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View Full Version : Awsome night to ride

08-17-2008, 07:03 PM
turned into disaster. yesterday brought out the bike since my buddy just got his buell back together and we were going for a ride. well we decide were gana head out to texas road house in waukesha. we were out in te delefield area. jump on the express way getting up to speed just shifting into 6th and ZOOOM all revs no gear. thinking oh shit there goes the trans. its done a false neutral once and a great while but usually between 3-4 shift but this time she was done. pulled over got it into some gear and rode slowly back to tires plus sat there for about and hour and a half thinking what to do. So we decide if i can get it into third we'll ride back to my buddies parents in waukesha and leave it there for the night and i'll come over and work on it the next day after work. Well anouther freind we told what was up and he started searching on the web and found some stuff. so while i was at work they pulled the bike apart and found the problem just as had happened to anouther 600 rider but my case was a little worse off. Seems as a pin the in the shifter system likes to come loose on these bikes. and i'm guessing mine was loose for a while and still working. But when my friends pulled it apart i was not so lucky to have it be loose it was broken off. so i have to go to susuki tomarow and order or get one if they stock them. heres a schematic and pic of my acuall parts. If i had tried to take this thing all the way home i probably would have grenaded the tranny so glad i did not and this is all i have to fix:banana
Number 8 is what broke and it goes down the line from there if the worst were to happen

the pin next to the gear shift plate that would have destroyed stuff

Cutlass Queen
08-17-2008, 10:06 PM
Yikes glad you caught it in time before you blew the tranny. Not sure if they stock any of those parts, if they don't you may be down for about a week then :(

08-18-2008, 09:01 AM
yea i'm gana call every suzuki dealer in the area and see if anyone has it i got all day to find one and now i gata do an oil change of course