View Full Version : My Bloody Valentine-3D

Prince Valiant
01-27-2009, 02:16 PM
Watched it, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Was it a good movie? Oh, God no! But was it fun? Yep. The 3D effects helped to make it what it is of course, and the movie had a bit of sly, but intended "camp" to it...cheesey, but cheesey with a sly wink.

The acting wasn't great. The casting, aside from maybe one character, was off; but if you go there with the right expectations, you'll have fun. If you go there hoping for a brilliant, kick-*** horror movie, you'll probably be disappointed.

01-27-2009, 03:55 PM
i thought it sucked.
the 3d preview cartoon was much better than the "scarey" movie. IMO.