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View Full Version : Harley Owners = Hard of Hearing I guess

08-26-2008, 12:39 AM
I live over in Cudahy near layton, I know the street is high traffic and I moved here. So I don't need any pity or back rubs.

But for God ******* sakes every Harley owner has to bang 1st gear up to a wild 40 MPH only to leave in in 1st and let the gear take it down back to the speed limit of 25

I thought I was a douche on my CBR and GSXR back in the day but jesus I never made that much racket. I agree loud pipes saves lives but loud broken up and misfiring piles of shit don't

105th here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sprayaway Fox
08-26-2008, 12:55 AM
Ya ever notice how harley owners MUST wear harley gear to ride their bike? Fuggn tools.:flipoff2: OH hunny we cant ride today cause my overpaid harley shirt,pants,socks,boots,jacket, are in the wash. :chair:You know the V ROD they had to program in a misfire because owners said they didnt sound like a harley? HOW FREEGN GAAAHAAAAY.

Fast SVT
08-26-2008, 12:58 AM
Neon's and mustangs suck donkey nuts....

everyone is a hater

How about this for a fast Buell:
http://www.houseofharley.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=06108362X8K25K2008J9I25 I49JPMQ2492R0&veh=54995&pov=702719

Prince Valiant
08-26-2008, 01:00 AM
The only thing that bothers me about the harley fest is the hordes of people...at virtually every light, leaving every bar, etc feel that they have to run their harley's up...you know, because they all sound different, right?

Just pull out and make a simple exit. That full-power exit up to 40 gets old after two-three harley's pull it off.

i mean the harley cruises sound great...all that. Just hate being on the eastside for a drink this time of year. Can't even keep my eyes on a nice pair of tits before that gawdawful BRRRAAAAP shakes my eyeballs out of my socket.

08-26-2008, 01:02 AM
Agreed. the worst is its always when your winow is dwn and theyre right next to you. LMAO about wearing the gear, so true. I also find it hillarious how whenever someone gets on one they change into Im a bad ass now.

Voodoo Chick
08-26-2008, 01:12 AM
I live up the road from "House of Harley".........This 105th thing is not filling me with gleeful anticipation...........I HATE driving through the clusters of bikes. It is kinda shocking how many of the bikers will try to play "chicken" with a car, there is always a decent-sized handful of them that do that. And, it seems they always do that to me when I am driving my Olds......All 20 feet, 4,500 lbs of her........I'm always afraid that one of them is going to misjudge, and splatter theirself (<-- is that even a word????) all over her windshield.......or get impaled on a tailfin....

08-26-2008, 01:19 AM
i had to deliver to the parking lot of harley today where they had a bunch of tents and stuff for sale... SHOOT me now. lol. it was annoying.

Sprayaway Fox
08-26-2008, 01:31 AM
Harleys are made for overweight guys with 3 kids and a mortgage to prove their badazz at work. 30G's for a bagger for the 20 mile trip your gonna make to Subway every week? Dumb. I have never seen a rocket on the side of the road. My friends stunt and the sheet never breaks! I am not even a motorcycle guy but to me is foolish to spend 30 on a bike that is heavy,doesnt handle, isnt fast, known for not that great reliability,and sounds like it dropped a cylinder. Bud had R1 30 thousand miles one year, no problems.

08-26-2008, 04:42 AM
Neon's and mustangs suck donkey nuts....

everyone is a hater

How about this for a fast Buell:
http://www.houseofharley.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=06108362X8K25K2008J9I25 I49JPMQ2492R0&veh=54995&pov=702719


Go buy one and line it up, Ill show ya how NOT fast it is. :thumbsup

I can deal with harleys. There heaps of shit, but I can deal with it. The bikes arnt what bother me, its there typical MORON owners. 99% of the ****ers dont know how to ride and are just plain dangerous. Also!!! Dont harleys come with turn signals? I never see the owners use them.

08-26-2008, 05:55 AM
Not trying to stand up for all owners because i have seen a lot of the same stuff as everyone else but drive down hwy 100 some night and tell me you dont see a bunch of idiot teenagers in the imports and crotch rockets doing the same thing ?

08-26-2008, 07:52 AM
Yeah theyre real bad ass on their harleys weaving in and out of traffic and driving like morons.....that is until they go up against a car and suddenly become a red stain on the road.

08-26-2008, 08:07 AM
I hear a lot of crying in here.

08-26-2008, 08:55 AM
Harley owners love the vibration and noise thier bikes make, it makes thier clits tingle.

08-26-2008, 09:01 AM
I hear a lot of crying in here.

Yep, I'll be on one of the two my dad owns. Stock pipes though, so no point in reving them up. Sucks I have to ride the v-rod cause my mom likes the softail

Karps TA
08-26-2008, 09:02 AM
I'm just looking forward to seeing all the skin that the Harley's bring out. Nothing like 50 year old women 60 lbs overweight showing off what they got to get a guy cranked up.

mmmm stretched out and flabby butterfly tattoos FTMFW!

08-26-2008, 01:30 PM
But for God ******* sakes every Harley owner has to bang 1st gear up to a wild 40 MPH only to leave in in 1st and let the gear take it down back to the speed limit of 25 Dude you pinpointed exactly what I hate most!! :thumbsup

70 cutlass 442
08-26-2008, 01:34 PM
Neon's and mustangs suck donkey nuts....

everyone is a hater

How about this for a fast Buell:
http://www.houseofharley.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?sid=06108362X8K25K2008J9I25 I49JPMQ2492R0&veh=54995&pov=702719

easy there grand am...... buells are awesome... but harleys are overpriced lawn orniments for people who live in trailer parks.

08-26-2008, 01:39 PM
Ya'll need to stop harping on the stereotypical HD rider. True, you're gonna see more morons this weekend, but the local Harley riders I know are not like that. My bosses are HD riders and members of the Shriner motorcycle corps and they have to exhibit proper riding behavior to not bring aspersions on the good the Shriners do. One boss even has an older Kawasaki six cylinder bike that was pretty bad azz in the day. I like HDs, just not going to like the ass hattery that will take place this weekend. Now I've seen busted Asian bikes along the road and HD is still trying to overcome the AMF days of low quality machines.

70 cutlass 442
08-26-2008, 01:44 PM
ok, funny story....

one of my customers, real nice guy.... has two harleys..... well he came in about a month or so back with a broken leg and i asked him how that happened. he told me he was on his bike backing it up into the garage next to his wifes bike which just so happened to leak oil, he hit the oil slick and down he went. luckily he was ok and was pretty good spirited about it.. but go figure hey. now the point of this story.. there is no point. but it just goes to reinforce that it is now the year 2008, almost 2009, and the most trademarked bike company in the world still cannot keep oil in the crank. come on. dont blame it on bad machinery, thier eingineers make 6 figures a year and they cant over come a 105 year old problem? i say that victory will be a close competitor over then next 10-15 years.

08-26-2008, 01:46 PM
I agree I hate the ones that rev it all the way up in 1st and 2nd and the shits still slow and just a noisemaker! And they do always have to wear overpriced Harley clothes! And always think they're the sh!t because they're on a Harley! If I had a crotch rocket and one pulled up next to me revving it I'd blow his a$$ away! Most of them are snobs also (from what I see they think they're better and upper class because they have one) Don't know but all this comes to Harley=A$$hat!

08-26-2008, 01:55 PM
Ok Jon, my dad has owned a HD since like 1972 and hes never had a problem with one. Victory makes a soild bike though ill give ya that. but damn all you people saying HD riders drive like idiots, have to even see how guys on rockets drive, yea even worse. and on top of that most jap bike sound like a vacuume on roids. I'd take a softtail, dyna, sportster or a vrod over any jap bike!

Karps TA
08-26-2008, 01:55 PM
I don't have an opinion either way on the bikes, or even really the riders. Whatever a person is into is fine with me. But I'll always have a problem with the double standard this State has with HD and with cars. If the area even put in a fraction of the effort into making the major car shows and attendees as welcome as they do the Harley riders. Major car events come to the area and the cops crack down on them showing off, but Harley's are allowed to do crap that anybody else would never get to do. The stuff I saw during the 100th was ridiculous. Then add in the whole loud pipes thing, as plenty of people on this board have gotten tickets for loud exhaust on their cars. And I still want to see someone put together a poker run for cars once. I bet the police and MADD would shut that down in a heartbeat. But bikers get treated completely differently when it comes to drinking and driving. They get to park right up front at the bars and festivals, then sit there and drink all day long in front of cops, then just ride out like nothing happened. And don't forget the I have to wear a seat belt, but they don't have to wear helmets, cause that would ruin the Harley look.

All that stuff just rubs me the wrong way.

08-26-2008, 02:17 PM
I heard HD fixed the oil leak problem by installing an ice cream bowl under the crank to catch those nasty drips. You use the quick release bowl to detach from the bottom of the bike, pour the oil back into the filler, and ride off into the sunset!

08-26-2008, 02:21 PM
harley riders are Rice on bikes. they always look in the garage to see who is looking. WE DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID BIKE!

Every light the de a flyby WTF? the Police need to come donw hard on these noobs. i dont care about a loud bike, its just why do you need to go WOT every time you stop, or feel the need to rev when your stoped?

i like the guys who have owned their bike for ages and dont feel the need to let everyone know they are there.

08-26-2008, 02:22 PM
My Harley-Davidson irritations (completely ignoring riding skill or etiquette)...

People on new Harleys with loud exhausts. Your 42hp piece of **** sounds like a Bolens garden tractor, gets worse fuel economy, rides about the same, costs six times as much, and the only thing it does is give you a sore butt. Harleys are the most underpowered piles on the road today. Then the badass, on his $16,000-$22,000 bucket of leaking disappointment needs to run straight pipes so we know he was stupid enough to spend a Chevy Imapala's worth on a glorified bicycle. Oh, and because the earth-shattering 42hp pile has the oiling system of a brick, your buddies tell you to blip the throttle to fling some oil around if it idles more than ten seconds.

People on older Harleys. These people are guaranteed to have the most obnoxious exhausts ever and usually wear a tortoise shell hat for a brainbucket if one at all. They spent their kids' college education on a ten year old bucket of disaster. They're guaranteed to have so many exhaust leaks that as soon as they use any engine braking all you hear is popping. And since now the superior oiling system has barely kept the motor spinning for the 10,000 miles on its clock the thing no longer has 42hp... it's got like 28hp and the only thing it passes now are quadriplegics in wheelchairs but it sounds darn tootin' cool when it tries to pass a Toyota Prius.

Mudd Runner
08-26-2008, 02:34 PM
Honda Spree moped FTW

08-26-2008, 02:54 PM
wrath is a h8er!

I'll check that 42 hp thing soon. That is, it's not 1987 anymore.

I put a little over 7k on mine since July 3, 10k is not far away.

Oil Leaks, NONE. Exhaust, stock with no holes. Rode it 1000 miles in one day and my butt feels fine.

Wrath, it seems that you really don't know about the oiling systems on these things.

Your parents must have had low expectations for you if you think that all of the money saved for college could only buy a 10-year-old Harley.

Now, I am not denying that Harley's did not drip oil in the past. The same could be said for anything made in the US more than 15 years ago (i have owned GM and Ford). But, just like the domestic cars, as long as there was oil in it, it would keep on running. If you want more on this subject, read Jay Leno's review on this subject.

I have NOT seen a Harley rider wipe out yet, but I have seen more rockets go down than I care to keep track of. Not to mention that this is in the past two months alone.

IMO, the worst bike riders are BMW owners. I've only come across one that wasn't a total douche.

08-26-2008, 03:15 PM
i mean the harley cruises sound great...all that. Just hate being on the eastside for a drink this time of year. Can't even keep my eyes on a nice pair of tits before that gawdawful BRRRAAAAP shakes my eyeballs out of my socket.

LMAO I love this quote.

Car Guy
08-26-2008, 03:17 PM
I don't have an opinion either way on the bikes, or even really the riders. Whatever a person is into is fine with me. But I'll always have a problem with the double standard this State has with HD and with cars. If the area even put in a fraction of the effort into making the major car shows and attendees as welcome as they do the Harley riders. Major car events come to the area and the cops crack down on them showing off, but Harley's are allowed to do crap that anybody else would never get to do. The stuff I saw during the 100th was ridiculous. Then add in the whole loud pipes thing, as plenty of people on this board have gotten tickets for loud exhaust on their cars. And I still want to see someone put together a poker run for cars once. I bet the police and MADD would shut that down in a heartbeat. But bikers get treated completely differently when it comes to drinking and driving. They get to park right up front at the bars and festivals, then sit there and drink all day long in front of cops, then just ride out like nothing happened. And don't forget the I have to wear a seat belt, but they don't have to wear helmets, cause that would ruin the Harley look.

All that stuff just rubs me the wrong way.

Couldn't have said it better.....:thumbsup

08-26-2008, 03:28 PM
I don't have an opinion either way on the bikes, or even really the riders. Whatever a person is into is fine with me. But I'll always have a problem with the double standard this State has with HD and with cars. If the area even put in a fraction of the effort into making the major car shows and attendees as welcome as they do the Harley riders. Major car events come to the area and the cops crack down on them showing off, but Harley's are allowed to do crap that anybody else would never get to do. The stuff I saw during the 100th was ridiculous. Then add in the whole loud pipes thing, as plenty of people on this board have gotten tickets for loud exhaust on their cars. And I still want to see someone put together a poker run for cars once. I bet the police and MADD would shut that down in a heartbeat. But bikers get treated completely differently when it comes to drinking and driving. They get to park right up front at the bars and festivals, then sit there and drink all day long in front of cops, then just ride out like nothing happened. And don't forget the I have to wear a seat belt, but they don't have to wear helmets, cause that would ruin the Harley look.

All that stuff just rubs me the wrong way.

+1 on all of this..I got a ticket for loud exhaust when I was at 1300 rpms...bs :crying

whistlin six
08-26-2008, 04:41 PM
Idiots come in all shapes and sizes, no matter what they're driving.
No need to single out Harley enthusiasts.

They sound no worse than a fart canned four banger winding out first gear.

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-26-2008, 05:22 PM
Kind of brash and undeserving generalizations here none the less I think my car is as loud as most Harleys and I wind each gear most times and I use poppy engine braking all the time I have never had a ticket or a concern if someone didn't like my loud ass exhaust. :thumbsup

Bike riders ? Live to ride, ride to die. :rolleyes:

08-26-2008, 05:34 PM
Now a person can ride anything they want, but why do HD riders rant on American iron yet the Harley clothes and trinkets are all made in China. My GF has an official licensed leather jacket she won in a raffle that is clearly labeled "Made In China".

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-26-2008, 05:46 PM
HD riders rant on American iron

I don't think many of them do anymore, most probably drive toyota's. :rolf

I remember a yearly event at GLD some motorscooter gang would host a HONDA DROP where they would bust up a honda bike, I don't think they even have that anymore.

It's too bad what has happened to the United States manufacturing sector. :flipoff2:

08-26-2008, 05:48 PM
I have NOT seen a Harley rider wipe out yet, but I have seen more rockets go down than I care to keep track of. Not to mention that this is in the past two months alone.

IMO, the worst bike riders are BMW owners. I've only come across one that wasn't a total douche.

1. Although over the top, Wrath's post was hilarious

2. The only reason you don't see Harley riders down as much is because

a. There are way more sport bikes than harley's here, don't try to argue that
b. Read the newspaper the next morning....harley guys wipe out after 2am when they are on their way home from the local karaokee tavern.

3. I have to agree on the BMW thing

All joking aside...it is kind of unfair to generalize all Harley riders based on the actions of the MAJORITY. Are there a lot of douche nozzle sport bike riders? Hell yeah, but not the majority....and at least 75% wear helmets.

P.S. My honda is more american than your Harley

08-26-2008, 05:58 PM
Ok Jon, my dad has owned a HD since like 1972 and hes never had a problem with one. Victory makes a soild bike though ill give ya that. but damn all you people saying HD riders drive like idiots, have to even see how guys on rockets drive, yea even worse. and on top of that most jap bike sound like a vacuume on roids. I'd take a softtail, dyna, sportster or a vrod over any jap bike!

I'll wipe the floor with any softtail, dyna, sportster or v-rod you decide to pickup....then I'll let you do the typical harley fly-by and repeat the process in less than 1/4 mile.

I like my roided vacuum

08-26-2008, 06:00 PM
And then there are the crotch rocket morons that have to have a multi-colored leather jacket that matches the paint job with matching pants, boots, helmet and t-shirt with japanese lettering all over it that they dont understand what it means, but tell everyone it means "badass". Then every night when they go to sleep they stare at their "Torque" movie poster and jerk-off to ice cube. Once asleep they dream of bein mad stuntaz doing wheelies through traffic with the helmetless bimbo on the back that they are trying to impress, but will probably kill. As long as we are talking about traffic, dont forget gunning it and weaving in and out of traffic 30 miles over the speedlimit to prove how fast it is? Not to mention that unless the person selling the bike is a responsible/experiences rider you cant find a used sport bike without the fairings scratched to shit or repainted from when it was put down.

Oh yeah the sport bike riders are SO much better...

I am less worried about HD riders than I am the idoit teenagers and 20-somethings who think they are better than everyone else because they own a 1340cc sport bike that they cant control, but hey its FAST! More idiots crash on sport bikes than HDs.

We all know there are stupid people out there with too much money. We can all be haters about something if we put our mind to it. Quit ******* crying geez.

08-26-2008, 06:25 PM
And then there are the crotch rocket morons that have to have a multi-colored leather jacket that matches the paint job with matching pants, boots, helmet and t-shirt with japanese lettering all over it that they dont understand what it means, but tell everyone it means "badass". Then every night when they go to sleep they stare at their "Torque" movie poster and jerk-off to ice cube.

LMAO, that was pretty good.

I haven't even seen Torque, just the name makes it sound awful as most sport bikes pretty much lack torque

I bought my bike with scratched panels and a rebuilt title....but I got it for a decent price and the only reason it was salvaged was because the dude before my buddy who owned it (in MN) layed it down on its side after getting cut off and it knocked off the mirror and scratched up the left side. The insurance company salvaged it, the guy sold it to my buddy...he put a mirror on it and it passed inspection and got a rebuilt salvage title. After spending less than $200 I've got both side panels looking brand new (well...one is new).

08-26-2008, 06:39 PM
all this bitchen about takeing it up to 40mph in first to make noiose blah blah blah cuz you guys never done it in your car?? give me a friggin break its all the same only they do it on a bike and not in the car and the bike is louder bunch of frickin crybabies in here..

We all know there are stupid people out there with too much money. We can all be haters about something if we put our mind to it. Quit ******* crying geez.

08-26-2008, 06:41 PM

Summary of Findings

Throughout the accident and exposure data there are special observations which relate to accident and injury causation and characteristics of the motorcycle accidents studied. These findings are summarized as follows:

1. Approximately three-fourths of these motorcycle accidents involved collision with another vehicle, which was most often a passenger automobile.

2. Approximately one-fourth of these motorcycle accidents were single vehicle accidents involving the motorcycle colliding with the roadway or some fixed object in the environment.

3. Vehicle failure accounted for less than 3% of these motorcycle accidents, and most of those were single vehicle accidents where control was lost due to a puncture flat.

4. In single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error was present as the accident precipitating factor in about two-thirds of the cases, with the typical error being a slideout and fall due to overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering.

5. Roadway defects (pavement ridges, potholes, etc.) were the accident cause in 2% of the accidents; animal involvement was 1% of the accidents.

6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle violated the motorcycle right-of-way and caused the accident in two-thirds of those accidents.

7. The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents. The driver of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle did not see the motorcycle before the collision, or did not see the motorcycle until too late to avoid the collision.

8. Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is a rare accident cause. The most frequent accident configuration is the motorcycle proceeding straight then the automobile makes a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle.

10. Intersections are the most likely place for the motorcycle accident, with the other vehicle violating the motorcycle right-of-way, and often violating traffic controls.

11. Weather is not a factor in 98% of motorcycle accidents.

12. Most motorcycle accidents involve a short trip associated with shopping, errands, friends, entertainment or recreation, and the accident is likely to happen in a very short time close to the trip origin.

13. The view of the motorcycle or the other vehicle involved in the accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost half of the multiple vehicle accidents.

14. Conspicuity of the motorcycle is a critical factor in the multiple vehicle accidents, and accident involvement is significantly reduced by the use of motorcycle headlamps (on in daylight) and the wearing of high visibility yellow, orange or bright red jackets.

15. Fuel system leaks and spills were present in 62% of the motorcycle accidents in the post-crash phase. This represents an undue hazard for fire.

16. The median pre-crash speed was 29.8 mph, and the median crash speed was 21.5 mph, and the one-in-a-thousand crash speed is approximately 86 mph.

17. The typical motorcycle pre-crash lines-of-sight to the traffic hazard portray no contribution of the limits of peripheral vision; more than three-fourths of all accident hazards are within 45deg of either side of straight ahead.

18. Conspicuity of the motorcycle is most critical for the frontal surfaces of the motorcycle and rider.

19. Vehicle defects related to accident causation are rare and likely to be due to deficient or defective maintenance.

20. Motorcycle riders between the ages of 16 and 24 are significantly overrepresented in accidents; motorcycle riders between the ages of 30 and 50 are significantly underrepresented. Although the majority of the accident-involved motorcycle riders are male (96%), the female motorcycles riders are significantly overrepresented in the accident data.

22. Craftsmen, laborers, and students comprise most of the accident-involved motorcycle riders. Professionals, sales workers, and craftsmen are underrepresented and laborers, students and unemployed are overrepresented in the accidents.

23. Motorcycle riders with previous recent traffic citations and accidents are overrepresented in the accident data.

24. The motorcycle riders involved in accidents are essentially without training; 92% were self-taught or learned from family or friends. Motorcycle rider training experience reduces accident involvement and is related to reduced injuries in the event of accidents.

25. More than half of the accident-involved motorcycle riders had less than 5 months experience on the accident motorcycle, although the total street riding experience was almost 3 years. Motorcycle riders with dirt bike experience are significantly underrepresented in the accident data.

26. Lack of attention to the driving task is a common factor for the motorcyclist in an accident.

27. Almost half of the fatal accidents show alcohol involvement.

28. Motorcycle riders in these accidents showed significant collision avoidance problems. Most riders would overbrake and skid the rear wheel, and underbrake the front wheel greatly reducing collision avoidance deceleration. The ability to countersteer and swerve was essentially absent.

29. The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to complete all collision avoidance action.

30. Passenger-carrying motorcycles are not overrepresented in the accident area.

31. The driver of the other vehicles involved in collision with the motorcycle are not distinguished from other accident populations except that the ages of 20 to 29, and beyond 65 are overrepresented. Also, these drivers are generally unfamiliar with motorcycles.

32. Large displacement motorcycles are underrepresented in accidents but they are associated with higher injury severity when involved in accidents.

33. Any effect of motorcycle color on accident involvement is not determinable from these data, but is expected to be insignificant because the frontal surfaces are most often presented to the other vehicle involved in the collision.

34. Motorcycles equipped with fairings and windshields are underrepresented in accidents, most likely because of the contribution to conspicuity and the association with more experienced and trained riders.

35. Motorcycle riders in these accidents were significantly without motorcycle license, without any license, or with license revoked.

36. Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the semi-chopper or cafe racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents.

37. The likelihood of injury is extremely high in these motorcycle accidents-98% of the multiple vehicle collisions and 96% of the single vehicle accidents resulted in some kind of injury to the motorcycle rider; 45% resulted in more than a minor injury.

38. Half of the injuries to the somatic regions were to the ankle-foot, lower leg, knee, and thigh-upper leg.

39. Crash bars are not an effective injury countermeasure; the reduction of injury to the ankle-foot is balanced by increase of injury to the thigh-upper leg, knee, and lower leg.

40. The use of heavy boots, jacket, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions and lacerations, which are frequent but rarely severe injuries.

41. Groin injuries were sustained by the motorcyclist in at least 13% of the accidents, which typified by multiple vehicle collision in frontal impact at higher than average speed.

42. Injury severity increases with speed, alcohol involvement and motorcycle size.

43. Seventy-three percent of the accident-involved motorcycle riders used no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on the unprotected eyes contributed in impairment of vision which delayed hazard detection.

44. Approximately 50% of the motorcycle riders in traffic were using safety helmets but only 40% of the accident-involved motorcycle riders were wearing helmets at the time of the accident.

45. Voluntary safety helmet use by those accident-involved motorcycle riders was lowest for untrained, uneducated, young motorcycle riders on hot days and short trips.

46. The most deadly injuries to the accident victims were injuries to the chest and head.

47. The use of the safety helmet is the single critical factor in the prevention of reduction of head injury; the safety helmet which complies with FMVSS 218 is a significantly effective injury countermeasure.

48. Safety helmet use caused no attenuation of critical traffic sounds, no limitation of precrash visual field, and no fatigue or loss of attention; no element of accident causation was related to helmet use.

49. FMVSS 218 provides a high level of protection in traffic accidents, and needs modification only to increase coverage at the back of the head and demonstrate impact protection of the front of full facial coverage helmets, and insure all adult sizes for traffic use are covered by the standard.

50. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.
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08-26-2008, 07:10 PM
the only thing that pisses me off is the obnoxious exhaust and the fact that half the people who dress up like a biker, act all bad ass, and drive like pricks are doctors and lawyers..

its kinda lame if you ask me i mean last year i went down to check out the big party and i saw my f'ing high school teacher with assless chaps and a string bikini on..

08-26-2008, 07:14 PM
Ya'll need to stop harping on the stereotypical HD rider. True, you're gonna see more morons this weekend, but the local Harley riders I know are not like that. My bosses are HD riders and members of the Shriner motorcycle corps and they have to exhibit proper riding behavior to not bring aspersions on the good the Shriners do. One boss even has an older Kawasaki six cylinder bike that was pretty bad azz in the day. I like HDs, just not going to like the ass hattery that will take place this weekend. Now I've seen busted Asian bikes along the road and HD is still trying to overcome the AMF days of low quality machines.

you still work for Delany..(spelling),...and he's a Shriner....tell him he's a assclown...........

Fast SVT
08-26-2008, 07:14 PM
This thread is funny considering that when I was in Arizona there was a complete opposite mentality.

Anyways, all this complaining about HD exhausts is funny considering some of those complaining have to deal with the fart can stereo type.

Fast SVT
08-26-2008, 07:20 PM
easy there grand am...... buells are awesome... but harleys are overpriced lawn orniments for people who live in trailer parks.

I'm seriously not all that bothered by the ranting from all the crotch rocket owners on here.


Just find it funny that this happens on a site that claims to love all types of performance vehicles regardless of make/model.

Everything has a stereotype, and the reason for that is because everything is marketed towards a particular demographic. So when people say that all crotch rocket owners are young fast and furious types pulling wheelies through intersections and zooming around the highway at 100+ MPH there is some truth to that.

Same as there is some truth to the HD stereotypes.

But I can only say why I got an HD, and it was to cruise and because my dad used to ride as well.

Bottom line is you don't buy an HD to go fast.

And the whole exhaust thing is like arguing why SRT 4's sound like bumble Bee's versus my throaty V8 grand prix sound.


08-26-2008, 07:26 PM
This thread is funny considering that when I was in Arizona there was a complete opposite mentality.

Anyways, all this complaining about HD exhausts is funny considering some of those complaining have to deal with the fart can stereo type.

i dont have a fart can and resent this comment

Fast SVT
08-26-2008, 07:38 PM
i dont have a fart can and resent this comment

Notice I said stereotype......now you know how it feels.


08-26-2008, 07:41 PM
Notice I said stereotype......now you know how it feels.


its a cat back exhaust... and there is no fart can .. plus.. that doesnt make any sense considering i dont drive a honda.. but if i did it would make perfect sense...:rolf

im not a bully... :D

08-26-2008, 07:48 PM
Yea stay away from downtown, what a waste of money and time

08-26-2008, 08:19 PM
i can see ANY bike having louder than stock pipes,it only makes sense to be heard.those who have ridden know what it is like to be on something that is almost invisible on the street.cars will try to take you out,almost every time you are riding.
yes it is annoying when "throttle jockeys" rev their shit at every corner.

08-26-2008, 08:54 PM
Well I live over by state fair park and at the RV park they have a ton of bikers sittin drinking and what not ...sooooo on my home from Hardee's tonight I rolled through there and piped on them and then did a couple of heavy 1/2 gears on 76th....went down- turned around and did one more time...probably didn't affect them...but made me fee good....asswipes

08-26-2008, 09:14 PM
what a bunch of cry baby, sissy a$$ Nancys! Are you all that sensitive that 4 days of loud motorcycles makes you want to run to your computer and b1tch about it?
relax ladies, it'll be over in a few days

08-26-2008, 09:21 PM
its never over in Milwaukee....but thanks for the obvious heads up there sally....

Fast SVT
08-26-2008, 10:06 PM
http://brewcitymuscle.com/forum/images/smilies/smiles2/new_popcornsmiley.gifGot Butt Hurt.com now open!!!http://brewcitymuscle.com/forum/images/smilies/smiles2/new_popcornsmiley.gif


Rocket Power
08-26-2008, 10:21 PM
Ya ever notice how harley owners MUST wear harley gear to ride their bike?
Funnier are the guys on 10 speeds riding to the bar with their leather vest and biker stuff on:rolf
First thing I think of is DUI:rolf
The thing that annoying me most is the straight pipe crowd that has to rev the shit out of it when they are leaving the bar after 12 am, then blast up the road from the corner at 2-3 am in a residential area. Straight pipes FTL

08-26-2008, 11:10 PM
1. Although over the top, Wrath's post was hilarious

2. The only reason you don't see Harley riders down as much is because

a. There are way more sport bikes than harley's here, don't try to argue that
b. Read the newspaper the next morning....harley guys wipe out after 2am when they are on their way home from the local karaokee tavern.

3. I have to agree on the BMW thing

All joking aside...it is kind of unfair to generalize all Harley riders based on the actions of the MAJORITY. Are there a lot of douche nozzle sport bike riders? Hell yeah, but not the majority....and at least 75% wear helmets.

P.S. My honda is more american than your Harley

I agree on the hilarity, especially the 10-year-old HD part.

I don't know the details on where some of the parts on my bike were made, but I know that 7 major parts were made in Grafton, WI. Some of it is made in Mexico, but I don't know which parts.

But seriously, out on the interstate, 95% of the bikes are Harleys. It wasn't untill I got to Deal's gap that Harley became the minority.

Now seriously, seriously (yep, two times), what the hell is going on with these Bimmer guys. I was in the smokies and all they would talk about was how they were going to avoid Deal's Gap and the roads around it because they were too twisty and the deer were out.

Side Note: I think Harley engines scare deer.

70 cutlass 442
08-26-2008, 11:20 PM
I'm seriously not all that bothered by the ranting from all the crotch rocket owners on here.


Just find it funny that this happens on a site that claims to love all types of performance vehicles regardless of make/model.

performance and HD do not go togeather, anyone knows this.

70 cutlass 442
08-26-2008, 11:21 PM
i can see ANY bike having louder than stock pipes,it only makes sense to be heard.those who have ridden know what it is like to be on something that is almost invisible on the street.cars will try to take you out,almost every time you are riding.
yes it is annoying when "throttle jockeys" rev their shit at every corner.

isnt that why there are horns on bikes?

08-26-2008, 11:26 PM
Just find it funny that this happens on a site that claims to love all types of performance vehicles regardless of make/model.

I find it funny that you would equate a Harley with a performance vehicle.:rolf

Bottom line is you don't buy an HD to go fast.

That's probably a good thing. Keep your expectations low and you'll never be disappointed...;)

08-26-2008, 11:29 PM
^ Have you ever heard a bike horn? No? Because they are pathetic, can hardly hear them with a helmet on let alone when sitting in a vehicle.

I have owned both Harleys and Sport bikes, and I have crashed almost all my sport bikes. I didn't crash my harley, its a totally different riding experience and you cannot compare the two. I just know that the new Harley my uncle bought was sold as soon as he next spring rolled around and his ass was back on a gold wing. I know the newer buell that I test rode felt like dog shit, and I know that HD's are out-performed by all the jap cruisers just the same as the sport bikes. Its not a stereotype, its the cold hard truth.

08-27-2008, 02:16 AM
T-Bag, Im sure ya would blow by the HDs but i'm not saying they are the fastest bike out there i just think they sound the best and have superb styling.

Sprayaway Fox
08-27-2008, 04:06 AM
I personally think from rereading the posts it is the riders and there attitudes of being a badass. OCC played it out to much, everybody wants to be Paul Sr. nowadayz. I personally would like to build a chopper frame witha rocket engine in it. Then wear a Honda shirt when cruising it to the next Harley ralley. :thumbsup

08-27-2008, 07:26 AM
T-Bag, Im sure ya would blow by the HDs but i'm not saying they are the fastest bike out there i just think they sound the best and have superb styling.

We'll just agree to disagree on the styling thing

whistlin six
08-27-2008, 07:27 AM
performance and HD do not go togeather, anyone knows this.

Not so true.

Harley and Buell are currently #1 and #2 bikes in the NHRA points
standings, by a large margin over the #3 Suzuki.

Fast SVT
08-27-2008, 09:14 AM
Harley's own you all! Accept it.



08-27-2008, 11:38 AM
Harley's own you all! Accept it.



Not to mention that I'd rather have a bunch of Harley owners back me up than a bunch of sportbike owners.

08-27-2008, 11:41 AM
Not to mention that I'd rather have a bunch of Harley owners back me up than a bunch of sportbike owners.

I would rather have both. Fast little guys to bob and weave and big guys to admister the punches.


Voodoo Chick
08-27-2008, 12:16 PM
Can't we all just get along???? LOL

08-27-2008, 12:25 PM
i'm no light weight by any means and i ride a sport bike have i layed it down? no not yet. My sport bike can also out perform most harleys and i spent way less money on it. give me the same amount of money to put into a sport bike as it cost for a harley and it'll be a way better ride. don't get me wrong i would rock a v-rod if i could afford one but that just it i can't so i'll stay with the sporty bikes and do wheelies everywhere etc etc

70 cutlass 442
08-27-2008, 12:48 PM
Not so true.

Harley and Buell are currently #1 and #2 bikes in the NHRA points
standings, by a large margin over the #3 Suzuki.

thats great for all the pro stock harleys on the road i guess :D

08-27-2008, 12:52 PM
I was driving this morning, and came across a bunch of HD riders pulling onto I43 in elkhorn. Now unless my ears were playing tricks on me, it sounded like one of them actually down shifted about mid ramp to make his/her bike sound louder.....and man did it get loud!!!

Adam Brooks
08-27-2008, 01:56 PM
I like choppers, cant stand harleys. To me they all look like the same thing from the 60s and 70s. I think its going to be armature hour out there. This will be a weekend full of booze, fights, and people crashing their bikes.... we are in milwaukee after all

08-27-2008, 02:08 PM
I like choppers, cant stand harleys. To me they all look like the same thing from the 60s and 70s. I think its going to be armature hour out there. This will be a weekend full of booze, fights, and people crashing their bikes.... we are in milwaukee after all

sounds like fun to me. i dont drink when i am on the bike though.

08-27-2008, 02:27 PM
I'll check that 42 hp thing soon. That is, it's not 1987 anymore.

Your bike makes 44.8 horse powers. Thats is absolutely laughable for an engine that big, using modern technology (EFI!), to be putting out so little power. The 1969 Honda CB750 made 65 horse powers 40 years ago.

Not to mention that unless the person selling the bike is a responsible/experiences rider you cant find a used sport bike without the fairings scratched to shit or repainted from when it was put down.

And you are the authority on this? Never noticed this in all the times I was at Road, Track and Trail. The scratches on my bike are from: where I dropped it in a parking spot while walking it; where it looks like the PO dropped it from a stand still; the rest are just from where and tear. ALL kinds of bikes get dropped and laid down. It's the nature of being on two wheels.

Bottom line is you don't buy an HD to go fast.

Same can be said for Buell.

i can see ANY bike having louder than stock pipes,it only makes sense to be heard.

That whole "loud pipes save lives" thing is BS. Loud pipes won't help against the asshat who has the -ac-on-full-blast-stereo-cranked-up-singing-along-to-The-OakRidge-Boys. I would rather be seen than heard. Thats why I have a headlight with a 65 watt low beam. (Brightest legal high beam is 60 watts)

I don't know the details on where some of the parts on my bike were made, but I know that 7 major parts were made in Grafton, WI. Some of it is made in Mexico, but I don't know which parts.

Side Note: I think Harley engines scare deer.

Honda Goldwings have been made in Ohio since the seventies, a few other lines of bikes as well. Your bike has a Nippon-Denso starter on it, mot all the electronics are Asian. The back of the gauge cluster on my dads Electra-Glide has more Chinese lettering than the crowd at a Dave Mathews Band concert.

I don't know that Harley engines scare deer, but they do make engineers cry.

08-27-2008, 02:34 PM
I don't know the details on where some of the parts on my bike were made, but I know that 7 major parts were made in Grafton, WI. Some of it is made in Mexico, but I don't know which parts.

i don't know where the parts were made, but i know that most if not all of the chrome work is done at southwest metal finishing in new berlin (i know this only bc my father works there and told me that harley is their #1 customer)

08-27-2008, 02:44 PM
Not so true.

Harley and Buell are currently #1 and #2 bikes in the NHRA points
standings, by a large margin over the #3 Suzuki.

Your "large margin" is 75 points, thats the same margin between first and second. After 17 of 24 events. There is still a lot of racing left this year.

How is HD or Buell doing in the AMA Superbike series? Or The Supersport series? Or any MotoGp class? Oh wait...

08-27-2008, 02:47 PM
^^that just goes to show that HD is better in drag racing and everyone else is better then them in road racing

08-27-2008, 02:47 PM
wow i live right by 164/sunset and as im reading this i hear a harley give it to get up to speed.LMMFAO:rolf:rolf

08-27-2008, 02:48 PM
i don't know where the parts were made, but i know that most if not all of the chrome work is done at southwest metal finishing in new berlin (i know this only bc my father works there and told me that harley is their #1 customer)

but i know that most if not all of the chrome bullshit & glitter they have on the shelf at the dealer is made in SouthWest Asia


Fast SVT
08-27-2008, 03:38 PM
105 years of making harley's, they must do something right.

08-27-2008, 04:18 PM
I personally think from rereading the posts it is the riders and there attitudes of being a badass. OCC played it out to much, everybody wants to be Paul Sr. nowadayz. I personally would like to build a chopper frame witha rocket engine in it. Then wear a Honda shirt when cruising it to the next Harley ralley. :thumbsup
I saw a chopped bike at the McDs in Waukesha and it had a four banger Kawasaki engine. It was done in a rat style and I thought it was pretty damned cool looking. I says to the guy i suppose the next one will have the Kawasaki siz from the eighties in it. Much was said about the horsepower of the HDs compared to sport bikes. I think what you all are forgetting is that the two machines are diametrically opposed in style and purpose. I like both and appreciate them both for what they are. My absolute favorite bikes are Norts, Beezers and Trumpets

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-27-2008, 05:07 PM
the chrome bullshit & glitter they have on the shelf at the dealer is made in SouthWest Asia

I am employed at a company in SouthWest Racine that makes all kinds of bullshit chrome parts and accessories for Harley.
Ain't the best job on the world but its kept me and a fair many family supporting folks employed for a long long time.
Not only does the company make stuff like chrome spacers and chrome bolt head caps. :thumbsup but the company also makes transmission parts, chain sprockets, throttle bodies and jugs, from start to finish.
The throttle bodies are fully assembled with Delphi Electronics and our throttle shafts and butterflies, the jugs are finish honed and ready to go on an engine.
Glad to have Harley around and hope for many more years of work.
The junk jugs are gonna employ some guy at Miller recycling for a day, scrap from when the company first learned how to machine jugs a few years back. :punch:

I ain't pro Harley or anti Harley, same for the Japs. Just don't get how some can go so nuts over what someone else chooses to use.
Oh yea we make some special small bore jugs for Harley, Jap exports, unmilled/unhighlighted cooling fans to "keep the engine quieter".
"Global Economy" or some crap like that.

08-27-2008, 05:10 PM
Well the bullshit is beginning out here in washington county. Apparently they are using the Washington county fair grounds as a place to camp out and I live right down the road from there.

Im already sick of this shit, they can all go home now. Harleys are ******* ANNOYING!!!!

I will be doing my part and stooping to chilish mischief to annoy the harley riders and make myself feel better about the situation im placed in.... :rolf

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-27-2008, 05:16 PM
LoL I heard on the 4:30 WISN traffic report of an 8 to 10 mile long Harley convoy coming in from the west. LMAO GRIDLOCK.........

Adam Brooks
08-27-2008, 05:53 PM
took me an hour to get from my office downtown to I45.

saw 2 bikers bust their shit as well and another 2 almost get hit by cars. Apparently they feel the need to bypass rush hour traffic by driving on the shoulder and using the off ramps to pass people. Little do they know, cars and SUVs have blind spots thhat people dont check for shit coming out of the shoulder of the road before taking off ramps etc.

i saw the tail end of that group. looked like they were going to the casino (exited on 35th).

08-27-2008, 05:54 PM
but i know that most if not all of the chrome bullshit & glitter they have on the shelf at the dealer is made in SouthWest Asia


learn how to read asshat....where in my post did i say it was MADE in new berlin....i said it was CHROMED in new berlin....dumbass

Adam Brooks
08-27-2008, 05:55 PM
I just realized that this weekend we will have the highest concentration of meth in one area ever!

Ricky Bobby
08-27-2008, 06:22 PM
yea a whole group of the assclowns just stopped the traffic on 45 to let a bunch of bikes merge in front of my wife damn near causing a ******* pile up thank god im goin up north this weekend and not dealing with these ******* assclowns. :fire

08-27-2008, 06:55 PM
about 50 got on ryan street today full throttle pass the store. I had to stop my conversation with my customer because i honestly could hear nothing but pipes

08-27-2008, 07:00 PM
I just recently have been getting sick of them. It never use to bother me. Its kind of hypocritical for me to say that they are too loud when my cobalt is loud, but there has to be a line drawn, i can hear some of these bikes from almost a mile away, thats rediculous. Another thing that bothers me is that they fly through the gears at every stop light. Its like they are the ricers of the bike world, with their loud ass exhausts and screaming down the streets. And the funny part is, 75% of the harley owners are doctors, business men, guys in their midlife crisis (no offense to anybody on here), or old farts trying to act cool. Most of them arent the stereotypical badass harley guys, they are the same people that complain about exhaust laws on cars, that get me exhaust tickets on my cobalt because I have a modified exhaust. **** that noise, loud harleys dont save lives, it just makes people go deaf. Smart bike riders save lives, actually, smart drivers peroid save lives car/bike/truck ect.


Karps TA
08-27-2008, 07:00 PM
So I keep hearing about these big groups of bikes travelling in that are miles long. Aren't convoys illegal? Or is this just another law Harley riders don't have to obey?

I saw a judge in Waukesha asked the cops not to write alot of tickets this weekend. That's nice of him.

08-27-2008, 07:06 PM
Wow! This sounds like some H.S. whining. Not a HD or sportbike fan but who cares. They are vehicle enthusiasts who are in town for a weekend, big deal. I do have less issues with HD riders though for the most part. Seems like every damn asshat riding a sportbike wants to race and show how fast his bike is. I know they aren't all like that but it is the ones you notice. Just like the stupid HD riders are the one that get noticed. I'm sure there is a group of soccer moms somewhere bitching about 90% of the cars like the ones on this site too. Can't everyone just enjoy the beauty of the engine itself no matter what type it is? Sooooo sad :rolf

Karps TA
08-27-2008, 07:15 PM
There is a huge positive. I don't think Foghat has had a gig in 25 years, but they seem to be playing somewhere every night for the next 5 nights.

08-27-2008, 07:16 PM
its not ok for harleys to have a convoy but its ok for the hot rod power tour to come in and jam up traffic and make noise.... Fin crybabies deal with it.. i can't wait till the
150th then see how much you guys piss and moan....

Karps TA
08-27-2008, 07:20 PM
I can't wait till then either. I should be dead. lol If I am still alive I won't know what's going on anyways.

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-27-2008, 07:24 PM
Kinda surprising the reaction by locals to me, having alot of people visiting your town for some event no matter how trivial is something to be happy for/proud of, imo anyway.
Could be York PA, next time, pretty sure Harley does more in York than Milwaukee anyway.

08-27-2008, 07:28 PM
see, idc about the whole harley event, i'm talking about your every day harley owner.

Ricky Bobby
08-27-2008, 07:30 PM
blah its all just shit cause because its the 105th its like the president is ******* here they are gonna get away with murder and rev there motors to it

Karps TA
08-27-2008, 07:49 PM
see, idc about the whole harley event, i'm talking about your every day harley owner.

I don't care much about the event either. The only thing that kinda sux is it's a nice long weekend, and every place will be catering to bikers so it limits choices on things to do. Most bars I passed by this whole week have been roping off their parking lots just for bikes.

08-27-2008, 08:10 PM

Infact, i dont even mind the event, i just think that there should be some sort of exhaust laws for motorcycles, just like there are cars.

08-27-2008, 09:30 PM
its kinda lame if you ask me i mean last year i went down to check out the big party and i saw my f'ing high school teacher with assless chaps and a string bikini on..
as long as that high school teacher was a chick, I dont see how that would be lame. unless, you were bummed out it wasn't a male teacher of yours.

I don't care much about the event either. The only thing that kinda sux is it's a nice long weekend, and every place will be catering to bikers so it limits choices on things to do. Most bars I passed by this whole week have been roping off their parking lots just for bikes.
what did you want to do that you can't do now that the Harley event is going on?
I can not believe you guys are crying this much over this! You are supposedly "car enthusiasts"...correct? These people are no different! They enjoy riding and showing off their bikes just like you all like driving and showing off your cars. This is a once in 5 year event that last for 5 days, try to welcome them into town just like you'd like to be welcomed if you went somewhere for a car show.

08-27-2008, 09:37 PM
105 years of making harley's, they must do something right.

Actually, if HD hadn't gone crying to the government in 1983 about unfair pricing on jap bikes and then the government followed up said crying with a tariff on jap bikes, HD would have gone the way of the Dodo bird back in the mid 80's. Instead of letting market forces do their thing and force out the inferior, protectionism won the day for HD. Yeah, don't make the bikes better, like GM, Ford and ChryCo have had to do with their cars in the face of foreign competition, just cry foul and hope the government steps in and bails your antique technology out. :rolleyes:

HD is so lucky their junk got to be trendy back in the early 90's or they still would have failed. Now that things are getting tight, economy wise, and we're getting further away from the 100th anniversary and the trendy-ness that went along with it, Harley's still might disappear from the landscape. $30,000 for something that was state-of-the-art back in 1903 and hasn't seen much change, is quite the extravagance. Check HD's stock price, as of late. Heading for the basement...

I wonder if lightning will strike twice and HD can get another government bail-out...:rolf

08-27-2008, 09:45 PM
Harley's are fine with me, they represent something good from Milwaukee and are one of the few local large successful companies. I won't call myself an expert on their history but its my understanding they are made quite well, not sure if the above post is suggesting they aren't. Trendy, sure...Harley owners are alot like Corvette owners, its like joining a clique.

They sound good for the most part but the uneccessary reving is plain dumb in certain areas. I now live in StAllis and there is a jerk off every once in awhile who feels the need to rev down my street, which is a residential, non-main street near Greenfield Ave. If a car or truck does it they are douchebags too but the bikes are even louder, typically.

70 cutlass 442
08-27-2008, 09:49 PM
/\/\ except the majority of vette owners have some class... and the transmissions stay intact on the vetts

08-27-2008, 10:03 PM
Not so true.

Harley and Buell are currently #1 and #2 bikes in the NHRA points
standings, by a large margin over the #3 Suzuki.

If HD didn't pay a shit-load of cash to Vance and Hines to develop their junk into a winner, and to the NHRA to get rules favorable to their, ah, unique technology, you'd never see a one of those rototillers anywhere except HD only events. I remember when it was more advantageous to run 2 valve verses 4 valve jap motors in pro-stock. Did the 2 valvers make more power? Nope, they got displacement and weight breaks. The same is true for Harley's. If the 'tillers had to compete on an even footing with the jap bikes, they'd get MURDERED, plain and simple.

08-27-2008, 10:09 PM
[/QUOTE]what did you want to do that you can't do now that the Harley event is going on?
I can not believe you guys are crying this much over this! You are supposedly "car enthusiasts"...correct? These people are no different! They enjoy riding and showing off their bikes just like you all like driving and showing off your cars. This is a once in 5 year event that last for 5 days, try to welcome them into town just like you'd like to be welcomed if you went somewhere for a car show.[/QUOTE]

Exactly!!! When the power tour, good guys...any national CAR show is in town, no one whines and bitches. But when alot of bikes come in town, cry cry cry. I dont get it. they are gonna bring alot of money into town and recognition, whats bad about that? yes, it may be noisier for a few days because yes...some of those riders are idiots or feel the need to show off. Same can be said when those national CAR shows are in town...higher noise levels, more accidents, same shiat. Yes, I ride a Harley, I put on over 100 miles today and didnt run into any more congestion than I normally would. And yeah, many places will cater to bikes this weekend because they can, and its good for their business which is what they're in business for in the first place...to make money. That doesnt mean there arent things to do non-bike related. I have nothing against any kind of bike as long as the rider isnt a damn fool riding it and respects it and others on the road or in town, and the same goes for cars. Respect the freedoms we have and enjoy what you enjoy. Dont put everyone else down because they dont like the same things you do.

BTW, I didnt buy my bike for speed, I bought it because its what I liked. My bike doesnt leak, it may be a bit loud but I dont rev the pisssss out of it at every acceleration. I also believe in supporting a strong local company. Yes, many parts may be outsourced, but the company is still largely local in many respects. It employs many, many people in and around town and having been here for 105 years, thats quite an accomplishment like em or not.

08-27-2008, 10:22 PM
Harley's are fine with me, they represent something good from Milwaukee and are one of the few local large successful companies. I won't call myself an expert on their history but its my understanding they are made quite well, not sure if the above post is suggesting they aren't. Trendy, sure...Harley owners are alot like Corvette owners, its like joining a clique.

Well made? Yeah, maybe. Then a again, if you have two companies that each make timepieces, one manufactures über expensive sun-dials verses an Omega Seamaster, which company has the more difficult job, quality control wise? Simple things are easy to make well. Complex things, not so much...;)

BTW, if Harley's are made so well, how come every time I happen to be following one, I always see the rider looking down at the sides of the bike? I always think he (or she) is looking to see if anything has loosened up or fallen off due to the excessive vibration. :rolf

08-27-2008, 10:30 PM
Buell FTW! :D

08-27-2008, 11:43 PM
Harleyfest is AWESOME!!! Harley's everywhere!!!

I live in the Third Ward and the noise is awesome at 2 AM!

I wish my bike was not so quiet. I need open exhaust ASAP!!!

I want the BRWWWWAAAAPPP noise, not the typewriter noise!

If HD didn't pay a shit-load of cash to Vance and Hines to develop their junk into a winner, and to the NHRA to get rules favorable to their, ah, unique technology, you'd never see a one of those rototillers anywhere except HD only events. I remember when it was more advantageous to run 2 valve verses 4 valve jap motors in pro-stock. Did the 2 valvers make more power? Nope, they got displacement and weight breaks. The same is true for Harley's. If the 'tillers had to compete on an even footing with the jap bikes, they'd get MURDERED, plain and simple.

Didn't Chrysler get a bail out too?

Top Fuel and Nascar are still pushrod! Should we compare Nascar to Formula 1?

Sports tend to be regulated and there is nothing wrong with that.
Do you remember what happened to CanAm when Porsche came to town?

Your bike makes 44.8 horse powers. Thats is absolutely laughable for an engine that big, using modern technology (EFI!), to be putting out so little power. The 1969 Honda CB750 made 65 horse powers 40 years ago..

True, it is not big on power. Bone stock, they tend to dyno about 50 whp. The engine makes low-end torque and a fair amount of it too. You can put it in 5th gear at 25 mph and ride in that gear at all higher speeds till you need to stop.

I don't know that Harley engines scare deer, but they do make engineers cry.

FIND ONE!!! (engineer)

The design is tried and true. If it truely was a nightmare, HD would have gotten rid of the design long ago.

I also would not mind a bike with an iron flathead in it and FSI (old and new technologies)!!!

I should also mention that it is VERY efficient. Compare it to other v-twins of similar displacement.

08-27-2008, 11:43 PM
I saw a news clip about the HD camp in Washington County at the fairgrounds. They had those big expensive rock star motorhomes with room for the bike inside! WTF! A guy says he came up from Tennessee. Leave the stupid road hog at home and ride the two wheeled hog. I'm so happy to be in FDL over the weekend. Corn Roast and the WSRA for the win!

08-27-2008, 11:50 PM
I saw a chopped bike at the McDs in Waukesha and it had a four banger Kawasaki engine. It was done in a rat style and I thought it was pretty damned cool looking. I says to the guy i suppose the next one will have the Kawasaki siz from the eighties in it. Much was said about the horsepower of the HDs compared to sport bikes. I think what you all are forgetting is that the two machines are diametrically opposed in style and purpose. I like both and appreciate them both for what they are. My absolute favorite bikes are Norts, Beezers and Trumpets

That was Crash's new bike, that thing is rad

70 cutlass 442
08-28-2008, 12:04 AM
Harleyfest is AWESOME!!! Harley's everywhere!!!

I live in the Third Ward and the noise is awesome at 2 AM!

I wish my bike was not so quiet. I need open exhaust ASAP!!!

I want the BRWWWWAAAAPPP noise, not the typewriter noise!

Didn't Chrysler get a bail out too?

Top Fuel and Nascar are still pushrod! Should we compare Nascar to Formula 1?

Sports tend to be regulated and there is nothing wrong with that.
Do you remember what happened to CanAm when Porsche came to town?

True, it is not big on power. Bone stock, they tend to dyno about 50 whp. The engine makes low-end torque and a fair amount of it too. You can put it in 5th gear at 25 mph and ride in that gear at all higher speeds till you need to stop.

FIND ONE!!! (engineer)

The design is tried and true. If it truely was a nightmare, HD would have gotten rid of the design long ago.

I also would not mind a bike with an iron flathead in it and FSI (old and new technologies)!!!

I should also mention that it is VERY efficient. Compare it to other v-twins of similar displacement.

chrysler sucks, 50 HP out of a 1100 CC motor is crap no mater how you look at it. It my be tried, but sure the hell isnt true. HD has had how many issues with quality control?

08-28-2008, 12:28 AM
chrysler sucks, 50 HP out of a 1100 CC motor is crap no mater how you look at it. It my be tried, but sure the hell isnt true. HD has had how many issues with quality control?

It's an 883.

08-28-2008, 01:12 AM
105 years of making harley's, they must do something right.


True, it is not big on power. Bone stock, they tend to dyno about 50 whp. The engine makes low-end torque and a fair amount of it too. You can put it in 5th gear at 25 mph and ride in that gear at all higher speeds till you need to stop.

The design is tried and true. If it truely was a nightmare, HD would have gotten rid of the design long ago.

I should also mention that it is VERY efficient. Compare it to other v-twins of similar displacement.

You implications that HD would scrap a design if it proved poor is a full on lie. Their refusal to adapt to liquid cooling serves as case in point. I don't wanna hear about v-rods being liquid cooled either. That is one model in a line of many, and they are showing no signs of ushering in a new line of motors.

I couldn't find a v-twin of similar displacement, but I did find one 230cc's SMALLER that makes 67 whp. 2008 Suzuki SV650.

08-28-2008, 01:19 AM
I love looking at bikes like I do at cars. The only thing that pissed me off today was a group of bikes pulling out of a bar. A few of them went, a car was coming the rest of them went withput even thinking twice. The car locked up its brakes and beeped the horn. Two of the Riders flipped him off and acted like they were going to get off their bikes and do something. That was BS. Obey the rules of the road and I have no problem.

08-28-2008, 07:40 AM
Lots of Harley's out last night for sure...I couldn't help but go hunting. Its funny that these douchebags will sit there and grin at you while revving their shitbuckets at stop lights, but when the light turns green they just hang back like a bunch of pansies.

I didn't get one bite out of about 20-25 bikes I rode past...usually I get at least one obnoxious shittard.

I did get waves and such from several riders though, so not all hope is lost.

08-28-2008, 02:37 PM
Lots of Harley's out last night for sure...I couldn't help but go hunting. Its funny that these douchebags will sit there and grin at you while revving their shitbuckets at stop lights, but when the light turns green they just hang back like a bunch of pansies.

I didn't get one bite out of about 20-25 bikes I rode past...usually I get at least one obnoxious shittard.

I did get waves and such from several riders though, so not all hope is lost.

You try to race harleys at stoplights but the Harley owners are the obnoxious ones? Kinda proving the whole 'sport bike riders all race' theory arent you?

08-28-2008, 02:46 PM
You try to race harleys at stoplights but the Harley owners are the obnoxious ones? Kinda proving the whole 'sport bike riders all race' theory arent you?

I think your bias mind my not have read his post correctly. He said they were sitting there grinning ear to ear and reving then when the light turns green they don't do anything. Its like obnoxious ricers who wanted stop reving at you but, the funny thing about ricers is no matter what they have they will try to race you.


08-28-2008, 02:53 PM
Harley's are fine with me, they represent something good from Milwaukee and are one of the few local large successful companies. I won't call myself an expert on their history but its my understanding they are made quite well, not sure if the above post is suggesting they aren't. Trendy, sure...Harley owners are alot like Corvette owners, its like joining a clique.

They sound good for the most part but the uneccessary reving is plain dumb in certain areas. I now live in StAllis and there is a jerk off every once in awhile who feels the need to rev down my street, which is a residential, non-main street near Greenfield Ave. If a car or truck does it they are douchebags too but the bikes are even louder, typically.

ill agree with you.. i think that them being a milwaukee based product is a huge support for the community

08-28-2008, 02:57 PM
I keep seeing "good for the community" and "they will be bringing in tons of money" but when am I going to see any of this money and what is the good for the community going to do for me?


Windsors 03 Cobra
08-28-2008, 03:43 PM
I keep seeing "good for the community" and "they will be bringing in tons of money" but when am I going to see any of this money and what is the good for the community going to do for me?


Get over it man, YOU wont be selling them any houses.
If you were a beer salesman you would be making money hand over first with them here, same if you sold gasoline, or Harley shirts.

This is like a power tour for bikes, when the power tour came to town here I never loved my town so much, that was one of the coolest things ever.

08-28-2008, 04:34 PM
Get over it man, YOU wont be selling them any houses.If you were a beer salesman you would be making money hand over first with them here, same if you sold gasoline, or Harley shirts.

This is like a power tour for bikes, when the power tour came to town here I never loved my town so much, that was one of the coolest things ever.
Yeah I know that but what I was trying to get to was unless you own a business that is affilliated with the harley fest or like you said you are a beer vender/bar owner you won't see any extra money or a raise in the community.


Neal Steffek
08-28-2008, 04:54 PM
Yeah I know that but what I was trying to get to was unless you own a business that is affilliated with the harley fest or like you said you are a beer vender/bar owner you won't see any extra money or a raise in the community.


I think it goes with out saying I am making fat bank this weekend. :banana1:

Mr. Brett
08-28-2008, 05:02 PM
Yeah, but it's all douchebag money. It's tainted.

Neal Steffek
08-28-2008, 05:09 PM
Yeah, but it's all douchebag money. It's tainted.

I don't care, all I see is green. :headbang

08-28-2008, 05:35 PM
I think it goes with out saying I am making fat bank this weekend. :banana1:

you suck!!!!! Give me some of that harded earned money.

08-28-2008, 06:35 PM
It's sad to see people want and hope that such a large American company would go under. Whats wrong with you people?

I also love all of people on here who are making generalizations and name calling of people who own Harley's. I don't even give a sh!t about Harley's....but I think a lot of the statements made in this thread are completely moronic. Milwaukee is ranked amongst the top of the list for the most judgemental and discriminatory people.....and this thread proves why that is.

I actually think it's pretty cool that Milwaukee is home to such an even that you will NEVER see anything even close to it anywhere else in the world.

08-28-2008, 06:47 PM
i have seen some pretty nice bikes yesterday and today....and its always nice to talk with people from other parts of the country

and i have sold a lot of bulbs and spark plugs yet tonight for harleys so its all good

08-28-2008, 10:34 PM
Harleyfest is AWESOME!!! Harley's everywhere!!!

I live in the Third Ward and the noise is awesome at 2 AM!

I wish my bike was not so quiet. I need open exhaust ASAP!!!

I want the BRWWWWAAAAPPP noise, not the typewriter noise!

God, you are fvcking weird...

Didn't Chrysler get a bail out too?

Yeah, but it was loan guarantees, not punishing someone else's success. Big difference. Also, Jimmah Carter is the one that signed off on that deal. As much as I like Mopars, had it been up to me, I would have told ChryCo to shit or get off the pot. Carter did this to appease the Union assholes and he still got voted out in 1980, thereby cementing himself as the absolute shittiest American President of the 20th century.

Top Fuel and Nascar are still pushrod! Should we compare Nascar to Formula 1?

Heh, there is no comparison. That'd be like comparing the Wright Flyer to an F22 Raptor. :rolf Nascar teams run pushrods and carbs because they have to. You don't think for one second that if the more well-heeled teams could run modern technology that they wouldn't?

As for Top Fuel, are you kidding? They jam so much air and explosive fuel into those engines I doubt any modern technology would even make much of a difference, other than from a slight reliability stand-point. Those engines really don't need a whole lot of RPM, compared to a gasoline burner. The more you lug a nitro motor, the better they like it. That's why they limited the teams to a 3.20 gear. They were finding out that the less gear (numerically) you put in the cars the faster they would go.

Sports tend to be regulated and there is nothing wrong with that.

The inference was that because Harley's were ahead in Pro-Stock motorcycle points that somehow they were technologically superior. I refuted that point.

Do you remember what happened to CanAm when Porsche came to town?

Gee, could you have picked a more extreme case? Porsche shows up with a 1500hp turbo motor in the 917 and the 700hp naturally aspirated Chevys couldn't keep up. What a fvcking surprise. :rolleyes: IIRC, the series only lasted like one more year after Porsche left it in a shambles.

True, it is not big on power. Bone stock, they tend to dyno about 50 whp. The engine makes low-end torque and a fair amount of it too. You can put it in 5th gear at 25 mph and ride in that gear at all higher speeds till you need to stop.

How cool... Who pulls freight with a motorcycle? If all you are hauling around is your own dumb ass what do you need all that torque for? It sure doesn't make the POS fast.

FIND ONE!!! (engineer)

Gee, most of the engineering types I know like cutting edge technology. The ones you know must work for Waste Management designing labor strategies...

The design is tried and true. If it truely was a nightmare, HD would have gotten rid of the design long ago.

This is the most ludicrous statement you've made yet. Why change it if it sells? Lots of Luddites out there willing to step up and buy an antique to be part of a crowd. Group think has been responsible for more than one horrible decision. Religious fanaticism, Communism, Nazi-ism all come to mind...

I also would not mind a bike with an iron flathead in it and FSI (old and new technologies)!!!

How cool that would be.:alcoholic At least until it tipped over and you had to try and pic it up all by yourself.:rolf

I should also mention that it is VERY efficient. Compare it to other v-twins of similar displacement.

Yeah, maybe if you are comparing it to a Briggs lawn tractor v-twin.:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf

Ducati, Aprilia, Suzuki and Honda all have v-twin engines of similar displacement that make a shit-ton more power. Man, were do you get your information, Nimrods-R-Us?

08-28-2008, 10:55 PM
You try to race harleys at stoplights but the Harley owners are the obnoxious ones? Kinda proving the whole 'sport bike riders all race' theory arent you?

I wasn't trying to race them at all, not saying I wouldn't wipe the floor with them if they did decide to take off. I'm not one to instigate, or is me just being there at a stoplight at the same time instigating?

Tonight was a different story, waving at the pack of 15-20 stereotypical "badasses" while they are giving their all on the onramp and passing them by accelerating to freeway speeds at a normal pace in the motorcycle lane = priceless.

08-28-2008, 11:09 PM
I think your bias mind my not have read his post correctly. He said they were sitting there grinning ear to ear and reving then when the light turns green they don't do anything. Its like obnoxious ricers who wanted stop reving at you but, the funny thing about ricers is no matter what they have they will try to race you.


I am not biased. Just because I currently own a Harley doesnt mean thats the only bike I like. I've owned many different kinds of bikes previously. Read my earlier post, it says I dont have a problem with ANY kind of bike....
and the post I quoted said I went out hunting...I couldnt get any of them to bite. So yes, he was out looking to get into something with a Harley or two.

08-28-2008, 11:22 PM
I am not biased. Just because I currently own a Harley doesnt mean thats the only bike I like. I've owned many different kinds of bikes previously. Read my earlier post, it says I dont have a problem with ANY kind of bike....
and the post I quoted said I went out hunting...I couldnt get any of them to bite. So yes, he was out looking to get into something with a Harley or two.

Like I said, I don't instigate...I just go out looking for some that want to play...and then send them back to the bar claiming how they just beat some kid on a crotch rocket by 10 bus lengths. :rolleyes:

If you're going to rev your underpowered, inefficient, barely idling pile of junk at me then sack up and take your asswhoopin :devil

I bet those leather caps and bandannas work well when they meet pavement, are those DOT approved?

08-28-2008, 11:24 PM
Lots of Harley's out last night for sure...I couldn't help but go hunting.
I didn't get one bite out of about 20-25 bikes I rode past

I think your bias mind my not have read his post correctly.

Um....yeah....I think he read it right.

I wasn't trying to race them at all

Ruh Roh :durr

08-28-2008, 11:29 PM
Um....yeah....I think he read it right.

Ruh Roh :durr

Worded incorrectly....basically I wasn't launching off the stoplight like a bat out of hell hoping they would follow.

A lot of times, just riding past them will make their penises magically bigger and they will catch up and try to race.

Its like baiting fish....except replace fish with over the hill men and ZOMG WEST COAST CHOPPAZ wannabe's

08-28-2008, 11:53 PM
Funny thing is....

'Sport bike' riders actually have a lot more in common with Harley riders than they realize.

08-29-2008, 12:02 AM
Like I said, I don't instigate...I just go out looking for some that want to play...and then send them back to the bar claiming how they just beat some kid on a crotch rocket by 10 bus lengths. :rolleyes:

If you're going to rev your underpowered, inefficient, barely idling pile of junk at me then sack up and take your asswhoopin :devil

I bet those leather caps and bandannas work well when they meet pavement, are those DOT approved?

Underpowered by what standard? Plently of power for what I want from it...riding. It'll get out of anyones way just fine, gets me where I want to go without hassle, and gets better mileage than most every car on the road. I like the way it looks, it sounds good, idles great, and I own it.
What more do you want?
And I dont do any leather besides a jacket, so I couldnt answer the last question!:goof

08-29-2008, 12:08 AM
Milwaukee is ranked amongst the top of the list for the most judgemental and discriminatory people.....and this thread proves why that is.

Where is that list? Gotta link?

08-29-2008, 12:10 AM
Where is that list? Gotta link?

It's been on/in the news multiple times. It not really anything new.

08-29-2008, 12:12 AM
A lot of things have been in the news...where's the link?

08-29-2008, 03:01 AM
God, you are fvcking weird...
Havin a good time! You have a problem with that?

Yeah, but it was loan guarantees, not punishing someone else's success. Big difference. Also, Jimmah Carter is the one that signed off on that deal. As much as I like Mopars, had it been up to me, I would have told ChryCo to shit or get off the pot. Carter did this to appease the Union assholes and he still got voted out in 1980, thereby cementing himself as the absolute shittiest American President of the 20th century.
My point is that they recieved gov help when nobody else would.
(worse than bush?)
There is alot more to this subject that we could cover in a thread. I'd rather leave this one alone for now.

Heh, there is no comparison. That'd be like comparing the Wright Flyer to an F22 Raptor. :rolf Nascar teams run pushrods and carbs because they have to. You don't think for one second that if the more well-heeled teams could run modern technology that they wouldn't?

As for Top Fuel, are you kidding? They jam so much air and explosive fuel into those engines I doubt any modern technology would even make much of a difference, other than from a slight reliability stand-point. Those engines really don't need a whole lot of RPM, compared to a gasoline burner. The more you lug a nitro motor, the better they like it. That's why they limited the teams to a 3.20 gear. They were finding out that the less gear (numerically) you put in the cars the faster they would go.

You know that F1 is making more HP by displacement than Top Fuel and still running for hours?
(the above is beside my original point.)

The inference was that because Harley's were ahead in Pro-Stock motorcycle points that somehow they were technologically superior. I refuted that point.

My comment had more to do with pre established rules. Doesn't Toyota race in NASCAR now? Do they even make a production vehicle with a pushrod V8 in it? NO! BUT, Toyota abides by the rules and is allowed to race in NASCAR.

Next time, I will compare NASCAR to DTM.
Or could I compare fencing to MMA?
Simply put, two different animals that really don't belong in the same cage.

Gee, could you have picked a more extreme case? Porsche shows up with a 1500hp turbo motor in the 917 and the 700hp naturally aspirated Chevys couldn't keep up. What a fvcking surprise. :rolleyes: IIRC, the series only lasted like one more year after Porsche left it in a shambles.

This is simply a reference to a sport with no rules, demonstrating what happens when you leave a possibility for major advances in technology to enter a sport in a short period of time. I am in no way saying that a 4v would never have a hand over a 2v. Instead, I am saying that the sport has been set up so that 2v pushrod engines stay the norm. This merits skill in setup and driving technique, not whoever has the latest and greatest technology.

You also know what happened when Mazda released the 787 race car.
Audi has a similar advantage with its R10.

How cool... Who pulls freight with a motorcycle? If all you are hauling around is your own dumb ass what do you need all that torque for? It sure doesn't make the POS fast.

I'm not pulling freight! Why would you thing that way? I simply enjoy engines that run well at low rpm's.

Gee, most of the engineering types I know like cutting edge technology. The ones you know must work for Waste Management designing labor strategies...

What do you think about the LSx engines from Chevy? The ZO6 uses a pushrod engine, 2 valves per cylinder and leafsprings, yet it can beat an Enzo around the Nurburgring!

The USAF is also flying B52s still. They are old, many of them crashed, but they still work well.

Obsolete technology? No Way! You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!

This is the most ludicrous statement you've made yet. Why change it if it sells? Lots of Luddites out there willing to step up and buy an antique to be part of a crowd. Group think has been responsible for more than one horrible decision. Religious fanaticism, Communism, Nazi-ism all come to mind...
Group thinking? Adolf Hitler, Carl Marks, and Joseph Smith all tended to work alone.

You missed the point on that statement. Issues have arisen with the v-twin engines made by Harley, but the engine design DOES work. You may say "poorly," some say "good enough," others say "wonderful (root word wonder (i know))." It has done well enough to remain in production. Who knows...They might get phased out eventually, but not in the near future.

You do not seem to understand my appreciation for old technology. Steam engines, flatheads, hit-and-mis, snow engines (check on youtube).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn7u6xoeIMs <== snow engine!!!

Iam not going with the flow or against it. I'd say I flow tangental!

How cool that would be.:alcoholic At least until it tipped over and you had to try and pic it up all by yourself.:rolf
We are probably talking about adding 50 lbs to a bike, not 500.

A flathead engine is rather compact in design. A large displacement twin would be rather small in external dimensions. The block would probably be the size of a large toaster. Don't you think that would be cool?

At least, you probably agree that FSI rocks!

Yeah, maybe if you are comparing it to a Briggs lawn tractor v-twin.:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf:rolf
Ducati, Aprilia, Suzuki and Honda all have v-twin engines of similar displacement that make a shit-ton more power. Man, were do you get your information, Nimrods-R-Us?

My information is based on scientific reason and theory. If I was to point to an outstanding individual, it would be James Clerk Maxwell. Please respect that I have been formally educated on this subject by professionals in a place of higher education.

Maximum output is not a measure of efficiency.
Engines can be powerful, yet inefficient; or not powerful, yet efficient.
Thermodynamic efficiency is something different.

These are VALID scientific concepts.

You and I have different values. You might not know it, but I can think about this subject the same way you do; and I have! What differs between us is that I have taken the time to investigate this subject beyond peak HP numbers and displacement. I am convinced that you are only thinking "Full Throttle" on this subject. Unfortunately, you taking into account that this is not the way the world works. I sought a compromise between (but not limited to) power and fuel efficiency, and I found it. The truth of the matter is that the newer Harleys tend to be better on fuel than the competition. The only bikes out there rated better than my sportster are all 250cc and smaller (excluding Buell)

Fuel economy is important to me, considering that I put 7,500 miles on my Harley since July 3! I average around 68-70 mpg. I'm also not holding up traffic where ever I go.

BTW- yes, I am weird. In its own way, that statement is a complement. This is commonly known as character. Despite departing from the social norms found on this forum, I tend to have a logical approach to everything. The way I think will not hurt you or mislead you, assuming you appreciate differing ideas. What you will most likely end up with is a broader understanding of the way the world works.

edit: most harley guys are like "dude, you overthought your purchase, i just wanted a Harley, not a scientific marvel."

Adam Brooks
08-29-2008, 06:37 AM
Harley sighting are getting better. We now have harleys hitting harleys... again in rush hour a pack tried to merge on the freeway from miller park and all ran into each other. Fun stuff!

Adam Brooks
08-29-2008, 06:39 AM
I actually think it's pretty cool that Milwaukee is home to such an even that you will NEVER see anything even close to it anywhere else in the world.

Bike week Daytona beach. happens every year

08-29-2008, 07:45 AM
Bike week Daytona beach. happens every year

Very good point, daytona beach is immensly larger than harley's anniversary could ever imagine

Feature Pony
08-29-2008, 09:52 AM
Funny thing is....

'Sport bike' riders actually have a lot more in common with Harley riders than they realize.

The funny thing is that most of the people that are in there early 30's and 40's were or still are sport bike riders. The best is when some 18 year sport bike riders and their group start picking on the 40 year old sport bike rider. I had to break up a fight cause the dude in his late 30's or 40's would of got his a$$ handed to him by fifteen 18 year old punks that were making fun of him for riding a rocket. I doesn't matter what you ride as long as YOUR (thats the big word) happy.

People ***** and complain about my cars all the time, I had some purist at borchardt's show tell me I wrecked my car cause its not stock and proceeded to chew me out, I just walked away if you let it get under your skin then that other person won by letting s*** get to you. Nobody is going to be a fan of everything you will like in life and you might not be a fan of what someone else likes, but this is america and we can choose what we want and how we want it! So God Bless our troops and our country.

Adam Brooks
08-29-2008, 10:34 AM
I had to break up a fight cause the dude in his late 30's or 40's would of got his a$$ handed to him by fifteen 18 year old punks that were making fun of him for riding a rocket.

wow, i wouldn't have expected that reaction from them. thats terrible

08-29-2008, 10:40 AM
I live over in Cudahy near layton, I know the street is high traffic and I moved here. So I don't need any pity or back rubs.

But for God ******* sakes every Harley owner has to bang 1st gear up to a wild 40 MPH only to leave in in 1st and let the gear take it down back to the speed limit of 25

I thought I was a douche on my CBR and GSXR back in the day but jesus I never made that much racket. I agree loud pipes saves lives but loud broken up and misfiring piles of shit don't

105th here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a neighbor that does that shit every morning. Even more of them on the weekends when his buddies stage at his house for a ride. Why the local law enforcement doesn't crack down on them is beyond me.

08-29-2008, 10:51 AM
I was hanging with a bunch of harley riders yesterday at my buddies from Missouri. They were all really cool and nice people. I got drunk as hell with them. Although more then once I heard them say they were on the freeway in rush hour traffic when thier bikes got so hot and were almost overheating. I know when I use to ride a rocket if I was sitting for a long time it would get hot but, never to the point of overheating. The funny thing the one guy said was that his bike even started to leak a bit of oil. But, like I said they were really cool guys but it sounds like some of things I hear about harley's is a little bit true.


08-29-2008, 09:48 PM
As much as I rant about Harley guys, yes a lot of them are pretty damn cool. The reason they overheat is because Harley was quite a bit late on that thing called LIQUID COOLING that every other bike manufacturer had since the 80's.

08-29-2008, 11:57 PM
As much as I rant about Harley guys, yes a lot of them are pretty damn cool. The reason they overheat is because Harley was quite a bit late on that thing called LIQUID COOLING that every other bike manufacturer had since the 80's.

They claim "oil cooled." I don't know what to think about that.

08-30-2008, 12:42 AM
They claim "oil cooled." I don't know what to think about that.

The word garbage comes to mind :rolf

Fast SVT
08-30-2008, 12:45 AM
They never say oil cooled, everyone knows they are air cooled.

And believe it or not the reason why they keep a lot of old tech is because of the heritage and because that is what everyone wants.

08-30-2008, 02:26 AM
Most small aircraft engines are air cooled...right?

I think the Harley head has alot of oil circulating through it.

08-30-2008, 02:28 AM
They never say oil cooled, everyone knows they are air cooled.

And believe it or not the reason why they keep a lot of old tech is because of the heritage and because that is what everyone wants.

Everyone wants old technology that makes no power and sounds like ass?

I counted 6 broke down harleys last night over a 12 mile stretch between the town of filmore and Jackson.

Its pathetic.

08-30-2008, 06:30 AM
Everyone wants old technology that makes no power and sounds like ass?If I wanted that I'd buy a diesel truck. :rolf

08-30-2008, 07:18 AM
If I wanted that I'd buy a diesel truck. :rolf

Hey Now!!! :rolf

They are capable of making alot of power!!

As far as sound, Matter of oppinion. :thumbsup

Touche! :rolf

08-30-2008, 08:12 AM
oh yea? like what?

i wear my gloves elmet jacket and boots EVERY TIME I GET ON MY BIKE. I also dont brag about beaing other bikes when i do race On The Track. My bike made 167 hp at the wheel and the biggest harley cant even come close to that at the crank. Should we compare prices too? How about rier ettiqet.

I understand there are an assload of idiots on sportbikes, but lets comparethe bcm sport riders t the harly riders for once. I wear my gearn does joseph? how about memphis? DIdnt think so

Funny thing is....

'Sport bike' riders actually have a lot more in common with Harley riders than they realize.

08-30-2008, 08:18 AM
Hey Now!!! :rolf

They are capable of making alot of power!!

As far as sound, Matter of oppinion. :thumbsup

Touche! :rolfThe key word is power. Different than force. I wasn't picking on you so much as your choice of terms...

Big trucks can put out thousands of lbs/ft of torque, and are tremendously strong, but don't do things all that quickly, as such, they have little power. Kinda like a Harley V twin. Lotsa tq, no power...simpy because of their low rpm powerband.

Now, compare to a 12k rpm sportbike, and there you see big power numbers, and big speeds (but no tq). A different realm of enjoyment.

You seem to be posting of the sportbike mentality...but yet at the same time, you're essentially driving the Harley philosophy.

If I ever buy a bike, it will be a big, heavy, loud barhopper. Pick the best tool for the job. :thumbsup


08-30-2008, 08:31 AM
this i dont believe the oler sport riders in our group are more then wqe.comes and encouraged to ride with us. One of my best riding buddies is in his late 40s and rides with us constantly

The funny thing is that most of the people that are in there early 30's and 40's were or still are sport bike riders. The best is when some 18 year sport bike riders and their group start picking on the 40 year old sport bike rider. I had to break up a fight cause the dude in his late 30's or 40's would of got his a$$ handed to him by fifteen 18 year old punks that were making fun of him for riding a rocket. I doesn't matter what you ride as long as YOUR (thats the big word) happy.

People ***** and complain about my cars all the time, I had some purist at borchardt's show tell me I wrecked my car cause its not stock and proceeded to chew me out, I just walked away if you let it get under your skin then that other person won by letting s*** get to you. Nobody is going to be a fan of everything you will like in life and you might not be a fan of what someone else likes, but this is america and we can choose what we want and how we want it! So God Bless our troops and our country.

08-30-2008, 09:21 AM
Kinda like a Harley V twin. Lotsa tq, no power...simpy because of their low rpm powerband.

Now, compare to a 12k rpm sportbike, and there you see big power numbers, and big speeds (but no tq). A different realm of enjoyment.


'02-ish ZRX1200R, it's not a 12k rpm sportbike, it's a 10.5k rpm standard.


08-30-2008, 10:08 AM
v twins are more then capeable of going fast, see suzuki tl-r 1000

The key word is power. Different than force. I wasn't picking on you so much as your choice of terms...

Big trucks can put out thousands of lbs/ft of torque, and are tremendously strong, but don't do things all that quickly, as such, they have little power. Kinda like a Harley V twin. Lotsa tq, no power...simpy because of their low rpm powerband.

Now, compare to a 12k rpm sportbike, and there you see big power numbers, and big speeds (but no tq). A different realm of enjoyment.

You seem to be posting of the sportbike mentality...but yet at the same time, you're essentially driving the Harley philosophy.

If I ever buy a bike, it will be a big, heavy, loud barhopper. Pick the best tool for the job. :thumbsup


08-30-2008, 12:51 PM
Some people are not concerned about being the fastest.

It is not like some people who need a fast motorcycle to feel good about themselves.

Not everyone in this world is competing.

08-30-2008, 03:57 PM
Because thats the only bad thing about hardlys, the fact that they are dog piss slow.

I sold my bike recently, and the bikes were the only fast thing I had. I feel just dandy about myself on my pedal bikes, thanks for your concern though.

I love how the harley guys get butthurt about others opinions. I think the following harley has is great and thmney they bring to milwaukee is awesome. Just not my cup of tea :) Can get a lot more bike for the money, sport cruiser tourer or bagger im jap models. I would rather support our own people, buying hrley doesn't help that any mor then buying a jap bike these days. Especially aftermarket / apparel

Some people are not concerned about being the fastest.

It is not like some people who need a fast motorcycle to feel good about themselves.

Not everyone in this world is competing.

08-30-2008, 06:40 PM
Last night I was next to a bunch of HDs on 94. Nothing like a train of black smoke to piss 'em off.

feel that they have to run their harley's up...you know, because they all sound different, right?


08-30-2008, 07:12 PM
Last night I was next to a bunch of HDs on 94. Nothing like a train of black smoke to piss 'em off.


That's awesome!

08-30-2008, 08:23 PM
The key word is power. Different than force. I wasn't picking on you so much as your choice of terms...

Big trucks can put out thousands of lbs/ft of torque, and are tremendously strong, but don't do things all that quickly, as such, they have little power. Kinda like a Harley V twin. Lotsa tq, no power...simpy because of their low rpm powerband.

Now, compare to a 12k rpm sportbike, and there you see big power numbers, and big speeds (but no tq). A different realm of enjoyment.

You seem to be posting of the sportbike mentality...but yet at the same time, you're essentially driving the Harley philosophy.

If I ever buy a bike, it will be a big, heavy, loud barhopper. Pick the best tool for the job. :thumbsup


You can't compare a diesel engine over a V-Twin. Sorry, :slap.

What other engines can run pump gas and make 1200 WHP reliably for 300k+ miles?

08-30-2008, 08:43 PM
Last night I was next to a bunch of HDs on 94. Nothing like a train of black smoke to piss 'em off.

And how does that make you ANY different than them with their loud pipes that annoy people?

Typical hypocritical bullshit around here.

08-30-2008, 09:20 PM
And how does that make you ANY different than them with their loud pipes that annoy people?

Typical hypocritical bullshit around here.


08-30-2008, 09:29 PM
Because I locked the converter and eased onto the pedal?

08-30-2008, 09:31 PM
Because I locked the converter and eased onto the pedal?

You're not fooling anybody.

08-30-2008, 09:34 PM
Fooling who? If you knew one bit about my truck you would think otherwise.

08-30-2008, 09:58 PM
You can't compare a diesel engine over a V-Twin. Sorry, :slap. I didn't.

I used examples to illustrate the difference between power and force.


08-30-2008, 10:32 PM
oh yea? like what?

i wear my gloves elmet jacket and boots EVERY TIME I GET ON MY BIKE. I also dont brag about beaing other bikes when i do race On The Track. My bike made 167 hp at the wheel and the biggest harley cant even come close to that at the crank. Should we compare prices too? How about rier ettiqet.

I understand there are an assload of idiots on sportbikes, but lets comparethe bcm sport riders t the harly riders for once. I wear my gearn does joseph? how about memphis? DIdnt think so

So riders have nothing in common if they dont wear gear? If its my time to go, so be it. Its my choice, no law says I have to wear it. Does that make me a bad rider? Not...

Rider ettiquette? Dont EVEN go generalizing one brand of rider compared to another. If your a tool, you're a tool regardless what kind of bike you're on.

Do me a favor, dont use me as an example to try and prove a point....even though I'm not sure what your point was to begin with.

08-31-2008, 08:11 AM
If you knew one bit about my truck you would think otherwise.

That is completely beside the point.

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-31-2008, 08:15 AM
I saw a guy riding a sport bike yesterday so geared up he looked like the stay puffed marshmallow man.
A person must really have to enjoy driving like a nut and breaking as many laws as possible to don that super heat suit and then go sit on your nuts on an 80 degree summer day. And for the record I enjoy driving like a nut but I value my life so I use an air conditioned 4 thousand pound safety cage. :thumbsup

If your just a slow cruiser who's out to enjoy scenery and camaraderie what do you need a coat with "skid plates" and snow pants for ?
Brain buckets are a good idea for anyone.
I think alot of bike guys feel "left out" of and hence the "pitch a *****" fest against Harley.

Good day. :alcoholic

08-31-2008, 09:05 AM
Memphis, my point is that riding for sport and riding to cruise is two TOTALLY different beasts and if we are going to compare cruiser riders to sport riders, there is a greater majority of cruiser people who don't wear gear for whatever reason.

Alot of people like to play the religion card which is just fine and dandy. I like to protect myself against danger, and it isn't myself that I'm worried about when on the road on a motorcycle with NO protection what so ever from other motorists besides the gear I chose to wear. Chances of it being " Your time to go " are much greater when you are sliding down the pavement with no protection and the concrete is ripping your flesh off. I have seen guys go down at well over 100 mph on the track, and wearing full gear GREATLY reduces risk of injury there. It does the same thing on the street.

I saw a guy riding a sport bike yesterday so geared up he looked like the stay puffed marshmallow man.
A person must really have to enjoy driving like a nut and breaking as many laws as possible to don that super heat suit and then go sit on your nuts on an 80 degree summer day. And for the record I enjoy driving like a nut but I value my life so I use an air conditioned 4 thousand pound safety cage. :thumbsup

If your just a slow cruiser who's out to enjoy scenery and camaraderie what do you need a coat with "skid plates" and snow pants for ?
Brain buckets are a good idea for anyone.
I think alot of bike guys feel "left out" of and hence the "pitch a *****" fest against Harley.

Good day. :alcoholic

Its the guys like you on harleys that think they are just going out for a cruise when they get plastered all over the road when some asshole isn't paying attention talking n the phone eating fast food while smoking a cig and runs through a red light.

Fast SVT
08-31-2008, 09:10 AM
Its the guys like you on harleys that think they are just going out for a cruise when they get plastered all over the road when some asshole isn't paying attention talking n the phone eating fast food while smoking a cig and runs through a red light.

Shit happens.

I've yet to see a harley rider plastered to the pavement this week.

/knock on Porks head


08-31-2008, 09:13 AM
Holly fock what did I start


For the record I really don't hate Harley's just how loud they are and the whole leaving it in gear and revving it at every light just to make sure its running.

I think the whoe 105th is awsome, I even went down town to look at everything :thumbsup

08-31-2008, 09:16 AM
Shit happens.

I've yet to see a harley rider plastered to the pavement this week.

/knock on Porks head


I hate to see any rider down, especially during this week when all riders and drivers alike should be paying special attention to the cycle traffic. There was an HD Fatality earlier in the week and I know the guy wasn't wearing gear. Doesn't mean he would have lived if he was wearing gear, but it sure would have helped.

Fast SVT
08-31-2008, 09:28 AM
FYI, you are supposed to leave a bike in gear at a light, if it isn't in gear you can't maneuver quickly if some ass hat doesn't see you stopped at the light/sign.

Windsors 03 Cobra
08-31-2008, 09:30 AM
Born to die.

08-31-2008, 10:04 AM
That is completely beside the point.

What is your point even?

08-31-2008, 11:31 AM
Shit happens.

I've yet to see a harley rider plastered to the pavement this week.

/knock on Porks head


for some odd reason the media is not reporting anything about motorcycle crashes this week. but if you listened to a police scanner this weekend there has been plenty of harley riders plastered to the road. i have seen 3 major crashes involving motorcycles since Friday .time to break out the spatula of life :durr

as for the 105th it looked like a fun time and it helps everyone in Milwaukee.

08-31-2008, 12:50 PM
Sorry, Pork. That wasn't directed at you.

08-31-2008, 03:30 PM
16 broken harleys in 26 hrs was my count. But partying with the people who ride them was fun for sure. If I bought another bike, I would want one that I could ride and be assured I would make it home on. It takes a $hitload of hp to break a jap bike (unless its a susuki) haha.

08-31-2008, 03:38 PM
damn double posting...

08-31-2008, 03:46 PM
It takes a shitload of hp for a bike to break? If thats the main reason why bikes break down, why do harleys supposedly always break down? According to most of these posts, harleys have little to no hp right?! I put over 500 miles on since Wednsday and didnt see one bike on the roadside besides checking a map, nor a bike accident. I know some happened, but some always happen. I'm willing to bet the number wasnt signifigantly more than an average Milwaukee weekend. I also had 0 problems and no leaking oil...and I was in the parade with it Saturday morning.

Pork...My point is this. Say I wear full gear and I get in a wreck and it saves my life but...today is still my day. I'll go and get checked out, go home and die of a heart attack. Its the whole Final Destination theory. And why do sport bike riders tend to wear gear more often? far more temptation to crack the throttle, stand it on end, and do a buck eighty down the freeway. As everyone seems to know, Harleys arent that fast. If you get broadsided by that idiot at a light, leather and gear aint gonna help you. I agree it will save alot of skin and pain if you lay a bike down, but it wont make your body bullet proof if you get hit by another vehicle or hit an imoveable object.
I do agree with you about one thing...most of the time on a bike you need to be a better observer of the idiots in cars not watching than you need to be a good rider. I was going down 76th today near the right side of my lane and there was a car in the lane to my left. Some asshat pulled up next to me...between me and the car in the other lane!!

08-31-2008, 04:05 PM
It takes a shitload of hp for a bike to break? If thats the main reason why bikes break down, why do harleys supposedly always break down? According to most of these posts, harleys have little to no hp right?! I put over 500 miles on since Wednsday and didnt see one bike on the roadside besides checking a map, nor a bike accident. I know some happened, but some always happen. I'm willing to bet the number wasnt signifigantly more than an average Milwaukee weekend. I also had 0 problems and no leaking oil...and I was in the parade with it Saturday morning.

Pork...My point is this. Say I wear full gear and I get in a wreck and it saves my life but...today is still my day. I'll go and get checked out, go home and die of a heart attack. Its the whole Final Destination theory. And why do sport bike riders tend to wear gear more often? far more temptation to crack the throttle, stand it on end, and do a buck eighty down the freeway. As everyone seems to know, Harleys arent that fast. If you get broadsided by that idiot at a light, leather and gear aint gonna help you. I agree it will save alot of skin and pain if you lay a bike down, but it wont make your body bullet proof if you get hit by another vehicle or hit an imoveable object.
I do agree with you about one thing...most of the time on a bike you need to be a better observer of the idiots in cars not watching than you need to be a good rider. I was going down 76th today near the right side of my lane and there was a car in the lane to my left. Some asshat pulled up next to me...between me and the car in the other lane!!

:rolf haha reread my post, it takes a $hitload of HP to break a JAP bike, I dare you to go outside, take your harley up to the revlimiter and drop the clutch, if the trans in still in one peice, Ill buy you a burger haha. that is, if the motor doesn't come apart at the rev limiter. I have had 3 harleys you know....:shades they look real good with the primary chain sticking out the front of the crankcase :rolf How is it that somone can make a chain 4 rows wide that is in constant lubrication, and its still so janky that it BREAKS!!!!! Also, I am pretty decent friends with Jim, from Klinks in waukesha, I have seen it all when it comes to harleys breaking. I also worked at a kawasaki/honda dealer in AZ when I was 18, poor maintenence was the primary cause of broken jap bikes. lack of oil changes ect...... BadCutt on here had a 1980 somthing Honda with OVER 70000 miles on it and it ran great. ( it still surprized me) Point is, Harleys are overpriced garbage. What they do have going for them is resale value, and an image. If somone wants to put on a bandana and be a bada$$ for an hour or so, ok.:thumbsup

08-31-2008, 04:16 PM
I read the post fine and added it to what everyone else has been saying. And dude, dont tell someone something they own and use regularly is 'overpriced garbage.' If thats what you think, so be it, its your opinion. All thoughts and ideas aside, keep that kind of s**t to yourself. I dont knock your s**t, dont knock mine. You dont have to like em but saying s**t like that is childish.

08-31-2008, 05:11 PM
Sorry Memphis I didntmean to get you upset, but there isnt a thing you could say to change my opinion on gear. Look at the statistics, they CLEARLY state that many many more motorcycle riders walk away from accidencts when wearing DOT approved gear. Thats a fact.

Fast SVT
08-31-2008, 08:17 PM
Lots of ignorant people in this thread.

Sounds like a bunch of import fans who talk about how the pushrod V8 is old tech that breaks all the time...or even how Ford fanboys make fun of GM fanboys.

And as in every case it is pretty stupid.

08-31-2008, 08:27 PM
Shit happens.

I've yet to see a harley rider plastered to the pavement this week.

/knock on Porks head


I just saw on the news yesterday after work, a harley rider on the north side was killed by someone running a red light.

08-31-2008, 09:40 PM
What is your point even?

Last night I was next to a bunch of HDs on 94. Nothing like a train of black smoke to piss 'em off.

And how does that make you ANY different than them with their loud pipes that annoy people?

Reguardless of all the mods you have (which you knew what the result would be)....how does you annyoing other driver/people by pissing black smoke all over every road you drive on make you any different that any bike/harley owner with a loud ass exhaust that revs the shit out of it at every opportunity?


08-31-2008, 09:44 PM
Sorry Memphis I didntmean to get you upset, but there isnt a thing you could say to change my opinion on gear. Look at the statistics, they CLEARLY state that many many more motorcycle riders walk away from accidencts when wearing DOT approved gear. Thats a fact.

I completely agree. Every times I see somebody without gear regardless of what brand bike they are riding I think about how much of an idiot they are.

I especially love the guys who wear a helmet but will be in shorts without a shirt on....or a tank top. You're gonna wish you were dead when they start doing skin grafts all over your body :durr

One of my fathers best friends spent the last 8 years of his life in a hospital due to complications from a bike accident....he didn't have any gear on. Don't let it be you.

Reverend Cooper
08-31-2008, 11:27 PM
i particularly love when they are on the highway in a pack and go 60mph and back up the freeway for miles,yet they can drive fast as hell in the city. makes no sense to me.

08-31-2008, 11:44 PM
Sorry Memphis I didntmean to get you upset, but there isnt a thing you could say to change my opinion on gear. Look at the statistics, they CLEARLY state that many many more motorcycle riders walk away from accidencts when wearing DOT approved gear. Thats a fact.

I'm not disagreeing that gear will help you in an accident, I just dont like you using me to prove some point that I had nothing to do with. Should I wear some gear? Probably, and I dont knock anyone who wears any gear...or all gear. I will be getting a helmet if I take a long out of state trip we're working on for next year.

09-01-2008, 03:09 AM
Point is, Harleys are overpriced garbage.

Forest, it's not 1980 anymore. Harley has had some bad history, but they are doing waaaaaay better now.

If you look at the specs, they are closely matched to the competition in price and features.

Other than a tire and a clutch, I came across no dead bikes today.

Question For All:
Why is it that I bought a new Harley and managed to put more miles on it, without any problems, than ANY of my friends who own Jap bikes. If Harley's are truly inferioir, then I should have had many problems by now. I figured this out earlier today when I realized that my bikes has more miles on it than any of my friends' bikes and they have not been able to avoid the shop.


09-01-2008, 03:22 AM
Question For All:
Why is it that I bought a new Harley and managed to put more miles on it, without any problems, than ANY of my friends who own Jap bikes. If Harley's are truly inferioir, then I should have had many problems by now. I figured this out earlier today when I realized that my bikes has more miles on it than any of my friends' bikes and they have not been able to avoid the shop.


It takes cylinder pressure to stress components. No pressure, no stress. For what Harley's make for power, they ought to last a 1000 years...:rolf

09-01-2008, 09:00 AM
Your friends dont ride as much as my friends then. I put 18000 on my tl and another 14000 on my 550 in 14 months. The gsxr I only put 7000 on this season but I sold it in July

Feature Pony
09-01-2008, 09:17 AM
Lots of ignorant people in this thread.

Sounds like a bunch of import fans who talk about how the pushrod V8 is old tech that breaks all the time...or even how Ford fanboys make fun of GM fanboys.

And as in every case it is pretty stupid.

X2 the funny thing is this is a car site and most of these claims are based on performance and my sport bike is faster than your bike yada, yada. The funny thing is why do these people drive slow cars then if its all about performance and getting somewhere before everyone else does? Its funny about these same people bitching about the NSRA show being to expensive to get in and the quality of cars being shit at the goodguys show, and that the goodguys show was also to expensive to get in! So all those shows left.

And second thing is the people are B****ing about is people wearing harley stuff, so what makes this any different if you go to a car show and see people wearing Chevy shirts and ford and mopar stuff does this make them fags? I guess we also have some fashion fags on this board then, that probably still wear Tommy Hillfiger crap! Or what about the guys that wear honda shirts you have to throw them into the same boat as well.

Third thing is this ride is for MDA harley gave 6.7 million to MDA at this event, so they can find a cure so some kids can be kids, but hell some of you people would just rather them say F*** it and have some kids live a shitty life right? So for all the haters of this ride you should go down to MDA and tell some kids in wheel chairs what you think about harley and the riders giving money to them and all the crap you went through this weekend with traffic and noise, cause after all you have no problems with yourself!

This Thread Sucks! My opinion is who really gives a rats a$$ anyways, you drive what you drive I drive what I drive. I'll ride with anybody! I could care less what you drive or what you wear as long as you are wearing something.

After all is said and done this ride is for the kids of MDA, kids that can't do things that we can and some people take for granted in their daily lives. Kids that are stuck in a wheel chair and need help with day to day things that again most people take for granted. Kids that get picked on in school cause they aren't like the other kids, all this money raised helps find a cure and helps kids go to camp with others that are going through the same pain and suffering. This ride isn't about the 105th its about the MDA Kids to find a cure!! and if you don't believe that well then your better do some soul searching cause in my book you would be a very big lowlife!

Fast SVT
09-01-2008, 10:50 AM
I don't see a Patriot Riders club composed of Jap Bikes.

09-01-2008, 11:40 AM
I don't see a Patriot Riders club composed of Jap Bikes.

You just pretty much summed up my beef with HD people in one sentence. **** you for questioning my patriotism based on what brand motorcycle I ride.
The fact that you own an Australian car further emphasizes your ignorance.

Windsors 03 Cobra
09-01-2008, 02:11 PM
You just pretty much summed up my beef with HD people in one sentence. **** you for questioning my patriotism based on what brand motorcycle I ride.
The fact that you own an Australian car further emphasizes your ignorance.



09-01-2008, 02:14 PM
Feature Pony has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Harley Owners = Hard of Hearing I guess - in the General Chat forum of Brew City Muscle.


---Quote (Originally by -stew-)---
You just pretty much summed up my beef with HD people in one sentence. **** you for questioning my patriotism based on what brand motorcycle I ride.
The fact that you own an Australian car further emphasizes your ignorance.
---End Quote---
Stewy you should probably shut your mouth just thinking that his GTO could kick the shit out of your broken mustang that is probably violating city code of a non running vechicle parked in the city in plain site.:flipoff2:

Was there a point to this? His Holden is faster than my Ford, my Kawasaki is faster than his Harley (and his Holden.) And that has nothing to do with anything. And for the record, my Mustang is in violation of no City of Milwaukee codes or ordnances.

* I would also like the record to reflect the FeaturePony's post is rife with grammatical errors and establishes no clear statement.

Windsors 03 Cobra
09-01-2008, 02:22 PM
Damn I didn't even see Feature Pony's great post till you said something about it, HEAR HEAR ! :haveabeer

Feature Pony
09-01-2008, 02:40 PM
Feature Pony has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Harley Owners = Hard of Hearing I guess - in the General Chat forum of Brew City Muscle.


---Quote (Originally by -stew-)---
You just pretty much summed up my beef with HD people in one sentence. **** you for questioning my patriotism based on what brand motorcycle I ride.
The fact that you own an Australian car further emphasizes your ignorance.
---End Quote---
Stewy you should probably shut your mouth just thinking that his GTO could kick the shit out of your broken mustang that is probably violating city code of a non running vechicle parked in the city in plain site.:flipoff2:

Was there a point to this? His Holden is faster than my Ford, my Kawasaki is faster than his Harley (and his Holden.) And that has nothing to do with anything. And for the record, my Mustang is in violation of no City of Milwaukee codes or ordnances.

* I would also like the record to reflect the FeaturePony's post is rife with grammatical errors and establishes no clear statement.

Maybe you should shut the **** up I'm not a english major like yourself! go suck mommys tit while your at punk. You talk big shit in front of your keyboard, like I haven been track racing and yada, yada just read down fool

Feature Pony
09-01-2008, 03:03 PM
stewy its dickheads like your self that give all bikers bad names, maybe you might have some complaints about your pile in the back yard? hey don't you work for the city as well? oh yeah btw your on paper racing sounds good, I would love to see you at a track day you would probably be the one that they are cleaning the track after you dump you pile. Good Luck with that buy a real bike like a zx14 or a bussa.

09-01-2008, 03:46 PM
buy a real bike like a zx14 or a bussa.

LOL A real bike, aka school bus :)

Fast SVT
09-01-2008, 06:08 PM
Not challenging anyones patriotism, just asking if Jap bikes participate in the same programs that benefit your community as do HD riders.

Feature Pony
09-01-2008, 07:06 PM
The more I think about it, the more I wanna take my bike to the strip. I'm gonna have to go to myself and start slow. I'm skurred and have no Idea what to do.

This is how I know you have never been to a road course with your bike when your scared to run it at GLD! cats now out of the bag, oh yeah check your spelling as well.

09-01-2008, 09:02 PM
This is how I know you have never been to a road course with your bike when your scared to run it at GLD! cats now out of the bag, oh yeah check your spelling as well.

Cats out of the bag? I ride a bike that pays homage the the man, but I never once claimed to be Eddie Lawson. And I will be at the grove this spring, making passes with my bike. Bring your softtail.

Not challenging anyones patriotism, just asking if Jap bikes participate in the same programs that benefit your community as do HD riders.

I've been on rides for MDA, BB/BS, Cancer awareness, and others and have seen bikes from Europe, Asia, and North America represented.

Windsors 03 Cobra
09-01-2008, 09:07 PM
Well bike week is over in Milwaukee isn't it ? Everyone make it ?

09-01-2008, 11:27 PM
It takes cylinder pressure to stress components. No pressure, no stress. For what Harley's make for power, they ought to last a 1000 years...:rolf

Now we are thinking on the same page! Just remember, HD isn't catering to high-performance cycling.

Well bike week is over in Milwaukee isn't it ? Everyone make it ?

I made it out alive after spending about 12 hours on my bike within the Milwaukee city limits.

I had two close calls with vehicles. I was obeying all traffic laws when some yahoo did something stupid.

I also almost took out a j-walking bicycle on saturday.

09-02-2008, 01:29 AM
This is a video for all of you who want to see broken Harley's:

Broken Harleys on I43 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU)


70 cutlass 442
09-02-2008, 01:36 AM
It takes cylinder pressure to stress components. No pressure, no stress. For what Harley's make for power, they ought to last a 1000 years...:rolf

very well put for all you guys that are still grasping the concept of basic engine physics.

70 cutlass 442
09-02-2008, 01:40 AM
Now we are thinking on the same page! Just remember, HD isn't catering to high-performance cycling.

and Hyundai isnt catering to high performance driving, yet they still stay togeather and offer a 100K mile warranty on top of that :durr

09-02-2008, 07:29 AM
very well put for all you guys that are still grasping the concept of basic engine physics.

The AMF engine days are long past.

09-02-2008, 12:11 PM
I read the post fine and added it to what everyone else has been saying. And dude, dont tell someone something they own and use regularly is 'overpriced garbage.' If thats what you think, so be it, its your opinion. All thoughts and ideas aside, keep that kind of s**t to yourself. I dont knock your s**t, dont knock mine. You dont have to like em but saying s**t like that is childish.

touche, I will give you one break though....:rolf James from Klinks has a FAST FOR A HARLEY bagger that he tried to race me with. I was definitly impressed, a bagger that had enough power to pull the front end high enough to drag the pipes and bags on the pavement is cool to watch, even though he lost.:thumbsup I guess it comes down to "to each there own" mentality. I like fast and affordable, others like average and expensive, and I think most people who buy a Harley know deep down that they are not buying the most technologically advanced bike out there....... but they still buy them knowing that. So, in the end its what they want to do, and if it makes them happy, so be it.:thumbsup

Fast SVT
09-02-2008, 05:08 PM
I like fast and affordable, others like average and expensive, and I think most people who buy a Harley know deep down that they are not buying the most technologically advanced bike out there....... but they still buy them knowing that. So, in the end its what they want to do, and if it makes them happy, so be it.:thumbsup

Most do not even consider whether they have the most advanced, they just know they want a Harley and the heritage that comes with it.