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View Full Version : So how bout them Packers?

11-05-2008, 09:53 AM
The mood is heavy on a lot of forums.

I know there's a football section, but...what do you guys think?

The rest of our season looks like this.

@ Minnesota Vikings
Chicago Bears
@ New Orleans Saints
Carolina Panthers
Houston Texans
@ Jacksonville Jaguars
@ Chicago Bears
Detroit Lions

That's a good schedule for the rest of the season IMO. I'm think we may loose once more. Only team I'd be worried about is the Panthers and they are not playing all that well.

Car Guy
11-05-2008, 09:58 AM
Just like I posted a few months ago the Packers will be 9-7 (or something real close to that) when it's all said and done. They should only loose one maybe two more games but they'll find a way to loose two for sure and most likely 3.....:goof

GO PACK GO...!!! :banana1:

11-05-2008, 10:00 AM
Just like I posted a few months ago the Packers will be 9-7 (or something real close to that) when it's all said and done. They should only loose one maybe two more games but they'll find a way to loose two for sure and most likely 3.....:goof

GO PACK GO...!!! :banana1:

Even though we're 4-4 and actually ok with the team. Obviously we're not playing good enough, but I can see the team really coming into their own next year and being a stand out team.

Car Guy
11-05-2008, 10:06 AM
I agree with you assuming that the core group of players are going to stick around, and with TT in charge I think that will happen.....:thumbsup

11-05-2008, 10:15 AM
I agree with you assuming that the core group of players are going to stick around, and with TT in charge I think that will happen.....:thumbsup

Crazy they just let KGB go. Didn't trade him or nothing...just let him go. Was he that useless that we couldn't even get a trade out of him?

Car Guy
11-05-2008, 10:37 AM
That's the same question I asked and someone told me that the trade deadline had passed. Regardless I think TT made the right decision, there's not doubt that KGB was a great player but time catches up to everybody sooner or later.....:stare

11-05-2008, 10:41 AM
KGB needed to go. he was done. When he played you couldnt even tell anymore. I am starting to like rodgers. I think next year this could be a real good team again.

Karps TA
11-05-2008, 11:04 AM
KGB had no value. He's done, has nothing left. His knee is shot and he has no speed, which is his biggest weapon.

I think the team is headed for 8-8. I think Rodgers doesn't take enough chances and is too careful offensively. You don't need him to be stupid like Favre at times, but you need him to be a little more aggressive at times, if nothing else just to keep a defense on it's heels. He just seems to conscious of his stats at times.

And I just don't think our Defense is anything special. Nick Barnett seems to have returned to form of 2 years ago hitting the wrong holes and not getting off blocks. And you can't have you MLB as just a guy out there. They need to seriously look at Hawk next year in the middle where he can be a play maker.

11-05-2008, 11:54 AM
I disagree with the KGB thing to a point. I think they should have kept him till next season since he was replaced with Justin Harrell anyway. No star there so at least keep him long enough for a trade and for the veteran leadership which there isn't a whole lot of anymore. Was it time? I would have to say yes but I would have waited a bit. It's not like we are over the damn cap! :rolleyes:

11-05-2008, 11:55 AM
we need to quit beating ourselves like we did against the titans. think we'll go 10-6. hopefully we can make some moves in the off-season and could be a real contender in the near future. rodgers is coming into his own but in agreement he needs to be a lil more agressive and cutthroat at times.

11-07-2008, 09:36 PM
Carolina, New Orleans and Jacksonville will be close games i believe

11-08-2008, 01:33 AM
Well, here is my take on things.....For starters I would worried about four of the remaining games: the bear games, the panther games, and the wild card, the jag game.

As far as rogers goes: he impressed me in the preseason. Sure he dosnt take as many chances as farve did, however in todays nfl, you need to balance agression with smarts. I am thinking that the world is realizing that rogers is a good qb with a team that has a offensive line that is not consistant enough. On top of that, it is starting to seem that the "god like" skills that farve possessed was mostly luck...

11-08-2008, 01:36 AM
I think the pack will make it to playoffs but no further than the second round. As far as Rodgers he has done okay. Would have liked to see him take the team down for a score to put the team up by a touchdown instead of going to OT.

11-08-2008, 02:25 AM
I think the pack will make it to playoffs but no further than the second round. As far as Rodgers he has done okay. Would have liked to see him take the team down for a score to put the team up by a touchdown instead of going to OT.

kind of hard to do that when your offensive line constantly is falling apart

11-08-2008, 03:01 AM
kind of hard to do that when your offensive line constantly is falling apart

True but it has been done before.

11-08-2008, 03:02 AM
I predict Rodgers will be seen as a moderate quarterback and nothing else after 2 seasons of getting his ass kicked.

11-08-2008, 05:54 AM
I predict Rodgers will be seen as a moderate quarterback and nothing else after 2 seasons of getting his ass kicked.

I take it you are a fan of the traitor, er I mean thelucky one, er I mean farve....how do you feel about him being benched?

11-08-2008, 10:30 AM
That really has nothing to do with my opinion. I just think Rodgers will need to prove himself more to be considered good. There are a lot of people out there swinging on his sack solely because of there hatred. You can't play a few good games and be considered a great QB!

As far as Favre. I respect him for what he has done for the team over his whole career. I don't really think of it as a traitor since he wanted to come back to Green Bay first. Do I wish he would have stayed retired? YES! With all the shit pro athletes get into this is pretty petty shit and I just so think who cares. I don't hate him cause like I said earlier. He has done a lot for the organization it self.