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Windsors 03 Cobra
02-21-2009, 07:32 PM
I would have thought states with 1 plate would soon be going to a 2 plate system in order to help high tech plate scanners but I guess the economy got them. :rolf

02-21-2009, 07:41 PM
Its about time. I have spent a fortune on front plate tickets. I hate the look of front plates on some cars.

02-21-2009, 07:45 PM
Finally I will be driving legally with only one plate. Should have done that years ago.

02-21-2009, 07:59 PM
they talk about how sheriffs and such are opposing this. Would prevent them from doing checks on oncoming vehicles.....

How many law officers actually do it right now anyway???? If some vehicle is flying past at 55mph, is it really safe to try to catch the plate number of an oncoming vehicle AND concentrate on your own driving? Besides, by the time the officer gets any response on the legality or wants/warrants, said vehicle could be long gone.

Only thing sheriffs probably use a front plate for is a good spot to point a laser when clocking you. Its a good flat surface on the front of the vehicle to aim at.

Karps TA
02-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Knowing WI, this would be the 1 thing that ends up not passing.

95 TA - The Beast
02-21-2009, 08:35 PM
There are really only two reasons law enforcement would *really* object to this and 1) because of the ability for speed reading off the front plate and 2) it wouldn't allow cops sitting at stoplights from randomly running plates while waiting...

Iwould really like to know the *TRUE* stats on front plate 'lookup' useage... As far as speed reading of a moving vehicle, honestly who the f*ck cares, even though you KNOW they will try to counter by saying that there will be less local revenue because of less speeding tickets being issued...

02-21-2009, 08:50 PM
finally, i hope this passes so no more fear of front plate tickets

70 cutlass 442
02-21-2009, 08:55 PM
they talk about how sheriffs and such are opposing this. Would prevent them from doing checks on oncoming vehicles.....

How many law officers actually do it right now anyway???? If some vehicle is flying past at 55mph, is it really safe to try to catch the plate number of an oncoming vehicle AND concentrate on your own driving? Besides, by the time the officer gets any response on the legality or wants/warrants, said vehicle could be long gone.

Only thing sheriffs probably use a front plate for is a good spot to point a laser when clocking you. Its a good flat surface on the front of the vehicle to aim at.

I doubt they use it to check you current registration status when you are comming on, it just give them a reason to make a u-turn and pull you over.... and most PDs have to run your plate, then run your name seperatley to check for warrants, its usually a few miniute process anyways.

Windsors 03 Cobra
02-21-2009, 08:59 PM
There are also traffic light sensors that use front plate detection.
High tech plate scanners can scan a plate a second any direction they are pointed, some jurisdictions have them mounted on all 4 sides and can drive through parking lots scanning for wants, warrants, scammer plates, no insurance, GTA's. I think each "gun" is about ten grand.

02-21-2009, 09:32 PM
interesting .... does this mean i should be expecting a refund for no front plate tickets?

02-21-2009, 09:38 PM
funny how other states do this with no issues but its an ordeal here......

02-21-2009, 09:44 PM
funny how other states do this with no issues but its an ordeal here......

Everything in Wisconsin is a big Fvcking ordeal. But try to get stiffer OWI laws enacted or mandatory auto insurance laws passed and it sweep under the rug.
Wisconsin bureaucratic bull shit really pisses me off :mad:

Voodoo Chick
02-21-2009, 10:29 PM
My '79 doesn't even have anywhere to mount the front plate, and I'm sure as hell NOT drilling holes......1 plate is plenty, I think.

02-21-2009, 10:39 PM
My '79 doesn't even have anywhere to mount the front plate, and I'm sure as hell NOT drilling holes......1 plate is plenty, I think.
as of now 186.00 ticket

02-22-2009, 12:54 AM
That would be great, i got a ticket and a warning with my old camaro. Haven't had a problem with my evo yet (knocks on wood, lol) Both cars have a bracket deal and look real shitty on the front of the car. More so on the evo because its off to the driver side because of the intercooler, i don't think so, haha.

Voodoo Chick
02-22-2009, 01:54 AM
as of now 186.00 ticket

I'd sooner pay the ticket than drill holes in that car's nose.....

02-22-2009, 02:04 AM
Everything in Wisconsin is a big Fvcking ordeal. But try to get stiffer OWI laws enacted or mandatory auto insurance laws passed and it sweep under the rug.
Wisconsin bureaucratic bull shit really pisses me off :mad:

Completely agree.

Problem here is that if they made stiffer OWI laws, 80% of people in this state would not be able to legally drive anymore. :rolf

There goes all the revenue!

02-22-2009, 02:54 AM
Gubinner Doyle mentioned this in his speech the udder day.

02-22-2009, 07:44 AM
I wish I knew if this will be a done deal or not. I need to have my front bumper repainted. If it passes Ill leave the bracket off and have the holes filled.

02-22-2009, 08:34 AM
Completely agree.

Problem here is that if they made stiffer OWI laws, 80% of people in this state would not be able to legally drive anymore. :rolf

There goes all the revenue!

Front plates are retarded.

In Michigan drunk driving is a cash cow. It costs you at least a thousand bucks a year for two years for the first conviction. By the third offense you're even more in the hole and you're riding the bus for five years. You know the crazy thing? It worked. Used to be a huge drunk driving problem in Michigan. Now it's just the losers, but at least they're profiting from those people's failure at life.


02-22-2009, 09:11 AM
Front plates are retarded.

In Michigan drunk driving is a cash cow. It costs you at least a thousand bucks a year for two years for the first conviction. By the third offense you're even more in the hole and you're riding the bus for five years. You know the crazy thing? It worked. Used to be a huge drunk driving problem in Michigan. Now it's just the losers, but at least they're profiting from those people's failure at life.

Yeah, but in Wisconsin, the loser advocacy groups (ACORN) would prolly say we were trying to keep drunks from voting because they couldn't drive to the polls.

Windsors 03 Cobra
02-22-2009, 09:13 AM
I guess the drunk hit and runners wont have to worry about losing that front plate when they plow into some innocents car.

I heard the OBD-3 will just have a wi-fi transmitter that will transmit all the automobiles vital information to a nearby cops computer terminal.

02-22-2009, 09:20 AM
I guess the drunk hit and runners wont have to worry about losing that front plate when they plow into some innocents car.

I heard the OBD-3 will just have a wi-fi transmitter that will transmit all the automobiles vital information to a nearby cops computer terminal.

Interesting. Ill have to check in to this.

02-22-2009, 09:29 AM
I'd sooner pay the ticket than drill holes in that car's nose.....
I have had the same cop pull me over 5 times for no front plate. I have a 08 vette and it comes with double sided tape for the bracket

02-22-2009, 09:44 AM
I hate front plates when i bought my saturn i ripped the plastic braket and its stupid plastic rivits right off the front bumper. Ive been pulled over once for it got a fixit and thats it i havent' bothered since

02-22-2009, 09:48 AM
Never had a front plate and never got bothered for it.

02-22-2009, 10:26 AM
I got busted once as I was driving down 76th towards my daughter's school while 2 ricers were racing right in front of us on the opposite side of the road. priorities I tell ya.

02-22-2009, 10:36 AM
I have been stopped once for no front plate. No ticket, just the get a plate warning.

My question is why do all of the state owned vehicles only have one plate on them? What makes them different?

02-22-2009, 11:18 AM
I just throw my front plate in my windshield and wedge it in between the glass and the dash. I've never been hassled.

02-22-2009, 11:49 AM
Holes were already in my bumper when I bought it new. I guess maybe I can come up with something a little more interesting anyway.

02-22-2009, 01:52 PM
In the three years that my A4 wagon had no front plate, I was not pulled over for it.

On the other hand, all of the other cars that I owned with no front plate were usually pulled over within a month of me not putting the plate on.

You people are driving the wrong types of cars!

02-22-2009, 01:52 PM
Would be nice....some cars look fine with front plates but many look awful with them. I stopped running them on my SS after it was repainted years ago and took them off my LS last year too. I know there are at least a couple officers/deputy's on this site, I wonder what they think about them going away and if it really affects anything.

02-22-2009, 01:55 PM
Ive never gotten a front plate warning or ticket ever. That got to suck getting one of thoses :rolf

Front plates look stupid on almost ever car that has one.

02-22-2009, 02:45 PM
Ive never gotten a front plate warning or ticket ever. That got to suck getting one of thoses :rolf

Front plates look stupid on almost ever car that has one.
lucky u:banana

02-22-2009, 05:02 PM
Never been bothered for that. I've been pulled over a good amount but they never said anything about the front plate.

02-22-2009, 06:57 PM
I've had one warning in my maro ( by the town's asshole cop), and two warnings in my t/a ( both by state patrol cars) And I'm still not going to put one on.