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View Full Version : When gas hits $10 a gallon.......

Russ Jerome
09-14-2008, 02:53 PM

I've been trying to figure out how politicians operate with the upcoming elections....I've stopped reading and am going back to being a lemming and not voting.

$10, $20 or $30 a gallon, when is it "ok" to snipe gov officals who are not working out? Pretty sad when Hollywood stars are more acountable than elected officials.

Russ "Archie Bunker" Jerome

09-14-2008, 03:33 PM
lol. not surprised at all.

Reverend Cooper
09-14-2008, 04:44 PM
we are all being ****ed,and the sad thing is that in this day and age there is nothing we can do. we fought for freedom just to be held hostage again by big oil its bullshit

Karps TA
09-14-2008, 04:49 PM
You can do something. Stop voting for incumbants. Stop letting people be politicians as a career. Don't vote for either of the 2 douchebags running for President.

I see all this kind of stuff as good things, cause maybe people will finally get angry and stop voting because of name recognition, or cause they like her glasses, or he speaks nice.

They don't do their jobs, then they don't get to keep their jobs.

09-14-2008, 07:14 PM
Howsa bout we just shoot them?

09-14-2008, 07:28 PM
You can do something. Stop voting for incumbants. Stop letting people be politicians as a career. Don't vote for either of the 2 douchebags running for President.

I see all this kind of stuff as good things, cause maybe people will finally get angry and stop voting because of name recognition, or cause they like her glasses, or he speaks nice.

They don't do their jobs, then they don't get to keep their jobs.

i know this is a WEAK argument by me...like most of mine are....but if you don't vote...who gets in office...SOMEONE HAS TO GET VOTED IN...YOU CAN'T HAVE A BLANK OFFICE...and soooo many have not done there jobs to the public's liking...but there still in (power) office...we haven't been able to change this this far in life...what makes anyone think we can from now on....JMO...WEAK AS IT IS...

Karps TA
09-14-2008, 07:39 PM
I'm not saying don't vote. Vote for 3rd party canidates. I think it would make a great statement in this country if McCain and Obama got only 20-30% of the vote each. Not voting say's nothing but that you gave up. Voting for someone other then the big 2 says you still care and that you want actual change, not just a pretty slogan.

It would be nice if we got more competent people to vote for. But the smart people stay in the private sector where they can make money, and not have to deal with the mounds of BS a politician does.

Ideally we'd have term limits for alot of these d-bags. I'd like to see congressmen, hell even the President get 1 term of 6 years. President just wastes the last 2 years of his first term on reelection anyways But since they are the ones making the rules, they sure aren't going to do anything to hurt themselves.

Voting is the only weapon we got, since anything else would take sacrifices nobody is interested in taking anymore.

09-14-2008, 08:37 PM
^^^^but what if the 3rd party....has not much to stand on as well and gets in...and we are worse off then we are now...just a question...these things need to be addressed we vote soon....right now...i don't know for sure who i'm voting for.....weak as it may seem...it's the truth of what i speak...i'm torn.....one says this..the other says that...you know what i mean...they all talk out the side of the face....we can all agree on that...they will say what ever it takes for us to vote them in...then when in...they have brain fade and do something else...

Karps TA
09-14-2008, 08:52 PM
I guess my opinion is that atleast with a third party it makes 2 of them agree on something instead of them fighting each other for no reason other then power and the party. It atleast gives the chance of something getting done, whereas continuing down this path just leads to more of what we have now. And atleast it "seems" like the non traditional parties are trying to make the country better for "us". They don't have the lobbyists, and corporate ties that the 2 parties have, and therefore don't have the favors to return. Atleast in the short term. I'm sure after 20 years of having say 3 parties, they'll all be corrupt. But maybe something good could happen in those 20 years.

We know there is no "change" coming from what we currently have offered to us.

09-14-2008, 08:58 PM
We know there is no "change" coming from what we currently have offered to us.

i would have to agree with this....^^^^^^^^^^ everyone is sick of the way our current PRESIDENT is running things and his ways period...no one wants someone like that in office taking his place AND CONTINUEING WITH HIS WAYS...and i'm right on this track of thought?????????...that most of us can agree on....?????????????

sooo with that said...we have a lot of thinking ahead of us...not to make the same mistake...

jmo and my weak argument...

09-14-2008, 09:25 PM
There will be an alternative before $10, and it won't be ethanol (probably not CNG either).

09-14-2008, 09:30 PM
I can't wait until there's a serious 3rd party... and when the first *real* 3-way presidential election is won with 34% of the vote... people will be in an uproar. 66% of the country will have voted against the winner. You think people were pissed in 2000?

This is what you'll have to look forward to with a three party system. Maybe we should try four, or five parties even. Do you think that's going to change anything? The smaller parties will still band together and work as larger parties just as they do now.

Russ Jerome
09-14-2008, 09:49 PM
I'm not saying don't vote. Vote for 3rd party canidates. I think it would make a great statement in this country if McCain and Obama got only 20-30% of the vote each. .

I love that idea, that or shoot the bad ones.

I spent way too much time reading about politics today,
thats where I saw this video. If any well meaning person
tries to point out its a single parties problem, laugh and
walk away or punch them squarly in the face because
there is no easy answer to the happy union of big buisness
and politics. If anybody says its gonna be better if we vote
for "Billy Bob" than "Jimmy John", I know the're stupid or
simply blind. Disecting a single candidate or party would
apear to be like studying cancer using a single person.

If you want to realy get irretated Google some of the crazy
sites out there, key word "government waste" or "government watchdogs". Truth is worse than fiction!

Prince Valiant
09-14-2008, 10:15 PM
The smaller parties will still band together and work as larger parties just as they do now.See most countries in europe to see just how well this works too...basically the "two-party" system (which it isn't really). Internally, each party has it's own coalitions that "agree" to a platform and candidates battle it out to get the most support amongst those coalitions to win party nominations. Just as there are conservative democrats, there are liberal republicans...though in each party, both have varying degrees of influence, that can be particularly regional.

REALLY, the BEST way to "get what you want" is still to be active in *party* politics, trying to influence the platform they promote to best reflect your own ideas. Sure, maybe you won't get everything you want...but quite literally, that's democracy for you.

In politics, particularly a democracy, you WILL NEVER get your way, all the time...the ONLY way this is possible is with the so-called "Totalitarianism" (totalitarianism wasn't termed originally to mean what it means today...Mussolini termed the phrase to project the image of a gov't, fascism, that would care for every need of it's citizens, from birth to grave, leaving them nothing to worry about, to take care of the person "in total"...in other words, much like that of the democratic platform today, lol). But this is why people who wish to see their radical visions carried out generally do so via revolutions, in which a charismatic leader imposes his will on the people, often enjoying popularity at first, but then denegrating to that of a Despot. This was the path of Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, Mao, Che, Castro, etc, etc, etc...

the fact is, not everyone will agree with you. Many with strongly disagree with you. You can either compromise with them (aka "the political solution") or not...and if you feel so threatened, off those that disagree with you (Ever know of any dictators that weren't regarded as brutal? There are some...but for the most part, it's rare)

Russ Jerome
09-14-2008, 10:15 PM
I can't wait until there's a serious 3rd party.

You meant a serious person with the finacial clout right?

There are college students who have funded there entire
education by writting papers on the subject, without the
finacial backing or political background (bending for
others) they can not run and be elected. There are politcal
science majors across the country who could easily make
the sounds choices we need, there is no chance of them
running or being elected with our present electoral system.
If the right person was elected, there goals have to be
agreed with by a number of 60-70yr old dudes like everything just as it is. Reading all day today about politics
was a waste of time for myself, its worse than I thought.

Prince Valiant
09-14-2008, 10:24 PM
there is no easy answer to the happy union of big buisness
and politics.
Want to reduce the influence of business on gov't or vice versa? Get gov't out of business...

right now, it behooves business to lobby gov't...too much of what gov't does directly effects business.

Businesses are opportunist...there neither right or left, neither republican or democrat. They'll simply operate in their best interest.

If gov't passes a law that negatively impacts a competitor more than them, you better believe they'll support it. If it impacts them MORE than their competitor, they'll be against it. Big businesses aren't ideologes...they aren't "principled" or operate to promote freeedom/goodwill/etc. They are out to make a buck.

They'll spend the money on gov't if they think it'll net them a good return...therefore, the more gov't is in business, the more they'll see the need to spend ON lobbying, etc...therefore, the less gov't will listen to the "taxpayer".

Get gov't out of business, and business will slink away from gov't.

Russ Jerome
09-14-2008, 11:19 PM
Get gov't out of business, and business will slink away from gov't.

I like that too! Your thoughts are agreed with by others
in watchdog sites.

Can you imagine the headlines when some guy like
Nader (lack of a better candidate) is elected, he starts
jumping up and down from what he is seeing from his
whitehouse chair....he would turn up dead with seven
self inflicted gun shot woulds to his head! Jesus you
would have Govoners paying for there own vacations
in no time while big buisness went back to other non
political victoms. Nader or some little guy would cut
the Mars missions out, we would have a few billion
bucks to help the unemployeed 20,000 Nasa employees
retrain for trying to saving energy or something....

09-15-2008, 12:30 PM
Nader or some little guy would cut
the Mars missions out, we would have a few billion
bucks to help the unemployeed 20,000 Nasa employees
retrain for trying to saving energy or something....

I have zero problems with this.

09-15-2008, 02:20 PM

He was generally laughed at by the neo-cons who run the Republican party at all of the debates. He is the most genuine person whom ever ran for president in my lifetime. You want a fix, he's the man....

09-15-2008, 02:27 PM

He was generally laughed at by the neo-cons who run the Republican party at all of the debates. He is the most genuine person whom ever ran for president in my lifetime. You want a fix, he's the man....

I'm not really up on my politics, this will actually be the first election I will be legal to vote in. Last election I was still 17... almost 18. Anyways.... I will be voting for a 3rd party candidate because I agree with a lot of what you guys are saying.

Russ Jerome
09-15-2008, 02:57 PM

He was generally laughed at by the neo-cons who run the Republican party at all of the debates. He is the most genuine person whom ever ran for president in my lifetime. You want a fix, he's the man....

Wow your not kidding! Watch any of these interveiws:
First one down on the right, Glen Beck interveiw.

He sounds like any of us talking right here!
Win loose or draw you realy NEED to vote outside
the big two

09-15-2008, 09:50 PM
Hell yes, there's a handful of Ron Paul supporters here on BCM. :thumbsup
The only guy who doesnt feel like he's blowing smoke up your ass when he talks.

Russ Jerome
09-15-2008, 10:44 PM
Hell yes, there's a handful of Ron Paul supporters here on BCM. :thumbsup
The only guy who doesnt feel like he's blowing smoke up your ass when he talks.

I've listened to all his video interviews today, guy just
stands up and says "your full of it". I'm guessing there
are no heavy hitters under his table telling him what to
say :) I'd give him a few months in office before some
odd natural disaster knocked him out. Im back
on the voting kick, I love the old man he dont take no