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12-24-2008, 04:59 PM
So I'll be filing for temporary unemployment (until March) and I've never filed before. I was wondering, what things should I know about unemployment? I've heard rumors about there being a limit to the number of times you can file in your life. Is this true? How will this affect me when I file my taxes for the year? Also, for those who have applied before, how much of your regular pay did you get (50%? 35%?)?

12-24-2008, 05:07 PM
no max on how many and you can do it online which is easy. you are required to make at least 2 interviews a week. the max amount is $355 regardless of your salary and anything over like $40k maxes you out(iirc). you will get a tax state from the statement for the income and you can defer some of it towards taxes weekly.

Feature Pony
12-24-2008, 05:31 PM
If you are going to school do not tell them that, you will have to drop all of your classes, there is no max in your lifetime there is a 6 month max per job and sometimes the government might extend it. if you claim 6 months get a job for a year and get laid off again you can claim another 6.

12-24-2008, 05:33 PM
they actually extended the extra 6 months already and 6 more is supposed to be coming.......even though the fund is drying up.

12-24-2008, 06:29 PM
can you start an initial claim online or do I have to call the 800 number?

my employer has a plant shutdown next week, I get holiday pay for wednesday and thursday, however they said I can file for a partial week (3 days) and my employer wont fight it. Everyone I work with will be filing and they said call the number, but if I can do it online, id like to start it now.

70 cutlass 442
12-24-2008, 06:31 PM
can do all online
ask beagz for help if ya need to.

12-24-2008, 07:39 PM
can you start an initial claim online or do I have to call the 800 number?

my employer has a plant shutdown next week, I get holiday pay for wednesday and thursday, however they said I can file for a partial week (3 days) and my employer wont fight it. Everyone I work with will be filing and they said call the number, but if I can do it online, id like to start it now.

file for 3 days...you got to be kidding...it will take you 2 weeks to get that pay....
the pain in theass is the 2 job interviews you have to go on every week to get your check...keep track of the jobs you go seeking, because they will ask you about them....TRUSTME...a friend of mine got laid off last year...he said he went here and there...they called him on it..and they intern called the companies...he lost his unemployment.....don't screw with the goverment...

12-24-2008, 08:48 PM
My work told me I don't have to do the 2 interviews/week because it was temporary unemployment, not permanent. Is this true?

12-24-2008, 09:30 PM
that could be true...you union....

12-25-2008, 11:49 AM
If temp layoff, you do not have to do a job search. Also, Wayne, if you worked you would have to wait 1 to 2 weeks for your pay anyway. Plus, I never had to wait that long...it was about a week.

12-25-2008, 12:09 PM
What sucks is the max benefits of $355 a week. If you were used to making $1000 a week, better adjust your living habits.

You have to prove you are seeking employment. Not sure what you do if you tell them you have a job lined up in the future.

12-25-2008, 12:10 PM
my work also told me I dont need to do job seeking since its its temporary and I was given a return date. the unemployment website also said the same

12-25-2008, 12:21 PM
You don't need to do job seeking when it is a temporary layoff. They ask you if you are returning to work in the future during the initial claim.

12-26-2008, 09:51 AM
I don't think you need two *interviews* per week (that would be nearly impossible some weeks like this or next week), but you need to contact at least two employers each week.

12-26-2008, 11:51 AM
unemployement REQUIRES 2 interviews per week. its on the form both online and in person. whether or not they verify is a crap's shoot. sometimes they do and sometimes they dont, layoffs are different though.

Rocket Power
12-26-2008, 01:16 PM

Were you able to work full-time and available for full-time work?


Answer "YES" if you could have and would have worked full-time if work had been available for you.

Answer "NO" if you could not work full-time because you were physically unable to work or you were unavailable for work. For example, you could not accept work with an employer (including your regular employer) because you were sick or injured, on vacation, didn't have a way to get to work, didn't have childcare arrangements, etc.

Did you contact at least two employers during the week to try to find work? (This question is not asked if your work search is waived.)
To me this says you applied , but didn't necessarily interview. But I haven't had to argue with them either.

12-26-2008, 01:31 PM
Its more than just applied, they want to know if you actually talked to somebody. The form they give you to fill out has a spot for the contact name.

12-26-2008, 03:50 PM
So I applied and about 2 minutes into it they told me I have to call. So I call and ofcourse don't get through (why is it not a hotline with people standing by? It gives you a busy signal then hangs up on you... unemployment is pretty big and important, you'd think they'd have tons of lines open, guess not). So I log back in to review my info and it says they have no record of me signing up even though I just did a few minutes ago... off to a great ******* start

12-26-2008, 03:56 PM
Did you contact at least two employers during the week to try to find work?

This is what I was going off of, from the actual web site. I'm currently unemployed myself and haven't had two interviews per week, its pretty much impossible for that to happen unless you are going for an $8.00 retail job. I think it would depend on what field you are in, for my profession its not realistic. Two interviews per week has happened maybe two times in the 10 weeks I've been on the hunt for work, many weeks there isn't even one.

Getting ahold of anyone with unemployment is a treat. I had to call to get mine started initially, then it was all done online. Calling on Mondays, Fridays or early mornings is pretty much impossible, it even states something to that effect. I heard they extended their hours though since there are more and more folks unemployed.

01-25-2009, 12:29 PM
Try the unemployment office. That would be the best place to find all you answers.

01-25-2009, 01:46 PM
Its more than just applied, they want to know if you actually talked to somebody. The form they give you to fill out has a spot for the contact name.

if done online its just a box to check off. they dont even verify anymore for some reason unless you file for another company in the same year or your ability to work comes into question.

Voodoo Chick
01-25-2009, 11:47 PM
What sucks is the max benefits of $355 a week. If you were used to making $1000 a week, better adjust your living habits.

You have to prove you are seeking employment. Not sure what you do if you tell them you have a job lined up in the future.

I wasn't even making $355 when I had my damn job, LOL.....(Actually, that's pretty sad....)

01-26-2009, 03:29 PM
So is there an office you can go to in the milwaukee area and actually sit down and talk with someone? Or is it all online and over the phone (busy signal every time)?

I got my first check for the last week of december but i delayed benefits until 2009 to get more money per week but now i haven't received a check in 3 weeks. Wtf?