View Full Version : got bored, made pictures look better...

03-22-2009, 01:44 AM
*Edit, I added the original images first, followed by the photoshop versions for comparison*

Went to the bucks game, got out late and basically had nothing to do. So instead I looked over a bunch of old pictures (and new ones from the game tonight) and gave them a face lift, heres what I got.

First of all this is from my old crappy point and shoot. The same one that when I took pictures of my car people asked why I bought a pink car. It just goes to show you, with the right editing, this looks nearly as good as pictures on my current camera

In this first shot the key was clarity, adding back lots and lots of it. Next I increased blacks to an accpetable level. Then I played with the tone curve and aded in heavy shaddows and increased highlights. Didnt really touch on the vibrance much, not many colors in it really, but I did increase saturation.


again, same old point and shoot. Here I aded a bit of clarity and increased both saturation and vibrance. Didnt do too much else with it.

Now with the new cameras
The viper got a pretty significant makeover. I should point out that every picture stats with selecting the correct "temperature". This is command is basically how it seems on the surface, you can make a picture more cold or hot (increasing a mixture of blues or reds). Its not just blue or red but those are the main colors. So here I decreased the temperature to reflect the way the lighting was at the auto show. After that increased the exposure a bit. Next I played with my favorite "blacks" and increased those kind of going back and forth with fill light. Adding some blacks, then coming back in with fill to correct anything that may have gotten too dark. Vibrance was increased and I believe saturation left alone. Then I moved on and adjusted the color of the car using yellow and orange sliders until I had them where I wanted them. Finally topped it off by adding back a good amount of clarity.


I basically follow the same format for the GTO as I did for the viper.


This is my brother Nick. To start out the lighting here sucked the big one, but I still really liked the shot. Realizing it was hopeless as is, I converted it to B&W and then his eyes lit up as the focus of the picture. I increased exposure dramatically, added blacks and fill light. Played with a few color sliders and ended up turning out pretty good, I think.


The bucks pictures from last night I am not particualraly proud of, but hell I hauled all of my stuff down there so I was going to do something with them. Our seats turned out to be row R, I was expecting they were a lot closer. None the less in both images i adjusted the temperature. In the first did my usual blakcs and fill, then taking hints from Nick, I desaturated it (really like that look.) The second picture I added some back.




Not a great deal done here,just an interesting perspective

Blacks, blacks and more blacks. This car was surrounded by atleast 10-15 people all the time. I liked the car so I tookt eh most opurtune shot I could. Blacks make it look far more dramatic. Added some highlights back and increased shadows. Also going back again to a bit of desaturation.


03-22-2009, 02:05 AM
Nice pics. What do you use fr editing?

03-22-2009, 02:21 AM
Nice pics. What do you use fr editing?

thanks. adobe photoshop CS4 extended

03-22-2009, 02:22 AM
That first shot is great!!!

03-22-2009, 02:29 AM
That first shot is great!!!

Im still in shock it came from the same camera that did this.....


Voodoo Chick
03-22-2009, 03:05 AM
You really seem to have some talent! Very pretty pics. The pic of the child is particularly beautiful.

03-22-2009, 07:51 AM
thanks. adobe photoshop CS4 extended

= awesomeness.. i have 7.0 and i just got cs4 from a friend i just haven't had the chance to install it..

03-22-2009, 08:00 AM
Nice work! Maybe you should post the "before" pics and a little explanation of some of the things you do to the shots to get them to really pop. I take great interest in people post processing technique. Some friends and I hung out one night and shared a bunch of post processing tips but it was mainly me learning... but I did learn a lot!

03-22-2009, 11:12 AM
more cheerleaders please

03-22-2009, 02:01 PM
Nice work! Maybe you should post the "before" pics and a little explanation of some of the things you do to the shots to get them to really pop. I take great interest in people post processing technique. Some friends and I hung out one night and shared a bunch of post processing tips but it was mainly me learning... but I did learn a lot!

Done and Done.

03-22-2009, 02:40 PM
Im still in shock it came from the same camera that did this.....


i think there's something wrong with that camera...i've seen some awesome pics of your car and none looked close to that

03-25-2009, 05:44 PM
Looks good Dan - You take great pictures !
Joel G

03-25-2009, 11:55 PM
more cheerleaders please

x2 I know you have more.