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View Full Version : Whitnall Park ice rink

Goat Roper
12-31-2008, 05:17 PM
You might say "there is no rink at Whitnall" and you would be right. All the rain then freezing made the Whitnall sledding hill a sheet of glass. This makes for some fast sledding but really damn rough, even with the little but of snow we got last night. Absolutely no control on the way down.

Anyway, I have not gotten out and shot for shits 'n giggles in a couple months it seems so I took the cam and an el cheapo lens, that if I broke in a fall I would not lose sleep over, and rattled off a few of the fam. That and I don't think I have posted up kids shots in quite a while :thumbsup


12-31-2008, 05:56 PM
Cute pics!

But anybody else feel a bit weird when after looking at pictures of kids sledding you see Scott's signature.

Goat Roper
12-31-2008, 06:26 PM
lol, my wife said the same thing

12-31-2008, 06:27 PM
haha those are great, Scott!

12-31-2008, 07:12 PM
But anybody else feel a bit weird when after looking at pictures of kids sledding you see Scott's signature.

That was my first thought as I scrolled down and saw it.

Love the signature, but it is strange after the kid photos.

Nice pics regardless, what cheapo lens did you use? They turned out great :thumbsup

Voodoo Chick
01-02-2009, 02:08 AM
Very pretty children!