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10-05-2008, 01:05 PM
Get the fuck off my ******* mound you god damn piece of ******* garbage, ******* FUCK

10-05-2008, 01:09 PM

10-05-2008, 01:18 PM
12mil a year all based on 1 lucky post-season game... must be nice

His entire career has been mediocre at best... a lucky 16-9 season with STL in 2004, and hasn't had an ERA under 4.19, ever.


10-05-2008, 01:40 PM
yeah. you pretty much summed up what was being yelled at my tv. would be great to see them come back, but i think suppan just wrapped up the season.

Car Guy
10-05-2008, 01:54 PM
Holy F-bombs Batman...!!! :wooo

10-05-2008, 02:11 PM
yeah. you pretty much summed up what was being yelled at my tv. would be great to see them come back, but i think suppan just wrapped up the season.

What I yelled at my TV was much worse than the anger that bleed of onto here

******* useless Supan :flipoff2:

10-05-2008, 03:19 PM
Top 3 players that need to be gone.

1. Weeks
2. Hart
3. Supan

10-05-2008, 03:27 PM
I can't believe everybody is surprised. I knew this would be an 'L' before the game even started just because he was the starter.

They should have started Gallardo!!!!!!!

10-05-2008, 03:31 PM
Top 3 players that need to be gone.

1. Weeks
2. Hart
3. Supan

good list.

10-05-2008, 04:17 PM
now that their season is over.....lets see if the owner decides to open up his check book and go after CC, or just settle with sheets.

10-05-2008, 04:33 PM
Sheets is gone for sure.

Karps TA
10-05-2008, 04:37 PM
Really what difference does pitching make when the Brewers didn't hit the ball the entire series? Unless the starters were up throwing no hitters, the offense didn't really give them much of a chance. With that lineup there's no excuse for not scoring min 5 runs a game.

Car Guy
10-05-2008, 04:47 PM
Lack of hitting was the main reason why (for the most part) the Brewers didn't have a chance, granted the pitching could have been better but everybody can't throw no hitters on a regular basis.....

It will be interesting what moves they make in the off season, but in general things are looking good.....:headbang

10-05-2008, 05:01 PM
Who thought SuckPan would do good? He had a hard time getting through every inning today. I would have not started him. What a loser. Bye Supan, Sheets,Gagne, Hello CC!!!!!!!

Karps TA
10-05-2008, 05:06 PM
They are not resigning CC. He's going to get probably 6 years at 30 mil a year. They can't afford that and keep some of their young guys around.

10-05-2008, 05:48 PM
supan, sheets, and cc will be gone. no way that they can afford cc, supan isn;t worth the gatorade that he drinks between innings, and IMO this last season was sheets last chance. the injuries will only get worse. let them go.

10-05-2008, 06:32 PM
supan, sheets, and cc will be gone. no way that they can afford cc, supan isn;t worth the gatorade that he drinks between innings, and IMO this last season was sheets last chance. the injuries will only get worse. let them go.

bwaha I laughed at the Gatorade comment

That was 12 million dollar gatorade!

10-05-2008, 07:40 PM
Top 3 players that need to be gone.

1. Weeks
2. Counsell
3. Supan

*fixed* Hart just needs to fix his swing/patience.

.226, 14rbi, 1hr.
There are PITCHERS who had a better year than Counsell.
This guy is terrible. Nice batting stance.

10-05-2008, 07:45 PM
*fixed* Hart just needs to fix his swing/patience.

.226, 14rbi, 1hr.
There are PITCHERS who had a better year than Counsell.
This guy is terrible. Nice batting stance.

I always get a little chuckle when he steps up to the plate

10-05-2008, 08:10 PM
now that their season is over.....lets see if the owner decides to open up his check book and go after CC, or just settle with sheets.

If Sheets is back then Melvin needs to be fired!!!! Melvin is to smart for that. If he played for free I would send his ass packing.

10-05-2008, 09:06 PM
Apart from this last August, 5-0, he's been Par at BEST.

CC said he would like to come back here next year too...ya alright. Take a HUGE pay cut from what you could be getting buddy if your that set on coming back.

10-05-2008, 09:35 PM
I wouldn't count CC out completely for next year.

He likes the city and the team.....and the fans love him. For some players that enough to take the 2nd or 3rd highest offer on the table.

Time will tell...

10-05-2008, 10:27 PM
^^^i don't think they'll be able to afford CC though....he's gonna wind up in NY (either NL or AL) or boston like all the big name free agents do

10-06-2008, 06:29 AM
He's always said he likes the NL better because he can actually bat then...but I'm sure for the right money he'd give up batting.

10-06-2008, 07:16 AM
counsell needs to stay IMO.

10-06-2008, 08:26 AM
If Sheets is back then Melvin needs to be fired!!!! Melvin is to smart for that. If he played for free I would send his ass packing.

it's not melvin that has to pay him though...in the end it's the owner that makes the final decision....if he wants to pay sheets and not CC then it's not melvin's fault

10-06-2008, 08:55 AM
Sheets can go for all I care. He sux too. Hart needs to get the boot TODAY. He is AWFUL!

10-06-2008, 09:29 AM
counsell needs to stay IMO.

He's a MONSTER with the bases loaded. Something like a .410 career hitter. Great eye at the plate, even if he doesn't get a hit everytime he puts out a good AB and makes the pitcher work. Good defensively too

10-06-2008, 09:31 AM
Sheets can go for all I care. He sux too. Hart needs to get the boot TODAY. He is AWFUL!

I disagree. 20/20 this year, should be 25/25 next year. He obviously had an off post-season which really hurt us but he did a lot for us during the regular season.

10-06-2008, 11:54 AM
C.C is going to the L.A dodgers! hes from that area, they have a ton of money, and its the NL

10-06-2008, 12:06 PM
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Hall as a top candidate for getting the hell out of town?!?!? He's right up there with Rickie in terms of people that we need to cut ties with IMO.

Can't hit a RHP to save his life to the point where he was hardly useful all season.

Another case of finding a nut at the right time a few years ago, getting paid for it, and now... nothin'.

Counsell was a monster with the bases loaded. He's not getting any younger. That's like saying Nolan Ryan struck out 5K people and threw 7 no-no's and expecting him to still be able to do it. Craig's glory days are behind him.

Hardy to 3rd, Escobar to SS, go find a 2B via free agency (Durham is getting old). Cameron goes, Gwynn in his place. Sign CC, show Suppan tapes of the 06 NLCS and tell him to pitch like that... don't change anything else and see you in October 09. :D

10-06-2008, 12:55 PM
He's a MONSTER with the bases loaded. Something like a .410 career hitter. Great eye at the plate, even if he doesn't get a hit everytime he puts out a good AB and makes the pitcher work. Good defensively too

Well how often does he get up with the bases loaded? It's less than 10AB.
Not a reason to keep someone on the roster.

Zambrano has put up similar numbers, regardless of people on base :rolf

10-06-2008, 12:57 PM
... show Suppan the door, and tell him to never come back.

*fixed* :shades

10-06-2008, 02:44 PM
I disagree. 20/20 this year, should be 25/25 next year. He obviously had an off post-season which really hurt us but he did a lot for us during the regular season.

no no no....he had his time to shine. His hitting has been meager at best. His defense is SO SO if you ask me. We have more dead weight on this team than any of the other teams in the playoffs combined. Suppan needs to go though for sure. AWFUL. What was he like 6th in MLB this season with homers given up? Pathetic stat. Thats like saying you have the most shanks in professional golf. :rolf

10-06-2008, 02:47 PM
C.C is going to the L.A dodgers! hes from that area, they have a ton of money, and its the NL

he'd be a monster in L.A. I'm still holding out for him though. I think if they would cut Suppan, Sheets, Weeks, Hart and throw one more in the mix for good measure, he'd be worth throwing a good offer out. His wife and Fielder's wife are good friends, he likes the city, the fans love him...its a win win. PLUS not having to see Weeks in a Brewers uniform would be worth that alone!

10-06-2008, 04:47 PM
So in your honest opinion, do you think they can retain/obtain enough players to make a run again next season or do you think this was their best shot for a while?

We bought tickets to Uecker's Winter Warm-Up and I hope there's some exciting news and discussions come mid-January when that event occurs!

10-06-2008, 08:09 PM
he'd be a monster in L.A. I'm still holding out for him though. I think if they would cut Suppan, Sheets, Weeks, Hart and throw one more in the mix for good measure, he'd be worth throwing a good offer out. His wife and Fielder's wife are good friends, he likes the city, the fans love him...its a win win. PLUS not having to see Weeks in a Brewers uniform would be worth that alone!

The problem with cutting a bunch of guys and paying CC is that if CC gets hurt the Brewers are done and have nothing to fall back on. Brewers need a lead off hitter and a second baseman. If the Crew doesnt get CC then i can see Sheets staying. CC did say he will listen to what the Brewers have to offer him first. CC in interviews has said he likes it here but the main thing is he wants to have fun and play with a good group over being payed a ton. I know everyone is hopping he stays. Time will tell :thumbsup

10-06-2008, 08:11 PM
IMO they gave their best shot for awhile.

If CC comes back next year...I think they have a better shot than this year.

Cut the dead weight, find some more pitchers, find a batting coach. Stop feeding prince fielder manjuice.....etc.

10-06-2008, 08:27 PM
Unless CC is a complete BS artist, I think his feelings about wanting to come back are sincere, and to alot of players it's not all about the $$$$$$$. I personally hope he's back. I wouldn't even waste my time with Sheets, he's a walking mangina if I ever saw one. The amount of excuses that come out of his mouth is never ending. I was waiting for "I have hemmroids, I can't go today".

They need a closer, and a 2nd baseman, those should be the #1 priorities after CC. I mean a rotation like this:


isn't that bad. Hell, Villanuava is even back on track and could fill in if one of the above goes down. Middle relief is OK, but they need a CLOSER!!! Torres?? Really?? Svuem reminded me of Yost when he was talking about how Torres "got us out of it" on Sat. night. Got us out of it?? More like GOT US INTO IT!!!! He pitched the bases loaded for Gods sake!!!

And yeah, they need a 2nd baseman, BAD!!! I think with some of the talent they have to trade (Weeks, Hall come to mind) they could get a few young prospects or perhaps a decent younger guy with so-so stats. And I would take so-so stats if they could play some D. Watching Weeks is like watching a train wreck.

10-06-2008, 08:35 PM
Dont the Brewers still have Capuano? Where the hell is that guy? If they keep Sheets they should make him a closer. he can only go a few innings before he gets rocked anyways. I really think Sheets would make a good closer.

10-06-2008, 09:22 PM
I heard an interview last night where Sheets all but said he is leaving without question. He sounded very bitter and commented towards the fact that the Brewers wouldn't negotiate before this season started. At the beginning of the season, it looked like a dumb move but the normal injury-prone Ben Sheets we all have gotten accustomed to showed his face the second half.

Good riddance IMO. Being a fireball pitcher versus a finess guy, I think his best years are behind him. I heard a fact that he hasn't gone a whole season without a stint on the DL since like 04...

10-06-2008, 09:27 PM
Dont the Brewers still have Capuano? Where the hell is that guy?

Tommy Johns surgery. We'll see what kind of recovery he makes....that type of surgery can really go either way. All in all....it's not looking good for him.


Besides that....he's really only had one decent season ('05).

And keep Sheets out of your head. He WILL NOT be in a Brewers uniform next year.

10-06-2008, 10:35 PM
Tommy Johns surgery. We'll see what kind of recovery he makes....that type of surgery can really go either way. All in all....it's not looking good for him.


Besides that....he's really only had one decent season ('05).

And keep Sheets out of your head. He WILL NOT be in a Brewers uniform next year.

Dream the impossible dream:rolf If so, good riddance to bad rubbish. Never liked him, never will.

10-07-2008, 02:38 AM
I have Ben Sheets autograph lol. I think Sheets could handle throwing an inning or two as a closer. Why not? that way he can throw all his best stuff right away. Usually he pitches awesome first couple innings then he slowly starts losing velocity on his fastball and the curve goes downhill as well, and eventually leading to either getting hurt or giving up alot of runs. I would try him out and see how it goes and if he still sucks trade his ass. I think the Crew would trade Hall before weeks. All in all they are a young team right now and once everything is locked in this team could win a bunch of championships.

10-07-2008, 07:53 AM
if CC gets signed we'd have a decent shot at the playoffs again. The Brewers biggest opponent towards the end of the season was themselves! You can't hit .215 as a team going into the playoffs and do well. I'm sorry, but look at the Phillies. EVERY player on this year's roster can hit....and hit well. We need to mix things up a little bit in the infield to get some hitters back in the lineup. I agree we need a lead off man. We also need good consistent contact hitters. Homeruns might win games from time to time but RBIs win games...good consistent hitters win games.

10-07-2008, 01:15 PM
no no no....he had his time to shine. His hitting has been meager at best. His defense is SO SO if you ask me. We have more dead weight on this team than any of the other teams in the playoffs combined. Suppan needs to go though for sure. AWFUL. What was he like 6th in MLB this season with homers given up? Pathetic stat. Thats like saying you have the most shanks in professional golf. :rolf

He was a 90 RBI guy, sure he hit .268 but the whole year he was around .280-.290. I don't think we should or will get rid of him.

He hit .173 in September, but then again who didn't on the team. Before that, he was hitting .286 for the year.