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View Full Version : WI Gas Tax increases coming?

01-01-2009, 05:52 PM
I see our governor wants to implement the auto increase on state gas taxes again. The auto indexing was dropped after 2006 thanks to the republicans. Unfortunately, the dems wants to bring it back along with another increase in the cigarette tax. This is the same guy that pilfered a billion dollars from the state highway construction fund and used it elsewhere.

Rocket Power
01-01-2009, 06:09 PM
Doyle is an expert on how to get people and jobs to leave Wisconsin. Way to go Gov:thumbsup
What a tool

01-01-2009, 06:12 PM
doyle is a f*ck bag pile of shlt i cant stand seeing/listening to his dumb ass, cant wait til 2010!

01-01-2009, 06:36 PM
doyle is a f*ck bag pile of shlt i cant stand seeing/listening to his dumb ass, cant wait til 2010!

awwww yes...2010...but what will he have instore for us till then....:D

01-01-2009, 07:08 PM
They can triple the cigarette tax for all I care. Leave the fuel tax alone.

01-01-2009, 07:50 PM
i didnt vote for his bitch ass...he is useless

Reverend Cooper
01-01-2009, 09:10 PM
useless is a understatement the guy has done nothing he originally said he would do. he raised all taxes and rammed wisconsin into such debt that we need to be bailed out he is a ******* bowl of enema.blody vaginal douche water.

01-01-2009, 11:54 PM
...and yet you motherfuckers continue to vote for him...or somebody does.

01-02-2009, 12:01 AM
Any fuel tax increase should be adopted at the national level so that there is no inter-state difference.

When compared to other nations, our fuel tax is exceptionally low. I think a 10 cent increase would be worth it if the funds went directly into our roads (but would that actually happen?).

Rocket Power
01-02-2009, 12:20 AM
When compared to other nations, our fuel tax is exceptionally low.
That's their problem, just because someone else is getting ass raped more doesn't mean I want to be even with them.

01-02-2009, 01:08 AM
That's their problem, just because someone else is getting ass raped more doesn't mean I want to be even with them.

well put

01-02-2009, 03:36 AM

More douche-baggery from BCM's favorite weird-o...:rolleyes:

01-02-2009, 09:13 AM
Our roads are absolute horse shit. What about this wheel tax that was suppose to help with the roads. Wisconsin has a 5 billion dollar debt yet we are one of the higher taxed states. Where does this money go. Oh thats right social programs. Silly me. I thought we used our money to keep our roads and highways safe but we use it to give money able bodied people who are not willing to work. I wish the gov. was not so corrupt. It shouldnt matter dem or rep. lets fix our system.

01-02-2009, 02:51 PM
That's their problem, just because someone else is getting ass raped more doesn't mean I want to be even with them.

Then again, our roads suck. Have you ever seen the roads outside of the US?

More douche-baggery from BCM's favorite weird-o...:rolleyes:

Do you own a motorcycle? Then you know how terrible potholes are.

We need to fix the roads. Are you opposed to that?

You don't need to agree with me. I am simply bringing balance to this topic. Jumping to conclusions is short-sighted and stupid.

Our roads are absolute horse shit. What about this wheel tax that was suppose to help with the roads. Wisconsin has a 5 billion dollar debt yet we are one of the higher taxed states. Where does this money go. Oh thats right social programs. Silly me. I thought we used our money to keep our roads and highways safe but we use it to give money able bodied people who are not willing to work. I wish the gov. was not so corrupt. It shouldnt matter dem or rep. lets fix our system.

I agree fully. That is why it should be a national increase, not a state increase. Then again, I don't trust the government any more than the next guy. Any Wisconsin tax increase will end up in MPS central office.

01-02-2009, 09:34 PM
Do you own a motorcycle? Then you know how terrible potholes are.

Not anymore, but when I did, I was coordinated enough to drive around them. What's the matter, that paragon of motorcycling efficiency can't maneuver around a few little dips? :rolf

We need to fix the roads. Are you opposed to that?

Yes, of course I am... :durr
How about we use the resources already collected by our "frugal" state and federal governments by cutting some non-essential social programs and stop all of the pork-barrel spending, instead of adding to our already ridiculous tax burden? If anything, the federal government is more ponderous, bloated and inefficient than our state crooks. Yet you want to give them even MORE control. Utopia doesn't exist, Melvin, and we sure as hell aren't going to tax ourselves into the blissful state you envision...:loser

You don't need to agree with me. I am simply bringing balance to this topic. Jumping to conclusions is short-sighted and stupid.

But your commentary isn't in any real way thought provoking. It's just provoking, in an inane "I haven't really considered all the ramifications of my simplistic opinion" way. Tossing out half-witted socialistic "spread the wealth for the good of all" grenades for the sake of so-called "balance" is just stupid, period.

Thanks for the input, but now it's time to go back to your basement, put your tin-foil hat back on and play with your Star Wars figurines while dreaming of new ways to get girls to notice you.

01-02-2009, 10:12 PM
You can't win. Try and be more conservative (drive less, car pool, etc.) and the times when you do need gas, they're going to put the meat to you anyways even harder.

How about this: A big ass northbound toll booth right by the Kenosha Outlet Malls. Hell, how about a Southbound one too??!!!?? Seems to work for our neighbors to the South....

Reverend Cooper
01-02-2009, 10:28 PM
I never voted for that doucher and never will. all the dummys that voted in barrack voted in doucher for sure

01-03-2009, 12:43 AM
Not anymore, but when I did, I was coordinated enough to drive around them. What's the matter, that paragon of motorcycling efficiency can't maneuver around a few little dips? :rolf

I can avoid the potholes just fine on most roads. I CANNOT avoid an ice heave that runs completely across a road.

I knocked the kickstand off my Sportster 3 times this past summer. Two of those times were due to a road-crossing ice heave and a pot hole the size of a two-car garage.

Check out the intersection of Water and Mason in Milwaukee. That intersection sucks despite the attempt to fix it at the end of the summer!

Yes, of course I am... :durr
How about we use the resources already collected by our "frugal" state and federal governments by cutting some non-essential social programs and stop all of the pork-barrel spending, instead of adding to our already ridiculous tax burden? If anything, the federal government is more ponderous, bloated and inefficient than our state crooks.

I am also aware that money does not go where it should. Our governor is a crook. If I am wrong, correct me and will give you due credit, but as far as I can tell, the Fed seems to be better at fixing roads than the state. Local municipalities also seem to be more effective than the state too.

Doyle commented that he will be using some of the Obama stimulus to fix our roads (income funded, not fuel tax). BUT Doyle also cut back on state-funded road maintainance in 2008.

Yet you want to give them even MORE control. Utopia doesn't exist, Melvin, and we sure as hell aren't going to tax ourselves into the blissful state you envision...

Control? I don't want doyle to have more control over anything.

Utopia my ass. I don't believe that a utopia state is possible. BUT, I know that better roads can happen.


Loser...no. Think of me as being "eccentric" on this issue. Even if I don't suade you on this issue, you will go away knowing how the other half think.

But your commentary isn't in any real way thought provoking. It's just provoking, in an inane "I haven't really considered all the ramifications of my simplistic opinion" way. Tossing out half-witted socialistic "spread the wealth for the good of all" grenades for the sake of so-called "balance" is just stupid, period.

Really? Do you have a better idea as to how our roads should be maintained?

Here I go...
Driving is a privlidge. Because of this, I think it is irresponsible for regular income taxes to be used as the source of funding for maintainance of our transit infrastructure. Also, the fuel consumption of vehicles seems to be proportional to the amount of wear and tear the said vehicle inflicts on our roads.

If you believe that our roads should paid for and maintained by income taxes, then YOU are the Socialist.

I belive that the roads should be funded by those who use them. That makes me a conservative on this issue.

Socialism?! My perspective is rooted in economics, not philisophy. Once again, this is conservative thinking.

Thanks for the input, but now it's time to go back to your basement, put your tin-foil hat back on and play with your Star Wars figurines while dreaming of new ways to get girls to notice you.

Did you think of that on your own...or did you have to try it first? :D

Voodoo Chick
01-03-2009, 12:49 AM
Ice heaves.......I have always wondered what to call those before I read this......there's a terrible one in front of my house.

01-04-2009, 12:17 AM

Apparently, we are not the only state considering this tax increase. Almost all states are planning on doing the same.

I'm going to make a market forcast (I could be wrong on this):
An artificial increase in the price of fuel (tax, not demand) will result in a decrease in fuel consumption which will cause a decrease in fuel prices.

i.e.: taxes go up $0.10, but prices decrease $0.07 due to %0.1 decrease in demand. Net fuel price gain of $0.03.

01-04-2009, 02:36 AM
I can avoid the potholes just fine on most roads. I CANNOT avoid an ice heave that runs completely across a road.

I knocked the kickstand off my Sportster 3 times this past summer. Two of those times were due to a road-crossing ice heave and a pot hole the size of a two-car garage.

Check out the intersection of Water and Mason in Milwaukee. That intersection sucks despite the attempt to fix it at the end of the summer!

You didn't say ice heaves, you said potholes, and something the size of a two car garage is hardly a pothole, it's more of a large crater. Semantics? Perhaps, but there is meaning in words and if you want to make your point, you have to use more accurate terminology.

I drive 2000+ miles per week on our Wisconsin roads and have yet to come across road conditions as atrocious as those your are describing anywhere else in the state. Maybe you need something with a better suspension and more rubust construction, or perhaps you should plan your trip a little better... :D

I am also aware that money does not go where it should. Our governor is a crook. If I am wrong, correct me and will give you due credit, but as far as I can tell, the Fed seems to be better at fixing roads than the state. Local municipalities also seem to be more effective than the state too.

Doyle commented that he will be using some of the Obama stimulus to fix our roads (income funded, not fuel tax). BUT Doyle also cut back on state-funded road maintainance in 2008.

The Federal government doesn't fix the roads, they just hand over the cash and the state contracts for the work. So it's still the state that oversees the project. As for local municipalities? Your own description of local road conditions seems to contradict that opinion... And Doyle is a lying sack if shit. He'll probably give that stimulus money to our fantastic public edumacators...:punch:
The reason Doyle cut back on road maintenance is because he raided the transportation budget to fund other crap, such as giving more candy to his leash holders in WEAC. Gots ta dance with thems that brung ya...:thumbsup :chair:

Control? I don't want doyle to have more control over anything.

Utopia my ass. I don't believe that a utopia state is possible. BUT, I know that better roads can happen.

It isn't EVER going to happen, as long as that bald-headed, buck-toothed crook is in charge of the disbursement of funds...

Loser...no. Think of me as being "eccentric" on this issue. Even if I don't suade you on this issue, you will go away knowing how the other half think.

I KNOW how the other half thinks. That's the problem. There's an old saying that starts out something like "Ignorance is bliss..." Being a cynic and seeing how things REALLY get done is why I can't stand the thought of one extra dime of my hard earned cash going to ANYTHING governmental, until they learn how to spend it efficiently.

Really? Do you have a better idea as to how our roads should be maintained?

Here I go...
Driving is a privlidge. Because of this, I think it is irresponsible for regular income taxes to be used as the source of funding for maintainance of our transit infrastructure. Also, the fuel consumption of vehicles seems to be proportional to the amount of wear and tear the said vehicle inflicts on our roads.

If you believe that our roads should paid for and maintained by income taxes, then YOU are the Socialist.

I belive that the roads should be funded by those who use them. That makes me a conservative on this issue.

Socialism?! My perspective is rooted in economics, not philisophy. Once again, this is conservative thinking.

Higher taxes is NEVER the conservative approach, no matter how much you might think it is. The vehicles that damage the roads the most do pay the highest taxes, in both fuel costs and registration costs. If you knew how much it cost to put a Semi on the road in just registration fees and insurance alone, you'd shit. Now add in fuel costs. Now think about what these vehicles supply the citizens of this country with in terms of goods and services, as opposed to you and your scooter...:rolleyes:

Look dude, nobody says you can't crack open your wallet and contribute however much extra to your chosen branch of government as you see fit. Just don't tell everybody else that they should, as well. We are being nickel and dimed to death in this country. Every time a new tax gets passed, it opens the door for the next round of increases. It has to stop. The government makes more on a gallon of fuel than the people that supply it to you. WTF is that? I'm not saying there should never be taxes, I'm saying they get enough right now and they need to start spending it efficiently. If they want more of my money they need to prove to me that they are A: spending it in the most efficient manner possible, and B: They REALLY need it. Once those conditions are met, I'll gladly pay my patriotic fair share. Until then, I'll piss and moan about every new tax and fee some bureaucratic ass-wipe or clueless goof thinks I should be paying...;)

Did you think of that on your own...or did you have to try it first? :D

Hyuck Hyuck...:yawn: Don't quit your day job, Beaker...

01-04-2009, 07:35 AM
^^^Couldn't of said it any better myself:thumbsup

01-05-2009, 03:28 AM
You didn't say ice heaves, you said potholes, and something the size of a two car garage is hardly a pothole, it's more of a large crater. Semantics? Perhaps, but there is meaning in words and if you want to make your point, you have to use more accurate terminology.
Yes, my initial post was simplified. I really didn't want to use the word "crater" to describe a large pothole. At least now you understand my situation.

I drive 2000+ miles per week on our Wisconsin roads and have yet to come across road conditions as atrocious as those your are describing anywhere else in the state. Maybe you need something with a better suspension and more rubust construction, or perhaps you should plan your trip a little better...

It is not uncommon for me to drive 1000+ miles in a week. Apparently, you have never driven on I94 from Milwaukee to Madison. There are ice heaves about every 400 yards. Some are being repaired right now.

BTW- My Audi is incredibly robust and handles the crap in the road very well. As for my Harley, which is robust, it has a short wheelbase and proportionally high un-sprung weight. Also, I spent a fair amount of time driving commercial trucks this past summer. In those trucks, a poorly maintained road can really hammer you when the truck is empty.

As for avoiding roads...
I cannot get out of Milwaukee without driving through Milwaukee streets.

Do you want me to provide examples of major roads in need of repair?

The Federal government doesn't fix the roads, they just hand over the cash and the state contracts for the work. So it's still the state that oversees the project. As for local municipalities? Your own description of local road conditions seems to contradict that opinion... And Doyle is a lying sack if shit. He'll probably give that stimulus money to our fantastic public edumacators...:punch:...
The reason Doyle cut back on road maintenance is because he raided the transportation budget to fund other crap, such as giving more candy to his leash holders in WEAC. Gots ta dance with thems that brung ya...:thumbsup :chair:

It isn't EVER going to happen, as long as that bald-headed, buck-toothed crook is in charge of the disbursement of funds...

I don't like Doyle any more than you do. Ya know, we could go to Starbucks and sip java while we discuss how much we both disapprove of ol' chromedome.

BTW- MPS teachers (the ones in the classroom) hate WEAC!

I KNOW how the other half thinks. That's the problem. There's an old saying that starts out something like "Ignorance is bliss..." Being a cynic and seeing how things REALLY get done is why I can't stand the thought of one extra dime of my hard earned cash going to ANYTHING governmental, until they learn how to spend it efficiently....

I'm not indicating ignorance. I simply have not posted all of the facts. What you are mentioning I had expected to be common knowledge on both sides, so I omitted it.

Higher taxes is NEVER the conservative approach, no matter how much you might think it is.

The conservative ideology is to directly link taxation/useage/maintainance. The Republican ideology is to not increase taxes (but they still get money out of you in other ways). Let us not confuse the two.

BTW- Republicans can squander money just like Democrats.

Look dude, nobody says you can't crack open your wallet and contribute however much extra to your chosen branch of government as you see fit. Just don't tell everybody else that they should, as well. We are being nickel and dimed to death in this country. Every time a new tax gets passed, it opens the door for the next round of increases. It has to stop. The government makes more on a gallon of fuel than the people that supply it to you. WTF is that? I'm not saying there should never be taxes, I'm saying they get enough right now and they need to start spending it efficiently. If they want more of my money they need to prove to me that they are A: spending it in the most efficient manner possible, and B: They REALLY need it. Once those conditions are met, I'll gladly pay my patriotic fair share. Until then, I'll piss and moan about every new tax and fee some bureaucratic ass-wipe or clueless goof thinks I should be paying...;)

The two things you cannot avoid are death and taxes. If you feel strongly enough about something, you can. We still live in a democracy, albeit democrat or republican. You have your right to free speech, so use it.

The Govt gets more money than the supply people?!!
Wisconsin fuel tax = 51.3 cents
Federal fuel tax = 18.4 cents
Combined tax = 69.7 cents.

For your statement to be true, the fuel price would have to be under 1.39.

I think you meant that the end supplier earnes less than the tax. But that's business. The same is true for cigarettes and many other products with small wholesale mark-ups. In fact, some end suppliers are willing to take a hit on certain products.

Hyuck Hyuck...:yawn: Don't quit your day job, Beaker...

Should we debate this like men or boys. Let's keep the personal and character attacks out of this. Kapeish?

01-05-2009, 11:08 AM
The Govt gets more money than the supply people?!!
Wisconsin fuel tax = 51.3 cents
Federal fuel tax = 18.4 cents
Combined tax = 69.7 cents

Your numbers are wrong. Wisconsin's gasoline fuel tax is 30.9. Michigan's is 19.
You can see what Michigan does with its gasoline tax here:

The question isn't why are my taxes so high, it's why does Wisconsin suck like a nickel whore at a democratic convention?

Everything is expensive here yet everything sucks. The only thing that is cheap is sales tax and only if you're not in Milwaukee County. Well, I lied, municipal water is the cheapest I've experience in this Great State. Even getting married in Wisconsin costs three times as much as it does in Michigan.

"But Wisconsin has beautiful State Parks and a wonderful DNR". It's a fat fscking joke. Michigan has single state parks bigger than Wisconsin has total acreage of state parks.

The only thing Wisconsin has had going for it was the economy since it successfully had been moving away from manufacturing (since it made everything from pots and pans to tractors). However, the economy has turned to shit. They're expecting unemployment to hit 8% and it's already at 5.6%. I think by now we all know someone here in Wisconsin that has been laid off in the last few months. And if it does hit 8% we're going to know more. Especially since there are already a ton of people that are ineligible for unemployment. If it hits 8% then you can expect things getting a ton worse because people here are already grotesquely over-leveraged as it is.

So if you're going to complain about the already second-highest state gas tax in the country going up maybe you should ponder why this place sucks so much.

01-05-2009, 11:50 AM

PORTLAND, Ore. - A growing number of states are exploring ways to tax drivers based on the number of miles they drive instead of how much gas they use, even going so far as to install GPS monitoring devices in 300 vehicles.

The idea first emerged nearly 10 years ago as Oregon lawmakers worried that fuel-efficient cars such as gas-electric hybrids could pose a threat to road upkeep, which is paid for largely with gasoline taxes.

"I'm glad we're taking a look at it before the potholes get so big that we can't even get out of them," said Leroy Younglove, a Portland driver who participated in a recent pilot program.


01-05-2009, 12:25 PM
6" of concrete couldn't care less if it has a butterfly on it or a 5,000lb car going 70mph. The only thing that has changed from 30 years ago is how they build roads. 30 years ago they built them to last. Now they build them like appliances. Companies that build things to last quickly find their way of life no longer existing. So now roads are built to last 4-5 years instead of 2-3 decades. And they have a metric shit ton more money to maintain these roads. It's not like they're putting in new ones. So they have what, 4x the cars at how many times the gas tax was back then? I bet if we play the inflation game they have a ton more money now than they did in the 70s.

Then again, if you have poorly built roads like F/74 that are like concrete moguls then maybe they're better off doing it every 4-5 years with some shitty residential grade asphalt.

01-05-2009, 04:16 PM

PORTLAND, Ore. - A growing number of states are exploring ways to tax drivers based on the number of miles they drive instead of how much gas they use, even going so far as to install GPS monitoring devices in 300 vehicles.

The idea first emerged nearly 10 years ago as Oregon lawmakers worried that fuel-efficient cars such as gas-electric hybrids could pose a threat to road upkeep, which is paid for largely with gasoline taxes.

"I'm glad we're taking a look at it before the potholes get so big that we can't even get out of them," said Leroy Younglove, a Portland driver who participated in a recent pilot program.


That's utter bullshit because an 18 wheeler gets better fuel economy per ton than a toyota Prius.

60,000 lbs @ 5 mpg is alot better than 3000 lbs @ 60 mpg.

A fuel efficient car in good tune will also put alot less wear on the road too.

01-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Have no fear the democrats are here!
They will convene in Madison and throw out a dozen tax increases hoping for a few of them to stick. And stick they will to us the taxpayers right in the azz.
These loosers need to see some recall action to sober them up. Only then will they start looking at some real true budget cuts.

Rocket Power
01-05-2009, 05:34 PM
Have no fear the democrats are here!

Thank God !
Because the first thing you do to stimulate a down economy is take what little money people have left by taxing them even more.
F You Doyle and your tax raising buddies:flipoff2:

01-05-2009, 10:56 PM
Don't worry. An unregulated economy is a strong economy!!!

01-05-2009, 11:49 PM
Yes, my initial post was simplified. I really didn't want to use the word "crater" to describe a large pothole. At least now you understand my situation.
But if a crater is what it is, then use the correct term.

It is not uncommon for me to drive 1000+ miles in a week. Apparently, you have never driven on I94 from Milwaukee to Madison. There are ice heaves about every 400 yards. Some are being repaired right now.

BTW- My Audi is incredibly robust and handles the crap in the road very well. As for my Harley, which is robust, it has a short wheelbase and proportionally high un-sprung weight. Also, I spent a fair amount of time driving commercial trucks this past summer. In those trucks, a poorly maintained road can really hammer you when the truck is empty.

As for avoiding roads...
I cannot get out of Milwaukee without driving through Milwaukee streets.

Do you want me to provide examples of major roads in need of repair?

If you knocked your kick stand off of your bike 3 times, well I hate to break it to you but the bike is kind of a POS. Should we take a survey of all of the other bike owners on BCM and see how many of them knocked major chunks off of their bikes due to road conditions at any point in the last 12 months? Also, I would think if you contacted a road hazard hard enough to rip off a fairly solid hunk of metal, you would have dumped the bike... I smell some bullshit.

I drive to Rhinelander (Drs. Foster and Smith) Monday through Thursday in a Freightliner Columbia converted to a double axle straight truck, empty weight 23,800 pounds. How do you suppose I get there? I know what bad roads are, and I have yet to see anything as bad as what you are describing. The city of Milwaukee roads may suck, but I don't live there, nor do I drive there unless I have to.

Go ahead and provide your examples, but provide pictures of the road damage, and not just some list of roads under repair you copied and pasted off of some website.

I don't like Doyle any more than you do. Ya know, we could go to Starbucks and sip java while we discuss how much we both disapprove of ol' chromedome.

BTW- MPS teachers (the ones in the classroom) hate WEAC!

Their lips may say no, no, no, but their jobs/wages/benefits due to collective bargaining say yes, yes, yes...

The conservative ideology is to directly link taxation/useage/maintainance. The Republican ideology is to not increase taxes (but they still get money out of you in other ways). Let us not confuse the two.

BTW- Republicans can squander money just like Democrats.

I know that, Thompson spent money like crazy, yet he didn't have to keep raiding other funds and jacking up fees (read; raising taxes) to keep his bloated budget from breaking the law. The conservative approach is based on the way the US Constitution is perceived. Show me the passages where anything about user fees and the squandering of them are mentioned.

The two things you cannot avoid are death and taxes. If you feel strongly enough about something, you can. We still live in a democracy, albeit democrat or republican. You have your right to free speech, so use it.

We do NOT live in a democracy, we live in a Representative Republic. A pure democracy is essentially Mob Rules.

The Govt gets more money than the supply people?!!
Wisconsin fuel tax = 51.3 cents
Federal fuel tax = 18.4 cents
Combined tax = 69.7 cents.

For your statement to be true, the fuel price would have to be under 1.39.

I think you meant that the end supplier earnes less than the tax. But that's business. The same is true for cigarettes and many other products with small wholesale mark-ups. In fact, some end suppliers are willing to take a hit on certain products.

When I used the phrase "makes more" I meant in terms of PROFIT, you know, what is earned after all taxes, and expenses are paid. Using your numbers, Federal Government 18.4 cents, Wisconsin 51.3 cents, Exxon/Mobil about 8.9 cents profit. Who does all of the up front investment in oil field exploration? Who supplies the equipment, man power, and money to drill/pump said oil? Who takes all of the financial risk, yet gets less on a gallon of gasoline than our government? Yet these ******* spend-monkeys want ever more to piss away...

Should we debate this like men or boys. Let's keep the personal and character attacks out of this. Kapeish?

The word is capice. Never use Italian against an Italian, lest you get thrown head first out of a speeding Masserati... Capice? :goof

01-06-2009, 01:04 AM
But if a crater is what it is, then use the correct term.
I tend associate craters with meteors, volcanoes, and ground-penetrating bombs.

If you knocked your kick stand off of your bike 3times, well I hate to break it to you but the bike is kind of a POS. Should we take a survey of all of the other bike owners on BCM and see how many of them knocked major chunks off of their bikes due to road conditions at any point in the last 12 months? Also, I would think if you contacted a road hazard hard enough to rip off a fairly solid hunk of metal, you would have dumped the bike... I smell some bullshit.

Alright, it is the small metal bump on the frame to which the spring which keeps the kick stand retracted or extended. The other end of the spring is attached to the moving part of the kickstand assembly. The bump is directly underneath the frame and extends about 3/8 inches down. once you break the bump off, the spring shoots about 25 feet away and you get to hear the kickstand dragging on the ground.

Not really bullshit.

BTW- I have since relocated the bump.

I drive to Rhinelander (Drs. Foster and Smith) Monday through Thursday in a Freightliner Columbia converted to a double axle straight truck, empty weight 23,800 pounds. How do you suppose I get there? I know what bad roads are, and I have yet to see anything as bad as what you are describing. The city of Milwaukee roads may suck, but I don't live there, nor do I drive there unless I have to.

Cool. I drove a 1978 GMC commercial truck with a single rear axle. No air ride or adjustable anything. Also, my route is not always pre-planned.

Go ahead and provide your examples, but provide pictures of the road damage, and not just some list of roads under repair you copied and pasted off of some website.

I'm on it. I'll need daylight first.

Their lips may say no, no, no, but their jobs/wages/benefits due to collective bargaining say yes, yes, yes.

When is the last time you spoke with MPS teachers? They have pretty much no power over the union.

I know that, Thompson spent money like crazy, yet he didn't have to keep raiding other funds and jacking up fees (read; raising taxes) to keep his bloated budget from breaking the law. The conservative approach is based on the way the US Constitution is perceived. Show me the passages where anything about user fees and the squandering of them are mentioned.

The Constitution is often perceived as being ambiguous.

We do NOT live in a democracy, we live in a Representative Republic. A pure democracy is essentially Mob Rules.

Representative Democracy?
The democratic process still works in our country.
Please read The Third Wave, by Samuel P. Huntington.

When I used the phrase "makes more" I meant in terms of PROFIT, you know, what is earned after all taxes, and expenses are paid. Using your numbers, Federal Government 18.4 cents, Wisconsin 51.3 cents, Exxon/Mobil about 8.9 cents profit. Who does all of the up front investment in oil field exploration? Who supplies the equipment, man power, and money to drill/pump said oil? Who takes all of the financial risk, yet gets less on a gallon of gasoline than our government? Yet these ******* spend-monkeys want ever more to piss away...

Profit can be described in many different ways: Net, Gross, Rate of Return...

In recent years, energy corporations have had record profits. Are you telling me that they are not making money?

The word is capice. Never use Italian against an Italian, lest you get thrown head first out of a speeding Masserati... Capice? :goof

You provided an alternative spelling. I looked it up. The true spelling is capisce.

BTW- you first need to find a Masserati that runs (German humor) :goof

01-06-2009, 02:30 AM
I tend associate craters with meteors, volcanoes, and ground-penetrating bombs.

Whatever. When describing a depression in the pavement as large as a two car garage, (your words) pothole hardy conveys the idea of what you were talking about to the average person.

Alright, it is the small metal bump on the frame to which the spring which keeps the kick stand retracted or extended. The other end of the spring is attached to the moving part of the kickstand assembly. The bump is directly underneath the frame and extends about 3/8 inches down. once you break the bump off, the spring shoots about 25 feet away and you get to hear the kickstand dragging on the ground.

Not really bullshit.

BTW- I have since relocated the bump.

A good design would not have needed relocation.

Cool. I drove a 1978 GMC commercial truck with a single rear axle. No air ride or adjustable anything. Also, my route is not always pre-planned.

Air ride or not, the base tractor was designed to haul 80,000+ lbs, and it still has the springs for that weight. Trust me, if the road is shitty, you feel it. As for pre-planned, I can tell you three ways to get to Rhinelander, and I94 West to I39/51 North isn't the best way to get there, but I use it on occasion when something prevents me from using my preferred route or if I just get bored.

When is the last time you spoke with MPS teachers? They have pretty much no power over the union.

They have the vote and get to decide who runs the union, don't they? If they choose to go against what the union says, they have their free will, do they not? A true maverick amongst public school teachers is an anomaly, NOT the norm...

The Constitution is often perceived as being ambiguous.

Only by a liberal. If one wants to know what the intent of the founding fathers was, they need only read the Federalist Papers.

Representative Democracy?
The democratic process still works in our country.
Please read The Third Wave, by Samuel P. Huntington.

Never-the-less, we are not a true democracy. We choose individuals to represent our collective voices by proxy.

Profit can be described in many different ways: Net, Gross, Rate of Return...

In recent years, energy corporations have had record profits. Are you telling me that they are not making money?

Not at all, but if big oil is making record profits, what do we call what the government takes from them, especially when they have risked nothing to earn it?

You provided an alternative spelling. I looked it up. The true spelling is capisce.

I missed by a letter, you weren't even close...;)

BTW- you first need to find a Masserati that runs (German humor) :goof

Hey, it doesn't need to run, we just push it, and you, down a big hill. At the bottom, out you go...:thumbsup

01-06-2009, 03:33 AM
Whatever. When describing a depression in the pavement as large as a two car garage, (your words) pothole hardy conveys the idea of what you were talking about to the average person.

But the pothole was only about 6 inches deep. i should have just said that a big section of the road was missing.

Well, we could call that hole in the ground in Arizona "meteor pothole."

A good design would not have needed relocation.

But other than that, no complaints!

Air ride or not, the base tractor was designed to haul 80,000+ lbs, and it still has the springs for that weight. Trust me, if the road is shitty, you feel it. As for pre-planned, I can tell you three ways to get to Rhinelander, and I94 West to I39/51 North isn't the best way to get there, but I use it on occasion when something prevents me from using my preferred route or if I just get bored. .

Alright, but I never had just one destination. On a daily basis, the location would change. I could not plan for roads that I had never been down previously in my life.

They have the vote and get to decide who runs the union, don't they? If they choose to go against what the union says, they have their free will, do they not? A true maverick amongst public school teachers is an anomaly, NOT the norm....

You are missing a key fact! The teachers in the classroom are a minority. For every teacher in the classroom, there are at leats two teachers (well, they are not teaching) doing bullshit research in central office. Not only that, there are two union members for every teacher in the classroom. You can probably predict what happens every time there is a vote.

REALLY, the teachers in the classroom are fuked right now.

Only by a liberal. If one wants to know what the intent of the founding fathers was, they need only read the Federalist Papers.

Your right...kinda like that question of all men being equal (blacks too?). Stoopid liberals!

Never-the-less, we are not a true democracy. We choose individuals to represent our collective voices by proxy.

Democracy still works.

Not at all, but if big oil is making record profits, what do we call what the government takes from them, especially when they have risked nothing to earn it?

There is risk in all investments in all businesses. If an investment fails, you can write it off at the end of the year.

I missed by a letter, you weren't even close...;)

Hey, it doesn't need to run, we just push it, and you, down a big hill. At the bottom, out you go...:thumbsup

But isn't it safer outside of an Italian car? :goof

01-06-2009, 10:37 PM
Your right...kinda like that question of all men being equal (blacks too?). Stoopid liberals!

I hope you aren't making reference to that 3/5ths of a man deal the civil rights idiots keep trying to bring up all of the time. You know why that language was put into the constitution, don't you?

Democracy still works.

So do Lynch mobs...

Also, you might want to tell that to the Republican Senator from the great state (cough, cough...) of Minnesota, Norm Coleman. I'm sure he will be comforted by those words.

There is risk in all investments in all businesses. If an investment fails, you can write it off at the end of the year.

Yeah, but there aren't that many that the government has their hands that far into the pockets of. Besides, I'm sure the fact that you can write off your failed business is a real comfort to those whose lives and financial stability are now destroyed.

But isn't it safer outside of an Italian car? :goof

That depends on where you are standing...:D