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09-28-2008, 09:51 PM
kinda how the title says what reminds you of people who where important to you who had passed away. song, picture, movie, or a saying?

this is a personal thread but i feel its got the opportunity to be a pretty neat one.

i had a friend who passed away earlier this year. he was a member of are car club. the guy was a dam saint. he would drop everything he was doing to help you out. he had the best sense of humor out of the whole group and had the biggest heart. no matter what time you called him he would answer the phone or call you back right away even if it was a drunk dial. he always wanted to hang out always had time for anybody.. jesse was a brother to myself and other people. he had a warm smile and great sayings "if i wanted lip i would unzip my zipper, im spicy like hot sauce " he always told me to wear my seat belt and wouldnt start his car if you didnt have yours on. tragically he passed away in his dads car in wreck on his way home from his girlfriends house. he was no more then a 1/4 mile away from his home. there are alot of unanswered questions related to his crash. the police said he wasn't wearing a seat belt.. but there reports says different.

it all happened so fast... i got a call from my buddy jordan saying what happened but i didn't believe it.. i thought it was a joke. a very sick joke that i know they would pull. i called his phone had screamed at him telling him it wasnt funny. i really didnt hit till i got home and they showed it on the news.


his ion redline was his baby as funny as it sounds to most of you.. 2 months back i got the chance to see his car . he would bitch if you leaned against it or touched it for that matter. i took my hand and ran it across the body line.. i smiled because i knew that it would piss him off if he was there to see it.

when i hear this song it makes me smile because it was one of his favorite songs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrLJ6Saq7u4)and some how defines him as a person as funny as it sounds. he had a tattoo that said keep the balance... words that will stick with me forever.

maybe that explains my sig a little


09-28-2008, 09:56 PM
Plain White T's - Radios in Heaven.... reminds me of my grandpa

09-28-2008, 09:56 PM
Its simple-

26 years of great marriage...a long time but short when you are alone again

09-28-2008, 09:58 PM
Sorry about the loss of your good friend. Certain songs and stories remind me of my parents that I lost too young.

09-28-2008, 09:59 PM
These specific wind chimes, there like small versions of cow bells. Some high and some low tones, reminds me of my Grandma Arliene. Man she was a Fire Cracker, always having a wise crack or something to say.

I have been blessed with having to go to very few funerals.

09-28-2008, 10:06 PM
this reminds me of my dad...but it's not often i smell it now,for not a lot of people don't use them anymore....after my dad had died and i would smell a Zippo being used...it would remind me of him...he always used one since i was little...it's a smell i will always remember....

09-28-2008, 10:14 PM
I dont think any ONE thing reminds me of lost friends and family.

It just happens randomly at times. But usually when I go to bed at night thinking about the things I did that day.

Reverend Cooper
09-28-2008, 10:32 PM
Funerals,and weddings. they are the big gatherings of family and friends. you are there to honor losing another one or there to celebrate another joining the "Family" per se.
most all my close family ecept my mom,dad and brother are gone,no uncles,no grandma's and no grandpa's,unfortunately ive had numerous close friends pass also.
Another thing that reminds me of them is hanging around with alotta folks here in person and all the laughing and joking we do. both my uncles and grandpa were pranksters,wonder were i get it from?

09-28-2008, 10:38 PM
Sorry about the loss of your good friend. Certain songs and stories remind me of my parents that I lost too young.

yeah it was pretty hard.. it i think because it was so unexpected.. one day we are making plans to get together the next im trying to figure out what im going to wear to his funeral. ive had older members of my family pass and when you get old you die so most of them i saw coming but this was just a total shock.

Sprayaway Fox
09-28-2008, 10:56 PM
Wish you were here, and Every rose has its thorn. She liked those songs. Her crash was unclear also.

09-28-2008, 11:06 PM
Every single time I go hunting I think of my Dad. It gives me time to reflect on all the stuff we did before he passed. Always be grateful of the time you are able to spend with your loved ones. I know first hand how quickly the things you take for granted can be lost and taken away. Everytime Im out on the hunt I say a prayer for him and hope he comes along with me.

09-28-2008, 11:19 PM

I got the small rose and banner in '03, kinda spur of the moment. Went in to get a heart a mom banner and liked the rose more. Got the other two roses and the cross this summer. She passed away in January of '06. I think of her every time I drive my truck, when ever I spin the tires (2.2l, it doesn't happen often) I can hear her scold me "Be nice to my little truck!"


Voodoo Chick
09-28-2008, 11:22 PM
There's a song from 1967 called "San Francisco" by Scott MacKenzie. It reminds me of my father, who died nearly 4 years ago. That song was out when my mom and dad were young, living in California. He was stationed on El Toro base, he was a marine. That song reminds me of their era, and makes me feel sorrow for the loss of my father, and sorrow for my mother's lost youth. I have pictures of my dad when he was young, with his old Maverick, and I miss him. That song.........I dunno....it hurts to hear it.

09-28-2008, 11:35 PM
Just a quick composition

When I see 69 Buick Skylarks, I think of my Grampa
When I have homemade apple sauce, I think of my Grandma
Certain songs take me back
Sweet memories I never lack

Songs in the air sweetly sing
to deaden the mortal sting
Many things will stir my heart
A glimpse of heaven to start

Through this life we remember those
Memories are the living's coals
For warmth I seek in my heart's haven
To save for my days of life golden

Goat Roper
09-29-2008, 07:41 AM
The head scarf my grandma used to tend her garden in. I have it sealed in a plastic bag and pull it out once a year to remind myself of their house.

09-29-2008, 01:00 PM
Two pictures my grandfather painted remind me of, obviously, him.

For some reason, a very close family friend of ours passed away some time ago, 42, CNS Lymphoma. He always used to take us out when we were younger and he drove a late 90's LS400. Any time I see one, I think of him.

Another good friend of mine was in an accident on 95 & HWY G when a car cut him off on the freeway, he swerved, went into the ditch, rolled the car, and was ejected from his car, landed in the ditch right infront of Willow Run, where all the big rocks are for the drainage, died on impact. Anytime I drive past there, or see an older (early 90's) pathfinder, I remember him. That was probably the hardest funeral I had to go to. He was 23, and 4 months away from his wedding.

09-29-2008, 01:01 PM
My grandfather. "Save your money, Hard times are 'a comin'!"

09-29-2008, 07:26 PM
to many things remind me of my dad that i lost about a year and a half ago. He died from complications due to surgery and a doctors fuck up. There is a certain spot on the snowmobile trail near monches where me and him turned around on our last ride together because his back hurt so bad(the reason for his surgery). whenever i ride my sled or work on it, he is always there with me. along with the tattoo i have on the back of my arm.http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y34/trutildeathxxx/DSC00680.jpg

09-29-2008, 07:32 PM
^ im really sorry for your lost . the tattoo is a quote

09-29-2008, 07:34 PM
^ im really sorry for your lost . the tattoo is a quote

its some song lyrics a friend of mine wrote

09-29-2008, 07:36 PM
Every time I go fishing and hunting reminds me of my brother and how much I wish he was there to enjoy it with me. He was the one who got me into it. He was killed by a drunk driver who was running from the cops 6 years ago.
If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No on will ever know

But know we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you’ll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you’ll always stay

09-29-2008, 09:47 PM
When I hunt or fish I always think of my grandfather. Luckily my father is still with me, but I am sure, in time, hunting and fishing will remind me of the times we shared outdoors as well. I am "the lucky" grandson I guess, I got my grandfathers only fishing pole he ever used. It's a VERY old Fenwick ultra light (we did ALOT of pan fishing together!!!) of all things, with a newer (like only 20 years old probably) Shimano reel that I bought him when I got my 1st job (at K-mart in Oconomowoc, sporting goods section:thumbsup) because I hated his old reel and I used his pole alot when we would go fishing (becuase his was nice, and mine was junk, go figure!!). I also got his deer hunting rifles, a .30-30 Winchester (WAAAY pre-64) he hunted with as a child, and his last gun he hunted with, which is a Winchester Model 100, which he never really used much. The gun I remember most of him using was a Browning BAR that he traded away for the Model 100 (yeah, some nice gun shop owner did him a real SOLID on that one:loser). I have since picked up a few BAR's in .308, as a tribute to my grandfather, and I guess I hope that one of them may be the one he traded, although I know that's just wishful thinking. But yeah, I still use that ole ultra light (the reel is actually electric taped to the cork handle, lol, just like my grandpa had it!!) and take out the Model 100 now and then. But just to see those things brings back the memories of him. He came from a time when men were men, and I could only hope to be worthy of standing in his shadow. Love and miss you grampa!!

09-29-2008, 09:55 PM
Tat on my chest:

Got it when I was 18, a year and a half after my mother passed. Obviously a constant reminder. Nothing fancy to most, but means a lot to me.

09-30-2008, 01:58 AM
Every time i get in my Camaro! It just Reminds me of my Dad and his influence in having me build my own car. It's almost been a year and god does it feel like yesterday!!!

09-30-2008, 11:33 AM
Any movie made that depicts a time before calculator and slide-rules are the way to crunch numbers makes me think of my grandpa.

09-30-2008, 08:49 PM
I find a dime almost every day. Not a nickel, not a quarter, not a penny, a dime.

I could be walking on a jobsite, look down and in the middle of a construction site and, I find a dime. Wierd and very cool.

It happens almost evrey day and I think it is the lost love ones looking over me saying "we are here with you".

After I do something I know they would not approve of, the dimes do not present themselves. After I repent with a little personle talk to GOD, they reappear.

My wife sees butterflies. Her dad died when she was 9 of a heart attack and her mom died when she was 14 of breatcancer. She says when she thinks of them, a butterfly appears.

I believe.

09-30-2008, 09:17 PM
very cool thread, at first it depressed me a bit, but looking at everything everybody has gone through and the things i have gone through, it put me at ease and made me feel pretty good.

09-30-2008, 09:22 PM
very cool thread, at first it depressed me a bit, but looking at everything everybody has gone through and the things i have gone through, it put me at ease and made me feel pretty good.

Everyone is destined to go through hard times, it's how you come out of them that determines your character. My father left when I was 9, my mother passed when I was 17. Can't say I've done all that well with my life so far, but the older I get, the more I realize I have to be better than my father.. as well as make my mother proud.

09-30-2008, 09:29 PM
Its one of the hardest things to do is see the people you love one day and the next they are gone. I remember just 3 days before my brother was killed I went to a party and told him that I didnt drink because I had to drive home he said "good you would be stupid if you drank and got in your car to drive home." little did I know those were the last words I heard him say before he was killed by a drunk driver. I knew he tried to say goodbye because at the approximent time of his death my alarm clock went off (1:33am) and I wondered what was going on with it. Then at 5 two detectives rang the door bell and gave us the news.

09-30-2008, 09:44 PM
Whenever I hear "You'll Never Walk Alone" from the musical Carousel I think of my Grandpa. He died while we were doing that musical in high school,and I I had a dream about him with that playing in the background the night before his funeral.

I kept the cookie jar that was in my Grandparents kitchen always filled with Oreos(always better than Mom's Oreos,lol). That always reminds me of Grandma.

So many things remind me of my Mom.
"Holes in the Floor of Heaven" is one of many songs that make me think of my Mom.We danced to it at our wedding in memory of her. I wear a cross around my neck that was hers,and I have a tattoo in her honor aswell.

I try to do things with Matt's kids that she used to do with us as kids,so that always helps me to think about her too.

09-30-2008, 10:07 PM
Anytime I shake the hand of an old guy (late 50's-late 60's) that has worked with his hands his whole life, or if I smell stetson cologne, those two things remind me of my Grandfather.

I have a tattoo in old english (think sublime CD cover) across the top of my back with a four leaf clover on each side. Taylor was my grandfather's last name.