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View Full Version : How much does a street racing ticket cost?

02-27-2004, 05:27 PM
I was just thinking that since my car runs high 16s to low 17s, it wouldn't be worth racing most people. I assume that once I hear the cost I won't want to race again.

Prince Valiant
02-27-2004, 05:35 PM
I doesn't cost a thing to get one! :goof

02-27-2004, 06:09 PM
Well the ticket it self probably is a good amount, but a speed contest ticket is weighed exactly the same as a DWI as far as your insurance goes. The are both major violations. SO if you don't mind getting a DWI then don't worry about a drag racing ticket.

02-27-2004, 06:50 PM
more than you want to pay :)

if you are decent, and a little older in age, and you are respectful to the cop, you may get away with excessive acceleration(i've gotten plenty of those street racing) and it's only $100 and a municipal ticket so there are no points. Otherwise Joe is right, you will be FUCKED hardcore. Just make sure the insurance agent lubes ya up first, haha


02-27-2004, 07:09 PM

the excessive acceleration ticket i got was 3 or 4 points (can't remember)...and more than $100. Damn cops ;)

oh well....it's over and done with. I'm done with racing on the street anyways. It's not really the tickets that bother me..... it's the though of possibly killing somebody and having the rest of my life in prision to think about it. I keep it at the track now :)

02-27-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Lash

the excessive acceleration ticket i got was 3 or 4 points (can't remember)...and more than $100. Damn cops ;)

oh well....it's over and done with. I'm done with racing on the street anyways. It's not really the tickets that bother me..... it's the though of possibly killing somebody and having the rest of my life in prision to think about it. I keep it at the track now :)

Man that sucks about the ticket.

Yeah, there are plenty of risks with street racing. There are only certain places and times in which I'll do it. HUGE crowds are not the area to do it around. This site doesn't condone street racing, so keeping it at the track is a good thing. RSD is the place to be :)

02-27-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Lash

the excessive acceleration ticket i got was 3 or 4 points (can't remember)...and more than $100. Damn cops ;)

oh well....it's over and done with. I'm done with racing on the street anyways. It's not really the tickets that bother me..... it's the though of possibly killing somebody and having the rest of my life in prision to think about it. I keep it at the track now :)
My excessive acceleration ticket was $100 and 4 points but i pleaded to $162 and no points n Hales Corners.

02-27-2004, 11:07 PM
you guys street race :eek:

naughty naughty :goof

02-27-2004, 11:11 PM
I heard that it is close to 1000 and includes a mandatory license suspension and car impound.

02-27-2004, 11:41 PM
My ticket was in west allis....so that probably explains it :Hump

02-28-2004, 12:43 AM
Well, I'm 16 and my record is clear for now. Hmm, if one grand is true, I don't think I would race anytime I see another car anywhere, besides the one I'm racing. My good that's alot.

02-28-2004, 07:06 AM
If I remember right, the "unnecessary acceleration" ticket I got was about $175 and 4 points.... But I still got off lucky with that!!!! :D

02-28-2004, 08:22 AM
With a clean record, they will reduce it for you. So don't let it get to you that much. But remember that some police records will include your original citation in the future, as well as what the court reduced it to. So this will stick with you for another 5 years for good insurance and 3 years for cheap insurance. Most companies allow for one big ticket or two little ones. Even if reduced to a 3 or 4 pointer, it will still qualify as a big ticket. Also consider this: one more ticket and your insurance will go up, WAY UP. Over a few years, the price difference would be enough that you could have spent that extra money on a built, forced induction engine, tranny, rear end, and all sorts of other good things. I'm speaking from experience.

If there is any good advice I can give you is to save it for GLD. The ticket price alone will have been good for more than a month of weekend racing.

As of right now, I am waiting for a ticket to clear in may. Once off my record, my insurance will drop about 35%. Thats alot of money.

02-28-2004, 08:27 AM
Ticket price confirmed, about $1000. But that was after a friend of mine had his reduced, but this was his second offense (2nd offense always bigger) and he tried running for about a half a block but had some sense knocked into him and stopped.

02-28-2004, 12:15 PM
i have a ticket sitting here from back in the day in my trans am and it was 294.50 with 6 points, and that was 4 years ago! and also was my first offense!