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View Full Version : How to Fix Wisconsin

Adam Brooks
01-30-2009, 03:31 PM

Clearly WI has a drunk driving problem (do a search for "DUI" and "Drunk Driving" you get 7246154785734 results) and MKE has a prob w violence.

1: Make driving drunk a crime in Wisconsin.

2: Concealed carry. $1,000/yr tax, doesn't matter to me. It'll save the state a ton of $$ in processing and dealing with all the crap.

Rocket Power
01-30-2009, 03:58 PM
3. Make Scott Walker Governor give Doyle to IL

Adam Brooks
01-30-2009, 04:05 PM
Good call! Actually though, I think Paul Ryan is a better choice and is already much more involved in Washington and a lot more financially savvy imo. I'm behind Ryan 100% if he runs. http://www.house.gov/ryan/ watch his speech video against the current bailout. "This bill is not worthy of our new presidents signature. We can do better than this." 100% true.

01-30-2009, 04:09 PM
Concealed carry is legal everywhere else. I can understand having a permit, but $1000/yr seems like an excessive price to pay for personal protection.

01-30-2009, 04:11 PM
2: Concealed carry. $1,000/yr tax, doesn't matter to me. It'll save the state a ton of $$ in processing and dealing with all the crap.

I'd probably not tax it that much, but if you consider the reduction in crime and reduced taxes for the incarcerated, we would come out ahead.

01-30-2009, 04:25 PM
Concealed carry is legal everywhere else. I can understand having a permit, but $1000/yr seems like an excessive price to pay for personal protection.

agreed no annual tax on conceal carry.

shot to kill

01-30-2009, 05:06 PM
You shouldnt have to pay more then a registration fee to carry IMO.

Get rid of Doyle... Wisconsin would be just fine.

01-30-2009, 05:45 PM
impeach doyle

01-30-2009, 06:41 PM
I also agree about Paul Ryan. He is a very intelligent guy, especially when it comes to economics. Something that Doyle clearly has been doing a [I]great[I] job with. Plus Doyle wants to legalize DUI checkpoints! Don't get me wrong, people should be driving after their 3rd DUI, but to stop everyone on a certain road?! Honestly, are we living in NAZI Germany where everyone has to stop at a checkpoint? What a waste of resources! Cops would be better staking out the guy that has had 5 DUI offenses. I heard Doyle bring this topic and it floored me. What's next, "well, there are people in Milwaukee that deal drugs, we're going to search everyone's house"?

Adam Brooks
01-30-2009, 06:58 PM
yeah we don't need check points. if we could bring up our DUI laws from most ineffective in the US to maybe the bottom 25% that would be a great improvement. They should at least be more harsh than speeding tickets. You can be off the road quicker for driving a "performance" vehicle competently. Apparently thats more dangerous than being totally annihilated plowing into people and not remembering what just happened.... 11 times. I just don't understand the math on that equation.

On top of that, I cant even shoot at them in self defense when after they just attempted to kill me with their car.

Russ Jerome
01-30-2009, 07:11 PM
Free "Kill a fellow Wisconsinite pass"

You get one per year, some idiot drives thru a red
light with that cell phone in there ear you are allowed
to kill them (you can only kill one person a year, your
permit so to speak).

You could use yours on corupt State and local politician,
a realy rude neigbor....me...whatever but sooner or
later as the worst people in WI disapear others will
become nicer and more productive citizins.

All the Magee family would be gone, no more child
molesters, rapist, thiefs ect, be a great place to live.

Sprayaway Fox
02-01-2009, 02:51 PM
I dont agree on the crime aspect of Booze cruising. 2 beers an hour for a 180 lb person and your legally intoxicated. So lets say you go have a beer with a bud then finish another one off before you leave then drive home and a headlight goes out. Your fugged. Maybe in big towns its less but in little towns thats there bread and butter is a DUI stop

02-01-2009, 04:17 PM
If Wisconsin is hurting money wise, can't they just get a bailout?

02-01-2009, 06:06 PM
impeach doyle

I've been saying this for years. The guys a flippin moron.