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View Full Version : Got a ticket today

12-06-2003, 10:00 PM
Well today i got a BS ticket on I-94 by Miller Park.
I was coming off US41 to west bound 94 and i see a Milw. Co. deputy sitting on the right shoulder and he starts to pull into the right lane in front of me so i pull into the middle lane and i'm along side of him.My pass. see's him looking down at something all the time.As i'm in the middle lane the person in front of me see's him and slows way down to 40-45 mph and i have to slow way up.I'm in the middle lane for awhile because there is a long line in the left lane,i keep looking to see if it's ok to change lanes and at the same time make sure i don't run into this guy doing 40-45 in front of me on the freeway.I get into the left lane and next thing i know the deputy is behind me and turns his lights on and pulls me over.He tells me he pulled me over because i was following to close :bsflag ,so i'm pretty pissed so i ask him if it's against the law to drive slower then the posted speed limit and he say's YES,but it's also against the law to tailgate(which i wasn't that close)and he claimed i was doing it for 1/4 mile.So i give him my D.L. and he comes back with a $183 and 3 point ticket.he was a total A$$hole when he gave me the ticket.
My court date is Jan. 8,do you think i can get this thrown out or if i plea not guilty i'd win.I do have a witness so it would be me and my witness's words against the deputy.
This was in my mom's 03 Vibe and not my Grand Prix.

12-07-2003, 12:50 AM
What an asshat!

It couldn't hurt to show up for court and see if you can get it reduced to a lesser violation at least.

12-07-2003, 02:19 AM
One word.... Quota. :D

Ricky Bobby
12-07-2003, 11:21 AM
its milwaukee show up if its not dismissed it will be amended way down thats milwaukee for ya they arent like west allis or hales corners they will let u keep ur license so they can keep given the tickets

12-09-2003, 08:39 AM
I almost got a ticket yesterday (monday). I was driving back from a mix session featuring DJ PJ and took on a 02 mustang....yeah I drive an 02 Bonne SE, surprisingly he didn't beat me by much though. Right when we got up to 100mph, there was a cop hiding by an underpass so my brakelights were working overtime.