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View Full Version : PLANE CRASH IN HUDSON RIVER--appears all survive!

Prince Valiant
01-15-2009, 03:59 PM
http://www.nypost.com/seven/01152009/news/regionalnews/passengers_seen_standing_on_wings_of_pla_150311.ht m

amazing :eek:

Goat Roper
01-15-2009, 04:03 PM
Saw that, that must have been a teradactyl they hit to take out two A320 engines.

01-15-2009, 04:04 PM
I guess 2 engines sucked in geese. Pilot did a great job keeping that plane together.

01-15-2009, 04:04 PM
YEAH, been watching on TV. Kudos to the pilot who kept that plane out of Manhatten. Couldve been ALOT worse.

Prince Valiant
01-15-2009, 04:11 PM
Saw that, that must have been a teradactyl they hit to take out two A320 engines.eyewitnesses reported seeing a flock of birds...perhaps geese.

01-15-2009, 04:17 PM
amazing all survived.....I really avoid flying at all costs!

01-15-2009, 04:18 PM
First it's deer and ducks with snowmobiles and now these crazy fuggers are using planes to kill flying geese?? lol

Goat Roper
01-15-2009, 04:18 PM
eyewitnesses reported seeing a flock of birds...perhaps geese.

Yeah, thats what I am reading now. Everything prior to that used the singular "bird". LaGuardia is such a mess anyway, i can just imagine what it is like right now.

01-15-2009, 05:13 PM
First it's deer and ducks with snowmobiles and now these crazy fuggers are using planes to kill flying geese?? lol


01-15-2009, 05:53 PM
Those people are lucky to survive a plane crash like that. Wow...

01-15-2009, 06:37 PM
Terrorists are training geese now? Nothing is sacred....

01-15-2009, 08:07 PM
Being a Pilot myself, what the pilot did there is remarkable. Landing(crashing) a large jet in water and keeping it in one piece is not easy. He deserves alot for saving every person on board.

Goat Roper
01-15-2009, 08:13 PM
FlightAware's track of it


01-15-2009, 08:25 PM
But what about all the Sea Kittens that got killed. Where the Fuck is P E T A know !!

01-15-2009, 08:28 PM
The air traffic controller is gonna get fired. I'll bet money on it. He told the pilot to go to Teterboro NJ to land. Thats almost 20 miles from LaGuardia. They never would have made it there, the pilot made the right choice. The controller should have allowed him to turn back to LGA. Just Dumb.

Voodoo Chick
01-15-2009, 08:30 PM
But what about all the Sea Kittens that got killed. Where the Fuck is P E T A know !!

:rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf :thumbsup

01-15-2009, 08:35 PM
The air traffic controller is gonna get fired. I'll bet money on it. He told the pilot to go to Teterboro NJ to land. Thats almost 20 miles from LaGuardia. They never would have made it there, the pilot made the right choice. The controller should have allowed him to turn back to LGA. Just Dumb.

Thats different from what I heard. I heard the pilot saw the small strip at Teterboro and asked about it, then he decided himself to go for the river because the Teterboro strip was way too short to land safely with no engine to reverse with when landing.

01-15-2009, 08:55 PM
If you look at the 3D flight track online, there is a strong chance he would not have made it there. He lost the engines just north of LGA, and would have been gliding all thge way there, and not to mention landing and stopping with no power. both runways at Teterboro are almost 7000ft. Thats plenty to land and stop, if you are sure you can make it there.

01-15-2009, 08:59 PM

flight path of plane.

01-15-2009, 10:07 PM
First it's deer and ducks with snowmobiles and now these crazy fuggers are using planes to kill flying geese?? lol


01-15-2009, 10:10 PM
Those people are lucky to survive a plane crash like that. Wow...

if i was on that plane id be buying a couple lotto tickets tonight

01-15-2009, 10:55 PM
if i was on that plane id be buying a couple lotto tickets tonight

I said the same thing just after it happened.

01-15-2009, 11:31 PM
Co-pilot was from Wisconsin.

02-08-2009, 07:53 AM
Here's the audio. It's amazing just how calm the pilot stayed through it all...


02-18-2009, 06:43 PM
I am more impressed with the thousands of pilots that have avoided putting aircraft in the drink

02-18-2009, 07:32 PM
Wow, are you serious???? Do you know any of the details of this situation, like the reason he had to land in the water???

02-18-2009, 08:26 PM
Wow, are you serious???? Do you know any of the details of this situation, like the reason he had to land in the water???

Yes, I read the news stories if thats what your asking.

02-18-2009, 08:35 PM
Yes, I read the news stories if thats what your asking.

So you know that it was inevitable that they were going to crash.

02-18-2009, 09:35 PM
I am more impressed with the thousands of pilots that have avoided putting aircraft in the drink

then you know the best chance of survival when engines completely cut out is a water landing right? alot of planes have crashed, how many walk away unscathed? I am more impressed that not a single person got hurt!

2 pilots just last week killed all passengers and family members on the ground because they followed improper procedures on a plane they barely knew. I'd take the water ANYDAY alive then the ground dead.

02-18-2009, 10:31 PM
If you have nothing useful to add, go back under your rock...

Prince Valiant
02-18-2009, 11:43 PM
I am more impressed with the thousands of pilots that have avoided putting aircraft in the drink
Given that the situation the pilots on THIS plane found themselves in was completely unavoidable, why? It's not like an error on their part put themselves in this situation...and it literally would have been impossible to pull off a landing on land w/o injuries and most likely heavy casualties. Given the fact that no commercial airliner of this size had ever successfully pulled off a landing such as this w/o loss of life (there have been smaller airliners to accomplish such feats, most with fatalities, one w/o), how could you be more impressed given that those "thousands of pilots" aren't challenged with a task nearly as difficult?

Both my brother and brother-in-law are pilots (private and military respectively), with the in-law flying a plane a bit larger than the plane that hit the Hudson...they both say their say they were damn impressed.

02-19-2009, 10:09 PM
Many have avoided this type of situation...(including myself) all I am saying is I am more impressed with a pilot that has avoided these situations than one that was unable to. Once he was unable to avoid the situation then yes it was inevidable he was going down.

02-19-2009, 10:14 PM
so you have flown a commerical plane with no power over water? wow! great job, do you have details I would love to read that! From a non pilot standpoint, the only crashes and emergency landings I have seen end up not good. I wonder how many had to down in water and have everyone survive. Hell even the flight that crashed in the water in DC like 20 years ago killed most of the passengers. and tore the plane apart.

Everyone survived this crash wasnt that the point?

02-19-2009, 10:16 PM
Yea he did what he was trained to do. I rather be on the plane where the pilot avoided taking the plane down at all. Maybe you like to swim.

02-19-2009, 10:18 PM
rather swim that burn and die. but again, landing on a runway was unavoidable. still I would love any details from your encounter.

02-19-2009, 10:19 PM
so you have flown a commerical plane with no power over water? wow! great job, do you have details I would love to read that! From a non pilot standpoint, the only crashes and emergency landings I have seen end up not good. I wonder how many had to down in water and have everyone survive. Hell even the flight that crashed in the water in DC like 20 years ago killed most of the passengers. and tore the plane apart.

Everyone survived this crash wasnt that the point?

To answer your question I have always avoided that type of situation.

02-19-2009, 10:20 PM
Rather do neither... More impressed with thoes who avoid it completely

02-19-2009, 10:27 PM
ok fair enough. what kind of planes do you fly?

02-19-2009, 10:38 PM
obviously you do not know what you are talking about. Tell me how YOU can avoid a bird strike, taking out both engines. What are the procedures YOU would do to fly that plane to the airport. I have seen a lot of info from this crash, the flight crew did something that no one else has ever done. Save every life on board.

02-20-2009, 12:51 AM
Yea he did what he was trained to do. I rather be on the plane where the pilot avoided taking the plane down at all. Maybe you like to swim.
So when engines die from birds being sucked in, what would be your action? calling Superman to rescue the plane and safely deposit it on dry land? Or would you pull faerie dust out of your pocket and magically land at the airport?

02-20-2009, 07:37 AM
obviously you do not know what you are talking about. Tell me how YOU can avoid a bird strike, taking out both engines. What are the procedures YOU would do to fly that plane to the airport. I have seen a lot of info from this crash, the flight crew did something that no one else has ever done. Save every life on board.

My point isn't what to do after turbine failure. They do have procedures and they did there job and what they are trained to do. I am simply saying I rather be on the plane that avoided the situation. 1,000 of pilot avoid bird strikes ever year with help from control, knowing your suroundings and conditions. Either way I am more impressed with a successfull take off and landing. Then again a close relative of mine who works for the FAA always said the definition of a good landing is one everyone walks away from.

02-20-2009, 07:56 AM
You guys are just feeding this troll. Its obvious there is no reasoning with him and he lacks the logic to discuss this issue. In his opinion the pilots shouldve not hit those birds because thousands of pilots have flown in the air and not hit birds. I guess he feels the pilots of this jetliner should have dodged the birds.

02-20-2009, 09:11 AM
You really have no idea what its like to fly a plane do you?
You know what, tell me how you would avoid some person pulling out right in front of you driving down the street, while doing 80 MPH. Tell me how that is unavoidable. you suck at being smart.

My point isn't what to do after turbine failure. They do have procedures and they did there job and what they are trained to do. I am simply saying I rather be on the plane that avoided the situation. 1,000 of pilot avoid bird strikes ever year with help from control, knowing your suroundings and conditions. Either way I am more impressed with a successfull take off and landing. Then again a close relative of mine who works for the FAA always said the definition of a good landing is one everyone walks away from.

02-20-2009, 09:21 AM
My point isn't what to do after turbine failure. They do have procedures and they did there job and what they are trained to do. I am simply saying I rather be on the plane that avoided the situation. 1,000 of pilot avoid bird strikes ever year with help from control, knowing your suroundings and conditions. Either way I am more impressed with a successfull take off and landing. Then again a close relative of mine who works for the FAA always said the definition of a good landing is one everyone walks away from.

I thought you got banned years ago?

02-20-2009, 09:22 AM
I guess he feels the pilots of this jetliner should have dodged the birds.


Prince Valiant
02-20-2009, 09:34 AM
I tell you this: Birds are near impossible to see flying in a slow plane...my brother and I got surprised with a great blue heron pop up in front of us while we were at rather low altitude...we weren't doing more than 90 knots. Those pilots were flying faster, in a FAR less agile plane, in a far more dangerous situation (take-off) than we were...

Even far larger objects, such as small planes, can pop-up out of no-where...I was flying through controlled air-space when we had an unidentified plane pop up out of no-where. Guy didn't call to the tower for instruction, didn't give an altitude, didn't announce he was entering the airspace, nothing...and it was literally, BAM! He was right there, perhaps 100ft below going the opposite direction. Scared the crap out of me...even the tower didn't give us a clue. Yeesh!

02-20-2009, 09:47 AM
Lol GOOOOODDD FUCCCKKKKIN LUCK landing a fully loaded A320 with NO power when your a fair ways from the airport and have to do manuvering to get back there and all while starting from a fairly low altitude. The guy did the best he could with the given situation with mearly a heavy glider, luckily it still must have had full function of its hydraulics even though both engines were fubared. With Moving roughly 200-250 knots at that time frame or better and the vacuum that surrounds the front of the engines on take off power, not much isnt gonna get directed into them, including geese.

02-20-2009, 10:34 AM
Heh. I'm pretty impressed that you let them clean the track before your last drag run Tom. Had you just went anyway and hit the oil, flipped the car, landed on 4 wheels going straight, and somehow saved it without a scratch I would not be impressed at all. However, seeing as you waited and avoided the oil... I cannot express how impressed I am with that. :goof

02-20-2009, 11:34 AM
My point isn't what to do after turbine failure. They do have procedures and they did there job and what they are trained to do. I am simply saying I rather be on the plane that avoided the situation. 1,000 of pilot avoid bird strikes ever year with help from control, knowing your suroundings and conditions. Either way I am more impressed with a successfull take off and landing. Then again a close relative of mine who works for the FAA always said the definition of a good landing is one everyone walks away from.

So basically you are impressed by a computer that flys the plane? Is that what you are saying. The plane can fly itself. It can basically land itself. Its not like a car and avoid hitting a squirrel. You are in plane you cant maneuver as quick. I avoided hitting a deer this summer with my 3K lbs boat behind my truck. My friend hit a deer with his boat behind his truck. Does that make me a better driver? NO.

02-20-2009, 12:02 PM
You really have no idea what its like to fly a plane do you?
You know what, tell me how you would avoid some person pulling out right in front of you driving down the street, while doing 80 MPH. Tell me how that is unavoidable. you suck at being smart.

Never said I was smart. People who know me have there own opinion and others judge people based on there own ignorance of one persons opinion. I have thousands of flying hours but thats not the point nor matters. You guys appear to simply enjoy changing the topic and arguing, so heck Ill play. Just saying I am more impressed with pilots that don't end up crashing there bird. What I am impressed with are the boats (non rescue) that ran out there to help everyone off. I doubt they are trained during Ferry driver school to rescue people from a defunct aircraft. Well driving down the street you shouldn't be going 80 in the first place that would be the first mistake and fault of the operator which as many crashes point out as a reason for the crash. If the operator was driving the speed limit (don't know of any 80mph speed limits in the US anyway with cross streets) and paying attention other someone intentionally trying to hit them I would say it should be avoided.

02-20-2009, 12:05 PM
Lol GOOOOODDD FUCCCKKKKIN LUCK landing a fully loaded A320 with NO power when your a fair ways from the airport and have to do manuvering to get back there and all while starting from a fairly low altitude. The guy did the best he could withAfter he the given situation with mearly a heavy glider, luckily it still must have had full function of its hydraulics even though both engines were fubared. With Moving roughly 200-250 knots at that time frame or better and the vacuum that surrounds the front of the engines on take off power, not much isnt gonna get directed into them, including geese.

After he ran into the birds I agree he did his job.

Prince Valiant
02-20-2009, 12:12 PM
After he ran into the birds I agree he did his job.
So then your saying your more impressed with those that do a far simpler job?

Or are you just a useless tool? (<there goes my own ignorance again!)

02-20-2009, 12:17 PM
Flying a plane is not hard. I don't find it anyway. I haven't flown every type of aircraft of course but what have I find boring. You go up come down big deal. I never drove a ferry boat and rescued people from an aircraft so I can't say if it's simpler.. I'm not igrorant enough enough to comment on that. Not sure what you mean by "useless tool" but you hit your ignorance issue right on the head.

Prince Valiant
02-20-2009, 12:37 PM
Flying a plane is not hard. I don't find it anyway. I haven't flown every type of aircraft of course but what have I find boring. You go up come down big deal. I never drove a ferry boat and rescued people from an aircraft so I can't say if it's simpler.. I'm not igrorant enough enough to comment on that. Not sure what you mean by "useless tool" but you hit your ignorance issue right on the head.:rolf You're "igrorant" enough to misspell "ignorant."

You ARE ignorant to comment that you aren't impressed with a feat that essentially never been accomplished before...and implicit in your statement is the belief that you somehow could accomplish the same thing put in the same situation. Most likely, you're also of the belief that presented with the same conditions, you'd be able to avoid the birds...either of which are patently false beliefs.

You claim to fly airplanes, and that it's easy...I don't believe you. Not one bit. This is among the many features of you...and it's quite "useless;" you're presence overall is akin to a "useless tool," IE, something I wouldn't keep around wasting space. You get the reference now?

Further proof of your ignorance? Well, you came back to a place where you're despised, didn't you?

02-20-2009, 12:54 PM
:rolf You're "igrorant" enough to misspell "ignorant."

You ARE ignorant to comment that you aren't impressed with a feat that essentially never been accomplished before...and implicit in your statement is the belief that you somehow could accomplish the same thing put in the same situation. Most likely, you're also of the belief that presented with the same conditions, you'd be able to avoid the birds...either of which are patently false beliefs.

You claim to fly airplanes, and that it's easy...I don't believe you. Not one bit. This is among the many features of you...and it's quite "useless;" you're presence overall is akin to a "useless tool," IE, something I wouldn't keep around wasting space. You get the reference now?

Further proof of your ignorance? Well, you came back to a place where you're despised, didn't you?

Yea I don't spell check on here I figured you were ignorant enought to figure it out. I could care less if some ignorant guy on an internet BB board bleieves me or not. Every so often I do I am more concerned with real people not what BB post say. No still don't get your reference and don't care. It is comical how you can get so upset over someones opinion you resort to name calling. Pass me a note in study hall next time LOL

02-20-2009, 01:09 PM
Yea I don't spell check on here I figured you were ignorant enought to figure it out. I could care less if some ignorant guy on an internet BB board bleieves me or not. Every so often I do I am more concerned with real people not what BB post say. No still don't get your reference and don't care. It is comical how you can get so upset over someones opinion you resort to name calling. Pass me a note in study hall next time LOL

So the people that post these comments are not real?
Your comment was ignorant. Im going to guess that if he had the skills to bring the plane down and not kill anyone he had the skill to miss those birds, but sometimes all the skill in the world cannot overcome some circumstances. From your comment it sounds like you think you are a better pilot than the guy who brought a plane down in a river. If you listen to the tape he knew he wouldnt make it back to the airport and was calm.

02-20-2009, 01:47 PM
So the people that post these comments are not real?
Your comment was ignorant. Im going to guess that if he had the skills to bring the plane down and not kill anyone he had the skill to miss those birds, but sometimes all the skill in the world cannot overcome some circumstances. From your comment it sounds like you think you are a better pilot than the guy who brought a plane down in a river. If you listen to the tape he knew he wouldnt make it back to the airport and was calm.

Finally an intelligent post! No I doubt I could have done any better I have not flown for a while. I am Just saying I am more impressed with the pilots that have avoided it than I am with him. With all the birds and planes that are out there I don't think it's a coincidence this type of event rarely happens. Not bird strikes per say but a bird strike taking an aircraft down. When I was in the AF we had speakers between runways with simulated gun shots to scare the birds off among other things what information this pilot had before and during take off concerning the event can be argued. Anything is possible I just simply don't see him as a "hero" thats all. When I was stationed in Biloxi we had part of the leading edge of the wing come off during approach. 2 ft section or so that there not sure if the pilot missed something on the preflight but kinda rought to see that one coming

Prince Valiant
02-20-2009, 02:37 PM
No I doubt I could have done any better I have not flown for a while.
So now you're saying you could have done AS well now, despite not having flown in a while?!?

You are such a lying sack.

02-20-2009, 08:03 PM
Nevermind. Nothing to see here.

02-20-2009, 08:19 PM
Flying a plane is not hard. I don't find it anyway. I haven't flown every type of aircraft of course but what have I find boring. You go up come down big deal. I never drove a ferry boat and rescued people from an aircraft so I can't say if it's simpler.. I'm not igrorant enough enough to comment on that. Not sure what you mean by "useless tool" but you hit your ignorance issue right on the head.


02-20-2009, 08:21 PM
I thought you got banned years ago?

Unfortunately it didnt stick.

02-20-2009, 08:48 PM
Finally an intelligent post! No I doubt I could have done any better I have not flown for a while. I am Just saying I am more impressed with the pilots that have avoided it than I am with him. With all the birds and planes that are out there I don't think it's a coincidence this type of event rarely happens. Not bird strikes per say but a bird strike taking an aircraft down. When I was in the AF we had speakers between runways with simulated gun shots to scare the birds off among other things what information this pilot had before and during take off concerning the event can be argued. Anything is possible I just simply don't see him as a "hero" thats all. When I was stationed in Biloxi we had part of the leading edge of the wing come off during approach. 2 ft section or so that there not sure if the pilot missed something on the preflight but kinda rought to see that one coming

I just want to verify this...

You are saying that a pilot that was going down (due to situations almost entirely beyond his control), who saved the lives of every single person on board is NOT a hero. Nevermind the fact that he the first person to ever even accomplish this feat.

I guess I do see your point tho, he didn't find the cure for cancer on the way down. ;)

02-21-2009, 07:00 AM
this is a useless argument now with him. most planes with slight wing damages can overcome issues with enough thrust(extreme case in 1997 Israeli pilot flies 15 miles missing an ENTIRE wing from F15 and lands plane) but without ANY thrust nobody has landed a plane on land OR water. this so called pilot has NEVER flown or been to LaGuardia so his argument is junk. The runway ends OVER water with most flight patterns over the water until cruising height. That entire area is engulfed with birds as it is a shithole. Almost every flight that has had bird issues have had at least 1 engine still providing thrust to at least bring the plane down. watch the video of the hudson crash, that plane was falling almost immediately after the bird strike. I havent seen a single water landing NOT tear the plane apart or kill almost everyone.

02-21-2009, 07:29 AM
this is a useless argument now with him.

Thats why I edited my post above. Not even gonna waste my breath on this guy, its much easier to just ignore him. He has proven my point multiple times in this thread.