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View Full Version : I guess.. kind of a rant.??

Sprayaway Fox
07-30-2008, 02:10 AM
New guy checkn some of the posts, damn its tough in here! Whatever happended to losing and shaking the guys hand for a good race and BS about each others combo? Hell, Ill admit sometimes peoples combos are better than I think they are, and I do it. Maybe Im just old school. I remember the Im fast, 350, dual plane, glasspack days. :alcoholic

07-30-2008, 02:11 AM
Some people have no respect, and others just get sick of their bullshit.

I ain't fast and I'll be the first to admit it. I'm loud.

07-30-2008, 02:15 AM
i'm quick not fast. if i get beat, i can deal with it and say good race. I know i'm not the fastest car around. I just don't like the people that race you, beat you, and think that they are king shit....

Sprayaway Fox
07-30-2008, 02:31 AM
My buddy Steve had a gun pulled on him after a streetrace in Florida. He beat a supra and at the end of the road he rolled down his window to say nice race and he saw the barrel of a 9mm. I couldnt believe someone would go that crazy. The sheet talkn does get into the equasion though. I always looked for those guys when racing your talking about. Cause your such an underdog already to all his friends, even if ya lose you won cause it wasnt a blowout like his friends thought it was gona be. Back when, my 327 VS 434 Mowtown smallblock. Spinning aint winnin' my no torque wholeshot VS frying the tires:headbang

07-30-2008, 02:48 AM
Some people have no respect,


07-30-2008, 02:51 AM
There is a lot of sh<t talking on here but when it comes down to it, most everyone on here would help thier worst enemy if they needed help. Of course there are people that don't like each other but all of the people that I have meet have been great. Some just have bigger e co<ks I guess.:goof

I do like living in a small town but wish I was closer to Milwaukee at times. There is nothing that really ever goes on up here in the Plymouth/Sheboygan area. It would be great to meet more people that are on here and attend more shows and such but living this far north, it gets harder to do when you have to factor in the long drive down and back.

07-30-2008, 02:54 AM
There is a lot of sh<t talking on here but when it comes down to it, most everyone on here would help thier worst enemy if they needed help. Of course there are people that don't like each other but all of the people that I have meet have been great. Some just have bigger e co<ks I guess.:goof

I do like living in a small town but wish I was closer to Milwaukee at times. There is nothing that really ever goes on up here in the Plymouth/Sheboygan area. It would be great to meet more people that are on here and attend more shows and such but living this far north, it gets harder to do when you have to factor in the long drive down and back.

This is true.

Voodoo Chick
07-30-2008, 11:20 AM
People talk sh*t constantly in here, and a lot of them make sh*t up as they go along. My car is fast, but I refuse to race her, based on this: If I wreck her, I can't get her back, and I damn-near wrecked her once, that was enough of a lesson for me......There are a lot of people in here who make assumptions about you (and your car) based on their own speculations, and even if you show them proof to the contrary they refuse to believe it. For example, there is an "anonymous" individual on this forum that to this day believes that my car has the '79 smog-era emissions-friendly engine.....Even though I am fairly certain they have been told at least ten thousand times that the car's engine is a built-up monster, they WON'T believe it. The glory-days of racing and cruising for fun are pretty much ended now, and it's nothing but a whiny little p*ssing contest now. There have been times I have just driven around hwy 100 a bit, and felt the hostility and nasty-competitiveness, and it's not a fun, friendly atmosphere at all. Maybe in a way, it's these online groups that ruined it. Too much sh*t-talking.

07-30-2008, 11:34 AM
lots of vaginas + lots of sand = whiny biatches

people get too butt hurt about things on the internet.

And yes, the internet ruined alot of things. Ruined street racing, ruined people's ability to communicate with each other, and allowed people to talk crap without fear of reprocussions because they aren't directly in FRONT of the person they are talking about.

Voodoo Chick
07-30-2008, 11:45 AM
You're totally correct, Crawlin. Now, people can say whatever they want on the screen and then hide out and not get their ass kicked. It used to be if you had sh*t to say about someone, you had no choice but to say it to their face, and risk getting a beatin'. Everything has changed, and now I have noticed just how whiny, b*tchy, and petty people are getting. I am always kinda amused/disgusted when I see a group made up mostly of grown men acting like teenaged girls.

07-30-2008, 11:46 AM
lots of vaginas + lots of sand = whiny biatches

people get too butt hurt about things on the internet.

And yes, the internet ruined alot of things. Ruined street racing, ruined people's ability to communicate with each other, and allowed people to talk crap without fear of reprocussions because they aren't directly in FRONT of the person they are talking about.

I'll just text you my feelings....

07-30-2008, 12:05 PM
STILL NO TEXT :) hahaha

07-30-2008, 12:08 PM
a wise man once told me never argue with a dumba$$ because they will only beat you with experience

i also miss the days of a good swap meet another victim of the Internet age i guess

Bobby "Big Daddy" Flay
07-30-2008, 12:26 PM
a wise man once told me never argue with a dumba$$ because they will only beat you with experience

i also miss the days of a good swap meet another victim of the Internet age i guess

That is true

07-30-2008, 12:34 PM
I'll just text you my feelings....


dam emos


Mr Twigbert
07-30-2008, 12:39 PM
I've noticed this too..

I find it REALLY funny when people get beat and come here and basically say the didn't get beat.. They the talk about gear ratio and RPMs and make technical excuses for why they wern't really beat..

07-30-2008, 12:56 PM
Whatever happended to losing and shaking the guys hand for a good race and BS about each others combo?

BCM has what like 1000 members? I bet 95%+ would do just that..... It's the 3-5% that are noisy and fugg it up for the rest.

07-30-2008, 01:21 PM
If you been here long enough you know who the players are, who's serious about the hobby, who actually knows some sh!t, and who's done what. Like what was said above ^^^ you got to learn who to filter the hell out.

I know if I have a problem with X, that member X would be a good guy to goto. There's plenty of that here IMO.

Sprayaway Fox
07-30-2008, 01:36 PM
Not trying to be a snatch about it, but you guys have the same thinkn. BCM cruise if I get the block back for assembly. Ill be in the 2 tone "Ghetto looking Monte", as everybodys calling it :rolf, if I make it stop by n say Hi:thumbsup

07-31-2008, 11:31 AM
Apparently, it doesn't get any better once you get older, LOL....

Some dude this morning was next to me at about 4 red lights in a row in his big bad Hemi Ram with straight pipe duals. I was on my way to work completely minding my own business. Every green light he would blast off like a bat outta hell and slow down once he realized I didn't give chase. Finally after about the 5th time, I figured I'd show him what my quiet little truck that whistles had for his ram. :devil

After that, he was all salty with me and was looking over rolling his eyes... or maybe he was trying to get the diesel fumes out of his eyes. :rolf

Sad part was... this cat was old enough to be my dad... :loser

07-31-2008, 11:43 AM
I'm gonna agree with most of the people here. I have only raced one member (cannot post) without knowing who it was, and he freakin spanked me! I will say, I had him in the beginning, but man did he catch up and pass me quick. Damn bi-turbos kicking in... :rolf

I don't care losing, as long as the other driver is a good sport about it too. If they say, nice race, I'm all for it. I do the same if I win, it's just common courtesy. We are all car enthusiasts, I don't understand what all the whining is about. It really gets you nowhere in a hurry!

07-31-2008, 12:08 PM
What I really like is the flip flopping on what a race is. Industry standard is 1/4 mile if I am not mistaken. But then you have the people who say "yeah, by 130 I was passing you" and claim the win. Unless your car traps 130 in the 1/4(and very few cars on this site do), the other car who was AHEAD of you up until 130 is actually faster. True or false?

07-31-2008, 12:11 PM
I think that depends on the race. If you're on the highway (Not that anyone street races) and you start at 40, it makes perfect sense.

Depends on the context, I suppose.

07-31-2008, 01:59 PM
Stanman if you agree that the race is going to be a 1/4 then yea it doesn't matter what happens above 130.

But truth of the matter is, if you never established the race terms (i.e. start type, stop type, etc) then there is no right answer other than "I was quicker to 130, over than he/she was."

To the OP:
Yea I agree, people take this shit WAYY to seriously. Remember of the "fastest" car out there (whether drag, circuit, time attack, etc). There is only ONE fastest, and likely its not going to be you so why bother yourself with it. IMO just make the car enjoyable for you, doesn't matter if it is the fastest or not as long as you like it.

I will be the first to admit my car can probably out accelerate, out brake, out turn the vast majority of the cars on here... and even so there are plenty on here that will lay my car to waste. So what, my car is what I wanted it to be and I'm plenty happy.

Trying to be the "fastest" only makes you loose your money, your sleep, and many times your grass-roots friendliness.

07-31-2008, 03:22 PM
This is a thread that has been repeated hundreds of times. It's as if it's not about the race anymore but rather who can attempt to flame who the worst. Then when ego's clash on this site (they always do) it's 2 morons bashing one another. Then they bash each other personally. Then stupid shyt has to enter the fray without it having any basis for being argued. I've just learned not to be a part of the 90210 crowd. Since I will not name names, 90210 was gay and so are the people who think they are totally awesome by trying to look the part on a web site. Cool thing is, in the not so distant past, it would be a race and there would be a loser. Then you walked home and sucked it up. Now, you lose or you say you win and then people come on a site like this and make it personal.

P.S I'm also not fast and never claimed to be.....No go just show.....


07-31-2008, 04:37 PM
I think that depends on the race. If you're on the highway (Not that anyone street races) and you start at 40, it makes perfect sense.

Depends on the context, I suppose.

This=true. In my Neon I always wanted to roll race because I could brake boost and no one ever wanted to. Now that I have the Stang everyone wants to roll race.

I=the can't win:rolf

07-31-2008, 04:41 PM
What I really like is the flip flopping on what a race is. Industry standard is 1/4 mile if I am not mistaken. But then you have the people who say "yeah, by 130 I was passing you" and claim the win. Unless your car traps 130 in the 1/4(and very few cars on this site do), the other car who was AHEAD of you up until 130 is actually faster. True or false?

Uhh, in the quarter mile, then the car faster to 1320 feet wins. If you call the race a half mile race then there's that race too.

You can race whatever length you want, there are lot more ways to do this then just 1/4miles.