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View Full Version : its 87 degrees in florida at 9 am

03-16-2009, 09:56 AM
greetings from Florida.. Its freaking warm and sunny there is a little bit of a breeze. Yesterday I went to watch the the space shuttle launch we sat about 3 miles away. It was epic I got the whole launch on video and plenty of pictures. ill post them up sometime this afternoon after i do a little bit of editing on the video. today I've got a round of golf planned at the Arnold Palmer golf course in the villages its supposedly a decent course whether my game will be good is another story. Tomorrow where going to Daytona beach " i will take plenty of t/a shots for you" the rest of the week is all up in the air.

03-16-2009, 10:15 AM
greetings from Florida.. Its freaking warm and sunny there is a little bit of a breeze. Yesterday I went to watch the the space shuttle launch we sat about 3 miles away. It was epic I got the whole launch on video and plenty of pictures. ill post them up sometime this afternoon after i do a little bit of editing on the video. today I've got a round of golf planned at the Arnold Palmer golf course in the villages its supposedly a decent course whether my game will be good is another story. Tomorrow where going to Daytona beach " i will take plenty of t/a shots for you" the rest of the week is all up in the air.


Plum Crazy
03-16-2009, 11:10 AM
Fuck you Nate!!!

03-16-2009, 11:22 AM
You better post up a video of that shit.

03-16-2009, 11:27 AM
greetings from Florida.. Its freaking warm and sunny there is a little bit of a breeze. Yesterday I went to watch the the space shuttle launch we sat about 3 miles away. It was epic I got the whole launch on video and plenty of pictures. ill post them up sometime this afternoon after i do a little bit of editing on the video. today I've got a round of golf planned at the Arnold Palmer golf course in the villages its supposedly a decent course whether my game will be good is another story. Tomorrow where going to Daytona beach " i will take plenty of t/a shots for you" the rest of the week is all up in the air.


The first manned shuttle launch wasn't epic and the one you watched was common place, at best. You really should look up the definition of the word before using. You are proof that the suburban school system is no less of a failure than the urban school system. Your horrid ability to properly form a correct sentence is further proof of this.

Also, while you are at Daytona Beach getting these "t&a" shots, remember: this site is dominated by hetero males; so we wanna see pictures of WOMEN in bikinis, not dudes in banana hammocks. We know you love the cack. We don't. We want tits & ass; not tom & andy.

03-16-2009, 11:45 AM
It's 60 here in New Berlin right now and it's going to be warm tomorrow.

87 at 9am isn't good, that means it will be in the 90's, phuck that, that to hot, :rolf

Any way that space shuttle stuff is cool, I took the tour before and I think we were 400 yards from the lauch pad!!!!!

03-16-2009, 12:07 PM
they said 70's tomorrow??

03-16-2009, 03:44 PM
space shuttle launch was ******* awesome.. something everybody should see in person

03-16-2009, 04:27 PM
space shuttle launch was ******* awesome.. something everybody should see in person

Go to cape canavral yet and take the tour? i got pics of a shuttle this time last year in the big vertical hangar being wrenched on from about 500 ft away.

Voodoo Chick
03-16-2009, 08:55 PM
greetings from Florida.. Its freaking warm and sunny there is a little bit of a breeze. Yesterday I went to watch the the space shuttle launch we sat about 3 miles away. It was epic I got the whole launch on video and plenty of pictures. ill post them up sometime this afternoon after i do a little bit of editing on the video. today I've got a round of golf planned at the Arnold Palmer golf course in the villages its supposedly a decent course whether my game will be good is another story. Tomorrow where going to Daytona beach " i will take plenty of t/a shots for you" the rest of the week is all up in the air.

Despite what certain people here have to say, I would agree that any space shuttle launch would be epic...yes, I used "that word," and I really do think it applies. I mean, it's leaving our planet, and going into space, if people would drop their "blase-cynical" bullshit and just experience the wonders sometimes, the world might be a cooler place. I look forward to the pics you post of it, and hope you have a great time!

03-17-2009, 08:06 AM
Go to cape canavral yet and take the tour? i got pics of a shuttle this time last year in the big vertical hangar being wrenched on from about 500 ft away.

they by the time we got there they had all sentences shut off to cape so we watched the launch from titusville thats about 3 miles away.. as far as pictures go ill up load them when i go to radio shack and get a usb cable. that should be some time this after noon. same as the video.