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02-05-2009, 11:37 PM
I have dilemma that even the wise BCM people can't solve...I don't think. My step-daughter and her husband lives with us. She is obsessed with Britney Spears, has her shit all over the house. She really wants to meet this useless pop tart. My step-daughter does have some talent as a singer and wants to meet B.S. to give her a CD she had made. I even went so far as to locate the hotel she might be at in Chicago when she has a concert there. The step-daughter will be going to that concert. I no longer have contacts in the music industry (I was a roadie back in the early 70s.). I also knew some "people" when I lived in Cali. What should I do so I don't have to listen to this until April. I really think that when you are 28 years old, it's time to quit obsessing about celebs.
Click on her songs to hear what she sounds like, uh, not the Britney one

02-05-2009, 11:43 PM

Solved! :thumbsup

02-05-2009, 11:53 PM
Ah yes. Duct tape solves many problems.

02-05-2009, 11:58 PM

And she thinks that if she gives a amateur produced CD to that self-absorbed talentless cunt that not only will Spears spend more than 2 seconds listening to it instead of throwing in the shit-can, she will be so amazed she will immediately get her signed to a recording deal on her label? ???


Show her this post. That ought to do the trick. If it doesn't, she is too stupid to be allowed to breathe oxygen in close proximity to you and your wife without adversely affecting your own brain cells. Throw her, her Shitney white-trash collection and her good-for-nothing spouse straight-the-fuck out....

02-06-2009, 12:23 AM
Yeah i figured that would be the reaction I'd get. The CD wasn't an amateur production BTW. I'm at a loss as what to say to her anymore. I just let her try to do the things she wants to do.

02-06-2009, 12:30 AM
Yeah i figured that would be the reaction I'd get. The CD wasn't an amateur production BTW. I'm at a loss as what to say to her anymore. I just let her try to do the things she wants to do.

No more talk. Just get a paint-ball or air-soft gun. Anytime she says or does something stupid, especially if it's BS related, shoot her in the ass. A little negative reenforcement might do the trick, even at her age. And even if it doesn't, she will at least learn to keep the stupidity to a minimum when you're around... :thumbsup

Voodoo Chick
02-06-2009, 02:21 AM
She almost 30.....and obsessed with Britney Spears???????? That's actually kinda scary....

02-06-2009, 03:44 AM
That's what I was thinking. We have a mental case on our hands.

Bobby "Big Daddy" Flay
02-06-2009, 06:18 AM
Kick her out

02-06-2009, 07:46 AM
Giving Britney Spears a CD that will be immediately deposited in the trash won't get her anywhere. She either needs to get a fan base first then maybe (and that's a very dubious maybe) a record label will like what they hear and want to hire a 30 year old pop star :durr. In all reality tell her to give up the teenager fantasies and do something worthwhile with her life.

02-06-2009, 07:51 AM
What is her relation to the Guy that got capped @ Arbys?

02-06-2009, 07:55 AM
Kick her out

That was funny:rolf

Tell her to go on American Idol.

02-06-2009, 08:43 AM
Kick her out

i like this statement ...

dont get me wrong she has an ok voice.. but at 28.. she needs to get on with life.. those songs are border line horrible. who ever produced those songs, took her money and ran. my brother has a production set up in his room in the basement that has spit out better beats and sounds.. :wow

sit her down.. tell her its time to grow up and or get out. she can always work the bar scene that though. my younger brother plays at bars once a month.. but i dont think her style of music would work at any bar i can think of.

02-06-2009, 08:44 AM
She's 28, her and her HUSBAND both live with you, AND she's obsessed with Britney Spears - a washed up TWEEN idol???? I can't remember the last time I heard of anyone over the age of 16 being into Britney Spears, even when she was at her brief peak...

I am not usually harsh, but man KICK THEM OUT. It's about time your daughter and her husband grew up and got their own place to live, jobs/careers, and a real life rather than a dream of slipping Britney a demo CD and becoming the next rags to riches pop star.

My kids fully understand that when they turn 18 they better a) be enrolled in college or tech school working towards a degree that will develop into a career of some sort, or b) getting a job and packing their bags. I often joke that I have my daughter's 18th birthday present all picked out already - a set of luggage...


02-06-2009, 08:59 AM
Real simple- Zero Tolerance!
I hate to assume anything, but why are they living with you? 28 and still at home WITH HUSBAND?? I hope their is a house getting built in this scenario. It seems in 28 years of life there should be more realistic priorities, LIKE A HOME OF THEIR OWN, then there wouldn't be time in her life for nonsense. My wife and I raised three great kids, the youngest of which is my Son who is now 16, so I think I have the experience to talk. In my own 26 years of child raising, I learned that the sooner you take off the training wheels, the faster they learn to ride on their own!! Quit making it easy for her to be that way-period. In no way am I trying to put you down, I read that she is a stepdaughter so maybe Mom allowed it to get this far, but someone needs to be the bigger person and take control for the girls own good. I can't help but think she has always got "her way", so break the cycle-be the asshole! If you don't, they will need someone to lean on forever, and when you two are gone I don't want it to be the state!!:wooo

02-06-2009, 09:01 AM
She's 28, her and her HUSBAND both live with you, AND she's obsessed with Britney Spears - a washed up TWEEN idol???? I can't remember the last time I heard of anyone over the age of 16 being into Britney Spears, even when she was at her brief peak...

I am not usually harsh, but man KICK THEM OUT. It's about time your daughter and her husband grew up and got their own place to live, jobs/careers, and a real life rather than a dream of slipping Britney a demo CD and becoming the next rags to riches pop star.

My kids fully understand that when they turn 18 they better a) be enrolled in college or tech school working towards a degree that will develop into a career of some sort, or b) getting a job and packing their bags. I often joke that I have my daughter's 18th birthday present all picked out already - a set of luggage...


AMEN! I was typing mine when you posted.

02-06-2009, 09:07 AM
your house your rules. shut the fuck up or get out. pretty simple.

02-06-2009, 09:59 AM
What is her relation to the Guy that got capped @ Arbys?
He was her husband's younger brother. They were all very close and that really caused her some great depression. Her admiration for BS kind of helped her out of it. Right now, kicking her out would do none of us any good with the way the economy is going, and my cut hours at work. I could not really afford this place on my own and they pay rent to me. They have gotten themselves in major debt and are working to pay it down. I have been teaching them some financial responsibility. She also has tried three times to get on American Idol and the last time was passed over for a mime...A FREAKING MIME!!! I have told her the idea of developing the fan base and she's working toward that. We all have dreams, and no matter how silly it may seem to me or you, I can't begrudge her day in the sun so to speak. She's slowly coming around and I am hoping that her trip to Chicago will open her eyes. I can see on some days her opinion of BS has mellowed. I mean, she's just some singer after all. They have lived with me for nine years and no major problems have surfaced...at least they are not crack addicts or making meth in the bathroom.

02-06-2009, 10:36 AM
He was her husband's younger brother. They were all very close and that really caused her some great depression. Her admiration for BS kind of helped her out of it.

Damn, I work near there..... That was a shitty deal.

02-06-2009, 10:41 AM
He was her husband's younger brother. They were all very close and that really caused her some great depression. Her admiration for BS kind of helped her out of it. Right now, kicking her out would do none of us any good with the way the economy is going, and my cut hours at work. I could not really afford this place on my own and they pay rent to me. They have gotten themselves in major debt and are working to pay it down. I have been teaching them some financial responsibility. She also has tried three times to get on American Idol and the last time was passed over for a mime...A FREAKING MIME!!! I have told her the idea of developing the fan base and she's working toward that. We all have dreams, and no matter how silly it may seem to me or you, I can't begrudge her day in the sun so to speak. She's slowly coming around and I am hoping that her trip to Chicago will open her eyes. I can see on some days her opinion of BS has mellowed. I mean, she's just some singer after all. They have lived with me for nine years and no major problems have surfaced...at least they are not crack addicts or making meth in the bathroom.

I guess being these are your honest feelings, it is not her fault that you are so disgusted with the situation, it is yours.
She loves BS, and I love drag racing. I have had devistating things happen in my life too but I didn't have the luxury to have people feel sorry for me to the extent that she has. It would be EASY to leave my favorite drag racers shit lay everywhere, try to act and look like him and be sad when things don't go my way. Don't discount it either- I am sure I love cars and drag racing as much or more than she loves BS (initials are fitting, aint they!)
The "Day in the sun" is an earned thing, making sacrifices to be there (not running up debt and maybe thinking about what you are spending and how to pay it off), and while you are working towards it you should be working hard and not being a burdon on anyone else! This is a perfect example of what is wrong with people today-"Feel sorry for me so I can do what I want" bullshit. Dude, if she was beat out by a mime, maybe she aint' that great!
I was young and stupid, owed ALOT of money to the tax man and had to sell my "fun car" that I built (instead of working on customer cars) to partially pay down "The Man". Guess what? I NEVER asked my parents to move in, did not borrow money (can't borrow money to pay a debt!), buckled down and got to work-putting behind my love for racing and hoping someday to be in a position to do it again someday when I could afford it. Nobody made excuses for me, covered MY ass or even threw me a rope to help- and I am DAMN GLAD!! I know better now and worked my way back- a whole lot smarter because of it.

02-06-2009, 10:50 AM
Can't find the link on her myspace to hear her sing, but I can tell you by the way she looks that she doesn't have much of a shot. You sir are what is called an "enabler". Now go pull your head out of your ass and kick them out. Get a part time cash job to cover your rent.

02-06-2009, 10:54 AM
i'll proubly just jack her rent up. a lil more money in the pockets from having to deal with that shit.

02-06-2009, 11:05 AM
"Dude, if she was beat out by a mime, maybe she aint' that great!"

She never got the chance to sing. They arbitrarily pick people based on what might gain ratings and funny entertainment on the show. It really has nothing to do with talent or lack thereof. It was a gimmick that got a lot of people on the show to begin with. There are several "auditions" before you even get to the judges on TV. but I'm agreeing with the BCM consensus. I've let this shit go on too far and I'll have a talk when she gets home from work. It has been my plan to seek new lodgings for just Lori and I at the start of fall. They'll have plenty of time to get their shit together and if they don't, at least I told them what's coming.

02-06-2009, 01:29 PM
Wow. I'm 28 and if my wife and I still lived in my parents basement I would eat my gun. I had dreams of being a successful race car driver but eventually you have to grow up and get responsible.

02-06-2009, 01:34 PM
"Dude, if she was beat out by a mime, maybe she aint' that great!"

She never got the chance to sing. They arbitrarily pick people based on what might gain ratings and funny entertainment on the show. It really has nothing to do with talent or lack thereof. It was a gimmick that got a lot of people on the show to begin with. There are several "auditions" before you even get to the judges on TV. but I'm agreeing with the BCM consensus. I've let this shit go on too far and I'll have a talk when she gets home from work. It has been my plan to seek new lodgings for just Lori and I at the start of fall. They'll have plenty of time to get their shit together and if they don't, at least I told them what's coming.

let us know how the chat goes with the whole chat thing.

my girlfriends sister did the whole American idol thing she has a great voice and all but if you really want to get on the show you either have to be completely over the top or dress like a nerd.

02-06-2009, 02:38 PM
American Idol FTW

02-06-2009, 03:45 PM
American Idol FTW
American idol FTL

02-06-2009, 04:00 PM
Hmmm... I guess I will play a little bit of devil's advocate here.

Look the fact of the matter is all of us are into different things. Hell I know my wife would probably tell you my love for cars is borderline obsessive, and I'm sure many of our significant others that don't understand the hobby would say the same. So I guess my question is, how does she operate in the rest of her life? Honestly as long as her obsession with BS doesn't affect her and/or any of her dependents well being (keeping a job, keeping relationships, etc) then I would say why bother with it?!

Now as to your whole situation. First off I would not make it a priority of yours, by any means, to be involved with B.S. If she wants to go to a concert and try to meet her that is her business.. don't stress yourself out over it. And actually call me crazy but I think you shouldn't kick her out... Sounds like her 'family' has some financial problems and you could use the extra rent money. To me it sounds like a win win, you can teach her how to spend wisely and get them back on their feet, and you get some extra rent money with your recent cutback at work. HOWEVER, I do think you need to lay the ground rules as to what goes and what doesn't. It is your place and if this whole B.S. thing is stressing you out, you need to make that clear and tell her that you don't want to hear about it.

BTW, I know many people have had the whole 'turn 18 and your out of the house' mentality. I totally disagree. I will be the first to admit to anyone that I lived with my in-laws for almost a year and never paid a penny in rent money (they would not take it), and at the time I was engaged to their daughter. I can truthfully say it was the SMARTEST decision I had probably ever made... It gave me a chance to get my life back together, save cash, and lower my stress level after I moved from Chicago. Financially it gave me a huge jump start as my wife and I were able to save TONS of cash a month. Had I not lived with them during that time period, I would not be where I am today.

02-06-2009, 04:07 PM
^^^ almost a year=smart decision. 10 years=bullshit.

02-06-2009, 04:14 PM
^^^ almost a year=smart decision. 10 years=bullshit.

I can agree with that.

airguitar I dunno if they have been living with you for all 10 years, but if so then yea you gotta put the foot down and let them go. If they haven't changed the way they are living in 10 years, then they probably never will.

02-06-2009, 04:30 PM
Hmmm... I guess I will play a little bit of devil's advocate here.

Look the fact of the matter is all of us are into different things. Hell I know my wife would probably tell you my love for cars is borderline obsessive, and I'm sure many of our significant others that don't understand the hobby would say the same. So I guess my question is, how does she operate in the rest of her life? Honestly as long as her obsession with BS doesn't affect her and/or any of her dependents well being (keeping a job, keeping relationships, etc) then I would say why bother with it?!

Now as to your whole situation. First off I would not make it a priority of yours, by any means, to be involved with B.S. If she wants to go to a concert and try to meet her that is her business.. don't stress yourself out over it. And actually call me crazy but I think you shouldn't kick her out... Sounds like her 'family' has some financial problems and you could use the extra rent money. To me it sounds like a win win, you can teach her how to spend wisely and get them back on their feet, and you get some extra rent money with your recent cutback at work. HOWEVER, I do think you need to lay the ground rules as to what goes and what doesn't. It is your place and if this whole B.S. thing is stressing you out, you need to make that clear and tell her that you don't want to hear about it.

BTW, I know many people have had the whole 'turn 18 and your out of the house' mentality. I totally disagree. I will be the first to admit to anyone that I lived with my in-laws for almost a year and never paid a penny in rent money (they would not take it), and at the time I was engaged to their daughter. I can truthfully say it was the SMARTEST decision I had probably ever made... It gave me a chance to get my life back together, save cash, and lower my stress level after I moved from Chicago. Financially it gave me a huge jump start as my wife and I were able to save TONS of cash a month. Had I not lived with them during that time period, I would not be where I am today.

Don't mean to compare, but Murray you are a responsible, hard working super-intelligent adult that wouldn't take advantage of a good thing. You said yourself 1 year-not 9!! I never kicked my kids to the curb and forced them out, as long as they lived by my rules under my roof, worked hard to succeed and gave 100% effort. One of my kids tried that, and if you talked to her today she will tell you the only thing that straightened her out was the fact that once she defied me one too many times, I turned my back on her. It was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do, but I knew if I fixed everything for her that there would be no motivation to do it for herself. Some people need help and appreciate it, and some come to expect it.