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View Full Version : Weird Questions for BCM memners with kids in 3rd-6th grade...

02-17-2009, 10:19 PM
Sorry to pester you guys with questions, but I need some help with a school project. I am trying to finish my BUS minor, Me and another group member have to do a lame ass project for BUS320 at ma school. We have to market some interactive software for kids (long story short) to help with math+science competency and be "fun". The only game I remember was oregon trail ( i liked to kill 800 pounds of whatever and carry back 3 pounds. Also always ford the river, ferries=for pussies) ...and I dont have kids so here is where I need your help.

What would you think would be the best way to advertise to YOU. Internet, radio, tv. What gets your kids to pester you to buy shit for them, or what makes you want to buy things for them. What would it take to get you to consider a "study aid" (20 some dollar range) to help your child in 3rd-6th grade...bad report cards, or what?

I sure there are parenting forums, so I would think of hypothettically sponsor some of those and give discounts to forum members. Let me know what you think...Thank you for your time for a lame ass topic.

02-17-2009, 10:42 PM
Sorry to pester you guys with questions, but I need some help with a school project. I am trying to finish my BUS minor, Me and another group member have to do a lame ass project for BUS320 at ma school. We have to market some interactive software for kids (long story short) to help with math+science competency and be "fun". The only game I remember was oregon trail ( i liked to kill 800 pounds of whatever and carry back 3 pounds. Also always ford the river, ferries=for pussies) ...and I dont have kids so here is where I need your help.

What would you think would be the best way to advertise to YOU. Internet, radio, tv. What gets your kids to pester you to buy shit for them, or what makes you want to buy things for them. What would it take to get you to consider a "study aid" (20 some dollar range) to help your child in 3rd-6th grade...bad report cards, or what?

I sure there are parenting forums, so I would think of hypothettically sponsor some of those and give discounts to forum members. Let me know what you think...Thank you for your time for a lame ass topic.

I'm thinkin' your best bet at sales success is keeping you away from corporate communications. :stare

02-17-2009, 10:44 PM
way ahead of ya. sorry for the crap writing, but I been working on this and a million other things at once. not a lot of time to craft an otherwise eloquent OP.

02-18-2009, 07:56 AM
BrainPop! is a very popular online website with videos and short quizzes about all of the academic subjects and they also relate to curriculum and national standards. Having a game state that they relate to the standards is key (for me, as a teacher, anyways).

Now I don't have kids, but I will answer your question(s) anyways. One of the better ways to advertise is to get into the schools and have teachers recommend your games, software, books, etc. to the parents. At conferences, I would often get asked for recommendations to help their child succeed more in school.

If the software was online and provided examples or a "trial offer", a parent could try it out and see how their child liked it before purchasing it. For example, BrainPop! has free videos/quizzes as well as a 5-day free trial to watch the rest of the videos.

Rocket Power
02-18-2009, 08:47 AM
I would buy something my kid would enjoy playing. She's in 3rd grade. She loves playing things online where you can create your own character like club penguin, or play with a animated version of a stuffed animal you buy like webkins or build abear.
If there was a game that combined creating your own character with learning while playing a game, she would be all over it I think and I would be willing to spend $20 . Mine always pesters me for webkins and littlest pet shop with codes to play online

02-18-2009, 10:24 AM
Thanks all