for me.

05-07-2009, 12:13 PM
I agree Iron Man is my favorite so far as well and I guess I was really hoping for the same magic with this one. Hopefully though with Captain America, Thor, IM2, GI Joe and blah blah blah there should be more chances.lol

Karps TA
05-07-2009, 12:48 PM
Latest trailer for GI Joe looks horrible. I think that one might be a loss.

05-07-2009, 01:21 PM
I agree Iron Man is my favorite so far as well and I guess I was really hoping for the same magic with this one. Hopefully though with Captain America, Thor, IM2, GI Joe and blah blah blah there should be more chances.lol

I have faith in the whole Avengers plot. They way they've already been setting up all the movie coming together so far is brilliant.

We've been discussing these movies on the 240 forum. The time frame for the movies right now is Iron man II is set for next year.

Then 2011 will be Thor and The First Avenger: Captain America.

Then Avengers in 2012.

Avengers could be hit or miss. But I'm hopeful

05-07-2009, 03:56 PM
So far they have matthew mchannxxxxxx for Captain America IF Will Smith declines it from what I have read. I think Will Smith as CA is a big mistake and would ruin the film. The Green Lantern could be cast with Will Smith but not Captain America.Iron Man 2 and CA would be the biggest movies to bring The Avengers movie about, messing up either would ruin the hype for the avengers imo.

05-07-2009, 04:54 PM
So far they have matthew mchannxxxxxx for Captain America IF Will Smith declines it from what I have read. I think Will Smith as CA is a big mistake and would ruin the film. The Green Lantern could be cast with Will Smith but not Captain America.Iron Man 2 and CA would be the biggest movies to bring The Avengers movie about, messing up either would ruin the hype for the avengers imo.

Yeah I've heard about Mcchanney and the rumors he'll play cap. He responded to those IIRC and said he'd love to do it but no one has actually approached him about it.

So we've (240 community) have been brainstorming on who would make a good Cap and even though he's older Bruce Willis would be THE best person to play him IMO. He didn't even look that old in Die Hard 4.

So I did this real quick and BAM! How awesome does he look!?

05-07-2009, 07:39 PM
negative! bruce willis doesnt have the physique for that one! you need a built guy that is agile and can fight WELL.

05-07-2009, 07:43 PM
I actually think John Cena would make a good Capt. America.

05-07-2009, 08:04 PM
I hope they go with the old arrow head shield at first, then move onto the good old trash can lid shield.
But if they make Will Smith capt. I couldn’t see myself going to it.
It just wouldn’t make sense.


05-07-2009, 08:08 PM
John cena would have too much of a wwe feel to it and will smith just isnt captain america.

05-07-2009, 08:09 PM
cena is a lil short and too built for capt. america.

05-07-2009, 08:27 PM
Someone with a old arnold schwarzenegger build.
Same size and what not.

05-07-2009, 09:09 PM
I think Brain Stann, even though he isn't an actor (could learn) would make a good capt.

05-11-2009, 08:06 PM
Will Smith will not be playing cap.
thank god